[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Centralize the handling of completion for simple argument lists. (PR #82085)

via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Feb 19 10:40:11 PST 2024

jimingham wrote:

This is responding to both Greg and Alex's "can't we also do X completion" comments:

It was clear that this was going to be a whole lot of change, some of it purely manual, and some requiring a little thought.  To make it easier to review, I'm doing the work in stages.  

This first stage was:

Make the base class handle homogenous arguments of one type, either with single repeat or multiple repeat commands.  I made that change, and changed all the arguments that were obviously of that sort.  If any of the extant completions were outside this scope, a little tricky, or caused a test failure I didn't understand, I left them for the second pass.  That way we can review the ones that aren't mechanical without all the noise of the obvious ones.


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