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<a href=https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/63059>63059</a>
[GVN] unsound transform: Source is more defined than target
Running `llvm/test/Transforms/PhaseOrdering/X86/vec-load-combine.ll` through Alive2 (with `opt-alive.sh`) shows that GVN performs an unsound transformation, after which the source is more defined than target
Reproducer IR for just running GVN:
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64--"
%union.ElementWiseAccess = type { <4 x float> }
define dso_local noundef <4 x float> @ConvertVectors_ByRef(ptr noundef nonnull align 16 dereferenceable(16) %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%2 = load <4 x float>, ptr %0, align 16
%3 = shufflevector <4 x float> %2, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 poison, i32 poison, i32 poison>
%4 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x float], ptr %0, i64 0, i64 1
%5 = load float, ptr %4, align 4
%6 = insertelement <4 x float> %3, float %5, i64 1
%7 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x float], ptr %0, i64 0, i64 2
%8 = load float, ptr %7, align 8
%9 = insertelement <4 x float> %6, float %8, i64 2
%10 = insertelement <4 x float> %9, float %8, i64 3
ret <4 x float> %10
attributes #0 = { "target-features"="+avx" }
attributes #1 = { mustprogress nocallback nofree nosync nounwind willreturn memory(argmem: readwrite) "target-features"="+avx" }
Alive2 report:
define <4 x float> @ConvertVectors_ByRef(ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0) noundef {
%2 = load <4 x float>, ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0, align 16
%3 = shufflevector <4 x float> %2, <4 x float> poison, 0, 4294967295, 4294967295, 4294967295
%4 = gep inbounds ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0, 16 x i64 0, 4 x i64 1
%5 = load float, ptr %4, align 4
%6 = insertelement <4 x float> %3, float %5, i64 1
%7 = gep inbounds ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0, 16 x i64 0, 4 x i64 2
%8 = load float, ptr %7, align 8
%9 = insertelement <4 x float> %6, float %8, i64 2
%10 = insertelement <4 x float> %9, float %8, i64 3
ret <4 x float> %10
define <4 x float> @ConvertVectors_ByRef(ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0) noundef {
%2 = load <4 x float>, ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0, align 16
%3 = shufflevector <4 x float> %2, <4 x float> poison, 0, 4294967295, 4294967295, 4294967295
%5 = bitcast <4 x float> %2 to i128
%6 = lshr i128 %5, 32
%7 = trunc i128 %6 to i32
%8 = bitcast i32 %7 to float
%9 = insertelement <4 x float> %3, float %8, i64 1
%11 = lshr i128 %5, 64
%12 = trunc i128 %11 to i32
%13 = bitcast i32 %12 to float
%14 = insertelement <4 x float> %9, float %13, i64 2
%15 = insertelement <4 x float> %14, float %13, i64 3
ret <4 x float> %15
Transformation doesn't verify! (unsound)
ERROR: Source is more defined than target
ptr nonnull dereferenceable(16) noundef align(16) %0 = pointer(non-local, block_id=0, offset=33)
<4 x float> %2 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), poison >
<4 x float> %3 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison, poison, poison >
ptr %4 = pointer(non-local, block_id=0, offset=37)
float %5 = #x00000000 (+0.0)
<4 x float> %6 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), poison, poison >
ptr %7 = pointer(non-local, block_id=0, offset=41)
float %8 = #x00000000 (+0.0)
<4 x float> %9 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), poison >
<4 x float> %10 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0) >
Block 0 > size: 128 align: 2 alloc type: 0 address: 15
<4 x float> %2 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), #x00000000 (+0.0), poison >
<4 x float> %3 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison, poison, poison >
i128 %5 = poison
i128 %6 = poison
i32 %7 = poison
float %8 = poison
<4 x float> %9 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison, poison, poison >
i128 %11 = poison
i32 %12 = poison
float %13 = poison
<4 x float> %14 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison, poison, poison >
<4 x float> %15 = < #x00000000 (+0.0), poison, poison, poison >
<img width="1px" height="1px" alt="" src="http://email.email.llvm.org/o/eJzsWN9v6ygW_mvIC0plg-3YD3lIm-RqtXfaVW737u5TRezjmBkMFuD-2L9-BXacNHH2tr3d1UgzUYRs4BzOh_k-DjBj-E4CzFF8jeLlhLW2UnpeVqySk60qXuabVkoudxglgRCPNSJrC8Yisr7XTJpS6dogsv5bxQzc6QI0lztE1v9ME0TWj5BPhWLFNFf1lku4EgIlAbaVVu2uwgvBH4FgRNInbis3gmrslLnaK1OhJEAkw6ZSTwbbiln85fstbkD7MTGTuJVGtbLAdh8Js1xJRG4wKy1o_FTxvMK2AmxUq3PA3OBaacAFlFxC4bxKbJnegUXBEgWLrtxAo1XR5qDxXza4VBr_2hqLdT8TX77fIro4NujLJOj__rXziwtmmWAvqrUY0SVGhMC0RnQB04bMAkQXlPjCvYavX91TEvliyvcPZeqMQpJOZeoekr1NEk2_hSRFhLwa32reCNiP_ZwmD0k0nQ69-pLEreRKXq0E1CDtP7iBRZ6DMd7QvjSA0ewaI3oT4WdcCsUsoiuMZstjN9284sKoB6FyJrB03wfKc7souFHyEbT9DrlV2jxcv2ygRCRtrB6spJKyFQIzwXcShwkuQEMJGmQObCsAkTRM3BpBJPZrxQ_60ErJaigeWFFojAgNXOhdgK4n8ZDcsjwNy60cN37n7mYYt7d19dQbm6otSwGPPvZzcCQmzvy0vlHcdMuzb-Huu63cG6cE-yHdw6HfxTe6Ooop8jHtwEL38RwELrduEg1G8fUhiHh5CpEnER4ewiOn8WGWOtuDYXSYm-jIIvEWXBrQ-0jGpoY6a1_hhxkbe_ZZgMiR0_QyoNkBUHpkkb0NUPIKUDo2dhi8zVU27oruXWkYNQt7xRnYyKzVfNtaMP36d-R39CWkU4VpCcy2GozTAbp0Jblmj8-IEHzBSzh4qVtjG6122smDdJQTW5b_hqUqNQCWyrzI3JP4icsCP3EhNNhWS1xDrfQLIinTuxqcCmINrHjS3ELH4_fEd6K352W_v2holLankv3auFeu9-pUp0-XZGmvY35pnYnVoI17cXJfcogSv02qfiaEM4H7NH3zziOSRVkyI1n8X9_Odaw5kP3nIYaJE9q9KET9y-9N6f4PkP-oWujkY79d_snyT01jPkbzjm9bbnNmRj8hwVZh7lLZU8oJU2nfMhCKkjM2Wd3KfOiVeGf0fPXvA3BZlbe1qo_i3aueji_VY6KH4QUAybGwhGQEQRieQwjpGIaQjIEIo48QLqSj5I3f5iuMLjj7IX3jE_revzrb4UKBkYjMLH4EzcsXREJ3fuxPgohkndVqs7nbuPTi27sOfqtnVjcCBnr-HPf8VDWKSwsakVQqOfUHFDcXW6Hy3x54gejSs0iVpQGL6JLSAURXdggO2csYX3xmRm9cmvYc9D83LYhcB1dOhjyPP9zYMR4PMjpGgbfFcNCO06eD9_3e-7Hpmw3Td9h5-8PvpbguYUo-YV5_CHP2IZhReA4z_SDM7HewfPqk4H8YxMXGo7g6vt39fXOzwr-sfrnb_At_u1_cr44SiQ_9vfnt3e30693N4iu-_np389dvA6Ov3UfGQRdHZvi_Hdmx3_6yTlTowolwxoRQub-LcTWBqykKdwjz_eNjEPedtP1xRGPYU_d0cv1etSTnLfud_7ThhFLHTR_nz3tQ9NnCSLB9hjAabZ8U_CDcPh34lHhHN_BPdL8_o0-KOS0ymrEJzMMkjZMoCIN0Us0pCaNZmZRlUeZZMIuysshncTxL2ZbGbMsmfE4CQoMkCMMZCaP0KimzWUCzqEwjEkFWoCiAmnFxJcRjfaX0bsKNaWGe0CDOJoJtQRh_OU5IzU2u6oaL_prZZceIEH8rThdfvt-6qng50XNXNd22O4OiQHBjzcG75Vb423bXP16e32E7Mr8hbZm0WswraxvHfkTWiKx33Fbt9ipXNSLr_q7eR9Jo9SvkFpG1x2YQWXt4_wkAAP__3O2J8A">