[llvm-commits] [llvm] r135760 - in /llvm/trunk: cmake/modules/LLVMLibDeps.cmake lib/Support/CMakeLists.txt lib/Support/TargetRegistry.cpp lib/Target/CMakeLists.txt lib/Target/TargetRegistry.cpp

Chandler Carruth chandlerc at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 15:01:41 PDT 2011

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Evan Cheng <evan.cheng at apple.com> wrote:

> On Aug 1, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Chandler Carruth wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Evan Cheng <evan.cheng at apple.com> wrote:
>> Hi Chandler,
>> Are you planning to fix this?
> Yes, I just got pre-empted by really really bad CMake issues. If you get
> time to hack on it first, that's cool. Otherwise I should get to it in the
> next couple of days.
> Thanks, please do. I've verified this bug has increased size of release
> build of llvm-mc by about 900k.

I understand that llvm-mc has grown because of this, but previously it only
worked by happenstance. Everything related to TargetMachine was confined to
inline functions, and all of the classes managed to be incomplete, and so
things "just worked", but that doesn't seem realistically tenable.

I started looking at how this could be fixed without the size increase to
llvm-mc, but moving everything to Support really doesn't feel like the right

Fundamentally, I feel like there are several different registries
intermingled into one file here. Were we to separate them, they would each
have a more logical home:

1) Abstract Target / Triple registration. Essentially this is only concerned
with mapping particular triples to some abstract target. This seems to make
a lot of sense for Support. It also wouldn't (by default) register anything,
simply exposing the fundamental APIs and the *means* of registering.

2) MC-subsystem registration. This is the registration of various MC
subsystems for a particular abstract target. This makes the most sense to
live in the MC layer. The clients of this layer are already MC clients
(Info, Desc, Disassembler ...). They could specialize the abstract target as
an MCTarget (or some better name), and register it with the appropriate

3) TargetMachine registration. This is the registration of the concrete
target machine representation used by the codegen layer to model a
particular target. This makes sense to live in the Target layer, and could
either specialize MCTarget with any further information needed or (in the
case of say CBackend) directly specialize the abstract target, etc.

The reason I feel this shouldn't be sunk into Support is that it leaks all
of these concepts (MC, TargetMachine, MCStreamer, InstPrinter, Disassembler)
into the Support library. Clients of it might easily fail to depend on the
appropriate libraries to actually cause entities to be registered that they
want to query, etc etc.

That said, the above is a lot more work, and not likely something I can
tackle this week. What are your thoughts here? Is the current state one we
can live with for a few weeks?

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