[lldb-dev] Remote debug a program running on FreeBSD from Mac OS X

Ed Maste emaste at freebsd.org
Fri May 8 13:04:35 PDT 2015

On 8 May 2015 at 14:16, Greg Clayton <gclayton at apple.com> wrote:
> Shouldn't it be very easy to get lldb-server working on FreeBSD? The lldb-server uses the ProcessMonitor and the same kind of stuff that linux uses. Am I wrong about this?

We originally had fairly similar ProcessFreeBSD and ProcessLinux
plugins (with, unfortunately, a lot of cut-and-pasted code). Todd
Fiala later implemented the Native*Linux plugin to support lldb-server
-- it's an improvement over the original implementation, but needs to
be ported again. It's not trivial but shouldn't be too difficult. I
just haven't been able to find time to work on it yet.

There's also another remote debugserver, Facebook's ds2, with an
in-progress FreeBSD port. We could make use of that instead.


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