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<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/82168>82168</a>
Inconsistent results when using --int-range-optimizations
new issue
I have the following MLIR program:
module {
func.func @func1() {
%false = arith.constant false
%c2060639849_i64 = arith.constant 2060639849 : i64
%c1_i64 = arith.constant 1 : i64
%c0_i64 = arith.constant 0 : i64
%36 = scf.if %false -> (i64) { //the result should be 2060639849
scf.yield %c1_i64 : i64
} else {
scf.yield %c2060639849_i64 : i64
%37 = arith.divsi %c1_i64, %36 : i64 //the result should be 0
%41 = arith.addi %c2060639849_i64, %37 : i64 //the result should be 2060639849
%70 = arith.xori %41, %c2060639849_i64 : i64 //the result should be 0
%88 = arith.cmpi eq, %70, %c0_i64 : i64 //the result should be true
%89 = scf.if %88 -> (i64) { //the result should be 3
%c3_i64 = arith.constant 3 : i64
scf.yield %c3_i64 : i64
} else {
scf.yield %70 : i64
%94 = arith.divsi %c1_i64, %89 : i64 //the result should be 0
vector.print %94 : i64
However, when I ran different pass sequences on the program, I got inconsistent results of ```0``` and ```Floating point exception```. I tested the sequences respectively, and I found that the inconsistency was caused in the last scf.if operation, which reached the false branch when --int-range-optimizations pass was specified, and reached the true branch when --int-range-optimizations pass was not specified.
I guess there might be a problem in the usage of pass the --int-range-optimizations, when I ran ```mlir-opt --convert-scf-to-cf --convert-cf-to-llvm --int-range-optimizations test.mlir``` on the program, I got the following result:
module {
func.func @func1() {
%c3_i64 = arith.constant 3 : i64
%false = arith.constant false
%c2060639849_i64 = arith.constant 2060639849 : i64
%c1_i64 = arith.constant 1 : i64
llvm.cond_br %false, ^bb1(%c1_i64 : i64), ^bb1(%c2060639849_i64 : i64)
^bb1(%0: i64): // 2 preds: ^bb0, ^bb0
llvm.br ^bb2(%0 : i64)
^bb2(%1: i64): // pred: ^bb1
llvm.br ^bb3
^bb3: // pred: ^bb2
%2 = arith.divsi %c1_i64, %1 : i64
%3 = arith.addi %2, %c2060639849_i64 : i64
%4 = arith.xori %3, %c2060639849_i64 : i64
llvm.cond_br %false, ^bb4(%c3_i64 : i64), ^bb4(%4 : i64)
^bb4(%5: i64): // 2 preds: ^bb3, ^bb3
llvm.br ^bb5(%5 : i64)
^bb5(%6: i64): // pred: ^bb4
llvm.br ^bb6
^bb6: // pred: ^bb5
%7 = arith.divsi %c1_i64, %6 : i64
vector.print %7 : i64
I've tried to analyze the result manually, and I guess the operation ```llvm.cond_br %false, ^bb4(%c3_i64 : i64), ^bb4(%4 : i64)``` in the result seems to be wrong. The passes seem to turn the operation ```%88 = arith.cmpi eq, %70, %c0_i64 : i64``` into a constant ```false``` value, but in my analysis, the result of this operation is expected to be ```true```. I'm not sure if there is any bug in my program or some other problems that caused this result.
My git version is 1a8c6130f60fe517fb722ab4309997ce7b638234.
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJy0WEtv27oS_jXyZmCDIvXywou0aXAN3G4u7r6gpJHEQiJdknLq_voD6m3HStyec4AgtsiZ-b55eGZsbowoJeLBCz954fOGt7ZS-vDKZXlRsvzu802q8svhCBU_I9gKoVB1rV6FLOHrf4__g5NWpeaNx5488uyRJ4vG7ppa6OnEi8jw1z02Km9rBC_-1D8DFK3Mdu4feAFxr75HE4_uFzIeDQteGwSPPQPXwla7TEljubTQXYy2wIlmlEQkYvsk2H8TUXBPaZYAjz2BiIKB7JUdf03dv9Ya5cmaPHkHhUWdhsmKnShmT7ce-wIeTZxSHwsn_eLRF5cFjaatLZhKtXUOKS4cmo1DZ_QisM6v3LllHj8DdsGdc_JW-U1M31q5diteBCIXZyNmDh79PHnemXnXNXInaIG_sM7zXNzhOKLED6HcBvAKLiYLuJ9Ki57DgLASm99wyqNhkiwLpzkJwB-D_ZiMQORh-1a3-AZif1NpSfK7ZcaWBeIYsbWSZ29L5Lak2MP1eKUXk4-rbx98WH3J9NF_IE_O7Bkzq_TupIW0E8YND4221XIM-UhqfnPdC_-jXvGM2hF6rVDCETSXkIuiQI3SwokbAwZ_tCgzNKBk14HHlks_wxFKZUFIF3VhrNPpPTCgCpjQyPQOuMzn85daceta-Uk5n_BnhicrlJwEdnAE19Ex75BnKhrNCTMrzlhfHBFn9giFaqWT5LYTX_DKLvDKDWS8NZiD6B2pubFjNaoTat5hd8EQWQUaeVYNyH1PTDWXWdXHarsV0m41lyVu1cmKRvzq9E0fNYfmKIpCYD4yXFp0H5DfNSiVnY3u-hweoWzRGGdTIzSirKyrG-7SlNbYjM62hpfostJZcyergDf1MGXDjVUnCdttpuQZtd2arNhatc2KxVl_VNfn5h2f5jk9lcZaeV1P_b6-_tHp_get5NGF4O9tA3-yB7i4O4H8W6onml3LCb-kae_87Sim-zcCK-OWTuN9KU0W1-xpbOBA4aQxN-6okyYTytjVOrKOpzukg7E1sOHevw_moCYk_yYeIwS7MshW9elV_OmHvfw2D27s31kQ6PsD-3rDuDPx2aP67xdBMOSYrRXBILCa9uE-fCztbLLLVtISDvbW8Ib76IHM3wZhhIjGzPQPa-rh9dr1YeKjm9jfzuj4gxH98Yw-ejR2X320cINDAZe8vvzqvwsN20LDZcvr5SCcRsI81-Y2_i8Ux9TDh2EzrjGIjXGkU4RXrWS5g_-7Ds-NQdPduksXjjWuf7SYLum4iMHUL6eb3udJ7szrtgtB2rp1BppLH2cjumG4cEkVYCthFlyFAfzplpE-PynOKN0SPO8y4HLZ9FO81QiiGKa2MMDlBdK2HMCHGQhKg1ENgnJy40Q3_YYz7DIdm57csBF8vUApLJxRm4Gfz5Ms8hkpIlJg6MdFGlPK04CR_X4fZxinEUsoCwYDm_zA8j3b8w0e_JgkNAqJH26qA8n9IktI7iMraBLmuM-SgPlp4tM9CUJ_Iw6U0IBQP_EDwli4i5hP9llO_CQNYx6EXkCw4aLedUWodLkRxrR4SKgfJZuap1ib7scASiW-QnfpUeqFzxt9cDrbtC2NF5BaGGtmK1bYGg_He4tot8m0xu0Oq-vIptX1obL25LpW3xdKYas23WWq8eiLwxletietvmNmPfrSsTMefenY_xUAAP__3MPAlQ">