<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/102351>102351</a>
Miscompile in code with inderect gotos
new issue
The simplifycfg pass (incorrectly?) optimizes one of the case statements.
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [23 x i8] c"OP_1:(instruction=%d)\0A\00", align 1
@.str.1 = private unnamed_addr constant [28 x i8] c"TERMINATE:(instruction=%d)\0A\00", align 1
; Function Attrs: mustprogress norecurse uwtable
define dso_local noundef i32 @main() #0 {
%bytecode = alloca [2 x ptr], align 16
store ptr blockaddress(@main, %VM__OP_1), ptr %bytecode, align 16, !tbaa !5
%arrayidx1 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x ptr], ptr %bytecode, i64 0, i64 1
store ptr blockaddress(@main, %VM__TERMINATE), ptr %arrayidx1, align 8, !tbaa !5
br label %while.body
while.body: ; preds = %entry, %sw.epilog
%state.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %state.1, %sw.epilog ]
%index.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %index.2, %sw.epilog ]
switch i32 %state.0, label %sw.epilog [
i32 0, label %sw.bb
i32 1, label %VM__OP_1
i32 2, label %sw.bb4
sw.bb: ; preds = %while.body
br label %indirectgoto
VM__OP_1: ; preds = %while.body, %indirectgoto
%index.1 = phi i32 [ %index.3, %indirectgoto ], [ %index.0, %while.body ]
br label %sw.epilog
sw.bb4: ; preds = %while.body
%call = call i32 (ptr, ...) @printf(ptr noundef nonnull dereferenceable(1) @.str, i32 noundef %index.0)
%inc = add nsw i32 %index.0, 1
br label %indirectgoto
sw.epilog: ; preds = %while.body, %VM__OP_1
%state.1 = phi i32 [ %state.0, %while.body ], [ 2, %VM__OP_1 ]
%index.2 = phi i32 [ %index.0, %while.body ], [ %index.1, %VM__OP_1 ]
br label %while.body, !llvm.loop !9
VM__TERMINATE: ; preds = %indirectgoto
%call7 = call i32 (ptr, ...) @printf(ptr noundef nonnull dereferenceable(1) @.str.1, i32 noundef %index.3)
ret i32 0
indirectgoto: ; preds = %sw.bb4, %sw.bb
%index.3 = phi i32 [ %inc, %sw.bb4 ], [ %index.0, %sw.bb ]
%idxprom.pn = sext i32 %index.3 to i64
%indirect.goto.dest.in = getelementptr inbounds [2 x ptr], ptr %bytecode, i64 0, i64 %idxprom.pn
%indirect.goto.dest = load ptr, ptr %indirect.goto.dest.in, align 8, !tbaa !5
indirectbr ptr %indirect.goto.dest, [label %VM__OP_1, label %VM__TERMINATE]
declare i32 @printf(ptr noundef, ...) #1
attributes #0 = { mustprogress norecurse uwtable "min-legal-vector-width"="0" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+cmov,+cx8,+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "tune-cpu"="generic" }
attributes #1 = { "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+cmov,+cx8,+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "tune-cpu"="generic" }
!llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1, !2, !3}
!llvm.ident = !{!4}
!0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!1 = !{i32 8, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!2 = !{i32 7, !"PIE Level", i32 2}
!3 = !{i32 7, !"uwtable", i32 2}
!4 = !{!"clang version 18.0.0git (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 67782d2de5ea9c8653b8f0110237a3c355291c0e)"}
!5 = !{!6, !6, i64 0}
!6 = !{!"any pointer", !7, i64 0}
!7 = !{!"omnipotent char", !8, i64 0}
!8 = !{!"Simple C++ TBAA"}
!9 = !{!10, !10, i64 0}
!10 = !{!"int", !7, i64 0}
!11 = distinct !{!11, !12, !13}
!12 = !{!"llvm.loop.mustprogress"}
!13 = !{!"llvm.loop.unroll.disable"}
$ opt -passes=simplifycfg orig.ll -S -o out.ll
; ModuleID = 'orig.ll'
source_filename = "orig.ll"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-i128:128-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [23 x i8] c"OP_1:(instruction=%d)\0A\00", align 1
@.str.1 = private unnamed_addr constant [28 x i8] c"TERMINATE:(instruction=%d)\0A\00", align 1
; Function Attrs: mustprogress norecurse uwtable
define dso_local noundef i32 @main() #0 {
%bytecode = alloca [2 x ptr], align 16
store ptr blockaddress(@main, %VM__OP_1), ptr %bytecode, align 16, !tbaa !5
%arrayidx1 = getelementptr inbounds [2 x ptr], ptr %bytecode, i64 0, i64 1
store ptr blockaddress(@main, %VM__TERMINATE), ptr %arrayidx1, align 8, !tbaa !5
br label %while.body
while.body: ; preds = %sw.epilog, %entry
%state.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %state.1, %sw.epilog ]
%index.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %index.0, %sw.epilog ]
switch i32 %state.0, label %sw.epilog [
i32 0, label %VM__TERMINATE
i32 1, label %VM__OP_1
i32 2, label %sw.bb4
VM__OP_1: ; preds = %while.body
br label %sw.epilog
sw.bb4: ; preds = %while.body
%call = call i32 (ptr, ...) @printf(ptr noundef nonnull dereferenceable(1) @.str, i32 noundef %index.0)
%inc = add nsw i32 %index.0, 1
br label %VM__TERMINATE
sw.epilog: ; preds = %VM__OP_1, %while.body
%state.1 = phi i32 [ %state.0, %while.body ], [ 2, %VM__OP_1 ]
br label %while.body, !llvm.loop !9
VM__TERMINATE: ; preds = %sw.bb4, %while.body
%index.3 = phi i32 [ %inc, %sw.bb4 ], [ %index.0, %while.body ]
%call7 = call i32 (ptr, ...) @printf(ptr noundef nonnull dereferenceable(1) @.str.1, i32 noundef %index.3)
ret i32 0
declare i32 @printf(ptr noundef, ...) #1
attributes #0 = { mustprogress norecurse uwtable "min-legal-vector-width"="0" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+cmov,+cx8,+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "tune-cpu"="generic" }
attributes #1 = { "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+cmov,+cx8,+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "tune-cpu"="generic" }
!llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1, !2, !3}
!llvm.ident = !{!4}
!0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!1 = !{i32 8, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!2 = !{i32 7, !"PIE Level", i32 2}
!3 = !{i32 7, !"uwtable", i32 2}
!4 = !{!"clang version 18.0.0git (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 67782d2de5ea9c8653b8f0110237a3c355291c0e)"}
!5 = !{!6, !6, i64 0}
!6 = !{!"any pointer", !7, i64 0}
!7 = !{!"omnipotent char", !8, i64 0}
!8 = !{!"Simple C++ TBAA"}
!9 = !{!10, !10, i64 0}
!10 = !{!"int", !7, i64 0}
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzsWltv2zoS_jX0CyFBoi6WH_zgxA1QYLt7sC32NaCkscwtRQokFdvn1y9IXSz50pMU7Z4CTVHIlDj3-TgkB6Fas0oArFHygJLtgrZmL9V6zxQtmTnRRS7L0_rLHrBmdcPZ7lTsKtxQrTEiGROFVAoKw08oekJkhWVjWM3-BI2lACx32OwBF1QD1oYaqEEY7aNgi4JN_0yD7j_nL3X3yVBVgcElNZTTk2wNRtEWI0LAq1G0Aa8hywBFm4i4h30N5692lMbu4bFxEJIMRZuQZN4uC_qRcJ_SgT2Nvc-WjJCZKUaxhsNgxjFLn9PYa8VXIQ_C40y0R68S7cjVP-PA10Y5rkaxF2oAt0LQGspnWpYKF1JoQ4XBKHkgET5ilqFkiwtEyL_-eLYuuRBro9rCMClQtEUkKRFZoeQx2NhHYHWSR0w5qwQOZ4r98JWqs5nqLx_-_enjPzdfPny__u4ZPeCnVjhOvDFGaRRtcN1q0yhZKdAaC6mgaJUG3B4MzTl0nCXsmABcavnMZUE5FrIVJewwiwhGcVBTJpBN0gojEgUYLR86RhBGnazZ7g1jRJL8ZKCQZZc7yq085zM-4sYolGwn1qcDnzZSgZ3HOZfFVxsx0NqqHJQ_Wtn_-fT87BJFVvaLpZ9onAl2DKHJKbW_Sa8IkYQqRU-sPHa5qsAAd4vECmMit47ra4NvqGJpjINhEH6HJ-e8z9wZDTz7k91xB-cKc5oDt3yHPePg2-oxBcXka7TBFiKNAuuhW1lJl8DOJn3woWFcVpNsuhriBx2u96wDRPLQOT7w4z5IdmLkCS-lOqqzZCZKOL5RcsdDviVZH5gp9p200XzLMMZpytbD2JFfUeX5IBQ7gnBGMGJxRkOuhcSj04OV3bPTEDnW1_67yt9l0ueQYKJkdrOopJFT1aPttyAxEdnF-VrKJIHhVQLHqegG_82EDik_a55mdOrQBUQngYzfFslXBBKRpKCcOwI36DCV2aJAHrHv-64exkGjmDC7bmasnEIK0XKOS1CwAwWiAFdvSRb2bHbHcOUjIiPXNCSrWayLrp6WJRb6MMB7Er7wLfk_h_FVALiE-nmN30r-ZM1d57RPPbmQfLM2kPvQ-rb0Mzi_oeZO6ewKrT0a-VzKxr6sLpfOdMP-LrDdWVEWZcufircuIjcRF00Qp8D0JXHi-czoVy62K8_7tToW8HONPRtyO-3FlCn-Zh1xJJNcW4Ly2ChZ-41w0jUczXwRRdhIu5PPzXEO-9ZjvwRtfCZ-6KlhZtjE2CvFTiuXtMQ9GnrJN018xblh4MvVfUl9eK83vMtd8Lwcxg1uuR0OlgWnCoZz5C3kTrFNotmBlhqjWN4a0P2x02Jo-fAXR1p7YaiZ8DhUlHsvUBipvAMrzd4ene2JmthDtCUT0jOKNg0TlVfTCYFRLfQ02tDiq9coaTpJebvbgfI0-xNG8qyn7S4vXtG049QxS700ns_vgJpWgR6JEHkoavmCyKMdHbNusDtq1Y3q-tgNtIZxQLrRMVsO0lsBM90VCFCscNNDRuYxDceY_p7R6J99wa9l2XLwd5xWQ8EK7VWHhH1lCfsNJez3rzA6S-plsBKEmTPH1-qCCcV4tLSvhByKPVXPQ0D7ah1P9YQXzNmZ-Y-Pj_gf8AJ8wkumvOSCdznl_fBt3ug-73CbvMMZzwOCCCk4FRV-AaXtZTXM_MAPKmbsfrc3ptHuKvyEyFPFzL7N_ULWiDy5jkX3YzH4X1evmMHpcpmRkpSQAF0VWZpEebYLwjAg0ZJGRZQkZBUWAbiL1syyZG7ZcG9Mz6V6QpxeuUHFCTeSCQOq9x2RcHmTeXnFLGvBGmksXmzOzwKymwKyKwGfWd1wwBb3iDzgLw-bzYV7qznPGcfBTRUzXHY6mDB_5VkPyJJpw0RhJuoGWI_rZb5gZmjs1I0HL39a5C-8miHxkq8VSnLul0wPiBw5h8bXfDHGWDYGew3VGjSKttO2m1Ss8jnH3mfsSSxb43N-t4tmDzufXAn5uO0NXPYCEFn2J2_ZqgKed4yDoPXY4BrJyHtD7r0h996Q-30bcuer-aQN9os35IL_R0NunqCf2Zibdsd-YD_pDX2s36M7dSOjN9pT35uA6XX1XgR_Yhfr72wvzZosNx3_UZ2W2x3bX7mVNb-KvfcnfrUb-Xt_4r0_8d6feO9P_LD-xHBPX5TrqFxFK7qAdbgkUZCkaUgW-_WKrOI4LyDMVmEQh2kS0zSL8qTMgmgVRsmCrUlA4iALlmGWBCHxs11crPKwTOlyl5choDiAmjLuuxUmVbVgWrewtvlNwoU7B2j39z6ECDhgN2utTrYLtXZoydtKozjgTBt9FmOY4bD-xHQh64ZxwExgd5U7MLPHdrNTUBhcSSP1olV8_TZsIvLkTNGIPPW2vqzJ_wIAAP__b9UCug">