[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb] refactor highlighting function for image lookup command (PR #76112)

José Lira Junior via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 19 06:39:11 PST 2024

junior-jl wrote:

Last commit changes:
- Renamed `pattern_info` to `settings` in all of its uses.
- Moved `HighlightSettings` declaration outside `for` loop.
- Edited commit message as suggested.

> So you're asking about "stacked PRs" and I myself haven't tried this. LLVM has recently enabled user branches on llvm/llvm-project so I think it is possible using some of the tools out there, but I have not tried it. I would look on the forums for anyone who's tried it, or ask on Discord for advice.

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'll look better into this.

Question: Would be good/necessary to refactor `LookupSymbolInModule` into some smaller functions? At least separating the printing part?


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