<base href="https://bugs.llvm.org/">
<body><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<th>Bug ID</th>
<td><a class="bz_bug_link
bz_status_NEW "
title="NEW - clang incorrectly optimize integer conversion from int to unsigned long long with -O2 on x86_64"
<td>clang incorrectly optimize integer conversion from int to unsigned long long with -O2 on x86_64
<td>-New Bugs
<td>htmldeveloper@gmail.com, llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org, neeilans@live.com, richard-llvm@metafoo.co.uk
<pre>The original code is from
<a href="https://github.com/milc-qcd/milc_qcd/blob/master/generic/ranstuff.c">https://github.com/milc-qcd/milc_qcd/blob/master/generic/ranstuff.c</a>
Please see the license at
<a href="https://github.com/milc-qcd/milc_qcd/blob/master/LICENSE">https://github.com/milc-qcd/milc_qcd/blob/master/LICENSE</a>
When compiled with -O2, the assignment
prn_pt->ic_state = seed;
gives pro_pt->ic_state the wrong value.
It behaves correctly on PowerPC, but gives incorrect results on x86_64, as
$ cat tmilcrng.h
#ifndef _TMILCRNG_H
#define _TMILCRNG_H
typedef struct {
unsigned long r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6;
unsigned long long multiplier,addend,ic_state;
float scale;
} double_prn;
typedef struct {
int index;
double_prn site_prn;
} Lattice;
extern Lattice *lattice;
extern int nx,ny,nz,nt;
extern int node_index(int,int,int,int);
$ cat tmilcrng_o.c
initialize_prn(double_prn *prn_pt, int seed, int index)
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r0 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r1 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r2 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r3 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r4 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r5 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->r6 = (seed>>8) & 0xffffff;
seed = (69607+8*index)*seed+12345;
prn_pt->ic_state = seed;
prn_pt->multiplier = 100000005 + 8*index;
prn_pt->addend = 12345;
prn_pt->scale = 1.0/((double)0x1000000);
printf("initialize_prn: 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx,
0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx, %.7g\n",
prn_pt->r0, prn_pt->r1, prn_pt->r2, prn_pt->r3, prn_pt->r4,
prn_pt->r5, prn_pt->r6,
prn_pt->multiplier, prn_pt->addend, prn_pt->ic_state,
initialize_site_prn_from_seed(int iseed)
int x, y, z, t, i;
printf("WARNING!!: Resetting random seed\n");
initialize_prn( &(lattice[i].site_prn) , iseed,
$ cat tmilcrng.c
extern void initialize_site_prn_from_seed(int);
extern void initialize_site_prn_from_seed_opt(int);
int i, failed=0;
int seed = 5682304;
Lattice lat[16], lat_opt[16];
for(i=0;i<16;++i) lat[i].index=lat_opt[i].index=i;
lattice = lat;
lattice = lat_opt;
printf("error in initialize_prn %d\n",i);
return failed;
Lattice *lattice;
int nx,ny,nz,nt;
node_index(int x, int y, int z, int t)
return x+nx*(y+ny*(z+nz*t));
#define initialize_prn initialize_prn_opt
#define initialize_site_prn_from_seed initialize_site_prn_from_seed_opt
$ cat r
"$CC" -O0 -o tmilcrng_o.o -c tmilcrng_o.c
"$CC" -O2 -o tmilcrng.o -c tmilcrng.c
"$CC" -o tmilcrng tmilcrng_o.o tmilcrng.o
$ ./r
WARNING!!: Resetting random seed
initialize_prn: 0x17508f 0x51d6b7 0x24a2cd 0x664033 0x3a402d 0x7ffb50 0x867cc8,
0x5f5e105 0x3039 0x7251b820, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x1a0633 0xdc8b50 0x60bed0 0x50a1eb 0xaf558e 0x431843 0x5370af,
0x5f5e10d 0x3039 0x2fe41a40, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x1cbbd7 0x929a2a 0xa5f82f 0xdd0392 0x6770a 0x40be63 0x3312f,
0x5f5e115 0x3039 0x258b9660, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x1f717b 0x740344 0x4c4eb 0x35afd4 0x9c185b 0x455c64 0xe56bcb,
0x5f5e11d 0x3039 0xffffffffa308f480, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x22271f 0x80c69e 0x8d9b04 0x93b15d 0x7d42bf 0x57eefa 0x518688,
0x5f5e125 0x3039 0x2bd8fca0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x24dcc3 0xb8e438 0x50f079 0x3ed2d9 0xb594f0 0xe35cd9 0xf933ea,
0x5f5e12d 0x3039 0xffffffffc2b476c0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x279267 0x1c5c11 0x5f3b4a 0x8d9ef4 0x9d432c 0x7fd2b5 0x5c46f3,
0x5f5e135 0x3039 0xffffffffad902ae0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x2a480b 0xab2e2b 0xc8f178 0xe5605a 0x27172d 0x5c1f41 0x5dc72a,
0x5f5e13d 0x3039 0xfffffffff81ce100, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x2cfdaf 0x655a85 0x9e8903 0xba21b7 0x2e7030 0x470f33 0xfa4491,
0x5f5e145 0x3039 0xfffffffffac76120, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x2fb353 0x4ae11f 0xf077ea 0x8eadb7 0xc542f2 0x58c93e 0x1f6bac,
0x5f5e14d 0x3039 0x2c387340, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3268f7 0x5bc1f8 0xcf342d 0xf48f06 0x8219ad 0x3c2a16 0xa4d980,
0x5f5e155 0x3039 0xffffffff8354df60, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x351e9b 0x97fd12 0x4b33cd 0x8c1051 0xce141f 0x18206f 0x662f90,
0x5f5e15d 0x3039 0xffffffffafbd6d80, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x37d43f 0xff926c 0x74ecc9 0x43c42 0x32e782 0x1908fd 0x7e67e1,
0x5f5e165 0x3039 0x6ecee5a0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3a89e3 0x928206 0x5cd522 0x1add86 0xa8de94 0x9a0a73 0xa468f7,
0x5f5e16d 0x3039 0x43220fc0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3d3f87 0x50cbe0 0x1362d8 0x9c7ec9 0xe4d98f 0xee7187 0xa8d9d5,
0x5f5e175 0x3039 0xffffffffd48bb3e0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3ff52b 0x3a6ff9 0xa90bea 0x646ab7 0xa64e30 0xcb0cec 0x1535ff,
0x5f5e17d 0x3039 0x3e9c9a00, 5.960464e-08
WARNING!!: Resetting random seed
initialize_prn: 0x17508f 0x51d6b7 0x24a2cd 0x664033 0x3a402d 0x7ffb50 0x867cc8,
0x5f5e105 0x3039 0xffff7ef07251b820, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x1a0633 0xdc8b50 0x60bed0 0x50a1eb 0xaf558e 0x431843 0x5370af,
0x5f5e10d 0x3039 0x58a22fe41a40, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x1cbbd7 0x929a2a 0xa5f82f 0xdd0392 0x6770a 0x40be63 0x3312f,
0x5f5e115 0x3039 0x364258b9660, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x1f717b 0x740344 0x4c4eb 0x35afd4 0x9c185b 0x455c64 0xe56bcb,
0x5f5e11d 0x3039 0xffffe3c2a308f480, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x22271f 0x80c69e 0x8d9b04 0x93b15d 0x7d42bf 0x57eefa 0x518688,
0x5f5e125 0x3039 0x56a12bd8fca0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x24dcc3 0xb8e438 0x50f079 0x3ed2d9 0xb594f0 0xe35cd9 0xf933ea,
0x5f5e12d 0x3039 0xfffff8c6c2b476c0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x279267 0x1c5c11 0x5f3b4a 0x8d9ef4 0x9d432c 0x7fd2b5 0x5c46f3,
0x5f5e135 0x3039 0x6213ad902ae0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x2a480b 0xab2e2b 0xc8f178 0xe5605a 0x27172d 0x5c1f41 0x5dc72a,
0x5f5e13d 0x3039 0x63aef81ce100, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x2cfdaf 0x655a85 0x9e8903 0xba21b7 0x2e7030 0x470f33 0xfa4491,
0x5f5e145 0x3039 0xfffff9e7fac76120, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x2fb353 0x4ae11f 0xf077ea 0x8eadb7 0xc542f2 0x58c93e 0x1f6bac,
0x5f5e14d 0x3039 0x21682c387340, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3268f7 0x5bc1f8 0xcf342d 0xf48f06 0x8219ad 0x3c2a16 0xa4d980,
0x5f5e155 0x3039 0xffff9f138354df60, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x351e9b 0x97fd12 0x4b33cd 0x8c1051 0xce141f 0x18206f 0x662f90,
0x5f5e15d 0x3039 0x6cabafbd6d80, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x37d43f 0xff926c 0x74ecc9 0x43c42 0x32e782 0x1908fd 0x7e67e1,
0x5f5e165 0x3039 0x86716ecee5a0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3a89e3 0x928206 0x5cd522 0x1add86 0xa8de94 0x9a0a73 0xa468f7,
0x5f5e16d 0x3039 0xffff9e9343220fc0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3d3f87 0x50cbe0 0x1362d8 0x9c7ec9 0xe4d98f 0xee7187 0xa8d9d5,
0x5f5e175 0x3039 0xffffa349d48bb3e0, 5.960464e-08
initialize_prn: 0x3ff52b 0x3a6ff9 0xa90bea 0x646ab7 0xa64e30 0xcb0cec 0x1535ff,
0x5f5e17d 0x3039 0x16913e9c9a00, 5.960464e-08
error in initialize_prn 0
error in initialize_prn 1
error in initialize_prn 2
error in initialize_prn 3
error in initialize_prn 4
error in initialize_prn 5
error in initialize_prn 6
error in initialize_prn 7
error in initialize_prn 8
error in initialize_prn 9
error in initialize_prn 10
error in initialize_prn 11
error in initialize_prn 12
error in initialize_prn 13
error in initialize_prn 14
error in initialize_prn 15</pre>
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