[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrInfo.td PowerPCInstrFormats.td

Nate Begeman natebegeman at mac.com
Thu Aug 25 21:11:53 PDT 2005

Changes in directory llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC:

PowerPCInstrInfo.td updated: 1.81 -> 1.82
PowerPCInstrFormats.td updated: 1.44 -> 1.45
Log message:

Fix JIT encoding of conditional branches

Diffs of the changes:  (+19 -27)

 PowerPCInstrFormats.td |   22 +++++++---------------
 PowerPCInstrInfo.td    |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

Index: llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrInfo.td
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrInfo.td:1.81 llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrInfo.td:1.82
--- llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrInfo.td:1.81	Wed Aug 24 19:26:22 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrInfo.td	Thu Aug 25 23:11:42 2005
@@ -80,18 +80,18 @@
   // FIXME: 4*CR# needs to be added to the BI field!
   // This will only work for CR0 as it stands now
-  def BLT : BForm_ext<16, 0, 0, 12, 0, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
-                      "blt $block">;
-  def BLE : BForm_ext<16, 0, 0, 4,  1, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
-                      "ble $block">;
-  def BEQ : BForm_ext<16, 0, 0, 12, 2, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
-                      "beq $block">;
-  def BGE : BForm_ext<16, 0, 0, 4,  0, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
-                      "bge $block">;
-  def BGT : BForm_ext<16, 0, 0, 12, 1, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
-                      "bgt $block">;
-  def BNE : BForm_ext<16, 0, 0, 4,  2, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
-                      "bne $block">;
+  def BLT : BForm<16, 0, 0, 12, 0, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
+                  "blt $block">;
+  def BLE : BForm<16, 0, 0, 4,  1, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
+                  "ble $block">;
+  def BEQ : BForm<16, 0, 0, 12, 2, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
+                  "beq $block">;
+  def BGE : BForm<16, 0, 0, 4,  0, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
+                  "bge $block">;
+  def BGT : BForm<16, 0, 0, 12, 1, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
+                  "bgt $block">;
+  def BNE : BForm<16, 0, 0, 4,  2, (ops CRRC:$crS, target:$block),
+                  "bne $block">;
 let isCall = 1, 

Index: llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrFormats.td
diff -u llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrFormats.td:1.44 llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrFormats.td:1.45
--- llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrFormats.td:1.44	Mon Aug  8 15:04:51 2005
+++ llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/PowerPCInstrFormats.td	Thu Aug 25 23:11:42 2005
@@ -66,28 +66,20 @@
 // 1.7.2 B-Form
-class BForm<bits<6> opcode, bit aa, bit lk, dag OL, string asmstr>
-         : I<opcode, OL, asmstr> {
-  bits<5>  BO;
-  bits<3>  CRNum;
-  bits<2>  BICode;
+class BForm<bits<6> opcode, bit aa, bit lk, bits<5> bo, bits<2> bicode, dag OL, 
+            string asmstr>
+  : I<opcode, OL, asmstr> {
+  bits<3>  CR;
   bits<14> BD;
-  let Inst{6-10}  = BO;
-  let Inst{11-13} = CRNum;
-  let Inst{14-15} = BICode;
+  let Inst{6-10}  = bo;
+  let Inst{11-13} = CR;
+  let Inst{14-15} = bicode;
   let Inst{16-29} = BD;
   let Inst{30}    = aa;
   let Inst{31}    = lk;
-class BForm_ext<bits<6> opcode, bit aa, bit lk, bits<5> bo, bits<2> bicode, 
-                dag OL, string asmstr>
-  : BForm<opcode, aa, lk, OL, asmstr> {
-  let BO = bo;
-  let BICode = bicode;
 // 1.7.4 D-Form
 class DForm_base<bits<6> opcode, dag OL, string asmstr> : I<opcode, OL, asmstr>{
   bits<5>  A;

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