[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D104395: [LLDB][GUI] Add initial forms support

Greg Clayton via Phabricator via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 23 13:51:04 PDT 2021

clayborg added a comment.

In D104395#2836661 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D104395#2836661>, @OmarEmaraDev wrote:

> Since we are still working on this diff. I will add the other form functionality I have been working on here as well if you don't mind.

Sure thing!

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp:1405
+  // | Error message if it exists.                                 |
+  // |______________________________________[Press Esc to cancel]__|
+  //
Sounds good! Just want to make sure we do the right thing. I look forward to seeing what you come up with

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp:1450
+    // Draw the centered submit button.
+    const char *button_text = "[Submit]";
+    int x = (window.GetWidth() - sizeof(button_text) - 1) / 2;
OmarEmaraDev wrote:
> clayborg wrote:
> > Maybe we want to add a ButtonDelegate class and each window can add a list of button delegates. Then the window draw code would know to draw them?
> I guess it depends if we really need this flexibility. I can't think of a form that would need (or should have) more than confirmation and cancellation. Can you give an example where a different configuration would be needed?
Just thinking of any window that requires buttons. Forms will have "Cancel" and "OK" or "Submit". Maybe the "Submit" should be a constructor argument so that the target create form can say "Create Target" instead of "Submit"?

We might end up doing modal dialog windows for some settings or validations of fields that pop up a OK/Cancel dialog, or Abort/Retry/Ingore, or a progress dialog that might have a Cancel button. Each of these is a window. Just trying to think ahead of what we will need. 

A file picker window would be pretty neat as well, so that when a user selects the "Path" field, maybe a window pops up and allows selecting the file using a nice dialog box, and that maybe have buttons too.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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