<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/75068>75068</a>
unexpected results in optimizations
First of all, I used csmith tools to generate c files randomly. Meanwhile, the final running result is the checksum for global variables in a c file.
For the following two c files, I performed the equivalent transformation of loop from **file1.c** to **file2.c**. And the two files produced different results (i.e. different checksum values) when using ``` clang file.c -O1 -lm -I $CSMITH_HOME/include && ./a.out```, while the results of both are the same when using other levels of optimization such as **-O0**, **-O2**, **-O3**, **-Os**, **-Ofast**.
Please help me to explain why this is, thank you.
version: clang 14.0.0
os: ubuntu 22.04
#include "csmith.h"
static int g_a105[1];
static int64_t g_b105[1];
union U0 {
signed f0 : 26;
int64_t f1;
int16_t f2;
static int32_t g_37 = 0x2CE6C1CCL;
static uint8_t g_206[2] = {0UL, 0UL};
static union U0 g_300 = {0x9E01EE1CL};
static union U0 *g_302[2][3][2] = {{{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}, {{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}};
static union U0 **volatile g_457 = &g_302[0][1][1];
static void func_1(void);
static void func_1(void) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
int ii_2;
// fusion
for (j = 0, ii_2 = 0; j < 1; j++, ii_2++) {
g_a105[ii_2] = g_206[0] * g_37 - (**g_457).f0;
int jj_2;
for (jj_2 = 0; jj_2 < 1; jj_2++) {
g_b105[jj_2] = (*g_302[0][1][0]).f0 * g_a105[jj_2] - (*g_302[1][2][1]).f1;
int main(void) {
int i;
int print_hash_value = 0;
transparent_crc(g_37, "g_37", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_206[i], "g_206[i]", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_a105[i], "g_a105[i]", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_b105[i], "g_b105[i]", print_hash_value);
platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
return 0;
#include "csmith.h"
static int g_a105[1];
static int64_t g_b105[1];
union U0 {
signed f0 : 26;
int64_t f1;
int16_t f2;
static int32_t g_37 = 0x2CE6C1CCL;
static uint8_t g_206[2] = {0UL, 0UL};
static union U0 g_300 = {0x9E01EE1CL};
static union U0 *g_302[2][3][2] = {{{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}, {{&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}, {&g_300, &g_300}}};
static union U0 **volatile g_457 = &g_302[0][1][1];
static void func_1(void);
static void func_1(void) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
int ii_2;
int jj_2;
int ij_2;
// fusion
for (j = 0, ii_2 = 0, jj_2 = 0, ij_2 = 0; ij_2 <= 1; ij_2++) {
if (ij_2 <= 1 && j < 1) {
g_a105[ii_2] = g_206[0] * g_37 - (**g_457).f0;
if (ij_2 <= 1 && jj_2 < 1) {
g_b105[jj_2] = (*g_302[0][1][0]).f0 * g_a105[jj_2] - (*g_302[1][2][1]).f1;
int main(void) {
int i;
int print_hash_value = 0;
transparent_crc(g_37, "g_37", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_206[i], "g_206[i]", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_a105[i], "g_a105[i]", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
transparent_crc(g_b105[i], "g_b105[i]", print_hash_value);
platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
return 0;
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzsWN2O4rgSfhpzUyJyHBLgggugG81IM5ojnTPXyEkcYsbYHNuB7n36le0kBJrp2e390e6oUZTY5fr5PrscF6HG8J1kbIHSFUofRrSxtdKLR6HOTI73-_MoV-XzYsO1saAqoEIgsoaP0BhWQmEO3NZglRIGrIIdk0xTy6CAigtmQFNZqoN4juAzo_Jcc8Gcua0ZVFxSAbqRkssdaGYaYYEbP1bUrPhmmgNUSsNOqJwKOFHNae6ccgm0jRAh_IDwcqN08KmEUGfnz55VByLgPTJdKX1gpVdk_2_4iQomLVhNpXFD1HIlHUeh1BEqrQ6AyBKRpfMSR0XoOJoXMenEESxlcO0iB_JHrcqmYCWUvKqYdsECTQOIzHjEosFIT_lEReNAz-FcMwmNcXRQhsMFhaByF7gXMP4Sw1gcYPwREJms__v54_8-bD98-fyIyIbLQjQlA0QyRDKIENnQSDW2d-Xmxa-Ih90hUxXkytZAdZAbemBDJMrWTINgJya8sjpafuC_hMkzTVEDNe0Ejb_g0HCROhF5KUpeisxLUUWNbec6LPp_BKOGQc3EEQ7MrQt7OgrKJZzrZ7A1N8BNyDYqv8GzalrDcD8xbbiSKFm2cxpPIhzhMKiMkzd5I20DhER4MjS9kxbtQD-3rV5yWQUSNktUI0KGzoyllhfApYXdlsY4RekqRukDSla3Ctlk65TyO0rh3ki3Cl8xoGkrB_D7u4QKg6NEst4EepdVfC2MMyckF-fT20AXTAnxmJIpoOQB8BNZP2breL3-dIu_4dLOvC7BGUpXBKUP3gZNV_jrJ7dQ7jF9QbwntdsmGPcmT_NHHD8-xutXbRBZOjPSBkTpKgmPYfj2IpmPEJKubU8ffPetoxeFv8z_6-QRWZ6UoNZt8912koZlal24WcFhOuLB4-5SnxQvoWpksY0RmbkeIvPfoTpMSZfr3FHZD_LOverdazHkEUpW4JpriH0TkZW_rvy0nviWDPwAILJBZANV4_d3L24D7NsAZO0tL-H2l3D7LlzQuRe836teoc2lLrexF5Bl2BhjFzashV8CROZRha8hTx-uSe33N6Q69PsryKHXod7fh-p__WvDa3W573HdTwXf80hbJvTafnxjHV_2Vddz1vF3ePatS8PfHfkD5fK1zLl6WcFRc2m3NTX11p-d_fS0SkdBrTvft87tNmc773yYvQCFLhKy3TFpaf5isE_lK7GvG47UHd7bQheIzNxihw1KQpO43i28G9_fyXryWtbfCx0Sj_tpbyEMRT-GMkjBN23Fe6C6LTJEdSX7DTP0h3DdA5XfAZW_GdR1djFZIjIL2VQoadmTBZQ-An7atL9w0r3qXTPbaDlI4Zstcltl3NQk5KerSd5LkveS5N9dktw90r3mrfAtxYuDvR_2-FWV0PbWThB3gu8WCrzynIc23X_IrkJ6aQR_cj3kfl0RdisfVGTXQ5eX8mscLiXTfRr_hDLJ09__kObgaPz7yqn3euq9nvpJ66lRuUjKeTKnI7aIp5gkMUnnyaheTCa0yMo0wUUyJdWcVElesklKKKlYPKPxiC-IV4_jOEuyJInm-SyZZ2lVZTmeYVyhCWYHykUkxOkQKb0bcWMatpimOJuNBM2ZMN03WL1wSuO82Rk0wYIbay5mllvBFo1kT0dWWFb2H-64vPoWZ0aNFova2qNByTKcKjtu6yaPCnVAZOM8to_xUas9KywiG4_KILLxwH4NAAD__x2Y134">