<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/126181>126181</a>
Mismatched padding between `byval` and globals
Reproducer: https://godbolt.org/z/PexPvPjf6
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int8_t safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(int8_t si1, int8_t si2) {
return (((si1 > 0) && (si2 > 0) && (si1 > (INT8_MAX / si2))) ||
((si1 > 0) && (si2 <= 0) && (si2 < (INT8_MIN / si1))) ||
((si1 <= 0) && (si2 > 0) && (si1 < (INT8_MIN / si2))) ||
((si1 <= 0) && (si2 <= 0) && (si1 != 0) && (si2 < (INT8_MAX / si1))))
? 0
: si1 * si2;
uint64_t safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(uint64_t ui1, uint64_t ui2) {
return (ui2 == 0) ? 0 : (ui1 / ui2);
struct a {
uint32_t b;
uint64_t c;
int32_t d;
int32_t z;
} e = {5, 0, 1, 90986701};
int32_t *f;
int32_t h, r, p, q, s, m;
uint8_t g[3][3][4];
uint32_t o;
int64_t l;
struct a aa[1];
uint32_t n[1][1];
const int32_t *ab(int32_t *, struct a);
uint8_t ad(struct a);
int32_t *ac(int32_t *, struct a, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, int16_t);
int32_t *t(int16_t);
int64_t af(int16_t, struct a, uint16_t, int8_t);
int32_t u() {
struct a ag;
ab(f, ag);
return 0;
const int32_t *ab(int32_t *, struct a) {
return &r;
uint8_t ad(struct a ah) {
int8_t ae[3];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ae[i] = 1;
for (;;) {
uint32_t *v = &p;
if (ah.z) {
uint32_t *aj[2][4][4];
for (i = j = k = 0; k < 4; k++)
aj[i][j][k] = 0;
for (ah.b = 0;;) {
int32_t ak;
if (ae[ah.d]) {
ac(t(af(0, ah, ah.b, e.z)), ah, aj[0][0][0], v, ah.c);
return s;
int32_t *ac(int32_t *al, struct a y, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, int16_t ai) {
if (1 >= (aa[0] = y, ai))
return al;
int32_t *t(int16_t) { return &q; }
int64_t af(int16_t, struct a am, uint16_t, int8_t) {
int32_t w = 7;
am = e;
for (h = 0; h <= 2; h++)
for (o = 0; o <= 2; o++) {
int32_t *an = &w;
int64_t *ao = &l;
uint8_t *x = &g[1][2][3];
w ^= g[2][1][3];
if (safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(
am.c, m == (*x ^= 1 <= safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(
safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(*ao, am.z),
return am.z;
int main() {
int i;
i = 0;
printf("%d\n", aa[i].b);
> clang -O0 test.c && ./a.out
> clang -O3 test.c && ./a.out
%struct.a = type { i32, i64, i32, i32 }
@e = dso_local global { i32, [4 x i8], i64, i32, i32 } { i32 5, [4 x i8] zeroinitializer, i64 0, i32 1, i32 90986701 }, align 8
define dso_local zeroext i8 @ad(ptr noundef byval(%struct.a) align 8 %ah)
%call = call zeroext i8 @ad(ptr noundef byval(%struct.a) align 8 @e)
We should also emit the padding for `%struct.a`.
llvm version: d21fc58aeeaa7f0369a24dbe70a0360e0edbf76f
<img width="1" height="1" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJykWEuPo7oS_jXOpjSRsQMhiyxIeiLNYuaOrq50zy4yYIK7CWTApB-__shlDA6d7jOj00J-Vn31cFXZadF16lRLuSXhjoQPC9Hrsmm3uc5e3l6fF2mTv27_Ky9tk_eZbAlPoNT60hGeEHYg7HBq8rSp9LJpT4Qd3gg7_JQvP68_H4uI0IREdPhoQhhXdVb1uQTC953OVa2XJeFf7-41bkvVOj5q6EQhj-e-OhZ9nR3t4rE7doTFjkIFhO1hnDHCNkDWOwNPE2il7tsaCIvt16kACP8KFMlYRFgEuMzuL1tqwuJvP_4XH78nfwFhh0GM_YCs9-ajCfyGiD3hDx_sTFK-_RikBPekjH--uI9xPzDqnri7Rv2huPs7ARAW_I7po4Mn083n62FU4Qeg6HGegEVPUH-O575-IDTpVa2jlYuhXF1tDLnlY3_sCYtHqt7GkTf3Igm8OOpR5YfJGKMLKoKbAepvuX11Ot32mQbhEI0gzo4aUksFk-jMrTiSfL7wNiKDSZ0HAxoa9alp0JAN3cTRmgZGOhI7XsKS4nalNPStaS6m-WWazjRnS9cPyXUi4Y6T8GHqVqYbaRCsGbHRlspOR-uFIOEueM9Wu2V_N2vqToOnuEht4rs5ajpAj_526orcBNh810fLPkPbT0c07M3nqtZBdNT3oLVFnm-jS0Thb74X6datGe_Qe8zDKTIn155cmKCbCoMhTiP_GMPUD8s_dfEoFr0r36MTFrXzNHx3GiBKH8uRSBdZU7iDMgo8mubJLRdNa3JNgc1BvgOFRYTjkLAdfq5oIKoi4QOSBzMQM-U7Xxm4OeerTS8WXRwjgCoMpyiXbx6fzyQeSbhjXor4mWIr2I0Nj9g-TfY8oT0rHN7Yg8jKQj7a7smZRu_gi3KZTptzQ9GYQW3x5LOPRhrniXKZG1nveAEwhUywY1Bj9RGlbZep6SU6Cb9xy9hArfJ-x_ZwHVgzL67c3xBf3e26DbL52I1sb9tPEl9UfpTD6x8kPwh1E8noNbz_bdzEWPCoOyOERpYpQAfDROWnzYe1xIjycu2XiZGR5dP6AuL8YYnxUxHlPqO668HZ4oxTOUuecorY0l39DGfzJBwYmomhuWFoRganiX88tUvCZ__wnb2GonEUlU_hag9hyYsjOE0XDfPuMsv1DCTEgztN28E7Ki8_PnmfWr-ZUN7D2b0YsHYbZayY8Sn1DzifPmHQfoyr85Bsw2M0EfUHjyjr7Xoykt5Y59LHRabBvY1NOAtVzy4iW63dY8ZujpX8tkJdWlXrAkkYYWFOwn2Nw719IJgKZ-rHzQvq5leFP-ZfIatEfYIv_6GgZaeXmXtiLgk7iGXTa0KTOS3_hDb8TB4LbUotBVqlXy8Ss1JxtEBFK-yGGWeuDK2ofazlXXOsmkxUcKqaVFQ-s7kq4AVUPFTEu2COAcI5C7zJtlG10kpU6k22A4R9FxqOwA3c-xCVM36v1KkGE225LFQtPS0NpnzRoGIgK4oX-UW3UDd9ncsC0terKaCx5xcTFgMgEBbibW89l4mqQifg4F8ir6gcgL3j-b-Ermz6KgdRdQ3Is9KgSwkXkeeqPtlSFFEfM6JLQpOqup7hKttONbV5zucsKLIwFlIKsS4ojzaCrfJUrqmgPKKSyjwt1lGxyLc83_CNWMhtsObxhq5DGi3KbRhu4jVdpaHcZDnL1qFgQm7SSAheBDySC7VllIWU0TUNw2AVLXkkNmkkC55mK5aLjbHwLFS1NLqZH9sL1XW93AYsCuJgUYlUVh3-hmcMw5rwJGtyeZJDOhHGzqrLmvNFVUIbw5jJ-EW7NYhf0v7UkRWtVKe7SYZWupLb76o7C52VMh9dl0r9LGVt3GePJqIg6nwI427Rt9V29n8Cpcs-XWbNmbCDETB0Xy5t8ygzTdgBLeoIOwxGXbfs7wAAAP__PhZfag">