[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vcirc.cpp vpoint.h

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 4 13:01:30 PDT 2004

Changes in directory llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc:

vcirc.cpp added (r1.1)
vpoint.h added (r1.1)
Log message:

Initial checkin of all of the source

Diffs of the changes:  (+142 -0)

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vcirc.cpp
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vcirc.cpp:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Oct  4 15:01:25 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vcirc.cpp	Mon Oct  4 15:01:15 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,105 ----
+ // Borland C++
+ /* VPOINT.CPP--Example from Getting Started */
+ // VPOINT.CPP contains the definitions for the Point and Location
+ // classes that are declared in the file vpoint.h
+ #include "vpoint.h"
+ // member functions for the Location class
+ Location::Location(int InitX, int InitY) {
+    X = InitX;
+    Y = InitY;
+ }
+ int Location::GetX() {
+    return X;
+ }
+ int Location::GetY() {
+    return Y;
+ }
+ // member functions for the Point class: These assume
+ // the main program has initialized the graphics system
+ void Point::Show() {
+    Visible = True;
+ //   putpixel(X, Y, getcolor());	 uses default color
+ }
+ void Point::Hide(void) {
+    Visible = False;
+ //   putpixel(X, Y, getbkcolor());  uses background color to erase
+ }
+ Boolean Point::IsVisible() {
+    return Visible;
+ }
+ void Point::MoveTo(int NewX, int NewY) {
+    Hide();         // make current point invisible
+    X = NewX;       // change X and Y coordinates to new location
+    Y = NewY;
+    Show();         // show point at new location
+ }
+ // A Circle class derived from Point
+ class Circle : public Point {
+    int Radius;           // private by default
+ public:
+    Circle(int InitX, int InitY, int InitRadius) : Point(InitX,InitY) {
+ 	Radius = InitRadius;
+    }
+    void Show(void);
+    void Hide(void);
+    void Expand(int ExpandBy);
+    void Contract(int ContractBy);
+ };
+ void Circle::Show()
+ {
+    Visible = True;
+ //   circle(X, Y, Radius);       draw the circle using BGI function
+ }
+ void Circle::Hide()
+ {
+    if (!Visible) return;      // no need to hide
+    unsigned int TempColor;    // to save current color
+ //   TempColor = getcolor();     set to current color
+ //   setcolor(getbkcolor());     set drawing color to background
+    Visible = False;
+ //   circle(X, Y, Radius);       draw in background color to erase
+ //   setcolor(TempColor);        set color back to current color
+ }
+ void Circle::Expand(int ExpandBy)
+ {
+    Boolean vis = Visible;  // is current circle visible?
+    if (vis) Hide();        // if so, hide it
+    Radius += ExpandBy;     // expand radius
+    if (Radius < 0)         // avoid negative radius
+       Radius = 0;
+    if (vis) Show();        // draw new circle if previously visible
+ }
+ inline void Circle::Contract(int ContractBy)
+ {
+    Expand(-ContractBy);       // redraws with (Radius - ContractBy)
+ }
+ main()                        // test the functions
+ {
+    Circle MyCircle(50, 100, 25);    // declare a circle object
+    MyCircle.Show();                 // show it
+    MyCircle.MoveTo(100, 125);       // move the circle (tests hide
+                                     // and show also)
+    MyCircle.Expand(25);             // make it bigger
+    MyCircle.Contract(35);           // make it smaller
+    return 0;
+ }

Index: llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vpoint.h
diff -c /dev/null llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vpoint.h:1.1
*** /dev/null	Mon Oct  4 15:01:30 2004
--- llvm-test/MultiSource/Benchmarks/Prolangs-C++/vcirc/vpoint.h	Mon Oct  4 15:01:15 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,37 ----
+ // Borland C++
+ /* vpoint.h--Example from Getting Started */
+ // version of point.h with virtual functions for use with VCIRCLE
+ // vpoint.h contains two classes:
+ // class Location describes screen locations in X and Y coordinates
+ // class Point describes whether a point is hidden or visible
+ enum Boolean { False, True };
+ class Location {
+ protected:          // allows derived class to access private data
+    int X;
+    int Y;
+ public:             // these functions can be accessed from outside
+    Location(int InitX, int InitY);
+    int GetX(void);
+    int GetY(void);
+ };
+ class Point : public Location {      // derived from class Location
+ // public derivation means that X and Y are protected within Point
+    protected:
+    Boolean Visible;  // classes derived from Point will need access    
+ public:
+    Point(int InitX, int InitY) : Location(InitX,InitY) { // constructor
+ 	Visible = False;                  // make invisible by default
+    }
+    virtual void Show(void);
+    virtual void Hide(void);
+    Boolean IsVisible(void);
+    void MoveTo(int NewX, int NewY);
+ };

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