[llvm-commits] Change DwarfUsesAbsoluteLabelForStmtList to false for X86ELFMCAsmInfo.

Jan Sjodin jan_sjodin at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 26 06:40:31 PST 2011

----- Original Message ----
> From: Anton Korobeynikov <anton at korobeynikov.info>
> To: Jan Sjodin <jan_sjodin at yahoo.com>
> Cc: llvm-commits at cs.uiuc.edu
> Sent: Sat, February 26, 2011 7:36:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [llvm-commits] Change DwarfUsesAbsoluteLabelForStmtList to false 
>for X86ELFMCAsmInfo.
> Hello Jan,
> > Dwarfdump gives an error and gdb fails when generating  code in memory (but
> > happens to accept it in a .o file) in Linux  when
> > DwarfUsesAbsoluteLabelForStmtList = true, this patch sets it to  false to 
> > this issue. I don't know if this is true for other targets,  but the change 
> > limited to X86ELFMCAsmInfo.
> How the patch was  tested? How we might be sure this won't break non JIT case?
> -- 
> With  best regards, Anton Korobeynikov
> Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saint  Petersburg State University

The question you are really asking is if there is a bug in dwarfdump or a bug in 
llvm, because dwarfdump always complains. I tried this on Linux 64-bit with 
clang and llvm trunk:

file empty.c:

int main()
  return 42;

Compile and run dwarfdump:
> clang -c -g -emit-llvm -o empty.bc empty.c
> llc -filetype=obj empty.bc
> dwarfdump empty.o 


COMPILE_UNIT<header overall offset = 0>:
<0><   11>    DW_TAG_compile_unit
        DW_AT_producer              clang version 2.9 (trunk 126545)
        DW_AT_language              DW_LANG_C99
        DW_AT_name                  empty.c
        DW_AT_entry_pc              0x0
        DW_AT_stmt_list             0x0
        DW_AT_comp_dir              /home/jsjodin/Work/LLVM/Sandboxes/TOT/test

<1><  114>    DW_TAG_base_type
        DW_AT_encoding              DW_ATE_signed
        DW_AT_name                  int
        DW_AT_byte_size             4
<1><  121>    DW_TAG_subprogram
        DW_AT_name                  main
        DW_AT_decl_file             1
        DW_AT_decl_line             2
        DW_AT_type                  <114>
        DW_AT_external              yes(1)
        DW_AT_low_pc                0x0
        DW_AT_high_pc               0xe
        DW_AT_frame_base            DW_OP_reg7
AT of 16359 (0x3fe7) is unknown to dwarfdump. Continuing. 
        <Unknown AT value 0x3fe7>   yes(1)

.debug_line: line number info for a single cu
dwarfdump ERROR:  dwarf_srclines:  DW_DLE_ATTR_FORM_BAD (114)

dwarfdump cleary doesn't like what llc has produced. With the patch applied we 
try again:


COMPILE_UNIT<header overall offset = 0>:
<0><   11>    DW_TAG_compile_unit
        DW_AT_producer              clang version 2.9 (trunk 126545)
        DW_AT_language              DW_LANG_C99
        DW_AT_name                  empty.c
        DW_AT_entry_pc              0x0
        DW_AT_stmt_list             0
        DW_AT_comp_dir              /home/jsjodin/Work/LLVM/Sandboxes/TOT/test

<1><  110>    DW_TAG_base_type
        DW_AT_encoding              DW_ATE_signed
        DW_AT_name                  int
        DW_AT_byte_size             4
<1><  117>    DW_TAG_subprogram
        DW_AT_name                  main
        DW_AT_decl_file             1 
        DW_AT_decl_line             2
        DW_AT_type                  <110>
        DW_AT_external              yes(1)
        DW_AT_low_pc                0x0
        DW_AT_high_pc               0xe
        DW_AT_frame_base            DW_OP_reg7
AT of 16359 (0x3fe7) is unknown to dwarfdump. Continuing. 
        <Unknown AT value 0x3fe7>   yes(1)

.debug_line: line number info for a single cu
Source lines (from CU-DIE at .debug_info offset 11):
<source>    [row,column]    <pc>    //<new statement or basic block
/home/jsjodin/Work/LLVM/Sandboxes/TOT/test/empty.c:    [  2,-1]    0x0    // new 
/home/jsjodin/Work/LLVM/Sandboxes/TOT/test/empty.c:    [  3, 3]    0xd    // new 
/home/jsjodin/Work/LLVM/Sandboxes/TOT/test/empty.c:    [  3, 3]    0xe    // new 
statement    // end of text sequence

global main            die-in-sect 117, cu-in-sect 11, die-in-cu 117, 
cu-header-in-sect 0


.debug_loc format <i o b e l> means index section-offset begin-addr end-addr 

<   1><    0><code:  1> DW_TAG_compile_unit DW_children_yes
      <    3>    DW_AT_producer              DW_FORM_string
      <    5>    DW_AT_language              DW_FORM_data2
      <    7>    DW_AT_name                  DW_FORM_string
      <    9>    DW_AT_entry_pc              DW_FORM_addr
      <   11>    DW_AT_stmt_list             DW_FORM_data4
      <   13>    DW_AT_comp_dir              DW_FORM_string
<   2><   17><code:  2> DW_TAG_base_type    DW_children_no
      <   20>    DW_AT_encoding              DW_FORM_data1
      <   22>    DW_AT_name                  DW_FORM_string
      <   24>    DW_AT_byte_size             DW_FORM_data1
<   3><   28><code:  3> DW_TAG_subprogram   DW_children_no
      <   31>    DW_AT_name                  DW_FORM_string
      <   33>    DW_AT_decl_file             DW_FORM_data1
      <   35>    DW_AT_decl_line             DW_FORM_data1
      <   37>    DW_AT_type                  DW_FORM_ref4
      <   39>    DW_AT_external              DW_FORM_flag
      <   41>    DW_AT_low_pc                DW_FORM_addr
      <   43>    DW_AT_high_pc               DW_FORM_addr
      <   45>    DW_AT_frame_base            DW_FORM_block1
      <   47>    AT of 16359 (0x3fe7) is unknown to dwarfdump. Continuing. 
<Unknown AT value 0x3fe7>   DW_FORM_flag
<   4><   52><code:  0> null .debug_abbrev entry




<  0><0x0:0xe><main><fde offset 0x14 length: 0x14><eh offset none>
    0x00000000:    <off cfa=08(r7) > <off r16=-8(cfa) > 





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