[llvm-commits] [zorg] r101762 - in /zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests: __init__.py compile.py

Daniel Dunbar daniel at zuster.org
Sun Apr 18 20:59:55 PDT 2010

Author: ddunbar
Date: Sun Apr 18 22:59:55 2010
New Revision: 101762

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=101762&view=rev
LNT: Add a new 'compile' test which tests single-file compile time performance
in a number of dimensions. This generates the raw data used to generate the nice
performance break down charts for Clang, for example.
 - Currently, it is very specific to both OS X and my testing environment, but I
   will try to generize it eventually.


Modified: zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/__init__.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/__init__.py?rev=101762&r1=101761&r2=101762&view=diff
--- zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/__init__.py (original)
+++ zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/__init__.py Sun Apr 18 22:59:55 2010
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 # FIXME: There are better ways to do this, no doubt. We also would like this to
 # be extensible outside of the installation. Lookup how 'nose' handles this.
-known_tests = set(['nt'])
+known_tests = set(['compile', 'nt'])
 def get_test_names():
     """get_test_names() -> list

Added: zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/compile.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/compile.py?rev=101762&view=auto
--- zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/compile.py (added)
+++ zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/tests/compile.py Sun Apr 18 22:59:55 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+import errno
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import lnt.testing
+import lnt.testing.util.compilers
+from lnt.testing.util.commands import note, warning, error, fatal
+from lnt.testing.util.commands import capture, rm_f
+# Interface to runN.
+# FIXME: Simplify.
+def runN(args, N, cwd, preprocess_cmd=None, env=None, sample_mem=False,
+         ignore_stderr=False):
+    cmd = ['runN', '-a']
+    if sample_mem:
+        cmd = ['sudo'] + cmd + ['-m']
+    if preprocess_cmd is not None:
+        cmd.append('-p', preprocess_cmd)    
+    cmd.append(str(int(N)))
+    cmd.extend(args)
+    if opts.verbose:
+        note("running %r" % cmd)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd,
+                         stdin=None,
+                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                         stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                         env=env,
+                         cwd=cwd)
+    stdout,stderr = p.communicate()
+    res = p.wait()
+    data = None
+    try:
+        data = eval(stdout)
+    except:
+        error("failed to parse output: %s\n" % stdout)
+    if not ignore_stderr and stderr.strip():
+        error("stderr isn't empty: %s\n" % stderr)
+        data = None
+    if res:
+        error("res != 0: %s\n" % res)
+        data = None
+    return data
+# Test functions.
+def get_input_path(*names):
+    return os.path.join(g_input_dir, *names)
+def get_output_path(name):
+    return os.path.join(g_output_dir, name)
+def get_runN_test_data(name, variables, cmd, info, ignore_stderr=False,
+                       sample_mem=False, only_mem=False):
+    if only_mem and not sample_mem:
+        raise ArgumentError,"only_mem doesn't make sense without sample_mem"
+    data = runN(cmd, variables.get('run_count'), cwd='/tmp',
+                ignore_stderr=ignore_stderr, sample_mem=sample_mem)
+    if data is not None:
+        if data.get('version') != 0:
+            raise ValueError,'unknown runN data format'
+        data_samples = data.get('samples')
+    keys = []
+    if not only_mem:
+        keys.extend([('user',1),('sys',2),('wall',3)])
+    if sample_mem:
+        keys.append(('mem',4))
+    for key,idx in keys:
+        tname = '%s.%s' % (name,key)
+        success = False
+        samples = []
+        if data is not None:
+            success = True
+            samples = [sample[idx] for sample in data_samples]
+        yield (success, tname, info, samples)
+# FIXME: Encode dependency on output automatically, for simpler test execution.
+def test_cc_command(name, run_info, variables, input, output, flags,
+                    extra_flags, has_output=True, ignore_stderr=False,
+                    can_memprof=True):
+    info = { 'flags' : repr(flags) }
+    input = get_input_path(input)
+    output = get_output_path(output)
+    cmd = [variables.get('cc')]
+    cmd.extend(extra_flags)
+    cmd.append(input)
+    cmd.extend(flags)
+    # FIXME: Probably a bad idea, but its not worth worry about test failures
+    # for compiler versions which emit warnings on the test inputs for now.
+    cmd.append('-w')
+    # Do a memory profiling run, if requested.
+    if can_memprof and opts.memory_profiling:
+        # Find the cc1 command, which we use to do memory profiling. To do this
+        # we execute the compiler with '-###' to figure out what it wants to do.
+        cc_output = capture(cmd + ['-o','/dev/null','-###'],
+                            include_stderr=True).strip()
+        cc_commands = []
+        for ln in cc_output.split('\n'):
+            # Filter out known garbage.
+            if (ln == 'Using built-in specs.' or
+                ln.startswith('Configured with:') or
+                ln.startswith('Target:') or
+                ln.startswith('Thread model:') or
+                ' version ' in ln):
+                continue
+            cc_commands.append(ln)
+        if len(cc_commands) != 1:
+            fatal('unable to determine cc1 command: %r' % cc_output)
+        cc1_cmd = shlex.split(cc_commands[0])
+        for res in get_runN_test_data(name, variables, cc1_cmd, info,
+                                      ignore_stderr=ignore_stderr,
+                                      sample_mem=True, only_mem=True):
+            yield res
+    rm_f(output)
+    for res in get_runN_test_data(name, variables, cmd + ['-o',output], info,
+                                  ignore_stderr=ignore_stderr):
+        yield res
+    # If the command has output, track its size.
+    if has_output:
+        tname = '%s.size' % (name,)
+        success = False
+        samples = []
+        try:
+            stat = os.stat(output)
+            success = True
+            samples.append(stat.st_size)
+        except OSError,e:
+            if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                raise
+        yield (success, tname, info, samples)
+def test_compile(name, run_info, variables, input, output, pch_input,
+                 flags, stage):
+    extra_flags = []
+    cc_name = variables.get('cc_name')
+    is_llvm = not (cc_name == 'gcc')
+    is_clang = not (cc_name in ('gcc', 'llvm-gcc'))
+    # Ignore irgen stages for non-LLVM compilers.
+    if not is_llvm and stage in ('irgen', 'irgen_only',):
+        return ()
+    # Ignore 'init' and 'irgen_only' stages for non-Clang.
+    if not is_clang and stage in ('init','irgen_only'):
+        return ()
+    # Force gnu99 mode for all compilers.
+    if not is_clang:
+        extra_flags.append('-std=gnu99')
+    stage_flags,has_output = { 'pch-gen' : (('-x','objective-c-header'),True),
+                               'driver' : (('-###','-fsyntax-only'), False),
+                               'init' : (('-fsyntax-only',
+                                          '-Xclang','-init-only'),
+                                         False),
+                               'syntax' : (('-fsyntax-only',), False),
+                               'irgen_only' : (('-emit-llvm','-c',
+                                                '-Xclang','-emit-llvm-only'),
+                                               False),
+                               'irgen' : (('-emit-llvm','-c'), True),
+                               'codegen' : (('-S',), True),
+                               'assembly' : (('-c',), True), }[stage]
+    # Ignore stderr output (instead of failing) in 'driver' stage, -### output
+    # goes to stderr by default.
+    ignore_stderr = stage == 'driver'
+    # We can't memory profile an assembly command.
+    #
+    # FIXME: Actually, we can with -integrated-as.
+    can_memprof = stage != 'assembly'
+    extra_flags.extend(stage_flags)
+    if pch_input is not None:
+        assert pch_input.endswith('.gch')
+        extra_flags.extend(['-include', get_output_path(pch_input[:-4])])
+    extra_flags.extend(['-I', os.path.dirname(get_input_path(input))])
+    return test_cc_command(name, run_info, variables, input, output, flags,
+                           extra_flags, has_output, ignore_stderr, can_memprof)
+# Build the test map.
+def curry(fn, **kw_args):
+    return lambda *args: fn(*args, **kw_args)
+g_input_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
+                           'Inputs')
+g_output_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
+                            'Output')
+all_inputs = [('Sketch/SKTGraphicView/SKTGraphicView.m',True),
+               ('403.gcc/combine/combine.c',False)]
+flags_to_test = [('-O0',), ('-O0','-g',), ('-Os',)]
+stages_to_test = ['driver', 'init', 'syntax', 'irgen_only', 'irgen', 'codegen',
+                  'assembly']
+all_tests = []
+for f in flags_to_test:
+    # FIXME: Note that the order matters here, because we need to make sure to
+    # generate the right PCH file before we try to use it. Ideally the testing
+    # infrastructure would just handle this.
+    all_tests.append(('pch-gen/Cocoa',
+                  curry(test_compile, input='Cocoa_Prefix.h',
+                        output='Cocoa_Prefix.h.gch', pch_input=None, flags=f,
+                        stage='pch-gen')))
+    for input,uses_pch in all_inputs:
+        name = os.path.dirname(input)
+        output = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input))[0] + '.o'
+        for stage in stages_to_test:
+            pch_input = None
+            if uses_pch:
+                pch_input = 'Cocoa_Prefix.h.gch'
+            all_tests.append(('compile/%s/%s' % (name.replace('.','_'), stage),
+                              curry(test_compile, input=input, output=output,
+                                    pch_input=pch_input, flags=f, stage=stage)))
+tests_by_name = dict([(k,(k,v)) for k,v in all_tests])
+import platform
+from datetime import datetime
+# All the things we care to probe about the system, and whether to track with
+# the machine or run. This is a list of (sysctl, kind) where kind is one of:
+#  machine - key should always be part of machine
+#  machdep - key should be part of machine, unless --no-machdep-info is set
+#  run     - key should always be part of run
+sysctl_info_table = [
+    ('hw.activecpu',                              'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.availcpu',                               'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.busfrequency',                           'machine'), # 1600000000
+    ('hw.busfrequency_max',                       'machine'), # 1600000000
+    ('hw.busfrequency_min',                       'machine'), # 1600000000
+    ('hw.byteorder',                              'machine'), # 1234
+    ('hw.cacheconfig',                            'machine'), # 8 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+    ('hw.cachelinesize',                          'machine'), # 64
+    ('hw.cachesize',                              'machine'), # 6442450944 32768 6291456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+    ('hw.cpu64bit_capable',                       'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.cpufamily',                              'machine'), # 2028621756
+    ('hw.cpufrequency',                           'machine'), # 2800000000
+    ('hw.cpufrequency_max',                       'machine'), # 2800000000
+    ('hw.cpufrequency_min',                       'machine'), # 2800000000
+    ('hw.cpusubtype',                             'machine'), # 4
+    ('hw.cputype',                                'machine'), # 7
+    ('hw.epoch',                                  'machine'), # 0
+    ('hw.l1dcachesize',                           'machine'), # 32768
+    ('hw.l1icachesize',                           'machine'), # 32768
+    ('hw.l2cachesize',                            'machine'), # 6291456
+    ('hw.l2settings',                             'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.logicalcpu',                             'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.logicalcpu_max',                         'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.machine',                                'machine'), # i386
+    ('hw.memsize',                                'machine'), # 6442450944
+    ('hw.model',                                  'machine'), # MacPro3,1
+    ('hw.ncpu',                                   'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.optional.floatingpoint',                 'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.mmx',                           'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.sse',                           'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.sse2',                          'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.sse3',                          'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.sse4_1',                        'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.sse4_2',                        'machine'), # 0
+    ('hw.optional.supplementalsse3',              'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.optional.x86_64',                        'machine'), # 1
+    ('hw.packages',                               'machine'), # 2
+    ('hw.pagesize',                               'machine'), # 4096
+    ('hw.physicalcpu',                            'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.physicalcpu_max',                        'machine'), # 8
+    ('hw.physmem',                                'machine'), # 2147483648
+    ('hw.tbfrequency',                            'machine'), # 1000000000
+    ('hw.usermem',                                'run'    ), # 1347354624
+    ('hw.vectorunit',                             'machine'), # 1
+    ('kern.aiomax',                               'machine'), # 90
+    ('kern.aioprocmax',                           'machine'), # 16
+    ('kern.aiothreads',                           'machine'), # 4
+    ('kern.argmax',                               'machine'), # 262144
+    ('kern.boottime',                             'run'    ), # Tue Mar 23 18:36:38 2010
+    ('kern.clockrate: hz',                        'machine'), # 100, tick = 10000, profhz = 100, stathz = 100
+    ('kern.coredump',                             'machine'), # 1
+    ('kern.corefile',                             'machine'), # /cores/core.%P
+    ('kern.delayterm',                            'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.hostid',                               'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.hostname',                             'machdep'), # lordcrumb.apple.com
+    ('kern.job_control',                          'machine'), # 1
+    ('kern.maxfiles',                             'machine'), # 12288
+    ('kern.maxfilesperproc',                      'machine'), # 10240
+    ('kern.maxproc',                              'machine'), # 532
+    ('kern.maxprocperuid',                        'machine'), # 266
+    ('kern.maxvnodes',                            'machine'), # 99328
+    ('kern.netboot',                              'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.ngroups',                              'machine'), # 16
+    ('kern.nisdomainname',                        'machine'), # 
+    ('kern.nx',                                   'machine'), # 1
+    ('kern.osrelease',                            'machine'), # 10.2.0
+    ('kern.osrevision',                           'machine'), # 199506
+    ('kern.ostype',                               'machine'), # Darwin
+    ('kern.osversion',                            'machine'), # 10C540
+    ('kern.posix1version',                        'machine'), # 200112
+    ('kern.procname',                             'machine'), # 
+    ('kern.rage_vnode',                           'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.safeboot',                             'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.saved_ids',                            'machine'), # 1
+    ('kern.securelevel',                          'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.shreg_private',                        'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.speculative_reads_disabled',           'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.sugid_coredump',                       'machine'), # 0
+    ('kern.thread_name',                          'machine'), # kern
+    ('kern.usrstack',                             'machine'), # 1606418432
+    ('kern.usrstack64',                           'machine'), # 140734799806464
+    ('kern.version',                              'machine'), # Darwin Kernel Version 10.2.0: Tue Nov 3 10:37:10 PST 2009; root:xnu-1486.2.11~1/RELEASE_I386
+    ('machdep.cpu.address_bits.physical',         'machine'), # 38
+    ('machdep.cpu.address_bits.virtual',          'machine'), # 48
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.events',              'machine'), # 0
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.events_number',       'machine'), # 7
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.fixed_number',        'machine'), # 3
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.fixed_width',         'machine'), # 40
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.number',              'machine'), # 2
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.version',             'machine'), # 2
+    ('machdep.cpu.arch_perf.width',               'machine'), # 40
+    ('machdep.cpu.brand',                         'machine'), # 0
+    ('machdep.cpu.brand_string',                  'machine'), # Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5462 @ 2.80GHz
+    ('machdep.cpu.cache.L2_associativity',        'machine'), # 8
+    ('machdep.cpu.cache.linesize',                'machine'), # 64
+    ('machdep.cpu.cache.size',                    'machine'), # 6144
+    ('machdep.cpu.core_count',                    'machine'), # 4
+    ('machdep.cpu.cores_per_package',             'machine'), # 4
+    ('machdep.cpu.extfamily',                     'machine'), # 0
+    ('machdep.cpu.extfeature_bits',               'machine'), # 537921536 1
+    ('machdep.cpu.extfeatures',                   'machine'), #  SYSCALL XD EM64T
+    ('machdep.cpu.extmodel',                      'machine'), # 1
+    ('machdep.cpu.family',                        'machine'), # 6
+    ('machdep.cpu.feature_bits',                  'machine'), # 3219913727 844733
+    ('machdep.cpu.logical_per_package',           'machine'), # 4
+    ('machdep.cpu.max_basic',                     'machine'), # 10
+    ('machdep.cpu.max_ext',                       'machine'), # 2147483656
+    ('machdep.cpu.microcode_version',             'machine'), # 1547
+    ('machdep.cpu.model',                         'machine'), # 23
+    ('machdep.cpu.mwait.extensions',              'machine'), # 3
+    ('machdep.cpu.mwait.linesize_max',            'machine'), # 64
+    ('machdep.cpu.mwait.linesize_min',            'machine'), # 64
+    ('machdep.cpu.mwait.sub_Cstates',             'machine'), # 8736
+    ('machdep.cpu.signature',                     'machine'), # 67190
+    ('machdep.cpu.stepping',                      'machine'), # 6
+    ('machdep.cpu.thermal.ACNT_MCNT',             'machine'), # 1
+    ('machdep.cpu.thermal.dynamic_acceleration',  'machine'), # 0
+    ('machdep.cpu.thermal.sensor',                'machine'), # 1
+    ('machdep.cpu.thermal.thresholds',            'machine'), # 2
+    ('machdep.cpu.thread_count',                  'machine'), # 4
+    ('machdep.cpu.tlb.data.large',                'machine'), # 16
+    ('machdep.cpu.tlb.data.large_level1',         'machine'), # 32
+    ('machdep.cpu.tlb.data.small',                'machine'), # 16
+    ('machdep.cpu.tlb.data.small_level1',         'machine'), # 256
+    ('machdep.cpu.tlb.inst.large',                'machine'), # 8
+    ('machdep.cpu.tlb.inst.small',                'machine'), # 128
+    ('machdep.cpu.vendor',                        'machine'), # GenuineIntel
+def get_mac_addresses():
+    lines = capture(['ifconfig']).strip()
+    current_ifc = None
+    for ln in lines.split('\n'):
+        if ln.startswith('\t'):
+            if current_ifc is None:
+                fatal('unexpected ifconfig output')
+            if ln.startswith('\tether '):
+                yield current_ifc,ln[len('\tether '):].strip()
+        else:
+            current_ifc, = re.match(r'([A-Za-z0-9]*): .*', ln).groups()
+import builtintest
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+usage_info = """
+Script for testing a few simple dimensions of compile time performance
+on individual files.
+This is only intended to test the raw compiler performance, not its scalability
+or its performance in parallel builds.
+This tests:
+ - PCH Generation for Cocoa.h
+   o File Size
+   o Memory Usage
+   o Time
+ - Objective-C Compile Time, with PCH
+   o File Sizes
+   o Memory Usage
+   o Time
+ - C Compile Time, without PCH
+   o File Sizes
+   o Memory Usage
+   o Time
+ - Objective-C Compile Time, with PCH
+   o PCH Utilization
+FIXME: One major hole here is that we aren't testing one situation which does
+sometimes show up with PCH, where we have a PCH file + a second significant body
+of code (e.g., a large user framework, or a poorly PCHified project). In
+practice, this can be a significant hole because PCH has a substantial impact on
+how lookup, for example, is done.
+We run each of the tests above in a number of dimensions:
+ - O0
+ - O0 -g
+ - Os
+We run each of the compile time tests in various stages:
+ - ### (driver time)
+ - init (driver + compiler init)
+ - fsyntax-only (lex/parse/sema time)
+ - emit-llvm-only (IRgen time)
+ - emit-llvm (.bc output time and size, mostly to track output file size)
+ - S (codegen time and size)
+ - c (assembly time and size)
+class CompileTest(builtintest.BuiltinTest):
+    def describe(self):
+        return 'Single file compile-time performance testing'
+    def run_test(self, name, args):
+        global opts
+        parser = OptionParser(
+            ("%%prog %(name)s [options] tester-name\n" + usage_info) % locals())
+        parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
+                          help="Show more test output",
+                          action="store_true", default=False)
+        parser.add_option("", "--machine-param", dest="machine_parameters",
+                          metavar="NAME=VAL",
+                          help="Add 'NAME' = 'VAL' to the machine parameters",
+                          type=str, action="append", default=[])
+        parser.add_option("", "--run-param", dest="run_parameters",
+                          metavar="NAME=VAL",
+                          help="Add 'NAME' = 'VAL' to the run parameters",
+                          type=str, action="append", default=[])
+        parser.add_option("", "--no-machdep-info", dest="machdep_info",
+                          help=("Don't put machine (instance) dependent "
+                                "variables in machine info"),
+                          action="store_false", default=True)
+        parser.add_option("", "--no-memory-profiling", dest="memory_profiling",
+                          help="Disable memory profiling",
+                          action="store_false", default=True)
+        parser.add_option("", "--cc", dest="cc", type='str',
+                          help="Compiler under test",
+                          action="store", default='/Developer/usr/bin/clang')
+        parser.add_option("", "--machine-name", dest="machine_name", type='str',
+                          help="Machine name to use in submission [%default]",
+                          action="store", default=platform.uname()[1])
+        parser.add_option("", "--run-count", dest="run_count", metavar="N",
+                          help="Number of per-test samples to run",
+                          action="store", type=int, default=3)
+        parser.add_option("", "--run-order", dest="run_order", metavar="STR",
+                          help="String to use to identify and order this run",
+                          action="store", type=str, default=None)
+        parser.add_option("", "--tests", dest="tests", metavar="NAME",
+                          help="Individual test to run",
+                          action="append", default=[],
+                          choices=[k for k,v in all_tests])
+        opts,args = parser.parse_args()
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            output = '-'
+        elif len(args) == 1:
+            output, = args
+        else:
+            parser.error("invalid number of arguments")
+        # Collect machine and run information.
+        #
+        # FIXME: Include information on test source versions.
+        #
+        # FIXME: Get more machine information? Cocoa.h hash, for example.
+        machine_info = {}
+        run_info = {}
+        info_targets = { 'machdep' : (run_info,machine_info)[opts.machdep_info],
+                         'machine' : machine_info,
+                         'run' : run_info }    
+        for name,target in sysctl_info_table:
+            info_targets[target][name] = capture(['sysctl','-n',name],
+                                                 include_stderr=True).strip()
+        for ifc,addr in get_mac_addresses():
+            # Ignore virtual machine mac addresses.
+            if ifc.startswith('vmnet'):
+                continue
+            info_targets['machdep']['mac_addr.%s' % ifc] = addr
+        for name,cmd in (('sys_cc_version', ('/usr/bin/gcc','-v')),
+                         ('sys_as_version', ('/usr/bin/as','-v','/dev/null')),
+                         ('sys_ld_version', ('/usr/bin/ld','-v'))):
+            run_info[name] = capture(cmd, include_stderr=True).strip()
+        # Set command line machine and run information.
+        for target,params in (('machine',opts.machine_parameters),
+                            ('run',opts.run_parameters)):
+            for entry in params:
+                if '=' not in entry:
+                    name,val = entry,''
+                else:
+                    name,val = entry.split('=', 1)
+                info_targets[target][name] = val
+        # Set user variables.
+        variables = {}
+        variables['cc'] = opts.cc
+        variables['run_count'] = opts.run_count
+        if not opts.run_order:
+            warning("run_order not set!")
+        else:
+            variables['run_order'] = opts.run_order
+        variables.update(
+            lnt.testing.util.compilers.get_cc_info(variables['cc']))
+        if opts.verbose:
+            format = pprint.pformat(variables)
+            msg = '\n\t'.join(['using variables:'] + format.splitlines())
+            note(msg)
+            format = pprint.pformat(machine_info)
+            msg = '\n\t'.join(['using machine info:'] + format.splitlines())
+            note(msg)
+            format = pprint.pformat(run_info)
+            msg = '\n\t'.join(['using run info:'] + format.splitlines())
+            note(msg)
+        # Find the tests to run.
+        if not opts.tests:
+            tests_to_run = list(all_tests)
+        else:
+            tests_to_run = [(k,v) for k,v in all_tests
+                            if k in opts.tests]
+        # Ensure output directory is available.
+        if not os.path.exists(g_output_dir):
+            os.mkdir(g_output_dir)
+        # Execute the run.
+        run_info.update(variables)
+        run_info['tag'] = 'simple'
+        testsamples = []
+        start_time = datetime.utcnow()
+        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: run started' % start_time.strftime(
+            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        try:
+            for basename,test_fn in tests_to_run:
+                for success,name,info,samples in test_fn(basename, run_info,
+                                                         variables):
+                    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: collected sample: %r: %r - %r' % (
+                        datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
+                        name, info, samples)
+                    test_name = 'simple.' + name
+                    if not success:
+                        testsamples.append(lnt.testing.TestSamples(
+                                test_name + '.failed', [1], info))
+                    if samples:
+                        testsamples.append(lnt.testing.TestSamples(
+                                test_name, samples, info))
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            pass
+        except:
+            import traceback
+            print >>sys.stderr,'*** EXCEPTION DURING TEST, HALTING ***'
+            print >>sys.stderr,'--'
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            print >>sys.stderr,'--'
+            run_info['had_errors'] = 1
+        end_time = datetime.utcnow()
+        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: run complete' % start_time.strftime(
+            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+        # Package up the report.
+        machine = lnt.testing.Machine(opts.machine_name, machine_info)
+        run = lnt.testing.Run(start_time, end_time, info = run_info)
+        report = lnt.testing.Report(machine, run, testsamples)
+        if output == '-':
+            output = sys.stdout
+        else:
+            output = open(output,'w')
+        print >>output, report.render()
+        if output is not sys.stderr:
+            output.close()
+        return report
+def create_instance():
+  return CompileTest()
+__all__ = ['create_instance']

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