<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/100898>100898</a>
Poor compilation of libc++ string comparison
libc++'s std::string generates suboptimal machine code.
#include <string>
bool eqdynamic(const std::string& foo, const std::string& bar) {
return foo == bar;
bool eqshort(const std::string& foo) { return foo == "aaa"; }
bool eqlong(const std::string& foo) {
return foo == "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf";
* In the "dynamic" case, there is lots of branching to handle the combinations of short and long strings. The code might be simplified by testing if the inputs have the same "shortness" bit and then handling the differing case by normalizing the arguments so that the "short" input is the first input. if both strings are found to be short, it may be worth loading 8 bytes of each string and comparing the length and first 8 chars at the same time.
* In the "eqshort" case, once the string is found to be short, the first 4 bytes can be loaded and compared with [0x6, 'a', 'a', 'a']
* In the "eqlong" case we check if a "short" string can be 48 chars long, which is not possible, this branch could be eliminated statically.
movzx eax, byte ptr [rdi]
test al, 1
je .LBB0_1
mov rdx, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
movzx ecx, byte ptr [rsi]
test cl, 1
jne .LBB0_5
mov r8d, ecx
shr r8d
cmp rdx, r8
je .LBB0_8
xor eax, eax
mov edx, eax
shr edx
movzx ecx, byte ptr [rsi]
test cl, 1
je .LBB0_4
mov r8, qword ptr [rsi + 8]
cmp rdx, r8
jne .LBB0_7
test al, 1
je .LBB0_9
mov rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 16]
test cl, 1
jne .LBB0_13
inc rsi
jmp .LBB0_14
inc rdi
test cl, 1
je .LBB0_12
mov rsi, qword ptr [rsi + 16]
push rax
call bcmp@PLT
test eax, eax
sete al
add rsp, 8
eqshort(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&):
movzx eax, byte ptr [rdi]
test al, 1
je .LBB1_1
mov rcx, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
cmp rcx, 3
je .LBB1_6
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx
cmp rcx, 3
jne .LBB1_4
test al, 1
je .LBB1_7
mov rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 16]
jmp .LBB1_9
inc rdi
movzx eax, word ptr [rdi]
xor eax, 24929
movzx ecx, byte ptr [rdi + 2]
xor ecx, 97
or cx, ax
sete al
.byte 97
.byte 97
eqlong(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&):
movzx eax, byte ptr [rdi]
test al, 1
je .LBB2_1
mov rcx, qword ptr [rdi + 8]
cmp rcx, 48
je .LBB2_6
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx
cmp rcx, 48
jne .LBB2_4
test al, 1
je .LBB2_7
mov rdi, qword ptr [rdi + 16]
jmp .LBB2_9
inc rdi
vmovdqu ymm0, ymmword ptr [rdi]
vmovdqu xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdi + 32]
vpxor ymm0, ymm0, ymmword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_0]
vpxor ymm1, ymm1, ymmword ptr [rip + .LCPI2_1]
vpor ymm0, ymm0, ymm1
vptest ymm0, ymm0
sete al
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzkWMtvo7oa_2uczacTgSEJWWTR9CEdaRazONJdVsY2wXMNZmyTJv3rr4yB8krTGd1ZnSoNTb7X73v9aiDGiFPJ-QFtjmjztCK1zZU-pAWpNderVLHrQYqUInxsXjsDxjIUPaDowVgtyhOceMk1sdyAqVNVWVEQCQWhuSg5UMX4GgVPKHho37dB-_IfcSRKKmvGAUWP3iOKnocWqVIS-E92LUkhKMIJVaWxUxgIbyFTCuFHuClPiUZ4D2h39J4BADS3tS6dKaDoCUVPjVbUaqDd0wIUkytt7wJpAi34RxgTQhDGKDrCcgCpnJ-v-P8sERfIsOxXfj2qae6TljXvubWVcbjwC8IvJ8VSJe1a6RPCL-8Iv1ye_3PZ7LPSjJqPH-DvEmzOHbi-oxgoMdy1zuZccxAGpLIGVAapJqWbpBNYBTkpmeSNOVVFKkpihSobvaYlQEoGrnbgS2XW8E_uZxAKccotpByMKCopMsEZpFew3FjnXWSNW1FWtTWQk7MPY0jRQG3cl9wYBzYVPpLNeekxNfhyDkxkGW-WwiXk_JdKF0SK906D6FNd8NIaMApsTmxXjHamsIfgSuAEmdDG-q_WDmOqbN4lB0RzyFTtkKgmM-_iEYSFglzdV29K2xykIswBSCC9uj1VGXBCO0dNLlQVFdEdSsnLk80bgUeQAM2JNtDibcpiRdGv9qiv_YJ89FWVtC2oDynMMvKPnOMWKyWl03ApcDaAyhm8CZsD2hyDy9bZIrwjCO9u_Ll5WobqV80jhTcONOf0v67UZNSVFneLJu7q4a0f4S0XNHdZlcpCpYwRqWwHWph2iIGqWjJnzqUo3PByBsYSKyiR8voZSw7Zb71eI7x3m9evvvsp1Pn9AgCcXFxcVzyorHb10Uz06Xfqbu7dlUinHY6FP7i_rr8dj8FrOAsEmjVBfr4pzQZRAOEjJLNYPTQ6h2YG0DpMdBFTyQeYNl7oP8RLxWiuOmHOlQs8kptc9_KRgBaVF_gEdTIrjA-ZDOPvZvEvyvtvm-EuXq65HVqGN5FzNrGcIHdyL_hqdSeNXy5yl188RLn5pL7zMTC3xsDV9lZdR83dDYMns-C_MLr7G7CZuDm-4fa3BjKMRn3FM9SipOD6MfbRjltrNar6fMWdiw7-VwCOtxiPAEaLPXUAbzV0UJge7tRHVZu8QTgdW8dwkNKiQnHw_ds_yw2dbUs389zytuGj7wljoE3lbCbz1K9ZR5_dia0_S7363YseUmIEfe0Ono-O1p3DuaKTvFpNhDWdXvS8rEqkVJRYpQeK0bM_lyK8HdH3_5m3XWvCJcpuykJ_hbZ7LvRW0e3pCl-3H4MRLvDx1_gw_IwP6R0-7Cn-DuzB1oZDmnM5LDLNXZoJO8KalfuLNNP5HJBB2FFXF2CRTjoe6CzunAkmOGYAXJdaVRzv8Zw8b_6faZPCiy4H7dtPKtVKwUvv7v1krdffHr__jV-DWd7rBhz04dyRaWgxGLMPVQCYaPf3Yf8K1sB_hDXi-QmqH3I8pA3827SB_wRtzHAPeAMPeQP_Nm_gP8AbeMgb-Cu8gRd441yoM_tZw7UoAofkWhT3uKMzuRRF6EwuM5MGfjSniHPl2zwIthhUVI2Hfuk_8RO29uF9P-GHn3Plx20BSDgN5RdqpDmnrul55fzOtaqriutbp5Xurm_FDhHbR3uy4odwh3EY4iQIVvmBxdss22ySbZwEQZxs0oBEIUvofhvsYxrsV-KAAxwHO7zDQRwEwToN9pgHJKMR44SEexQHvCBCrqU8F2ulTythTM0PYRAk-2QlScqlaZ4GYjx88Ocat9IHZ_VXWp8MigMpjDUffqywkh--K6WbW3Qhm6czoDL48NPfR_vHDUaVq1rLw-RhkrB5na6pKhB-ce7by1-VVj84tQi_NJgNwi8t7PMB_y8AAP__-76sfw">