[lldb-dev] Native windows debugging support

Greg Clayton gclayton at apple.com
Wed Jul 2 16:24:48 PDT 2014

> On Jul 2, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Zachary Turner <zturner at google.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure why I didn't get the original email from Greg here (?)  I'm only seeing this copied in Todd's response.
> In any case, Windows' concept of a user id and group id is a Security Identifier, as Todd mentioned (usually called a SID).  Generally though I don't think it's necessary to pass around the SID, because the target can figure out the SID given a username.

So sounds like a username could be used for both windows and unix then for now? 
> Still, it feels a little awkward having a single class store everything that might be needed for any platform.  Normally I'd expect to use polymorphic types in this scenario.  A NativeProcessLinux, for example, could freely cast a UserId to a PosixUserId, and a NativeWindowsProcess could cast a UserId to a WindowsUserId.

The other option is to remove any --uid options and change them to "--user <string>" and the UserID classes for each platform that are polymorphic know how to translate a user entered string into a valid user name for that platform. So unix could accept:

--user 123


--user gclayton

But windows would only accept valid strings that represent a Security Identifier or a string based user name?

> There's also the issue of command options, as I mentioned in the response to Jim.  Basically, "platform process list" doesn't even need a -U option on Windows.  Or maybe even a stronger statement, it shouldn't have a -U option.  It's easy to come up with scenarios where platforms differ significantly enough that the same set of options don't even make sense, or where a certain platform provides sets of functionality not available on other platforms.  For those cases, it would be nice for the debugger commands to be tailored to that specific platform.
> So maybe my first task should be to work on the command options system a little bit to enable this type of abstraction.  Thoughts?

If we abstract the UserID correctly we should be able to make sure they can construct themselves from a string + platform object correctly and avoid having to do any fancy options that appear/disappear based on which platform.



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