[llvm-commits] Static Profile Patch

Andrei Alvares logytech at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 11:37:50 PDT 2009

Hello everyone,
  Here it follows the static profiler implementation, developed as
part of my google summer of code project. It performs branch
predictions in compilation time, i.e., assign probabilities to branch
outcomes using a set of predefined heuristics. Also, it calculates
intra and interprocedural profiling by staticly estimate basic blocks
and edges frequencies (local and global) and function call invocations
  Attachment: stprof-02.02.09.patch

  I've run the static profiler on some of the SPECint 2000 programs
(those that I was able to compile and run).  It has not yet achieved
the accuracy found in Wu's paper, but I believe it can still be
  Best regards,

Youfeng Wu and James R. Larus. Static branch frequency and program
profile analysis. In MICRO 27: Proceedings of the 27th annual
international symposium on Microarchitecture. IEEE, 1994.
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