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<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/102772>102772</a>
Misoptimization issues with variables related to unions when compiling with “-g -O3” and “-g -O2"
new issue
While debugging binaries compiled with "-g -O3" and "-g -O2", dereferencing the global pointer `g_18` at line 51 returned **0**. In contrast, the same operation yielded **-5** when debugging binaries compiled with "-g -O1" and "-g -O0".
Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
clang -g -O3 bug_03.c -o bug_03_O3.out
clang -g -O1 bug_03.c -o bug_03_O1.out
(lldb) file bug_03_O3.out
(lldb) b 51
Breakpoint 1: where = bug_03_O3.out`main + 28 at bug_03.c:51:5, address = 0x000000000000114c
(lldb) r
thread #1, name = 'bug_03_O3.out', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x000055555555514c bug_03_O3.out`main at bug_03.c:51:5
48 int main(void)
49 {
50 func_1();
-> 51 return 0;
52 }
(lldb) p *g_18
(const int) 0
(lldb) p **g_17
(const int) 0
(lldb) file bug_03_O1.out
(lldb) b 51
Breakpoint 1: where = bug_03_O1.out`main + 36 at bug_03.c:51:5, address = 0x0000000000001154
(lldb) r
* thread #1, name = 'bug_03_O1.out', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x0000555555555154 bug_03_O1.out`main at bug_03.c:51:5
48 int main(void)
49 {
50 func_1();
-> 51 return 0;
52 }
(lldb) p *g_18
(const int) -5
(lldb) p **g_17
(const int) -5
`cat bug_03.c`
union U1 {
signed f0 : 11;
unsigned int f1;
char f2;
volatile int f3;
union U3 {
unsigned long long f0;
char f1;
static union U3 g_8[4] = {{0xF4990069F30CC2FDULL}, {0xF4990069F30CC2FDULL}, {0xF4990069F30CC2FDULL}, {0xF4990069F30CC2FDULL}};
static int g_12[7] = {9, 9, 0, 9, 9, 0, 9};
static const int *g_18 = 0;
static const int **volatile g_17 = &g_18;
static int g_21 = 0x31A558FF;
static int *volatile g_20 = &g_21;
static union U1 g_22 = {-7};
static union U1 func_1(void);
static int func_2(union U3 p_3, union U3 p_4, const int p_5, unsigned long long p_6, unsigned long long p_7);
static union U1 func_1(void)
union U3 l_9 = {-5LL};
int *l_19 = &g_12[2];
(*g_20) = ((*l_19) = func_2(g_8[0], l_9, l_9.f0, g_8[0].f0, l_9.f0));
return g_22;
static int func_2(union U3 p_3, union U3 p_4, const int p_5, unsigned long long p_6, unsigned long long p_7)
int *l_11[4][7] = {
{&g_12[2], 0, 0, &g_12[2], 0, 0, &g_12[2]}, // Use 0 instead of NULL
{0, &g_12[2], 0, 0, &g_12[2], 0, 0},
{&g_12[2], &g_12[2], &g_12[2], &g_12[2], &g_12[2], &g_12[2], &g_12[2]},
{&g_12[2], 0, 0, &g_12[2], 0, 0, &g_12[2]}
char l_13 = 0x5A;
unsigned short l_14 = 0;
int i, j;
(*g_17) = &p_5;
return p_3.f0;
int main(void)
return 0;
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzcWEuP2zYQ_jX0ZWCDHL0PPtjrGC2QNqegR4OWaJmpLAkUtUn664sR9bJX227SF1BhIS3nxXl8MxItm0bnpVJbFuxZcFjJ1l4rs1VZe6squzpX2dftL1ddKMjUuc1zXeZw1qU0WjWQVrdaFyqDz9pegSGuc1h_8BgiyDIbCcgQGT4BZMqoizKqTMmMvSrIi-osC6grXVplgIU8P4mYhRykhUKXCgIBRtnWlIoM7hjuuHts4McS0qq0RjaWzJO9Rt4UVLUy0uqqhK9aFdmouA7cEz5fVfn2eMRjPJwhbhg_ML5z9x-UUSCNci5YVTdgKzCqNlXWpo6sm6ZVzOs1WMj7v26ZFrLMwWUPAM5tfuLeJoV11f9_-uBtqta-kBavSItJerMZfMW4KLIzwwQuVNAFyzORMwTCEfdGyV-7CoFgXpc9o4B5hwcLIb9JXQLDPWBM9RscY94uIM2AqiSzzKim6fT5Fz67hPDTF26YnhLsKY7g4JZgr0ZJqognyGhJZSeLDKN7pzAifmOrGoySTVU6x2chbfowAQAupjOEHqdAnXvBcAk_XY54MdTBph8DMJ7QViTMMH6udMYwmSSSToJF-5EU8I7UudSW6UkwjEnF60XWzHtHnTEIuQ4BPgqQDezNHl4ktaaG6Bpt4KRV2VjQpSU2X1ZwOtEf68zvr-BN_GW8iUe8eeF34S3w34g3GhpvgJz42yEX-MtB_98gtw6-A3Oj0tJIHYnpPFcj9164Lelt8VHAPCPdizGDCweqjBDzSNuy51KSL8SiyHtmepUGLtgRh2tkPleFtNQOnaY306S0DVvcueXduTVuXVRl7m4XvuSAuHNg7sbLnRorrU5h3DA_xSzY-yw4OIxHexbt-ZejnySch8nR409PeDx8fP-ebOET_HPsma-9l5S5_CSQBfto5mFClrobH_-bL18aGtE0gNNNiVkylwQZ7sYiEjj7KRB26F50FUU_fjyxC4L4eFwSuzeLfDKL4lF-xGt-QhziX0d_VlcxtfYwERYc6WSQYTyioT55lMLZ2qf1lJX6FDiBF9CsT-GrnMg5MKLybR73CN5PcJ8cK07JmI3AweeuMYZEFyeRzMpGSEIa9rMOh27-7agSNGuccOyIpD4Qx2y5luFkBp_Ik_6xuXT4m9g9YWAl8zLMJiuVdqrmOFL_22otJH9KqehHxkNfTqJdWqP9Q9KHDu1u38BzowMYHhke4WOjgIMuG0tv6eoCP9P8eNz6W_eYeN1ubwjlX6O81aHvze3UCNF9Y3Rvl-IkvH6oBbs79gie5loZS4L-OFbvUaNp4093ZJJerxf7UERTH4YE4YWeqU_e5sJf65rXPojuMLr48bP4wTNZHz4mVtnWyxIvkSu1FRF6HiYiDlfXbSzOMYZSyOQSJZGHSqVCSiFl6If-OUxWeoscfR4Ljuh5PNwEGF58P0p4EsR-kPjM5-omdbEpiufbpjL5qjtQbgXHKMJVIc-qaLpDPGKpPvfHTaRirsyWlNbnNm-Yzwvd2GYyY7Ut1PYn3VS11Tf9mzs4d-qNOwc_S6PluVANGFVIqzI63HbTpXEnaXdsppO0Oze_QxZzljz1vwb0y4M7Q8-Y0P82sGpNsb1aWzd0Pu7aOdf22p43aXVjeCRf-8e6NtUnlVqGR-ciw2Ofguct_h4AAP__-3NtTw">