[Lldb-commits] [lldb] e3a7c77 - [lldb/Lit] Change the lldbtest format to behave more like shell test.

Jonas Devlieghere via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 24 16:18:36 PST 2020

Author: Jonas Devlieghere
Date: 2020-01-24T16:17:55-08:00
New Revision: e3a7c7713cd87e37a95a544373cd21f6f06ab94e

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/e3a7c7713cd87e37a95a544373cd21f6f06ab94e
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/e3a7c7713cd87e37a95a544373cd21f6f06ab94e.diff

LOG: [lldb/Lit] Change the lldbtest format to behave more like shell test.

The current lldbtest format has a number of shortcomings, all related to
how we omit information based on why the test fails. For example, a
successful test would print nothing, even when `-a` is passed to lit.
It's not up to the test format to decide whether to print something or
not, that's handled by lit itself. For other test results we would
sometimes print stdout & stderr, but not always, such as when a timeout
was reached or we couldn't parse the dotest output.

This patch changes the lldbtest format and makes it behave more like
lit. We now always print the dotest invocation, the exit code, the
output to stdout & stderr. If you're used to dealing with ShTests in
lit, this will feel all very familiar.

Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D73384




diff  --git a/lldb/test/API/lldbtest.py b/lldb/test/API/lldbtest.py
index 349a67f22fb3..864d5ea1df03 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/lldbtest.py
+++ b/lldb/test/API/lldbtest.py
@@ -86,33 +86,46 @@ def execute(self, test, litConfig):
                 shutil.copy(python, copied_python)
             cmd[0] = copied_python
+        timeoutInfo = None
             out, err, exitCode = lit.util.executeCommand(
         except lit.util.ExecuteCommandTimeoutException:
-            return (lit.Test.TIMEOUT, 'Reached timeout of {} seconds'.format(
-                litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime))
+            timeoutInfo = 'Reached timeout of {} seconds'.format(
+                litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime)
+        output = """Script:\n--\n%s\n--\nExit Code: %d\n""" % (
+            ' '.join(cmd), exitCode)
+        if timeoutInfo is not None:
+            output += """Timeout: %s\n""" % (timeoutInfo,)
+        output += "\n"
+        if out:
+            output += """Command Output (stdout):\n--\n%s\n--\n""" % (out,)
+        if err:
+            output += """Command Output (stderr):\n--\n%s\n--\n""" % (err,)
+        if timeoutInfo:
+            return lit.Test.TIMEOUT, output
         if exitCode:
             # Match FAIL but not XFAIL.
             for line in out.splitlines() + err.splitlines():
                 if line.startswith('FAIL:'):
-                    return lit.Test.FAIL, out + err
+                    return lit.Test.FAIL, output
             if 'XPASS:' in out or 'XPASS:' in err:
-                return lit.Test.XPASS, out + err
+                return lit.Test.XPASS, output
         has_unsupported_tests = 'UNSUPPORTED:' in out or 'UNSUPPORTED:' in err
         has_passing_tests = 'PASS:' in out or 'PASS:' in err
         if has_unsupported_tests and not has_passing_tests:
-            return lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED, out + err
+            return lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED, output
         passing_test_line = 'RESULT: PASSED'
         if passing_test_line not in out and passing_test_line not in err:
-            msg = ('Unable to find %r in dotest output (exit code %d):\n\n%s%s'
-                   % (passing_test_line, exitCode, out, err))
-            return lit.Test.UNRESOLVED, msg
+            return lit.Test.UNRESOLVED, output
-        return lit.Test.PASS, ''
+        return lit.Test.PASS, output


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