[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [LLDB][NFC] Create a namespace for the DWARF plugin (PR #68150)

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Mon Oct 16 17:33:41 PDT 2023

jimingham wrote:

I don't understand how this helps.  You can't write DWARF (or other lldb plugins) w/o both exporting the API that those plugins are supposed to implement (which should properly go in the `plugins` namespace whatever we call it), but also all of other API's in lldb_private that come along for the ride.  

So if you want to make an external plug-in that uses lldb's private plugin making machinery, you're going to have to export more than just what would be in the "plugin API" per se.  So I don't think you really gain anything by putting it at the top level.

And if we do come up with a supported API for plugins, lldb_plugins is the most obvious name for the API, so I'd like not to commandeer that for this purpose if we can avoid it.


> On Oct 16, 2023, at 4:52 PM, Greg Clayton ***@***.***> wrote:
> And if we ever make external plug-ins, they wouldn't be expected to use either the "lldb_private::plugins" or "lldb_plugins" namespaces as those are solely for built in stuff.
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