[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-www/SVNLayout.html

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Wed Jul 4 04:17:02 PDT 2007

Changes in directory llvm-www:

SVNLayout.html added (r1.1)
Log message:

Add a document to discuss Subversion design issues and policy.

Diffs of the changes:  (+219 -0)

 SVNLayout.html |  219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 219 insertions(+)

Index: llvm-www/SVNLayout.html
diff -c /dev/null llvm-www/SVNLayout.html:1.1
*** /dev/null	Wed Jul  4 06:16:50 2007
--- llvm-www/SVNLayout.html	Wed Jul  4 06:16:40 2007
*** 0 ****
--- 1,219 ----
+ <!--#include virtual="header.incl" -->
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_sectiontitle">Subversion Layout and Policy</div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>This document contains notes about the planned layout of the Subversion
+   repository and policies surrounding its use.</p>
+ <ol>
+   <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
+   <li><a href="#url">URL</a>
+   <li><a href="#top-level">Top Level</a>
+   <li><a href="#llvm-top">The llvm-top Module</a>
+   <li><a href="#core">Rename 'llvm' as 'core'</a>
+   <li><a href="#website">The website Module</a>
+   <li><a href="#practices">Best Practices</a>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="intro">Introduction</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>There has been some confusion recently about how the Subversion repository
+   should be laid out.  This document provides some proposals for the layout
+   including some reasoning for the decisions made. It is intended to be used as
+   a working draft until we have consensus and then as the specification for the
+   actual layout work to be done.</p>
+   <p>Much of the content here was culled from an IRC conversation between Chris,
+   Reid, Tanya and Gordon on July 2nd 2007</p>
+   <p>The sub-sections below each describe one layout construct.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="url">URL</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>Right now, access to subversion is provided through URLs of this form:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li><tt>http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/...</tt></li>
+     <li><tt>https://user@llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/...</tt></li>
+   </ul>
+   <p>The former is for anonymous access, the later for authenticated read-write
+   access.</p>
+   <p>Given that the URL already contains "llvm.org", the llvm-project directory
+   is redundant and should be dropped.</p>
+   <p>It is proposed that all URLS should be shortened to these prefixes:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li><tt>http://llvm.org/svn/...</tt></li>
+     <li><tt>https://user@llvm.org/svn/...</tt></li>
+   </ul>
+   <p><b>Advantages</b>:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li>Shorter paths are always welcome.</li>
+     <li>We don't intend for the project to have multiple repositories.</li>
+     <li>No confusion about "llvm-project".</li>
+   </ul>
+   <p><b>Disadvantages</b>:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li>We won't be able to utilize multiple subversion repositories (some would
+     claim this to be an advantage).</li>
+   </ul>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="top-level">The Top Level</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>After much discussion, it was decided that the root of the repository
+   should contain only directories with one directory for each module 
+   (sub-project). Under each of those directories are the usual <tt>trunk</tt>,
+   <tt>branches</tt>, and <tt>tags</tt> directories.
+   <pre>
+     http://llvm.org/svn/llvm/
+        trunk/
+           lib/
+           include/
+           tools/
+           ...
+        tags/
+           RELEASE_10
+           ...
+           RELEASE_20
+     http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-gcc/
+        trunk/
+           gcc/
+           libcpp/
+           libiberty/
+           ...
+        tags/
+        branches/
+     ...
+   </pre>
+   <p>In other words, we are using the recommended and customary layout for the
+   repository as described in the Subversion project's 
+   <a href="http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/doc/user/svn-best-practices.html"</a>Best Practices</a>.
+   <p>There was some discussion about putting (only) the <tt>trunk</tt>,
+   <tt>branches</tt>, and <tt>tags</tt> directories at the top level with
+   sub-directories under each of those for the various modules. This was rejected
+   because of the following factors:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li>It is not the conventional or customary arrangement for modules in a
+     repository.</li>
+     <li>It goes against the standard layout recommended by the Subversion
+     Best Practices.</li>
+     <li>It prevents a whole module from being dumped in a consistent state 
+     because there is no top level directory that contains the trunk, the
+     branches and the tags all together. Having everything in one directory is a
+     requirement for having this history correctly mapped when you dump that
+     directory. This would make it difficult to move a module to a new
+     repository, for example.</li>
+     <li>The perceived benefits of this layout be handled by the
+     <tt><a href="#llvm-top">llvm-top</a></tt> module. The original motivation
+     for this layout was:
+     <ul>
+       <li>Allows a more natural checkout URL by putting the "trunk" above the
+       module name so that it isn't necessary to specify a local directory name
+       for the thing checked out. For example, you could just:<pre>
+         svn co http://llvm.org/svn/trunk/llvm
+       </pre>instead of:<pre>
+         svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm/trunk llvm
+       </pre>However, this isn't a huge inconvenience and it only needs to be 
+         done once for the <a href=#llvm-top">llvm-top</a> module. From there the
+         makefile can fetch, configure and build  what is needed.</li>
+       <li>Allows master release tags and branches to be created more easily. The
+       idea was that the modules of the project are quite interdependent and we
+       would want some kind of "version lock" on them. Turns out that since
+       everything is in the same repository and commits are atomic, that we can
+       simply use a revision number. If more specialized releases are needed, we
+       can handle them in llvm-top.</li>
+     </ul>
+   </ul>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="llvm-top">llvm-top</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>We have decided that there should be a module, named <tt>llvm-top</tt> that
+   contains some "top level" stuff. This is the module that you should check out
+   at the top level of your working directory. It should also be the only module
+   you need to check out manually because the Makefile in llvm-top will assist
+   you with checking out, configuring, and building the other modules. This
+   module may also have some top level documentation (project policies, etc.) but
+   nothing specific about individual modules.</p>
+   <p>For example, we expect the typical developer scenario to go something like
+   this:<pre>
+     svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-top/trunk llvm-top
+     make get-llvm          # fetches the llvm module from subversion
+     make get-test-suite    # fetches the llvm test suite module from subversion
+     make get-llvm-gcc      # fetches the llvm-gcc module from subversion
+     make tested-C-compiler # configures and builds both llvm and llvm-gcc 
+                            # and runs the test suite against llvm-gcc c compiler
+   </pre>
+   <p>Note here that the user could have just done "make tested-C-compiler" which
+   would know that it depended on <tt>llvm</tt>, <tt>llvm-gcc</tt>, and 
+   <tt>test-suite</tt>, checked them out automatically, and then proceeded with
+   the configure and build.</p>
+   <p>I have created an initial version of llvm-top in the repository already.
+   Please try it out and let me know what you think.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="core">Rename llvm as core</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>We would like to, at some point, rename the <tt>llvm</tt> module as 
+   <tt>core</tt> (or something similar). The reasons for this are:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li>The notion of checking out "llvm" from "llvm" is a bit confusing,
+     especially for folks new to the project.</li>
+     <li>The name no longer reflects the reality. We will likely be moving things
+     out of <tt>llvm</tt> and into <tt>llvm-top</tt> so that it really will
+     become just the core compiler code.</li>
+     <li>We thought you all would enjoy some serious confusion.</li>
+   </ul>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="website">The 'website' module</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>Because the project has become a federation of related projects, we are
+   redesigning the web site. The new website will, strangely enough, be located
+   in a module named <tt>website</tt>. This will be the site that is presented
+   for the <tt>http://llvm.org/</tt> URL. This will describe the project as a
+   whole and then provide places where each module (sub-project) can insert its
+   own content.</p>
+   <p>Chris Lattner is working on a prototype for this and a proposal for the
+   site.</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <div class="www_subsection"><a name="practices">Best Practices</a></div>
+ <div class="www_text">
+   <p>We intend that developers follow the 
+   <a href="http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/doc/user/svn-best-practices.html"</a>Best Practices</a> 
+   defined by the Subversion project. Most of the items on that page have been
+   official or unofficial practice within the LLVM development community for
+   several years. Please make sure you read these best practices and then this
+   list of notes and exceptions:</p>
+   <ol>
+     <li><i>Use a sane repository layout</i>. The best practice recommends that
+     there be a "project root" with <tt>/trunk</tt>, <tt>/branches</tt>, and
+     <tt>/tags</tt>. We will follow that advice so that all top level directories
+     are for the modules (sub-projects) with t-t-b as a layer under each of them.
+     However, we have a slight twist. We want to have a module that gets checked
+     out first as the top level on the client side as 
+     <a href="#llvm-top">discussed above</a>.</li>
+     <li>The "issue tracker" discussed means our Bugzilla system.</li>
+     <li>We will use the <i>Branch-When-Needed</i> system of branching.</li>
+   </ol>
+ </div>
+ <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+ <hr>
+ <address>
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+   src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" alt="Valid CSS!"></a>
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+ <br/>Last modified: $Date: 2007/07/04 11:16:40 $
+ </address>
+ <!--#include virtual="footer.incl" -->

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