[Lldb-commits] [lldb] [lldb-vscode] Allow specifying a custom escape character for LLDB commands (PR #69238)

Greg Clayton via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 16 16:00:40 PDT 2023

clayborg wrote:

> @clayborg , I've updated this patch using launch and attach settings, which might be fine following what've been doing so far. Even though I agree that it'd be nice to read the GUI global configs, I think that all settings should be also configurable via launch and attach settings, as an overwriting mechanism.

We should go with the flow of what VS Code designs. I am fine if we get global settings eventually and allow them to be overridden with launch config stuff.

> @JDevlieghere , @clayborg, what do you think of the idea of some of us in the LLDB community building a minimal typescript extension for lldb-vscode and upload it to the marketplace? Then companies building their custom debugging on top of lldb-vscode could just extend this minimal extension and contribute back to it.

We should probably start shipping a real LLDB native marketplace solution at some point. 

But having typescript seems like a good idea so we can get settings, add new VS code commands, etc. Not sure if there is a performance impact to going through typescript first and forwarding to a native plug-in. 

If we do ship a native plug-in, it would be nice to have some settings:
- path to a lldb-dap/lldb-vscode plug-in that can be use from another vendor
- settings for auto summaries
- settings for command prefix (this patch)
- enabling lldb logging
- sourcing extra command files

Can we modify this patch so we can specify an empty prefix? This would allow users to just type in lldb command all of the time. We have an internal setting for this in our custom lldb solution at Meta.


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