<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/122430>122430</a>
[SLPVectorizer] Miscompilation
generated by fuzzer
Reproducer: https://alive2.llvm.org/ce/z/BopDTn
; bin/opt -passes=slp-vectorizer test.ll -S
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
define i16 @test(ptr %p1, i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i) {
%0 = and i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i
%1 = and i16 %0, 0
%2 = and i16 %1, 0
%3 = icmp ne i16 %2, 0
%.not5.not = or i1 %3, false
%inc.1.1.i82.i.i = or i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, 0
%inc.143.1.i98.i.i = or i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, 0
%4 = or i16 %inc.1.1.i82.i.i, 0
%5 = or i16 %4, 0
%6 = or i16 %5, 0
%7 = icmp ne i16 %6, 0
%.not7.not = or i1 false, %7
%8 = or i1 %.not5.not, %.not7.not
%9 = and i16 %inc.1.1.i82.i.i, 0
%10 = and i16 0, %inc.143.1.i98.i.i
%11 = and i16 %10, 0
%12 = icmp ne i16 %11, 0
%.not5.not.1 = or i1 %12, false
%inc.143.i76.i.i.1 = or i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, 0
%inc.143.1.i98.i.i.1 = or i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, 0
%13 = or i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.1
%14 = or i16 %13, 0
%15 = or i16 %14, 0
%16 = icmp ne i16 %15, 0
%.not7.not.1 = or i1 false, %16
%17 = or i1 %.not5.not.1, %.not7.not.1
%18 = or i1 %8, %17
%19 = and i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.1
%20 = and i16 0, %inc.143.1.i98.i.i.1
%21 = and i16 %20, 0
%22 = icmp ne i16 %21, 0
%.not5.not.2 = or i1 %22, false
%inc.143.i76.i.i.2 = or i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, 0
%inc.143.1.i98.i.i.2 = or i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, 1
%23 = or i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.2
%24 = or i16 %23, 0
%25 = or i16 %24, 0
%26 = icmp ne i16 %25, 0
%.not7.not.2 = or i1 false, %26
%27 = or i1 %.not5.not.2, %.not7.not.2
%28 = or i1 false, %27
%29 = and i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.2
%30 = and i16 0, %inc.143.1.i98.i.i.2
%31 = and i16 %30, 0
%32 = icmp ne i16 %31, 0
%.not5.not.3 = or i1 %32, false
%inc.143.i76.i.i.3 = or i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, 0
%33 = or i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.3
%34 = or i16 %33, 0
%35 = or i16 %34, 0
%36 = icmp ne i16 %35, 0
%.not7.not.3 = or i1 false, %36
%37 = or i1 %.not5.not.3, %.not7.not.3
%38 = select i1 %37, i1 true, i1 %27
%39 = select i1 %38, i1 true, i1 %17
%40 = select i1 %39, i1 true, i1 %8
%spec.select31 = select i1 %40, i32 0, i32 0
%41 = or i1 false, %37
store i32 %spec.select31, ptr %p1, align 4
ret i16 %inc.143.i76.i.i.3
define i16 @test(ptr %p1, i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i) {
%#0 = and i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i
%#1 = and i16 %#0, 0
%#2 = and i16 %#1, 0
%#3 = icmp ne i16 %#2, 0
%.not5.not = or i1 %#3, 0
%inc.1.1.i82.i.i = or i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, 0
%inc.143.1.i98.i.i = or i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, 0
%#4 = or i16 %inc.1.1.i82.i.i, 0
%#5 = or i16 %#4, 0
%#6 = or i16 %#5, 0
%#7 = icmp ne i16 %#6, 0
%.not7.not = or i1 0, %#7
%#8 = or i1 %.not5.not, %.not7.not
%#10 = and i16 0, %inc.143.1.i98.i.i
%#11 = and i16 %#10, 0
%#12 = icmp ne i16 %#11, 0
%.not5.not.1 = or i1 %#12, 0
%inc.143.i76.i.i.1 = or i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, 0
%inc.143.1.i98.i.i.1 = or i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, 0
%#13 = or i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.1
%#14 = or i16 %#13, 0
%#15 = or i16 %#14, 0
%#16 = icmp ne i16 %#15, 0
%.not7.not.1 = or i1 0, %#16
%#17 = or i1 %.not5.not.1, %.not7.not.1
%#20 = and i16 0, %inc.143.1.i98.i.i.1
%#21 = and i16 %#20, 0
%#22 = icmp ne i16 %#21, 0
%.not5.not.2 = or i1 %#22, 0
%inc.143.i76.i.i.2 = or i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, 0
%inc.143.1.i98.i.i.2 = or i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, 1
%#23 = or i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.2
%#24 = or i16 %#23, 0
%#25 = or i16 %#24, 0
%#26 = icmp ne i16 %#25, 0
%.not7.not.2 = or i1 0, %#26
%#27 = or i1 %.not5.not.2, %.not7.not.2
%#30 = and i16 0, %inc.143.1.i98.i.i.2
%#31 = and i16 %#30, 0
%#32 = icmp ne i16 %#31, 0
%.not5.not.3 = or i1 %#32, 0
%inc.143.i76.i.i.3 = or i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, 0
%#33 = or i16 0, %inc.143.i76.i.i.3
%#34 = or i16 %#33, 0
%#35 = or i16 %#34, 0
%#36 = icmp ne i16 %#35, 0
%.not7.not.3 = or i1 0, %#36
%#37 = or i1 %.not5.not.3, %.not7.not.3
%#38 = select i1 %#37, i1 1, i1 %#27
%#39 = select i1 %#38, i1 1, i1 %#17
%#40 = select i1 %#39, i1 1, i1 %#8
%spec.select31 = select i1 %#40, i32 0, i32 0
store i32 %spec.select31, ptr %p1, align 4
ret i16 %inc.143.i76.i.i.3
define i16 @test(ptr %p1, i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i) {
%#0 = insertelement <4 x i16> poison, i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i, i32 0
%#1 = insertelement <4 x i16> %#0, i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, i32 1
%#2 = shufflevector <4 x i16> %#1, <4 x i16> poison, 0, 0, 0, 1
%#3 = insertelement <4 x i16> { 1, 0, 0, poison }, i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i, i32 3
%#4 = or <4 x i16> %#2, %#3
%#5 = and <4 x i16> %#2, %#3
%#6 = shufflevector <4 x i16> %#4, <4 x i16> %#5, 0, 1, 2, 7
%#7 = shufflevector <4 x i16> %#3, <4 x i16> poison, 0, 4294967295
%#8 = insertelement <2 x i16> %#7, i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i, i32 1
%#9 = shufflevector <2 x i16> %#8, <2 x i16> poison, 0, 0, 0, 1
%#10 = or <4 x i16> %#9, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#17 = and <4 x i16> %#6, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#18 = and <4 x i16> %#17, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#19 = icmp ne <4 x i16> %#18, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#20 = or <4 x i1> %#19, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#21 = or <4 x i16> %#10, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#22 = or <4 x i16> %#21, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#23 = or <4 x i16> %#22, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#24 = icmp ne <4 x i16> %#23, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
%#25 = or <4 x i1> { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, %#24
%#26 = or <4 x i1> %#20, %#25
%#32 = freeze <4 x i1> %#26
%#33 = reduce_or <4 x i1> %#32
%spec.select31 = select i1 %#33, i32 0, i32 0
store i32 %spec.select31, ptr %p1, align 4
%#36 = extractelement <4 x i16> %#10, i32 0
ret i16 %#36
Transformation doesn't verify!
ERROR: Value mismatch
ptr %p1 = pointer(non-local, block_id=1, offset=0) / Address=#x04
i16 %inc.143.i76136.lcssa158200.i.i = #x0000 (0)
i16 %inc.1.1.i82139.lcssa160199.i.i = poison
i16 %inc.143.1.i98142.lcssa162198.i.i = poison
i16 %#0 = poison
i16 %#1 = poison
i16 %#2 = poison
i1 %#3 = poison
i1 %.not5.not = poison
i16 %inc.1.1.i82.i.i = poison
i16 %inc.143.1.i98.i.i = poison
i16 %#4 = poison
i16 %#5 = poison
i16 %#6 = poison
i1 %#7 = poison
i1 %.not7.not = poison
i1 %#8 = poison
i16 %#10 = poison
i16 %#11 = poison
i1 %#12 = poison
i1 %.not5.not.1 = poison
i16 %inc.143.i76.i.i.1 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %inc.143.1.i98.i.i.1 = poison
i16 %#13 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#14 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#15 = #x0000 (0)
i1 %#16 = #x0 (0)
i1 %.not7.not.1 = #x0 (0)
i1 %#17 = poison
i16 %#20 = poison
i16 %#21 = poison
i1 %#22 = poison
i1 %.not5.not.2 = poison
i16 %inc.143.i76.i.i.2 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %inc.143.1.i98.i.i.2 = poison
i16 %#23 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#24 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#25 = #x0000 (0)
i1 %#26 = #x0 (0)
i1 %.not7.not.2 = #x0 (0)
i1 %#27 = poison
i16 %#30 = poison
i16 %#31 = poison
i1 %#32 = poison
i1 %.not5.not.3 = poison
i16 %inc.143.i76.i.i.3 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#33 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#34 = #x0000 (0)
i16 %#35 = #x0000 (0)
i1 %#36 = #x0 (0)
i1 %.not7.not.3 = #x0 (0)
i1 %#37 = poison
i1 %#38 = poison
i1 %#39 = poison
i1 %#40 = poison
i32 %spec.select31 = poison
Block 0 > size: 0 align: 4 alloc type: 0 alive: false address: 0
Block 1 > size: 4 align: 1 alloc type: 0 alive: true address: 4
<4 x i16> %#0 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#1 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#2 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#3 = < #x0001 (1), #x0000 (0), #x0000 (0), #x0000 (0) >
<4 x i16> %#4 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#5 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#6 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<2 x i16> %#7 = < #x0001 (1), poison >
<2 x i16> %#8 = < #x0001 (1), poison >
<4 x i16> %#9 = < #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), poison >
<4 x i16> %#10 = < #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), poison >
<4 x i16> %#17 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#18 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i1> %#19 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i1> %#20 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i16> %#21 = < #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), poison >
<4 x i16> %#22 = < #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), poison >
<4 x i16> %#23 = < #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), #x0001 (1), poison >
<4 x i1> %#24 = < #x1 (1), #x1 (1), #x1 (1), poison >
<4 x i1> %#25 = < #x1 (1), #x1 (1), #x1 (1), poison >
<4 x i1> %#26 = < poison, poison, poison, poison >
<4 x i1> %#32 = < #x1 (1), #x1 (1), #x1 (1), #x1 (1) >
i1 %#33 = #x1 (1)
i32 %spec.select31 = #x00000000 (0)
i16 %#36 = #x0001 (1)
Source value: #x0000 (0)
Target value: #x0001 (1)
0 correct transformations
1 incorrect transformations
0 failed-to-prove transformations
0 Alive2 errors
llvm version: 76fac9c01736b1254e42427f8e0910c0f1d01fba
<img width="1" height="1" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzUW0tv4zgS_jXMhbBBFvU8-KC8Lts9WSS9A-ypIct0oh1ZMiQ5k-TXL0g9LIqkLCfuBmbQ8Mhm1UdW1afiJzqOqyp9zjlfIfcaubdX8aF-KcrVpk7ePt7_vloXm_fVI9-XxeaQ8BKxCL_U9b5CLEJwj-A-ztJXDssse90ti_IZwX3CEdx_ILi_Lva3P3JEIuSR9h-JELvG6zRHcF_sa7zYx1XFK8Ruq2y_eOVJXZTpBy9xzat6mWV48YRIVMflM6_xJq7jLH4vDjVG7BYjAL7YIRbxxR58gljEQL6It1R9K648R74s0v6CQoBYRCFYbAPSXuXyI69z95zFkzADOK6jLtN9xrs1vAXeT89ZHPK_8uLvfJGl-eFt8ZwfGhdEog3fpjnHKfUwcogIDEGwr0uMwN1TBDfNELhpniypw5ap71HmLbOkqmLqBkDIMl2mY8MlXaYBUBa2hh6hYWgydJgwDQPqQGcKNAwa0xAj_xqRiOd1-S6KSiIsPIkML8438-c8HUGLTcfYRLiTbhjGw1QZZnI4TXZ73GUVXFBMlnlRyxdpWpQ4pdJTGG3jrOKd4SAoscCj-cyQiQLUJdoGNVmIAZhjX4dm645sHWXUG426yqhvyqSnZdIfZbLJYFNwvzMM1FT3FWjtepzOPpzglxYkVdlIRmzrk97bawyjKsUomEKnR6INQ1hSNTYKZh41vBfrGHrMvLPtTLKCzeISZUPvceb69bYx0zH1KFPRxnSjKt-oZ8yrO86rr-V1SCrq9Xi-hVZLOibWMYYRFYMOtecqDSfppCRFNpeZ9Bt4aASEUY8zEhAsBAQ1IjhNQLgkAW1gUwQ8pmIWAaGNGcYEBJWAMCYgqAQEIwHBQkCwEBB6AoKVgKARsI8hsMH2DIR5DIR-z5vLwKOHxkCmMpAZGcioeSNdstFWepqC7PMUZLM4w9p8szFnmMoZNuYMUznDjJxhFs4wS3FZzxlm5QzTONPH0HCm4hlP6i7HfqPkcF0eeHupsIiFBqfA6HRsfg4xOIVGp6DzqfY8WTYeLa8Ud0dWKGWABxfddLYmz5oVVXVRcukynkfYKSo5ztLnHDvSreS1gVc9LZB_O37sGF6TaDHzv3-qfEfAfqWCR6D3FzGlcl8hYJqUF45jI6OgF85zNL3wH96oF1H0lxb0CLQeNSV3EWgtSyCMbcbiXriNbYwSX_ieVPld1xUgA8Bzdb4o-JnqXbiY2EU1epllvPS3bGNUYw8FU9m_KOQvr-PFSudL-c5jzDqJouEayEY1tpmlvXQ3c0nJ9YBNR3Uv3pwr8LvecJYkb31MpAK9Z9lIBTZSgUYqAKOk_qI6v7w4F0udr887DwOrQGOVptSlp2ZlYxXYWAVmVsGQVWer9m4nOUtmtz4mVuk7oVluS_95iltiTLLqk4K7xZ4vuTsPAw2YRgPTTqZvZWYJLt0tNGBmGrAhDc4W4p2fQYxLuFYa06NElmQbZNGgyCWg0ZMON1aTLpeIRtegnfOEMpe4FnH-S5U3u0Xs7h8vntO84mXNM77judBGNw5-E_CI3eF9kVZFftZ8o0ejXkRPTTMQ1vMTwEBt8Q0xXg7bbcab71iMszRbriVKor5QXcBPReFfY6oCNMhY8OUsFjDAzKSrTQHBoDFo4lp07DOcvJlJdPQkKtpc5g5usJzG16T66QnYySo5EDqh50PoasJdKxKM4f0vUS00B6HNErRBwJlUa58lLKmRvVJwbYRAcNOWVNFpI4B3CqWDCSZhqD8XJ1Q2PyNWMBML9PwMUE7mR1XKtjZB5sLA5M1J58KwSRiYC-OcTHOjYudgueY02zyPMtXRxa-5WDAUt66uJLcl5x_c6KlooCZ5Jd8cEv7TPBWDmQd9vcK7nJxQ9B9_q8s4mdwJ6WjagRzp5F9Tqh9lnFfbotzFdVrkeFPwKkfg1_iVl-n2HQFtTgLvHh8fHhGL8J9xduB4l1a7uE5e2sG3eLfPeKMN-hjkWvdFmte8RBDkRb7IiiTOxMrWWZH89TPdIHYrYy2224rXiN0SqTfgHkebTcmrSkgkYG9EpGHW7idnlS6EEIwgEIgjZ2uv7pYsOqw2n02xqE6IRE_FoUzabAxO_YzgvboxDMB4QBESo8_Vgz9jDKPzvsk4rVa9mDAMuLYBzxKJb4vEN0WibNGmRNpTrOUYK0djtlwuzbUxH3-dIJ3hkMu0UnYC63heNW3j2m2wclQlTbTx8fmU2eqoEkz0tZYDbOWAE-XQho3lgLPLYcY9bqqTqYYZ5YDT5YB55YDpcoC1HPYGpHcgdQ-1lkNrRObn3dPpYXNsZqSZnU4zm5dmNp1mc-c6HooYBkLLgDOui0Eb6FvMw38eb-7w97vvD4__xU8_oh933XnCp_6R6I-HPxbfHm6ib_j628PNv56a7eta7NNCnbE7RMIq_RDbmtAUoVQn4o0j32RFguv3_XD4Vb5pv_wO424_l-MtMB0BO0NgOg0sv4RVcJ0mNz_knx826zeeEjSlZTeDZyn7VbNCIxC9FBBcCoj1QO0tIEgWUEFeuNFvi5mfTUzoXGrl7qWAvE8C6U_4k7k86R6c5a4_o8-p5MnPTlOY_KZ5_IvddMGXkIaP-RcCgos1FKC_pxoAv2meWf3ok_MMpnGUaTS86Q9Ooru_FP2z_Uo_nfjKMpUP2kkGhxm9GDo6TQiVbv-wyzRvaDfEbB6d8WucHeQmb1ByzfaumQxRBNBht4uPX1cQnBRlyZMa18qBRyVHKU7zqXGCt3Ga8c2iLhb7snjlFqtI_sgD87Isykr_a6ose93hV15WaSEFju9t4yRMCPWZt6bgOtwBB_xtwElISUK2dEPodh0jEl1tVmwTsjC-4ith7oS-Q8Orl5XnJB4n240T-xs3DAjlfhKsyYYkLiXuxrlKV0DAJZQSEggVumRhEK8Dlycx5VuPrZFD-C5Os_63KVdpVR34igI4jFxl8ZpnlfzZC8AurZJit08zGTaSh4oIQHgiFj19-_ef_U9T-sFnnvMyrvkGr9_x9vDRjrm3V-VKOC7Wh-cKOSRLq7o6LqJO60z-2kZFdW_xd2URV4cyW6m_tXlO65fDepkUOwT3cm3N_0Tt_seTGsG9DLFCcN9G-bqC_wcAAP__ok6_mg">