[lldb-dev] [PATCH] Unexpected group-stop with threading under Linux

Andrew MacPherson andrew.macp at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 02:47:00 PST 2014

This patch addresses a bug where in a multi-threaded program a new signal
from the inferior may be received before all group-stop messages from an
earlier signal have been handled. The attached .cpp file exposes the issue:

   - clang++ -o thread thread.cpp -lpthread -g -O0
   - lldb ./thread
   - r
   - hit Ctrl-C
   - br set -f thread.cpp -l 11
   - c
   - <hang>

A breakpoint is usually hit before all the group-stop messages involved in
restarting the process are handled and the internal state then gets out of

The attached patch solves the issue and all unit tests pass, I'm not a
ptrace expert though so there may be a more appropriate fix. The group-stop
handling was taken from the existing ProcessMonitor::MonitorCallback.


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