<base href="https://bugs.llvm.org/">
<body><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<th>Bug ID</th>
<td><a class="bz_bug_link
bz_status_NEW "
title="NEW - AVX miscompile at -O2 beginning with r360526"
<td>AVX miscompile at -O2 beginning with r360526
<td>Windows NT
<td>Backend: X86
<td>craig.topper@gmail.com, llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org, llvm-dev@redking.me.uk, spatel+llvm@rotateright.com
<pre>One of our random test-generators found a miscompile bug in an AVX test-case.
Bisecting identifies that the problem first appeared at r360526 (although it
isn't clear to me whether that commit has a bug, or is exposing a latent
bug -- by guess is it's exposing a problem). I verified that the problem still
appears with a fairly modern version -- checked r370900.
Below is a somewhat reduced source-level repro.
$ cat test.cpp
// ==========================================================================
extern "C" int printf(const char *, ...);
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef double __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))) double4;
typedef double __m256d __attribute__((__vector_size__(32), __aligned__(32)));
typedef double __m128d __attribute__((__vector_size__(16), __aligned__(16)));
typedef double __v2df __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
typedef double __v4df __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (32)));
typedef unsigned long long __v4du __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (32)));
static void init(unsigned char pred, volatile void *data, unsigned size) {
unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)data;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != size; ++i)
bytes[i] = pred + i;
int main() {
union { __m256d x; char c[32]; } zero_union;
__m256d id6595;
init(212, &id6595, sizeof(id6595));
__m256d id6597;
init(106, &id6597, sizeof(id6597));
__m128d id6599;
init(239, &id6599, sizeof(id6599));
__m256d id1725 =
__builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)id6599, (__v2df)id6599, 0, 1, -1, -1);
zero_union.x = id1725;
for (unsigned i = 16; i != 32; ++i)
zero_union.c[i] = 0;
__m256d id6598 = zero_union.x;
__m256d id6596 = (__m256d) ((__v4df)id6597+(__v4df)id6598);
__m256d id6594 =
__builtin_shufflevector((__v4df)id6595, (__v4df)id6596, 1, 5, 1+2, 5+2);
volatile __m256d id6600;
init(176, &id6600, sizeof(id6600));
volatile __m256d id6605;
init(65, &id6605, sizeof(id6605));
__m256d id6606;
init(66, &id6606, sizeof(id6606));
__m256d id6604 = (__m256d) (~(__v4du)id6605 & (__v4du)id6606);
volatile __m256d id6609;
init(168, &id6609, sizeof(id6609));
__attribute__((aligned(32))) uchar id6613;
init(124, &id6613, sizeof(id6613));
__m256d id6610;
init(217, &id6610, sizeof(id6610));
for (uchar id6611_idx = 0; (id6611_idx < id6613); ++id6611_idx) {
volatile __m256d id6612;
init(93, &id6612, sizeof(id6612));
id6610 *= id6612;
__m256d id6608 =
__builtin_shufflevector((__v4df)id6609, (__v4df)id6610, 1, 5, 1+2, 5+2);
static volatile __attribute__((aligned(2)))__m256d id6614 =
__extension__ (__m256d){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
__m256d id6607 =
(__m256d)__builtin_ia32_haddpd256((__v4df)id6608, (__v4df)id6614);
__m256d id6603 =
(__m256d)__builtin_ia32_hsubpd256((__v4df)id6604, (__v4df)id6607);
volatile __m256d id6602 =
__builtin_shufflevector((__v4df)id6603, (__v4df)id6603, 0, 0, 2, 2);
volatile __attribute__((aligned(32)))__m256d id6601 =
__m256d id6593 = (__m256d)__builtin_ia32_blendvpd256(
(__v4df)id6594, (__v4df)id6600, (__v4df)id6601);
double4 id6592 = (static_cast<double4>(id6593));
printf("id6592:%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",id6592[0],id6592[1],id6592[2],id6592[3]);
return 0;
// ==========================================================================
$ ~/llvm.8.0/bin/clang++ -mavx -O0 -o test.elf test.cpp
$ test.elf | tee llvm8.txt
id6592:-0.000000 -0.120083 -60539778500895675077088930481106321408.000000
$ ~/llvm.8.0/bin/clang++ -mavx -O2 -o test.elf test.cpp
$ test.elf | diff llvm8.txt -
$ r360526/bin/clang++ --version | egrep 'version'\|'Target'
clang version 9.0.0 (trunk 360526)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ r360526/bin/clang++ -mavx -O0 -o test.elf test.cpp
$ test.elf | diff llvm8.txt -
$ r360526/bin/clang++ -mavx -O2 -o test.elf test.cpp
$ test.elf | diff llvm8.txt -
< id6592:-0.000000 -0.120083 -60539778500895675077088930481106321408.000000
<span class="quote">> id6592:-0.000000 -5141221720570257117792454033359263003807236078306659704678783633844346063763670599376596080887364908982157086903115200913387331142513248047145337233885905544954992509425426830156252708146824920980885521333040555469700954412883838074547909394193152829277777742490970125863264566428463469688215073724563456.000000 -60539778500895675077088930481106321408.000000 -27866005112515140108039219831221433722840879450495184416280192272475975843840.000000</span >
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