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<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/119045>119045</a>
[mlir][Dataflow] Blocks getting prematurely declared dead during integer range optimization
For reasons I'm rather unsure of, the combination of the integer range analysis and dead code analysis is killing off live code by not descending through the control flow in sufficiently complex examples.
Here's a test that should pass but doesn't
// RUN: mlir-opt -int-range-optimizations %s
// Note: I wish I had a simpler example than this, but getting rid of a
// bunch of the arithmetic made the issue go away.
// CHECK-LABEL: @blocks_prematurely_declared_dead_bug
// CHECK-NOT: arith.constant true
func.func @blocks_prematurely_declared_dead_bug(%mem: memref<?xf16>) {
%cst = arith.constant dense<false> : vector<1xi1>
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%cst_0 = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : vector<1xf16>
%cst_1 = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f16
%c16 = arith.constant 16 : index
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c64 = arith.constant 64 : index
%thread_id_x = gpu.thread_id x upper_bound 64
%6 = test.with_bounds { smin = 16 : index, smax = 112 : index, umin = 16 : index, umax = 112 : index } : index
%8 = arith.divui %6, %c16 : index
%9 = arith.muli %8, %c16 : index
cf.br ^bb1(%c0 : index)
^bb1(%12: index): // 2 preds: ^bb0, ^bb7
%13 = arith.cmpi slt, %12, %9 : index
cf.cond_br %13, ^bb2, ^bb8
^bb2: // pred: ^bb1
%14 = arith.subi %9, %12 : index
%15 = arith.minsi %14, %c64 : index
%16 = arith.subi %15, %thread_id_x : index
%17 = vector.constant_mask [1] : vector<1xi1>
%18 = arith.cmpi sgt, %16, %c0 : index
%19 = arith.select %18, %17, %cst : vector<1xi1>
%20 = vector.extract %19[0] : i1 from vector<1xi1>
%21 = vector.insert %20, %cst [0] : i1 into vector<1xi1>
%22 = arith.addi %12, %thread_id_x : index
cf.br ^bb3(%c0, %cst_0 : index, vector<1xf16>)
^bb3(%23: index, %24: vector<1xf16>): // 2 preds: ^bb2, ^bb6
%25 = arith.cmpi slt, %23, %c1 : index
cf.cond_br %25, ^bb4, ^bb7
^bb4: // pred: ^bb3
%26 = vector.extractelement %21[%23 : index] : vector<1xi1>
cf.cond_br %26, ^bb5, ^bb6(%24 : vector<1xf16>)
^bb5: // pred: ^bb4
%27 = arith.addi %22, %23 : index
%28 = memref.load %mem[%27] : memref<?xf16>
%29 = vector.insertelement %28, %24[%23 : index] : vector<1xf16>
cf.br ^bb6(%29 : vector<1xf16>)
^bb6(%30: vector<1xf16>): // 2 preds: ^bb4, ^bb5
%31 = arith.addi %23, %c1 : index
cf.br ^bb3(%31, %30 : index, vector<1xf16>)
^bb7: // pred: ^bb3
%37 = arith.addi %12, %c64 : index
cf.br ^bb1(%37 : index)
^bb8: // pred: ^bb1
%70 = arith.cmpi eq, %thread_id_x, %c0 : index
cf.cond_br %70, ^bb9, ^bb10
^bb9: // pred: ^bb8
memref.store %cst_1, %mem[%c0] : memref<?xf16>
cf.br ^bb10
^bb10: // 2 preds: ^bb8, ^bb9
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJyUV19v46gX_TTk5aoR4DiOH_LQ9I9m9BvNT1rtPkfY4JitDVnAbTqffgX-E9I47WxVJQ7mHM493It9mbXyoITYonSH0scF61ytzfbF_Hq3vzBeFJq_b5-1ASOY1crCd0SzFgxztTDQKdsZAbpC9AFcLaDUbSEVc1Ir0FUYksqJgzBgmDoIYIo171ZaYIoDF4xDqXk0LC28yKaR6gC6qqCRr6KfUbyD0g64sKVQ3N93tdHdoR7WVc7oBqpGv4FUYLuqkqUUyjXvXtSxEScQJ-Yv7BLhe4TvvwkjEM0sMHDCOnA1c2Br3TUcjsxaKDoHXAurEM2cx6xx_9820vjf9BnRZ_jjr58ouQc_eKePDu6kcnchWv9TtvJX8MMCoqntlx6QP7UTHvod3qSt4TvUjAMDK71MM-r1whS4Wlrvshd1EM55B4zk3mV2Ziw6Vdaj88xIV7fCyRJaxkW_G9Z2Ag4a2Bt7X56BD9-eHv539-N-9_TDK0IrXDS6fLH7oxEtc50Rzfuei7JhRvC937h90R0-4n_-_0-PDgsvS62sY8qBM51A-L7qVLn0H7_NTjeIpq1og72iNaJCyQNKnk8VWaPkCdEcULZD-B68t6V1gJLHj6tzoaxAyUPFGv_9BJ7tVZROG5Q8kJMknmrkIHMUJGCk4uIULbbHny2Hlzj8CUR3GM-sO8QQ8c2ufckTSDxy0rueFbyeUTwrF89MXK_mZobRD1NdbfxeSb4_Bcjh2C2nMYATdMejMPtCd4rDeuVhiKa9ZF9zyzfp6v629VsJtpUq3L2IgD6AbVm_BCH08k53C9LNQgBlj9eBbKKIuXztZNDpWSaTIwSiaR4B2q4J8ze35kNZLQsDKH0qCtJndRkbT3NfSNFdQi9uJkFkqDMKRyO4DTXqATis6a-yMRaSxNvXHiXYxg3SCB0u8kuFZeU3mu-9Ss8wsdLpajNqpLEer2YSQyYJcQbZrgj25JOGa_9JGvsplZU9zejoXPJdpP64CEkHyGVqfoRmAdpX45Ti-5bZF0DpjqD08dNjgmyuLD5MFk9pM1NbJM4bKxpRup5vBGcjOBxmtxVQHEcgTs6wgSpH6Q6PAUgCldHtbRoS00hlhXE9fazjklAqp28T0ihAxrm8yLrbmxJVSDJWyFnCHl-W9vUxei6hAU6TC4QfWc2fwJ8X2LkApkOXprcLjCbTIXAdYVRiNJ14VxclPAzdKrFkErGeSQDRiFaofgeJf6PzgiIdn6X1B33rSVUaOdBbu7rxLDtvQnozgNUUQDaTKZROPl4XD-2rrn8TWDaacRjeD_pIszG-uXeFkSO_TvjYtc05WX7Hvog8yuDRp_xLn4aZCf4sNW9k5iraoSG6hMx5-llKfii6hAxzk_9QcdnX2ZrMbfZ0LFwf79cPzMBw_cDcfP0wyvDHchX_XJ9Htw7ty7LIzs_bfLoieFST31SzCWRD6lqnjZje-oaVpzwu8Vd5HLszrU3wZ8fYJtKN78EI1xnlodlj3Nks-DbheZKzhdiSLEnShCR5tqi3ueA5z0iyzgpeJmWRiUoknG9Esd6wDGcLuaWYrgjFGcY0T7NlnmC2SvMSp5sCb0iKVli0TDbLpnltl9ocFqEX2RKS41W6aFghGhvaUEpDg0Wpb0jN1s-_K7qDRSvcSOvsmcFJ14TWNQDSR5TuHpljvgv0Hu5CkzG1S1GzAWOz0fegvDN-wmWrGjdvi84029q5o3e0t_ggXd0Vy1K3iD57RcPX3dHov0XpEH0OAVpEn4cYX7f03wAAAP__EiNkLw">