[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ELFWriter.cpp

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Sun Jun 26 23:29:11 PDT 2005

Changes in directory llvm/lib/CodeGen:

ELFWriter.cpp added (r1.1)
Log message:

iniital checkin of ELFWriter implementation

For now, the elf writer is only capable of emitting an empty elf file, with
a section table and a section table string table.  This will be enhanced
in the future :)

Diffs of the changes:  (+230 -0)

 ELFWriter.cpp |  230 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 230 insertions(+)

Index: llvm/lib/CodeGen/ELFWriter.cpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm/lib/CodeGen/ELFWriter.cpp:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Jun 27 01:29:10 2005
--- llvm/lib/CodeGen/ELFWriter.cpp	Mon Jun 27 01:29:00 2005
*** 0 ****
--- 1,230 ----
+ //===-- ELFWriter.cpp - Target-independent ELF Writer code ----------------===//
+ //
+ //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+ //
+ // This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
+ // the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ // This file implements the target-independent ELF writer.  This file writes out
+ // the ELF file in the following order:
+ //
+ //  #1. ELF Header
+ //  #2. '.data' section
+ //  #3. '.bss' section
+ //  ...
+ //  #X. '.shstrtab' section
+ //  #Y. Section Table
+ //
+ // The entries in the section table are laid out as:
+ //  #0. Null entry [required]
+ //  #1. ".data" entry - global variables with initializers.     [ if needed ]
+ //  #2. ".bss" entry  - global variables without initializers.  [ if needed ]
+ //  #3. ".text" entry - the program code
+ //  ...
+ //  #N. ".shstrtab" entry - String table for the section names.
+ //
+ // NOTE: This code should eventually be extended to support 64-bit ELF (this
+ // won't be hard), but we haven't done so yet!
+ //
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ #include "llvm/CodeGen/ELFWriter.h"
+ #include "llvm/Module.h"
+ #include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+ using namespace llvm;
+ ELFWriter::ELFWriter(std::ostream &o, TargetMachine &tm) : O(o), TM(tm) {
+   e_machine = 0;  // e_machine defaults to 'No Machine'
+   e_flags = 0;    // e_flags defaults to 0, no flags.
+   is64Bit = TM.getTargetData().getPointerSizeInBits() == 64;  
+   isLittleEndian = TM.getTargetData().isLittleEndian();
+ }
+ // doInitialization - Emit the file header and all of the global variables for
+ // the module to the ELF file.
+ bool ELFWriter::doInitialization(Module &M) {
+   outbyte(0x7F);                     // EI_MAG0
+   outbyte('E');                      // EI_MAG1
+   outbyte('L');                      // EI_MAG2
+   outbyte('F');                      // EI_MAG3
+   outbyte(is64Bit ? 2 : 1);          // EI_CLASS
+   outbyte(isLittleEndian ? 1 : 2);   // EI_DATA
+   outbyte(1);                        // EI_VERSION
+   for (unsigned i = OutputBuffer.size(); i != 16; ++i)
+     outbyte(0);                      // EI_PAD up to 16 bytes.
+   // This should change for shared objects.
+   outhalf(1);                        // e_type = ET_REL
+   outhalf(e_machine);                // e_machine = whatever the target wants
+   outword(1);                        // e_version = 1
+   outaddr(0);                        // e_entry = 0 -> no entry point in .o file
+   outaddr(0);                        // e_phoff = 0 -> no program header for .o
+   ELFHeader_e_shoff_Offset = OutputBuffer.size();
+   outaddr(0);                        // e_shoff
+   outword(e_flags);                  // e_flags = whatever the target wants
+   assert(!is64Bit && "These sizes need to be adjusted for 64-bit!");
+   outhalf(52);                       // e_ehsize = ELF header size
+   outhalf(0);                        // e_phentsize = prog header entry size
+   outhalf(0);                        // e_phnum     = # prog header entries = 0
+   outhalf(40);                       // e_shentsize = sect header entry size
+   ELFHeader_e_shnum_Offset = OutputBuffer.size();
+   outhalf(0);                        // e_shnum     = # of section header ents
+   ELFHeader_e_shstrndx_Offset = OutputBuffer.size();
+   outhalf(0);                        // e_shstrndx  = Section # of '.shstrtab'
+   // Add the null section.
+   SectionList.push_back(ELFSection());
+   // Okay, the ELF header has been completed, emit the .data section next.
+   ELFSection DataSection(".data", OutputBuffer.size());
+   for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
+        I != E; ++I)
+     EmitDATASectionGlobal(I);
+   // If the .data section is nonempty, add it to our list.
+   if ((DataSection.Size = OutputBuffer.size()-DataSection.Offset)) {
+     DataSection.Align = 4;   // FIXME: Compute!
+     SectionList.push_back(DataSection);
+   }
+   // Okay, emit the .bss section next.
+   ELFSection BSSSection(".bss", OutputBuffer.size());
+   for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
+        I != E; ++I)
+     EmitBSSSectionGlobal(I);
+   // If the .bss section is nonempty, add it to our list.
+   if ((BSSSection.Size = OutputBuffer.size()-BSSSection.Offset)) {
+     BSSSection.Align = 4;  // FIXME: Compute!
+     SectionList.push_back(BSSSection);
+   }
+   return false;
+ }
+ // isCOMM - A global variable should be emitted to the common area if it is zero
+ // initialized and has linkage that permits it to be merged with other globals.
+ static bool isCOMM(GlobalVariable *GV) {
+   return GV->getInitializer()->isNullValue() &&
+     (GV->hasLinkOnceLinkage() || GV->hasInternalLinkage() ||
+      GV->hasWeakLinkage());
+ }
+ // EmitDATASectionGlobal - Emit a global variable to the .data section if it
+ // belongs there.
+ void ELFWriter::EmitDATASectionGlobal(GlobalVariable *GV) {
+   if (!GV->hasInitializer()) return;
+   // Do not emit a symbol here if it should be emitted to the common area.
+   if (isCOMM(GV)) return;
+   EmitGlobal(GV);
+ }
+ void ELFWriter::EmitBSSSectionGlobal(GlobalVariable *GV) {
+   if (!GV->hasInitializer()) return;
+   // FIXME: We don't support BSS yet!
+   return;
+   EmitGlobal(GV);
+ }
+ void ELFWriter::EmitGlobal(GlobalVariable *GV) {
+ }
+ bool ELFWriter::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
+   return false;
+ }
+ /// doFinalization - Now that the module has been completely processed, emit
+ /// the ELF file to 'O'.
+ bool ELFWriter::doFinalization(Module &M) {
+   // Emit the string table for the sections in the ELF file we have.
+   EmitSectionTableStringTable();
+   // Emit the .o file section table.
+   EmitSectionTable();
+   // Emit the .o file to the specified stream.
+   O.write((char*)&OutputBuffer[0], OutputBuffer.size());
+   // Free the output buffer.
+   std::vector<unsigned char>().swap(OutputBuffer);
+   return false;
+ }
+ /// EmitSectionTableStringTable - This method adds and emits a section for the
+ /// ELF Section Table string table: the string table that holds all of the
+ /// section names.
+ void ELFWriter::EmitSectionTableStringTable() {
+   // First step: add the section for the string table to the list of sections:
+   SectionList.push_back(ELFSection(".shstrtab", OutputBuffer.size()));
+   SectionList.back().Type = 3;     // SHT_STRTAB
+   // Now that we know which section number is the .shstrtab section, update the
+   // e_shstrndx entry in the ELF header.
+   fixhalf(SectionList.size()-1, ELFHeader_e_shstrndx_Offset);
+   // Set the NameIdx of each section in the string table and emit the bytes for
+   // the string table.
+   unsigned Index = 0;
+   for (unsigned i = 0, e = SectionList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+     // Set the index into the table.  Note if we have lots of entries with
+     // common suffixes, we could memoize them here if we cared.
+     SectionList[i].NameIdx = Index;
+     // Add the name to the output buffer, including the null terminator.
+     OutputBuffer.insert(OutputBuffer.end(), SectionList[i].Name.begin(),
+                         SectionList[i].Name.end());
+     // Add a null terminator.
+     OutputBuffer.push_back(0);
+     // Keep track of the number of bytes emitted to this section.
+     Index += SectionList[i].Name.size()+1;
+   }
+   // Set the size of .shstrtab now that we know what it is.
+   SectionList.back().Size = Index;
+ }
+ /// EmitSectionTable - Now that we have emitted the entire contents of the file
+ /// (all of the sections), emit the section table which informs the reader where
+ /// the boundaries are.
+ void ELFWriter::EmitSectionTable() {
+   // Now that all of the sections have been emitted, set the e_shnum entry in
+   // the ELF header.
+   fixhalf(SectionList.size(), ELFHeader_e_shnum_Offset);
+   // Now that we know the offset in the file of the section table (which we emit
+   // next), update the e_shoff address in the ELF header.
+   fixaddr(OutputBuffer.size(), ELFHeader_e_shoff_Offset);
+   // Emit all of the section table entries.
+   for (unsigned i = 0, e = SectionList.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+     const ELFSection &S = SectionList[i];
+     outword(S.NameIdx);  // sh_name - Symbol table name idx
+     outword(S.Type);     // sh_type - Section contents & semantics
+     outword(S.Flags);    // sh_flags - Section flags.
+     outaddr(S.Addr);     // sh_addr - The mem address this section appears in.
+     outaddr(S.Offset);   // sh_offset - The offset from the start of the file.
+     outword(S.Size);     // sh_size - The section size.
+     outword(S.Link);     // sh_link - Section header table index link.
+     outword(S.Info);     // sh_info - Auxillary information.
+     outword(S.Align);    // sh_addralign - Alignment of section.
+     outword(S.EntSize);  // sh_entsize - Size of each entry in the section.
+   }
+   // Release the memory allocated for the section list.
+   std::vector<ELFSection>().swap(SectionList);
+ }

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