[llvm-commits] [vector_llvm] CVS: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vector/LowerFixedVector.cpp

Robert Bocchino bocchino at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Oct 18 12:45:02 PDT 2005

Changes in directory llvm/lib/Transforms/Vector:

LowerFixedVector.cpp added (r1.1.2.1)
Log message:

Initial commit of Vector LLVM.

Diffs of the changes:  (+362 -0)

 LowerFixedVector.cpp |  362 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 362 insertions(+)

Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/Vector/LowerFixedVector.cpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm/lib/Transforms/Vector/LowerFixedVector.cpp:
*** /dev/null	Tue Oct 18 14:45:01 2005
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/Vector/LowerFixedVector.cpp	Tue Oct 18 14:44:51 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,362 ----
+ //===- LowerFixedVector.cpp -  Implementation of LowerFixedVector Transform ---------===//
+ // 
+ //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ //
+ // This file was developed by Brad Jones and is distributed under
+ // the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ // 
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ // This file implements lowering FixedVector datatypes into more primitive
+ // FixedVector datatypes, and finally to scalar operations.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ #include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
+ #include "llvm/Argument.h"
+ #include "llvm/Constants.h"
+ #include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
+ #include "llvm/Function.h"
+ #include "llvm/Instructions.h"
+ #include "llvm/Pass.h"
+ #include "llvm/Support/InstVisitor.h"
+ #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <map>
+ #include <iostream>
+ using namespace llvm;
+ namespace {
+ /// This pass converts fixed-length vector operators to an equivalent
+ /// operations on smaller fixed-length vector data, to possibly scalar
+ /// operations.  Currently it supports lowering to scalar operations.
+ ///
+ /// @brief Transforms fixed-length vector instructions to simpler instructions.
+ ///
+ class LowerFixedVector : public FunctionPass, public InstVisitor<LowerFixedVector> {
+ public:
+    /// @brief Lowers fixed-length vector operations to scalar operations. 
+    /// @param F The fuction to process
+    virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
+    /// @brief Lowers fixed-length vector load instructions.
+    /// @param LI the load instruction to convert
+    void visitLoadInst(LoadInst& LI);
+    /// @brief Lowers fixed-length vector store instructions.
+    /// @param SI the store instruction to convert
+    void visitStoreInst(StoreInst& SI);
+    /// @brief Lowers fixed-length vector binary operations.
+    /// @param BO the binary operator to convert
+    void visitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator& BO);
+    /// @brief Lowers fixed-length vector select instructions.
+    /// @param SELI the select operator to convert
+    void visitSelectInst(SelectInst& SELI);
+    /// This function asserts if the instruction is a FixedVectorType but
+    /// is handled by another function.
+    /// 
+    /// @brief Asserts if FixedVectorType instruction is not handled elsewhere.
+    /// @param I the unhandled instruction
+    void visitInstruction(Instruction &I)
+    {
+       if(isa<FixedVectorType>(I.getType())) {
+          std::cerr << "Unhandled Instruction with FixedVector ReturnType: " << 
+                       I << '\n';
+       }
+    }
+ private:
+    /// @brief Retrieves lowered values for a fixed-length vector value.
+    /// @param val the fixed-length vector value
+    /// @return the lowered values
+    std::vector<Value*>& getValues(Value* val);
+    /// @brief Sets lowered values for a fixed-length vector value.
+    /// @param val the fixed-length vector value
+    /// @param values the corresponding lowered values
+    void setValues(Value* val,const std::vector<Value*>& values);
+    // Data Members
+    /// @brief whether we changed the function or not   
+    bool Changed;
+    /// @brief a map from old fixed-length vector values to new smaller fixed-length vector values
+    std::map<Value*,std::vector<Value*> > fixedVectorToScalarMap;
+    /// Instructions in the source program to get rid of
+    /// after we do a pass (the old fixed-length vector instructions)
+    std::vector<Instruction*> instrsToRemove;
+ }; 
+ RegisterOpt<LowerFixedVector> 
+ X("lower-fixed-vector", 
+   "lowers fixed-length vector operations to operations on smaller fixed-length vector datatypes");
+ } // end namespace   
+ FunctionPass *llvm::createLowerFixedVectorPass() { return new LowerFixedVector(); }
+ // This function sets lowered values for a corresponding
+ // fixed-length vector value.  Note, in the case of a forward reference
+ // getValues(Value*) will have already been called for 
+ // the fixed-length vector parameter.  This function will then replace 
+ // all references in the in the function of the "dummy" 
+ // value the previous getValues(Value*) call 
+ // returned with actual references.
+ void LowerFixedVector::setValues(Value* value,const std::vector<Value*>& values)
+ {
+    std::map<Value*,std::vector<Value*> >::iterator it = 
+          fixedVectorToScalarMap.lower_bound(value);
+    if (it == fixedVectorToScalarMap.end() || it->first != value) {
+        // there was not a forward reference to this element
+        fixedVectorToScalarMap.insert(it,std::make_pair(value,values));
+    }
+    else {
+       // replace forward declarations with actual definitions
+       assert(it->second.size() == values.size() && 
+              "Error forward refences and actual definition differ in size");
+       for (unsigned i = 0, e = values.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+            // replace and get rid of old forward references
+            it->second[i]->replaceAllUsesWith(values[i]);
+            delete it->second[i];
+            it->second[i] = values[i];
+       }
+    }
+ }
+ // This function will examine the fixed-length vector value parameter
+ // and if it is a fixed-length vector constant or a forward reference
+ // properly create the lowered values needed.  Otherwise
+ // it will simply retreive values from a  
+ // setValues(Value*,const std::vector<Value*>&) 
+ // call.  Failing both of these cases, it will abort
+ // the program.
+ std::vector<Value*>& LowerFixedVector::getValues(Value* value)
+ {
+    assert(isa<FixedVectorType>(value->getType()) &&
+           "Value must be FixedVectorType");
+    // reject further processing if this one has
+    // already been handled
+    std::map<Value*,std::vector<Value*> >::iterator it = 
+       fixedVectorToScalarMap.lower_bound(value);
+    if (it != fixedVectorToScalarMap.end() && it->first == value) {
+        return it->second;
+    }
+    if (ConstantVector* CP = dyn_cast<ConstantVector>(value)) {
+        // non-zero constant case
+        std::vector<Value*> results;
+        results.reserve(CP->getNumOperands());
+        for (unsigned i = 0, e = CP->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
+           results.push_back(CP->getOperand(i));
+        }
+        return fixedVectorToScalarMap.insert(it,
+                                        std::make_pair(value,results))->second;
+    }
+    else if (ConstantAggregateZero* CAZ =
+             dyn_cast<ConstantAggregateZero>(value)) {
+        // zero constant 
+        const FixedVectorType* PKT = cast<FixedVectorType>(CAZ->getType());
+        std::vector<Value*> results;
+        results.reserve(PKT->getNumElements());
+        Constant* C = Constant::getNullValue(PKT->getElementType());
+        for (unsigned i = 0, e = PKT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
+             results.push_back(C);
+        }
+        return fixedVectorToScalarMap.insert(it,
+                                        std::make_pair(value,results))->second;
+    }
+    else if (isa<Instruction>(value)) {
+        // foward reference
+        const FixedVectorType* PKT = cast<FixedVectorType>(value->getType());
+        std::vector<Value*> results;
+        results.reserve(PKT->getNumElements());
+       for (unsigned i = 0, e = PKT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
+            results.push_back(new Argument(PKT->getElementType()));
+       }
+       return fixedVectorToScalarMap.insert(it,
+                                       std::make_pair(value,results))->second;
+    }
+    else {
+        // we don't know what it is, and we are trying to retrieve
+        // a value for it
+        assert(false && "Unhandled FixedVectorType value");
+        abort();
+    }
+ }
+ void LowerFixedVector::visitLoadInst(LoadInst& LI)
+ {
+    // Make sure what we are dealing with is a fixed-length vector type
+    if (const FixedVectorType* PKT = dyn_cast<FixedVectorType>(LI.getType())) {
+        // Initialization, Idx is needed for getelementptr needed later
+        std::vector<Value*> Idx(2);
+        Idx[0] = ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy,0);
+        ArrayType* AT = ArrayType::get(PKT->getContainedType(0),
+                                       PKT->getNumElements());
+        PointerType* APT = PointerType::get(AT);
+        // Cast the fixed-length vector type to an array
+        Value* array = new CastInst(LI.getPointerOperand(),
+                                    APT,
+                                    LI.getName() + ".a",
+                                    &LI);
+        // Convert this load into num elements number of loads
+        std::vector<Value*> values;
+        values.reserve(PKT->getNumElements());
+        for (unsigned i = 0, e = PKT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
+             // Calculate the second index we will need
+             Idx[1] = ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy,i);
+             // Get the pointer
+             Value* val = new GetElementPtrInst(array, 
+                                                Idx,
+                                                LI.getName() + 
+                                                ".ge." + utostr(i),
+                                                &LI);
+             // generate the new load and save the result in fixedVectorToScalar map
+             values.push_back(new LoadInst(val, 
+                              LI.getName()+"."+utostr(i),
+                              LI.isVolatile(),
+                              &LI));
+        }
+        setValues(&LI,values);
+        Changed = true;
+        instrsToRemove.push_back(&LI);
+    }
+ }
+ void LowerFixedVector::visitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator& BO)
+ {
+    // Make sure both operands are FixedVectorTypes
+    if (isa<FixedVectorType>(BO.getOperand(0)->getType())) {
+        std::vector<Value*>& op0Vals = getValues(BO.getOperand(0));
+        std::vector<Value*>& op1Vals = getValues(BO.getOperand(1));
+        std::vector<Value*> result;
+        assert((op0Vals.size() == op1Vals.size()) &&
+               "The two fixed-length vector operand to scalar maps must be equal in size.");
+        result.reserve(op0Vals.size());
+        // generate the new binary op and save the result
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i != op0Vals.size(); ++i) {
+             result.push_back(BinaryOperator::create(BO.getOpcode(), 
+                                                     op0Vals[i], 
+                                                     op1Vals[i],
+                                                     BO.getName() + 
+                                                     "." + utostr(i),
+                                                     &BO));
+        }
+        setValues(&BO,result);
+        Changed = true;
+        instrsToRemove.push_back(&BO);
+    }
+ }
+ void LowerFixedVector::visitStoreInst(StoreInst& SI)
+ {
+    if (const FixedVectorType* PKT = 
+        dyn_cast<FixedVectorType>(SI.getOperand(0)->getType())) {
+        // We will need this for getelementptr
+        std::vector<Value*> Idx(2);
+        Idx[0] = ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy,0);
+        ArrayType* AT = ArrayType::get(PKT->getContainedType(0),
+                                       PKT->getNumElements());
+        PointerType* APT = PointerType::get(AT);
+        // cast the fixed-length vector to an array type
+        Value* array = new CastInst(SI.getPointerOperand(),
+                                    APT,
+                                    "store.ge.a.",
+                                    &SI);
+        std::vector<Value*>& values = getValues(SI.getOperand(0));
+        assert((values.size() == PKT->getNumElements()) &&
+               "Scalar must have the same number of elements as FixedVector Type");
+        for (unsigned i = 0, e = PKT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
+             // Generate the indices for getelementptr
+             Idx[1] = ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy,i);
+             Value* val = new GetElementPtrInst(array, 
+                                                Idx,
+                                                "store.ge." +
+                                                utostr(i) + ".",
+                                                &SI);
+             new StoreInst(values[i], val, SI.isVolatile(),&SI);
+        }
+        Changed = true;
+        instrsToRemove.push_back(&SI);
+    }
+ }
+ void LowerFixedVector::visitSelectInst(SelectInst& SELI)
+ {
+    // Make sure both operands are FixedVectorTypes
+    if (isa<FixedVectorType>(SELI.getType())) {
+        std::vector<Value*>& op0Vals = getValues(SELI.getTrueValue());
+        std::vector<Value*>& op1Vals = getValues(SELI.getFalseValue());
+        std::vector<Value*> result;
+       assert((op0Vals.size() == op1Vals.size()) &&
+              "The two fixed-length vector operand to scalar maps must be equal in size.");
+       for (unsigned i = 0; i != op0Vals.size(); ++i) {
+            result.push_back(new SelectInst(SELI.getCondition(),
+                                            op0Vals[i], 
+                                            op1Vals[i],
+                                            SELI.getName()+ "." + utostr(i),
+                                            &SELI));
+       }
+       setValues(&SELI,result);
+       Changed = true;
+       instrsToRemove.push_back(&SELI);
+    }
+ }
+ bool LowerFixedVector::runOnFunction(Function& F)
+ {
+    // initialize
+    Changed = false; 
+    // Does three passes:
+    // Pass 1) Converts FixedVector Operations to 
+    //         new FixedVector Operations on smaller
+    //         datatypes
+    visit(F);
+    // Pass 2) Drop all references
+    std::for_each(instrsToRemove.begin(),
+                  instrsToRemove.end(),
+                  std::mem_fun(&Instruction::dropAllReferences));
+    // Pass 3) Delete the Instructions to remove aka fixed-length vector instructions
+    for (std::vector<Instruction*>::iterator i = instrsToRemove.begin(), 
+                                             e = instrsToRemove.end(); 
+         i != e; ++i) {
+         (*i)->getParent()->getInstList().erase(*i);   
+    }
+    // clean-up
+    fixedVectorToScalarMap.clear();
+    instrsToRemove.clear();
+    return Changed;
+ }

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