[lldb-dev] lldb waits forever after connecting to a target (lldb-server)

Bhushan Attarde Bhushan.Attarde at imgtec.com
Mon Apr 27 05:35:58 PDT 2015

Both lldb and lldb-server are running on x86_64.

$ lldb-server g --platform host all :7333 -- x86.elf
Launched 'x86.elf' as process 22849...
lldb-server-local_buildListening to port 7333 for a connection from localhost...

$ lldb x86.elf
(lldb) target create "x86.elf"
Current executable set to 'x86.elf' (x86_64).
(lldb) gdb-remote 7333
(lldb) Process 22849 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 22849, 0x00007f2860d526b0, name = 'x86.elf', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
    frame #0: 0x00007f2860d526b0
->  0x7f2860d526b0: movq   %rsp, %rdi
    0x7f2860d526b3: callq  0x7f2860d56010
    0x7f2860d526b8: movq   %rax, %r12
    0x7f2860d526bb: movl   0x2215ff(%rip), %eax

lldb does not return to prompt "(lldb)", however it accepts commands  without the prompt and processes successfully.
See the below output for example.

(lldb) Process 2403 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 2403, 0x00007fb2859cd6b0, name = 'x86.elf', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
    frame #0: 0x00007fb2859cd6b0
->  0x7fb2859cd6b0: movq   %rsp, %rdi
    0x7fb2859cd6b3: callq  0x7fb2859d1010
    0x7fb2859cd6b8: movq   %rax, %r12
    0x7fb2859cd6bb: movl   0x2215ff(%rip), %eax
b main
Breakpoint 1: where = x86.elf`main + 8 at test.c:26, address = 0x000000000040058d

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