[llvm-commits] Persistent regression failures

Anton Korobeynikov asl at math.spbu.ru
Sun Apr 29 11:56:57 PDT 2007


> These both pass for me.  Three options: your CFE isn't up-to-date,  
> the test is broken for your target, or the compiler is broken for  
> your target.
These two failed for me also. The resulting llvm IR (for "Struct"):

; ModuleID =
target datalayout =
target triple = "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
        %struct.V = type { i16, i16 }

define i32 @bar() {
        %retval = alloca i32, align 4           ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
        %tmp = alloca i32, align 4              ; <i32*> [#uses=2]
        %bar = alloca %struct.V, align 4                ; <%struct.V*>
        "alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32           ; <i32>
        call void asm sideeffect "foo $0\0A",
"=*r,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"( %struct.V* %bar )
        %tmp1 = getelementptr %struct.V* %bar, i32 0, i32
0             ; <i16*> [#uses=1]
        %tmp2 = load i16* %tmp1         ; <i16> [#uses=1]
        %tmp23 = sext i16 %tmp2 to i32          ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        store i32 %tmp23, i32* %tmp
        %tmp4 = load i32* %tmp          ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        store i32 %tmp4, i32* %retval
        br label %return

return:         ; preds = %entry
        %retval5 = load i32* %retval            ; <i32> [#uses=1]
        ret i32 %retval5

It seems, extra GEP was used to get result.

With best regards, Anton Korobeynikov.

Faculty of Mathematics & Mechanics, Saint Petersburg State University.

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