[llvm-commits] CVS: poolalloc/Makefile.common.in

Chris Lattner lattner at cs.uiuc.edu
Thu Aug 14 22:35:01 PDT 2003

Changes in directory poolalloc:

Makefile.common.in updated: -> 1.2

Log message:

Remove obsolete junk

Diffs of the changes:

Index: poolalloc/Makefile.common.in
diff -u poolalloc/Makefile.common.in: poolalloc/Makefile.common.in:1.2
--- poolalloc/Makefile.common.in:	Mon Aug 11 16:29:15 2003
+++ poolalloc/Makefile.common.in	Thu Aug 14 22:34:44 2003
@@ -14,86 +14,3 @@
 include $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.common
-# Extra rules and information for building bytecode libraries.
-ifdef BCNAME
-# Location of the LLVM Tools
-# LLVM Tool Definitions...
-LCC      = $(LLVMGCCDIR)/bin/gcc
-LCC1     = $(LLVMGCCDIR)/lib/gcc-lib/$(LLVMGCCARCH)/cc1
-LCXX     = $(LLVMGCCDIR)/bin/g++
-LCC1XX   = $(LLVMGCCDIR)/lib/gcc-lib/$(LLVMGCCARCH)/cc1plus
-LLI      = $(TOOLS)/lli
-LLC      = $(TOOLS)/llc
-LAS      = $(TOOLS)/as
-LGCCAS   = $(TOOLS)/gccas
-LGCCLD   = $(TOOLS)/gccld -L$(LLVMGCCDIR)/lib/gcc-lib/$(LLVMGCCARCH) -L$(LLVMGCCDIR)/lib
-LDIS     = $(TOOLS)/dis 
-LOPT     = $(TOOLS)/opt
-LLINK    = $(TOOLS)/link
-LANALYZE = $(TOOLS)/analyze
-LBUGPOINT= $(TOOLS)/bugpoint
-LCCFLAGS  += -O2 -Wall
-LCXXFLAGS += -O2 -Wall
-# Declare the following suffixes
-.SUFFIXES: .bc,.ll
-# Figure out what object files we want to build...
-LObjs    := $(sort $(addsuffix .bc, $(basename $(Source))))
-LObjects := $(addprefix $(CONFIGURATION)/, $(LObjs))
-.PRECIOUS: $(LObjects)
-# If the library specified a list of symbols to export, add an internalize pass
-# to the link options.
-LLINK_OPTS += -internalize -internalize-public-api-list=$(EXPORTED_SYMBOL_LIST)
-# Standard set of postlink optimizations...
-LLINK_OPTS +=  -inline -globaldce -funcresolve -deadtypeelim -instcombine -simplifycfg
-# Link the library, then perform postlink optimization...
-$(DESTLIBNAME): $(DESTLIBDIR)/.dir $(LObjects) $(LLINK) $(LOPT)
-	$(VERB) $(LLINK) -f $(LObjects) $(LDFLAGS) | \
-	 $(LOPT) -f -q $(LLINK_OPTS) -o $@
-# Install target for libraries: Copy into the gcc install directory.
-INSTALL_DIR := $(LLVMGCCDIR)/bytecode-libs/
-install:: $(DESTLIBNAME)
-# Rules for building bytecode libraries
-	$(VERB) echo "Assembling " $<
-	$(VERB) $(LAS) -f $< -o $@
-	$(VERB) echo "Compiling " $<
-	$(VERB) $(LLVMGCCDIR)/bin/gcc $(CPPFLAGS) $(LCCFLAGS) -S $< -o $@

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