[lldb-dev] Question about LLDB SBEvent C++ API

Rui Liu via lldb-dev lldb-dev at lists.llvm.org
Sat Mar 14 16:13:04 PDT 2020

Hi LLDB devs,

The SBEvent API has GetType() method on it, which returns a uint32_t,
however I didn't find any documentation on how to interpret this
uint32_t... Is there a enum for it somewhere?

There is a GetDescription() API to create a human-readable string, but I'd
rather to inspect the event type programmatically.

Overall I find the API is not documented very well, which makes it quite
hard to use... For example, I didn't find a place that explains what are
the the possible event types and what data they carry. (I didn't even find
an enum!) Are there any good resources that I might not discover yet?

Also any advice on how to use LLDB C++ API (without prior knowledge) would
be much appreciated!

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