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<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/129815>129815</a>
(When) does Clang respect noinline, and how?
This issue appears to exist with GCC and MSVC as well, but (in my various attempts) Clang appears to be the least willing to respect noinline.
Consider this code:
#include <utility>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define NOINLINE [[msvc::noinline]]
#elif defined(__clang__)
#define NOINLINE [[gnu::noinline]]
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define NOINLINE [[gnu::noinline]]
#error unable to prevent inlining
using R = int;
using P = R*;
NOINLINE R bar1(P arg);
NOINLINE R bar2(P arg) { return arg ? 1 : 0; }
NOINLINE static R bar3(P arg) { return arg ? 1 : 0; }
R foo1(int x) { return (x ? 0 : bar1(&x)); }
R foo2(int x) { return (x ? 0 : bar2(&x)); }
R foo3(int x) { return (x ? 0 : bar3(&x)); }
In this code, all the `fooN` are equivalent, and:
- Must contain calls to `barN` because all `barN` are noinline (mandatory)
- Should result in identical codegen (optional, but preferable)
Instead, [what I see](https://godbolt.org/z/G9zjYY1fe) is:
- With the exception of `foo2` & `foo3` on MSVC, no pair of `fooN` result in identical codegen on any compiler
- None of the compilers produce a `call` instruction in `foo3`, implying that `noinline` isn't guaranteeing the generation of a new stack frame
- Clang is the only compiler that **completely elides** any reference to any `barN` (see `foo3`), making the `noinline` function disappear entirely in some cases.
Clang │ GCC │ MSVC
foo1: │ foo1: │ foo1:
push rax │ sub rsp, 24 │ mov [rsp+8], ecx
mov [rsp+4], edi │ xor eax, eax │ sub rsp, 40
xor eax, eax │ mov [rsp+12], edi │ test ecx, ecx
test edi, edi │ test edi, edi │ je LABEL
je LABEL │ je LABEL │ xor eax, eax
pop rcx │ add rsp, 24 │ add rsp, 40
ret │ ret │ ret 0
lea rdi, [rsp+4] │ lea rdi, [rsp+12] │ lea rcx, [rsp]
call bar1@PLT │ call bar1 │ call bar1
pop rcx │ add rsp, 24 │ add rsp, 40
ret │ ret │ ret 0
foo2: │ foo2: │ foo2:
xor eax, eax │ test edi, edi │ test ecx, ecx
test edi, edi │ jne LABEL │ je LABEL
je LABEL │ sub rsp, 8 │ xor eax, eax
ret │ lea rdi, [rsp+4] │ ret 0
LABEL: │ call bar2 │ LABEL:
push rax │ add rsp, 8 │ lea rcx, [rsp]
lea rdi, [rsp+4] │ ret │ jmp bar2
call bar2 │ LABEL: │
add rsp, 8 │ xor eax, eax │
ret │ ret │
foo3: │ foo3: │ foo3:
xor eax, eax │ test edi, edi │ test ecx, ecx
test edi, edi │ jne LABEL │ je LABEL
sete al │ lea rdi, [rsp-4] │ xor eax, eax
ret │ jmp bar2 │ ret 0
│ xor eax, eax │ lea rcx, [rsp]
│ ret │ jmp bar3
Note that I haven't tried LTO yet, but I imagine that would produce interesting results as well.
This made me wonder:
- What _are_ the precise semantics of `noinline`? i.e. what guarantee(s) can users actually rely on when using `noinline`, if any?
- Are these behaviors bugs, or intended behavior?
<img width="1" height="1" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzsWV1v27gS_TX0yyCBRNmx_OAH2Y2LAGm2SHt3sU8BJY0tZilSl6Qce3_9BSn5W3bc3ZcGvUKAyJzh0RyScygNmTF8IRHHZDAhg089VttC6XHBFwXqmwr1XOmSyQx7qcrX4-8FN8CNqRFYVSHTBqwCXHFj4Y3bAj5Pp8BkDl--_T4FZuANhSB0CmltgdCYSyjXsGSaq9oAsxbLyhpCRzAVTC72QVMEWyAIZB5bCC4Xrl2jqTCzIBWXgku8JUFCgmSqpOE5arAuxEzlSCLXTu6C9i9ICI24zESdI5BoWlsuuF2T6L5BcNY55DjnEnNC45cv36Yvv98_EzpqrI0Jnn57eHp8eLoHP2ST0iwz96go2UREBp_cn--D4hDzJXM8X17eAV3I-gcwPz_9Z_pvIQ22d1orDbVkqUA33JXGJUoLvg-Xi9ZL5nzeDFtt3MQ8A4k-AZeWRJNt41ff-Exo0rSSINkG1V7PkDIdEhp_BaYXjoL37HSje25AhhPQaGstXQuQaAYhkCiBgEQTIMNP-yjGMsuzBiX6URQSJM8wVyr069fC6qgjofHK9wx8z5YPoXfOsWHUInkYejUMvQQTXQ0TnYHZz4wHuZc3dApMCJ995C6YK_VE7gJgGgH_W_MlEyitd5J5k2M38KU2FjIlLeMSMiaET2FyF6RM-94pZqw26IH3mh3oZj260Esmc2aVXjeL-Qa-FaoWuUv6WrhFCDxHaXnGhI91gZ6xqixXkm2VptI4R-2WcJsUjqGxyHLnQQaTt4JZeACDPgtoXFhbGUeGzgidLVSeKmFvlVsks78JnX0e_f3655_h3OEBNxvafzjJc-OEqwx9DKDm7aBRx4_Qu_Zn5H4q6YXRBSEVVIzrnb8fj0s8lQQm15CpsuICtQ_gSUl0EC6GjcFApVVeZwjMQbvZcNBcGqvrzAfJ5V5ULhpeVmLtBdYNDLkLtiLhehpJ6NDComaaSYvYOCIsUKJmG9oMJL65VMv-grlmJfoIG13nxndQUuwItM-iCaGJaxNoUawBBc_RNM2esJ9LlJmXI9ewt34IjQ3iAZmR41OyvzZBHpGZ17IZg5ybZrcBN9DaPZpLMKpEyJhB0-4r-1nScDm8yD0loz6Jqd_6Tq6d2U98kGwawo93M5n9FGH84nSCxO9FUXJ2pXXbTx1IkABUtSlAs1WXH4CpUwBtKpdTtN_hUKolOEH1PpPYq-kUMFt58ENrf2PN-QHGSmkAZCtv20RyLop-4JG7-pyPK6RnHm3RWB_tXtBNW843_sfQXfYDh1cEgMdkcv_o8XY_u0b41HppbJopUxWAzs5MGcvzy1O279COpkZ7drF0WU_NDqehfLzwdq7d9g4HH5NABqCbYT5YQgcP7_Ty093h1sxz6-ZffcG_rDTvbP3g6-P3E3Zbezf5XfefeWY2jcHHu5lMf4owfnE6ftOh72w6HfZTh6vU-12J_Se6_SrxktL-kGrv70hxl0OXbl_O5fN698_UdqdN9F2tvfwSsC9LnWTPq-t1Iv6OjL2WFTTfw_uCTS-QOgfmAbroXP868i9V-f9i_BPdfFA6Xoyjd8S4w37q8FHE2KBFYOJMvp2KzM2pbv64IG9l50KWNy9pp9f1knQoxJeQrvhQOi_El4GvFODouJ4eJE_KYlPIeYCCLbGpFFnNMYfH77_BGu2mKPcAvGQLLlv_N1_Y25SquLSo0VguF20RzGyOD9pCjD96KFmOUCK8KZmj3pbhHN4L0_jiKz6VxowbBIMlk5Znpi2y7ZWBSDQDfou34AuB28IWobE_jMiYhNqgNsAyWzMh1uALRErCW4HO5uI8gqRT4HNgck2imQ8r0f4IwyCkWLAlV9pAWi-M81TaU5Y55lsriWa9fBzlo2jEejgOh_0w7AfBYNgrxqPwLg0xDvvBqD8cYr8_zNIgDCIWxCwcsrjHxzSggyAKBgF1fW4jRvtxTONRlKcDZDnpB1gyLm6FWJa3Si96_hxnHNJRHA56gqUojD8GotQfUhDqPqN6euw63PjA-4HgxpodhOVW4JjQ-I_CTf0IcoWmrfkdH9S0JWMo1JtjWmsxPiq7clvU6W2mSkJn7hHtv5tKq1fMLKEzH7IhdNZGvRzT_wUAAP__uT-uIg">