[llvm-branch-commits] [cfe-branch] r93311 - /cfe/branches/Apple/lemur-IB/NMakefile

Daniel Dunbar daniel at zuster.org
Wed Jan 13 00:14:21 PST 2010

Author: ddunbar
Date: Wed Jan 13 02:14:21 2010
New Revision: 93311

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=93311&view=rev
Apply a number of important fixes to the build/install process:

 - Override the CXXFLAGS used by CMake to disable optimization; MSVC is
   miscompiling clang, currently.

 - Force static C run-time linking, and eliminate unnecessary libs.

 - Add a 'test' target, which is automatically done before install.

 - Add a 'clean' target, and don't use vcbuild /r.


Modified: cfe/branches/Apple/lemur-IB/NMakefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/cfe/branches/Apple/lemur-IB/NMakefile?rev=93311&r1=93310&r2=93311&view=diff

--- cfe/branches/Apple/lemur-IB/NMakefile (original)
+++ cfe/branches/Apple/lemur-IB/NMakefile Wed Jan 13 02:14:21 2010
@@ -16,27 +16,52 @@
+# Override default CMake flags to use static C run-time library.
+# FIXME: Currently clang is miscompiled with the default release settings. For
+# now, force optimization off. :(
+# Override CMake default libraries list, which is much larger than we need.
+CXXLIBS=kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib
+all:: help
 	@echo "usage: make [target]"
 	@echo "Available Targets:"
+	@echo "  clean    : clean the build (removes OBJROOT)"
 	@echo "  configure: configure using CMake (inside OBJROOT)"
 	@echo "  build    : build using vcbuild.exe (inside OBJROOT)"
-	@echo "  install  : configure, build and install"
+	@echo "  test     : run the clang regression tests"
+	@echo "  install  : configure, build, test and install"
+	del /s/q "$(OBJROOT)"
 	"$(CMAKE)" -E make_directory "$(OBJROOT)"
 	cd "$(OBJROOT)"
-	         -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD:=X86 \
-	         -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" \
-	         "$(SRCROOT)\src"
+	           -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD:=X86 \
+	           -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" \
+	           "$(SRCROOT)\src"
+# FIXME: Only build clang.
 build: configure
 	cd "$(OBJROOT)"
-	"$(VCBUILD)" /M$(JOBS) /r LLVM.sln "Release|Win32"
-	"$(VCBUILD)" /M$(JOBS) /r INSTALL.vcproj "Release|Win32"
+	"$(VCBUILD)" /M$(JOBS) LLVM.sln "$(TARGET)"
+	"$(VCBUILD)" /M$(JOBS) INSTALL.vcproj "$(TARGET)"
+test: build
+	cd "$(OBJROOT)"
+	"$(VCBUILD)" /M$(JOBS) tools\clang\test\clang-test.vcproj "$(TARGET)"
-install: build
+install: test
 	"$(CMAKE)" -E make_directory "$(BINDEST)"
 	xcopy /i/y "$(STAGEROOT)\bin\clang.exe" "$(BINDEST)"

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