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I am trying to implement the expression evaluation for PPC64le using JIT.<br>
But the LLDB is failling to allocate memory when it tries to evaluate an expression.<br>
A Thread Plan is being interrupted before LLDB tries to allocate memory.<br>
How could I check why this plan is not finishing?<br>
What functions should I implement to enable JIT?<br>
I am sending the logs of the issue below.<br>
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="1">
<td valign="top"><font size="-1">lldb 0x10013069c10: tid = 0x976: stop info = breakpoint 1.1 (stop_id = 4)<br>
lldb Process::RunThreadPlan(): execution interrupted: 0x3fff70006ac0 Event: broadcaster = 0x100130167b8 (lldb.process), type = 0x00000001 (state-changed), data = { process = 0x10013016780 (pid = 2422), state = stopped} <1 threads> <0x0976 [ip 0x1000058c]
breakpoint 1.1><br>
lldb Process::RunThreadPlan: ExecutionInterrupted - discarding thread plans up to 0x10013076210.<br>
lldb Discarding thread plans for thread tid = 0x0976, up to 0x10013076210<br>
lldb 0x10013025c10 Broadcaster("lldb.process")::RestoreBroadcaster (about to pop listener("lldb.process.listener.run-thread-plan")=0x10012f85810)<br>
lldb 0x10012f85810 Listener::Clear('lldb.process.listener.run-thread-plan')<br>
lldb 0x10012f85810 Listener::~Listener('lldb.process.listener.run-thread-plan')<br>
lldb ThreadPlanCallFunction(0x10013076210): DoTakedown called as no-op for thread 0x0976, m_valid: 1 complete: 1.<br>
lldb Target::RemoveBreakpointByID (break_id = -3, internal = yes)<br>
lldb Target::DisableBreakpointByID (break_id = -3, internal = yes)<br>
lldb GDBRemoteCommunicationClient::SendGDBStoppointTypePacket() remove at addr = 0x100003d0<br>
lldb 0x10013017168 Communication::Write (src = 0x10012e7d318, src_len = 17) connection = 0x1001302e610<br>
lldb 0x1001302e610 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Write (src = 0x10012e7d318, src_len = 17)<br>
lldb 0x1001302e610 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Write(fd = 7, src = 0x10012e7d318, src_len = 17) => 17 (error = (null))<br>
lldb this = 0x0000010013017168, dst = 0x00003FFFED125FC8, dst_len = 8192, timeout = 99999999000000 us, connection = 0x000001001302E610<br>
lldb this = 0x000001001302E610, timeout = 99999999000000 us<br>
lldb 0x1001302e610 ConnectionFileDescriptor::Read() fd = 7, dst = 0x3fffed125fc8, dst_len = 8192) => 6, error = (null)<br>
lldb ProcessGDBRemote::DoAllocateMemory no direct stub support for memory allocation, and InferiorCallMmap also failed - is stub missing register context save/restore capability?<br>
lldb Process::DoAllocateMemory (byte_size = 0x00001000, permissions = rwx) => 0xffffffffffffffff<br>
lldb AllocatedMemoryCache::AllocateMemory (byte_size = 0x00000008, permissions = rwx) => 0xffffffffffffffff<br>
lldb Process::CanJIT pid 2422 allocation test failed, CanJIT () is false: unable to allocate 4096 bytes of memory with permissions rwx<br>
lldb AllocatedMemoryCache::DeallocateMemory (addr = 0xffffffffffffffff) => 0</font><br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
Alexandre Yukio Yamashita (DSB) <br>
Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado <br>
<a href="http://www.eldorado.org.br/" title="Eldorado">www.eldorado.org.br</a><br>
+55 19 3757 3201 / +55 19 9 8336 5553 <br>