[Lldb-commits] [lldb] Colorize output when searching for symbols in lldb (PR #69422)

David Spickett via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Nov 10 01:16:42 PST 2023

=?utf-8?q?José?= L. Junior <josejunior at 10xengineers.ai>
In-Reply-To: <llvm.org/llvm/llvm-project/pull/69422 at github.com>

DavidSpickett wrote:

> We've re-compiled the latest llvm project (without adding our implementation) but that one is also giving us the same error:

This was going to be my first suggestion, good instinct here!

> We've used the following command for building lldb:
cmake -G Ninja -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="lldb;clang" -DLLVM_USE_LINKER=lld -DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=true -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release /home/talha/llvm-latest/llvm-project-main/llvm

This seems fine, though usually I add `lld` to the enabled projects. Our test suite *should* tell you it's missing if that was the case.

For known good CMake confuigurations we have (go to "cmake-configure" -> "view all <N> lines" -> go to the top):
Ubuntu AArch64 (should work just as well for x86): https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/96/builds/48271
Debian X86 (again, should be fine on Ubuntu also): https://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/builders/68/builds/63272

> Can you please confirm if there's something wrong in our build. Also I've the complete log of ninja check-lldb but it's pretty long. Do you need it to figure out the issue?

Ultimately if I do it, then yes. However, maybe you'll be able to figure it out yourself.

For the `lldb-shell` tests you can run them individually with:
./bin/llvm-lit <path to llvm-project>/lldb/test/Shell/<path to test file> -a

If as I suspect this is one underlying issue causing all those failures, it may be evident from the output. It may also be relevant whether this is a physical machine or a docker container, but let's see what that output looks like first.

To get a decent log you'll need to add `-DLLVM_LIT_ARGS="-v"` to your CMake command. This prints every test run and when one fails, it prints its output.

Perhaps post the output of one of the individual tests, and attach the full log as a backup if we can't figure it out from the one test.

> Plus there's one more thing we are not sure of as we are new to github. There have been some updates in a file we've changed in our draft (source/Commands/CommandObjectTarget.cpp). So do we need a fresh build and add our implementation there before the final review? As the draft also says that

This is normal as `main` is where you'd land this change eventually, and that's moved on and yes, before a final review you'd update the change.

If this were in active review and only changing in small ways, I'd tell you not to rebase it (which is where you put your changes on top of the new `main`, https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/rewriting-history/git-rebase).

However, as this is in draft, you're still making a lot of changes, and I'm happy reading it through each time, feel free to rebase now if you wish to. When you do, you just push changes to this branch as normal and it'll work as expected.

Now might be a good time. Figure out the test issues without your changes, then rebase your changes onto that, check again.


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