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<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/120227>120227</a>
Incorrect memref size produced during privatization post-affine-fusion
new issue
This issue can almost be considered a clone of https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/115989, except that the example used here has affine scalar loads and stores, instead of their affine vector counterparts. I see that incorrect memref sizes are generated after fusing the loops below :
// fusion_test.mlir
module {
func.func @main(%arg0: memref<2x4xf32>, %arg1: memref<1x2x4xf32>) {
%alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.for %i = 0 to 1 {
%0 = affine.load %arg0[0, 0] : memref<2x4xf32>
%1 = affine.load %arg0[0, 1] : memref<2x4xf32>
%2 = affine.load %arg0[0, 2] : memref<2x4xf32>
%3 = affine.load %arg0[0, 3] : memref<2x4xf32>
%4 = affine.load %arg0[1, 0] : memref<2x4xf32>
%5 = affine.load %arg0[1, 1] : memref<2x4xf32>
%6 = affine.load %arg0[1, 2] : memref<2x4xf32>
%7 = affine.load %arg0[1, 3] : memref<2x4xf32>
affine.store %0, %alloc[0, 0, 0] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %1, %alloc[0, 0, 1] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %2, %alloc[0, 0, 2] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %3, %alloc[0, 0, 3] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %4, %alloc[0, 1, 0] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %5, %alloc[0, 1, 1] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %6, %alloc[0, 1, 2] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.store %7, %alloc[0, 1, 3] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
affine.for %i = 0 to 2 {
affine.for %j = 0 to 4 {
%8 = affine.load %alloc[0, %i, %j] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
%9 = arith.negf %8 : f32
affine.store %9, %arg1[0, %i, %j] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
`$> mlir-opt --affine-loop-fusion fusion_test.mlir`
results in the following output:
module {
func.func @main(%arg0: memref<2x4xf32>, %arg1: memref<1x2x4xf32>) {
%alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.for %arg2 = 0 to 2 {
affine.for %arg3 = 0 to 4 {
%0 = affine.load %arg0[0, 0] : memref<2x4xf32>
%1 = affine.load %arg0[0, 1] : memref<2x4xf32>
%2 = affine.load %arg0[0, 2] : memref<2x4xf32>
%3 = affine.load %arg0[0, 3] : memref<2x4xf32>
%4 = affine.load %arg0[1, 0] : memref<2x4xf32>
%5 = affine.load %arg0[1, 1] : memref<2x4xf32>
%6 = affine.load %arg0[1, 2] : memref<2x4xf32>
%7 = affine.load %arg0[1, 3] : memref<2x4xf32>
affine.store %0, %alloc[0, 0, 0] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %1, %alloc[0, 0, 1] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %2, %alloc[0, 0, 2] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %3, %alloc[0, 0, 3] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %4, %alloc[0, 1, 0] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %5, %alloc[0, 1, 1] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %6, %alloc[0, 1, 2] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
affine.store %7, %alloc[0, 1, 3] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
%8 = affine.load %alloc[0, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<1x1x1xf32>
%9 = arith.negf %8 : f32
affine.store %9, %arg1[0, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<1x2x4xf32>
Here, the type of `%alloc` changed from `memref<1x2x4xf32>` to `memref<1x1x1xf32>` which is incorrect. The memref privatization code needs fixing.
<img width="1" height="1" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJy0mM1u4j4Xh6_GbI6IHOcDWGTBtFPN7Gf_yiQnxJVjR7bTMnP1r-xAoYWU0PJXK6DgPD7-9ZAnMbdWbBViQbIfJHuc8d412hQbrpDGNJ5tdPW3-CUIeyB0Tej6TyMsCGt7hJIr4LLV1sEGodTKigoNVsChlFoh6Boa5zpLkjVhT4Q9bYVr-k1U6pawJylfDk_zzuhnLB1hTwFtCXuK42y1XBH2ALgrsXPgGu4fEHDH204i9BYraNAgNNwCr2uhEGzJJTcgNa8scFWBddp44AMIZR3yypflGhTmcMgLlk4bKHWvHJqOG2cj-A0WcZhTqFIbg6WDFluDNVjxDy1wg7BFhYY7v-baoYG6t0JtQ5VS687CBqV-BR9ASI_kdP9L95GEQ7T6n0ProlYKQ-i61VUvEcjiB6FrgLpXZeQfgKS05UIRtiQs42ZLSbLeF0WSB7ZLd3XCSPLTr3YYEb8bEe9Ox6zeZoAwWkpdAkke9-Oj8EaYawXjmOH4Icqo1sajRMBQcBrik0nCNDR8th_v_01wWEv2g_rCKckeYWxhJ6D4GiieCGLXQOwKiLAsucZIJhaTfgKKb4knuwaaGk9-DTQhnsU1xpV43urZI8KXOnTTodVDr7510MWcLrTtOTAeBZ7nNQnIRoHnuU0CJqPA8xAnAdNLwJFemwTMRoFfzDAfBX4xw8UocFKGZPF4bMrRUx97d-r7OPD5ODD9MHD_xVte_NKcVuzn2z8_TwviDb4a4Ea4JlK4rQ8TrsEfQddnka1OpfKN-YfsTl4ZdL1R4b19rsPjqSqHP1lKkp_gJTnXnYP5fKhx7lU7Hzx6rtMAMGh76SwIFdxcayn1qze17l3Xu4t-fm_h_1zCNxrY_3xiYG62bKwTz0Ym4614N2HfR9n3sPWxnPtI-47avo-47-HsYznfVfeHs98XzX3W7t939yTkbfaehLzN35OQtxl8EvI2h09C3mbxScjbPH4ROVW0_ox6fHkL_qpqRxY3YtzrhVy6jv9oXYAT8X7i3V9o0M_mten-duGmPrh4H1BOoWy42mIFtdGt_-xyJXnwy_uPTxLLKbw2omxA2OMNdwR_GjzcdXdGvHAn_nHnPV_qCkEhVhZqsRNqG82qIqlWyYrPsIgXSZqmNF5ms6bAGFdlnK82mCJW6WaRZflykeU11mm1WOQzUTDK0pjFi5hlOcuiKmM5Xaa45JxuViUnKcWWCxlJ-dJG2mxnYZuiiBllbDGTfIPShh0UxhS-DvsjhPm2npki7HBs-q0lKZXCOnvEOOEkFr8vbTBAZ3TVl1hB1Rt_qfJ-_Z227nD9M1zzzHoji2_stwxreSnY_wMAAP__teb7Mw">