<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/75589>75589</a>
unexpected output results in fusion using -O1
new issue
For the following two c files, I performed the equivalent transformation of loop from **file1.c** to **file2.c**. I ran these two files respectively using different optimization levels including **-O0**, **-O1**, **-O2**, **-O3**, **-Os**, **-Ofast**. The exact output results(i.e. checksum values) are:
-O0 -O1 -O2 -O3 -Os -Ofast
file1.c 5454B4A4 686D5D8F 686D5D8F 686D5D8F 686D5D8F 686D5D8F
file2.c 5454B4A4 89CD4121 686D5D8F 686D5D8F 686D5D8F 686D5D8F
Please help me to explain why these two files produced different output results when using the same optimization level(i.e. -O1), thank you.
command line:
clang <filename.c> <optimization level> -lm -I $CSMITH_HOME/include && ./a.out
version: clang+llvm 14.0.0
os: ubuntu 22.04
#include "csmith.h"
static int g_a61[1];
static int64_t g_b61[1];
union U0 {
signed f0 : 26;
int64_t f1;
int16_t f2;
static int32_t g_3 = 0x5C6F1BF5L;
static int32_t g_37 = 0x2CE6C1CCL;
static int32_t *g_121 = &g_37;
static int32_t g_168 = 0x896B5751L;
static int32_t **volatile g_217 = &g_121;
static const int32_t *g_258[2][2] = {{&g_168, &g_168}, {&g_168, &g_168}};
static int64_t g_290 = 1L;
static union U0 g_300 = {0x9E01EE1CL};
static union U0 *g_302[2][3][2] = {{{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}, {{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}};
static int64_t *g_455 = &g_290;
static int64_t *volatile *g_454 = &g_455;
static void func_1(void);
static void func_1(void) {
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int ii_1;
// fusion
for (j = 0, ii_1 = 0; j < 1; j++, ii_1++) {
for (k = 0; k < 1; k++) {
g_a61[ii_1] = (*g_302[1][0][0]).f0 * g_37 - (*g_302[1][2][1]).f0;
int jj_1;
for (jj_1 = 0; jj_1 < 1; jj_1++) {
g_b61[jj_1] = (*g_258[1][1]) * g_a61[jj_1] + (**g_454);
(*g_217) = &g_3;
int main(void) {
int i;
int print_hash_value = 0;
transparent_crc(g_3, "g_3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_37, "g_37", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_168, "g_168", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_290, "g_290", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_a61[i], "g_a61[i]", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_b61[i], "g_b61[i]", print_hash_value);
platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
return 0;
#include "csmith.h"
static int g_a61[1];
static int64_t g_b61[1];
union U0 {
signed f0 : 26;
int64_t f1;
int16_t f2;
static int32_t g_3 = 0x5C6F1BF5L;
static int32_t g_37 = 0x2CE6C1CCL;
static int32_t *g_121 = &g_37;
static int32_t g_168 = 0x896B5751L;
static int32_t **volatile g_217 = &g_121;
static const int32_t *g_258[2][2] = {{&g_168, &g_168}, {&g_168, &g_168}};
static int64_t g_290 = 1L;
static union U0 g_300 = {0x9E01EE1CL};
static union U0 *g_302[2][3][2] = {{{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}, {{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}};
static int64_t *g_455 = &g_290;
static int64_t *volatile *g_454 = &g_455;
static void func_1(void);
static void func_1(void) {
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int ii_1;
int jj_1;
int ij_1;
// fusion
for (j = 0, ii_1 = 0, jj_1 = 0, ij_1 = 0; ij_1 <= 1; ij_1++) {
if (ij_1 <= 1 && j < 1) {
for (k = 0; k < 1; k++) {
g_a61[ii_1] = (*g_302[1][0][0]).f0 * g_37 - (*g_302[1][2][1]).f0;
if (ij_1 <= 1 && jj_1 < 1) {
g_b61[jj_1] = (*g_258[1][1]) * g_a61[jj_1] + (**g_454);
(*g_217) = &g_3;
int main(void) {
int i;
int print_hash_value = 0;
transparent_crc(g_3, "g_3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_37, "g_37", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_168, "g_168", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_290, "g_290", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_a61[i], "g_a61[i]", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_b61[i], "g_b61[i]", print_hash_value);
platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
return 0;
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzsWVtv4roW_jXmxSKyV0iABx64airNqEc6M8_IJA6YOjEncWh7fv2WnYRcCHRP1e7Rlhoh4sta37pkeeUrZVkm9gnnM-QtkLcasFwfVDpbS_XMk-Hx-DzYqfB1tlEp1geOIyWlehbJHutnhQMcCckzBEv8gE88jVQa89AK8v_l4swkTzTWKUsys8W0UAlWEZZKnXCUqhgjmCOYGxTqBMUEa9VYhmrZwQ84ZYkBz7i1bm3jlGcnHmhx5vIV55lxLRRRxFNjWp20iMX_C8OSn7nMsEgCmYdGrgAePpJiYMKoluj1ElwvuddL2fVSxDJdxfDTpOaFBRqrXJ9ybdzPpc4QTITDHRwcePCU5TE-M5mbzE4xSzly54isEJkjn5QfO8Xda_hI8PCRdtagM3c786wzNw7jwkL5ZC6b3sgbLUbzUTX3J_7KW002b87vCta2oM_WZLpcjSjQ3zbanfcnsbj9R3KWcXzg8oRjboqQv5wkEwl-PrxeVd0pVWEe8LBZa60Hip8PPCnr0ZyHjMW8pxyr524rbmqqRh9Y8oRfVe6U3trvQMUxS0IsRXKzGgLJTFG7S-NiwmLuBMhdm4Ueu-4aD2WMhw8YwWj53x8PP79tvz3-WCPYFAeEYwQ-Ah87CDbMUbnuNXrmaSZUgtw5tvYRLKQ8x5iOHOKUMioz2_kuT3SOARwyaobW0wJ6LVXSbu0fBFks9ME5IICmUKaZFgEWicb7LfMp8hYUeSvkLrr7_mhrZHbXMsV3npiU_SIYjRfVmbMNM8QRwSYs8C8q-IIY0XpRJJr6Zg1q7HHXTu2RC9YjFyN3hcmLt_Q3dLHxvvc4X4mOS1lYrv0lXS5vyiKY77fmIBl5BL7RvY1L_UkJPJn6C2_s0XvACOZnJZkWkuP9Fui4NkKBdhUDlWS67Rd4E-QtwDyD4lYAjBfmY2H8SdFWy_F4Zae3d8d3njhMicW_junyyPdbl5DKCfIyXRO6XtPl9x7cukxMJC6BOhK3P6DSa5eQi9dm3I7pt3drgU_Dv51UG_vI8-oHD1NyR_hSLqXiqFYceV7_ATkrEeIoT4ItRTAxM9M2_75o8xyb9iBMhEfz9VSf2Eil2DTmovqRu8BmuMRghwgW9tPCKtHEtnHwzYsNNgg2OMptj7wslwaOpQFYWs3a3NGao3ZYmStkbhi_QD7VIE81yFOfWtUZLWxVnDBpVDAtSpc0bjB1IlvlRd8Z9muUpU8vGnVSTP3U6WlOTAKPx04Cq0wdW-kpZlWGjv1pqbq63e_EV_Qa2nKzjIq1lWBRKlVF2qy3Tgz18GKHji3ypd22XgGNmjXBx0wk9yq19ZrBp1Qkentg2WFrueIlPZXQSTJtWPfW4G53fG_R2-4HaeDCds8TzXbdzcvRaatYNn9ihvJsgzRAMDFh2T4BdgRm0vWuhdELMa4xxu8FubwDoBy_D8a0rQrGjt-Gudkz6L2e0We8PJS2Jksfmktvu9IoyA9zanft1O63nGp61S5MnoQIJkUhBirR_EVj5K0xedmU16_vb8OnXOdp0qj_zvm6wSWv_sr8Yp5fzPOLeX4xz3898-xlU1ayu_gejmpcPzZnokXQytnSlnm1cJO6isjG3NSpfnuoiPC10nsY7-X6M9S3vFqk11wVxe8KNvh-P32-n7qaJPcl4R9ixza-43UcnUz0kuhPZtEfRaLvcehPJNEfw6I_ikb_QR79KST6i0XfZdGDcOaGU3fKBnxGxwT8EbhTMjjMXPCi0GeMhRSiHfeDHTDqQeiPQ9_lARmIGRBwKVCPAnXJ1CHRlDISERKFkyByORoRHjMhHSnPsaPS_UBkWc5nY8-bTAeS7bjM7D-rABL-jO2myZ23GqQzozPc5fsMjYgUmc5qFC205LM84S8nHmgedn-vF0n5Cix_tB8-0kGeytlB61OG3HnxmtwLfch3TqBiBBuDXd6Gp1QdeaARbKxHGYKN9fivAAAA___mayl2">