[lldb-dev] PATCH for REVIEW: Implement Host::SetThreadName on Linux

Yacine Belkadi yacine.belkadi.1 at gmail.com
Mon May 13 14:54:07 PDT 2013


On 13/05/2013 18:43, Greg Clayton wrote:
> [...]
> The libedit code in the "lldb" binary seems to be a bit flaky on linux.
> Sometimes the (lldb) prompt does't show up and other times the newlines
> after entered commands come out in the command output. Anything that can
> be done to solidify the libedit based code on linux would be a great help.

I think one of the causes for the libedit related issues is that the libedit
package on Debian/Ubuntu is quite old (2.11-20080614-5). It looks like a
snapshot of NetBSD's version on 2008-06-14 with some Debian/Ubuntu patches.

For example, for the "(llbd) prompt" bug, I noticed that both lldb and the
python interpreter call into libedit, but the library doesn't seem to
support it. This was apparently fixed in NetBSD's code

Another example is that the libedit's el_gets() doesn't distinguish
between an error and an EOF:
"Returns the line read if successful, or NULL if characters were read or if
an error occurred."
This doesn't help for detecting a CTRL-D (meaning "quit") from the user.
Looking at NetBSD's man page for editline, this has been fixed in later
"If an error occurred, count is set to -1 and errno contains the error code
that caused it."

In both cases, a more recent libedit would have helped.


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