[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/lib/Target/X86/README.txt

Evan Cheng evan.cheng at apple.com
Thu Apr 6 16:21:37 PDT 2006

Changes in directory llvm/lib/Target/X86:

README.txt updated: 1.79 -> 1.80
Log message:

New entries.

Diffs of the changes:  (+56 -0)

 README.txt |   56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 56 insertions(+)

Index: llvm/lib/Target/X86/README.txt
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/X86/README.txt:1.79 llvm/lib/Target/X86/README.txt:1.80
--- llvm/lib/Target/X86/README.txt:1.79	Wed Apr  5 18:46:04 2006
+++ llvm/lib/Target/X86/README.txt	Thu Apr  6 18:21:24 2006
@@ -704,3 +704,59 @@
 so a any extend (which becomes a zero extend) is added.
 We probably need some kind of target DAG combine hook to fix this.
+How to decide when to use the "floating point version" of logical ops? Here are
+some code fragments:
+	movaps LCPI5_5, %xmm2
+	divps %xmm1, %xmm2
+	mulps %xmm2, %xmm3
+	mulps 8656(%ecx), %xmm3
+	addps 8672(%ecx), %xmm3
+	andps LCPI5_6, %xmm2
+	andps LCPI5_1, %xmm3
+	por %xmm2, %xmm3
+	movdqa %xmm3, (%edi)
+	movaps LCPI5_5, %xmm1
+	divps %xmm0, %xmm1
+	mulps %xmm1, %xmm3
+	mulps 8656(%ecx), %xmm3
+	addps 8672(%ecx), %xmm3
+	andps LCPI5_6, %xmm1
+	andps LCPI5_1, %xmm3
+	orps %xmm1, %xmm3
+	movaps %xmm3, 112(%esp)
+	movaps %xmm3, (%ebx)
+Due to some minor source change, the later case ended up using orps and movaps
+instead of por and movdqa. Does it matter?
+Use movddup to splat a v2f64 directly from a memory source. e.g.
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+void test(__m128d *r, double A) {
+  *r = _mm_set1_pd(A);
+	movsd 8(%esp), %xmm0
+	unpcklpd %xmm0, %xmm0
+	movl 4(%esp), %eax
+	movapd %xmm0, (%eax)
+	ret
+	movl 4(%esp), %eax
+	movddup 8(%esp), %xmm0
+	movapd %xmm0, (%eax)
+	ret

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