[Lldb-commits] [lldb] 7caa17c - [lldb][NFC] Move Curses interface implementation to own file

Raphael Isemann via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 3 05:03:36 PST 2019

Author: Raphael Isemann
Date: 2019-12-03T14:01:18+01:00
New Revision: 7caa17caf8e290fb865ac81470da737056ab0ace

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7caa17caf8e290fb865ac81470da737056ab0ace
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/7caa17caf8e290fb865ac81470da737056ab0ace.diff

LOG: [lldb][NFC] Move Curses interface implementation to own file

The IOHandler class source file is currently around 4600 LOC. However only 200
of these lines are concerned with the actual IOHandler class and the rest are the
implementations for Editline, IOHandlerConfirm and the Curses interface. All these
large features also cause that the IOHandler (which is in Core) has a large set of dependencies
on other parts of LLDB.

This patch splits out the code for the curses interface into its own file. This way
the simple IOHandler code is no longer buried in-between much larger functionalities.

Next up is splitting out the other IOHandlers into their own files and then move them
to more appropriate parts of LLDB.

Reviewers: labath, clayborg, JDevlieghere

Reviewed By: labath

Subscribers: mgorny, lldb-commits

Tags: #lldb

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D70946




diff  --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandler.h b/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandler.h
index 04b94da3a8c1..5c1246751abc 100644
--- a/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandler.h
+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandler.h
@@ -456,43 +456,6 @@ class IOHandlerConfirm : public IOHandlerDelegate, public IOHandlerEditline {
   bool m_user_response;
-class IOHandlerCursesGUI : public IOHandler {
-  IOHandlerCursesGUI(Debugger &debugger);
-  ~IOHandlerCursesGUI() override;
-  void Run() override;
-  void Cancel() override;
-  bool Interrupt() override;
-  void GotEOF() override;
-  void Activate() override;
-  void Deactivate() override;
-  curses::ApplicationAP m_app_ap;
-class IOHandlerCursesValueObjectList : public IOHandler {
-  IOHandlerCursesValueObjectList(Debugger &debugger,
-                                 ValueObjectList &valobj_list);
-  ~IOHandlerCursesValueObjectList() override;
-  void Run() override;
-  void GotEOF() override;
-  ValueObjectList m_valobj_list;
 class IOHandlerStack {
   IOHandlerStack() = default;

diff  --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.h b/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d67f37d8f598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//===-- IOHandlerCursesGUI.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#ifndef liblldb_IOHandlerCursesGUI_h_
+#define liblldb_IOHandlerCursesGUI_h_
+#include "lldb/Core/IOHandler.h"
+namespace lldb_private {
+class IOHandlerCursesGUI : public IOHandler {
+  IOHandlerCursesGUI(Debugger &debugger);
+  ~IOHandlerCursesGUI() override;
+  void Run() override;
+  void Cancel() override;
+  bool Interrupt() override;
+  void GotEOF() override;
+  void Activate() override;
+  void Deactivate() override;
+  curses::ApplicationAP m_app_ap;
+}; // namespace lldb_private
+#endif // liblldb_IOHandlerCursesGUI_h_

diff  --git a/lldb/source/Commands/CommandObjectGUI.cpp b/lldb/source/Commands/CommandObjectGUI.cpp
index fac2e9627783..898468a977f3 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Commands/CommandObjectGUI.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Commands/CommandObjectGUI.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "CommandObjectGUI.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
 #include "lldb/lldb-private.h"

diff  --git a/lldb/source/Core/CMakeLists.txt b/lldb/source/Core/CMakeLists.txt
index f3ce87ae4f23..a6f7ba8dc25b 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lldb/source/Core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ add_lldb_library(lldbCore
+  IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp

diff  --git a/lldb/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp b/lldb/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp
index d11248094e05..38e65e63d587 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Core/IOHandler.cpp
@@ -8,11 +8,6 @@
 #include "lldb/Core/IOHandler.h"
-#include <curses.h>
-#include <panel.h>
 #if defined(__APPLE__)
 #include <deque>
@@ -32,24 +27,6 @@
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
-#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectRegister.h"
-#include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
-#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
-#include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
-#include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
-#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
-#include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #ifdef _WIN32
@@ -631,3994 +608,3 @@ void IOHandlerEditline::PrintAsync(Stream *stream, const char *s, size_t len) {
-// we may want curses to be disabled for some builds for instance, windows
-#define KEY_RETURN 10
-#define KEY_ESCAPE 27
-namespace curses {
-class Menu;
-class MenuDelegate;
-class Window;
-class WindowDelegate;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Menu> MenuSP;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<MenuDelegate> MenuDelegateSP;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Window> WindowSP;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<WindowDelegate> WindowDelegateSP;
-typedef std::vector<MenuSP> Menus;
-typedef std::vector<WindowSP> Windows;
-typedef std::vector<WindowDelegateSP> WindowDelegates;
-#if 0
-type summary add -s "x=${var.x}, y=${var.y}" curses::Point
-type summary add -s "w=${var.width}, h=${var.height}" curses::Size
-type summary add -s "${var.origin%S} ${var.size%S}" curses::Rect
-struct Point {
-  int x;
-  int y;
-  Point(int _x = 0, int _y = 0) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
-  void Clear() {
-    x = 0;
-    y = 0;
-  }
-  Point &operator+=(const Point &rhs) {
-    x += rhs.x;
-    y += rhs.y;
-    return *this;
-  }
-  void Dump() { printf("(x=%i, y=%i)\n", x, y); }
-bool operator==(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs) {
-  return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
-bool operator!=(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs) {
-  return lhs.x != rhs.x || lhs.y != rhs.y;
-struct Size {
-  int width;
-  int height;
-  Size(int w = 0, int h = 0) : width(w), height(h) {}
-  void Clear() {
-    width = 0;
-    height = 0;
-  }
-  void Dump() { printf("(w=%i, h=%i)\n", width, height); }
-bool operator==(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs) {
-  return lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height;
-bool operator!=(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs) {
-  return lhs.width != rhs.width || lhs.height != rhs.height;
-struct Rect {
-  Point origin;
-  Size size;
-  Rect() : origin(), size() {}
-  Rect(const Point &p, const Size &s) : origin(p), size(s) {}
-  void Clear() {
-    origin.Clear();
-    size.Clear();
-  }
-  void Dump() {
-    printf("(x=%i, y=%i), w=%i, h=%i)\n", origin.x, origin.y, size.width,
-           size.height);
-  }
-  void Inset(int w, int h) {
-    if (size.width > w * 2)
-      size.width -= w * 2;
-    origin.x += w;
-    if (size.height > h * 2)
-      size.height -= h * 2;
-    origin.y += h;
-  }
-  // Return a status bar rectangle which is the last line of this rectangle.
-  // This rectangle will be modified to not include the status bar area.
-  Rect MakeStatusBar() {
-    Rect status_bar;
-    if (size.height > 1) {
-      status_bar.origin.x = origin.x;
-      status_bar.origin.y = size.height;
-      status_bar.size.width = size.width;
-      status_bar.size.height = 1;
-      --size.height;
-    }
-    return status_bar;
-  }
-  // Return a menubar rectangle which is the first line of this rectangle. This
-  // rectangle will be modified to not include the menubar area.
-  Rect MakeMenuBar() {
-    Rect menubar;
-    if (size.height > 1) {
-      menubar.origin.x = origin.x;
-      menubar.origin.y = origin.y;
-      menubar.size.width = size.width;
-      menubar.size.height = 1;
-      ++origin.y;
-      --size.height;
-    }
-    return menubar;
-  }
-  void HorizontalSplitPercentage(float top_percentage, Rect &top,
-                                 Rect &bottom) const {
-    float top_height = top_percentage * size.height;
-    HorizontalSplit(top_height, top, bottom);
-  }
-  void HorizontalSplit(int top_height, Rect &top, Rect &bottom) const {
-    top = *this;
-    if (top_height < size.height) {
-      top.size.height = top_height;
-      bottom.origin.x = origin.x;
-      bottom.origin.y = origin.y + top.size.height;
-      bottom.size.width = size.width;
-      bottom.size.height = size.height - top.size.height;
-    } else {
-      bottom.Clear();
-    }
-  }
-  void VerticalSplitPercentage(float left_percentage, Rect &left,
-                               Rect &right) const {
-    float left_width = left_percentage * size.width;
-    VerticalSplit(left_width, left, right);
-  }
-  void VerticalSplit(int left_width, Rect &left, Rect &right) const {
-    left = *this;
-    if (left_width < size.width) {
-      left.size.width = left_width;
-      right.origin.x = origin.x + left.size.width;
-      right.origin.y = origin.y;
-      right.size.width = size.width - left.size.width;
-      right.size.height = size.height;
-    } else {
-      right.Clear();
-    }
-  }
-bool operator==(const Rect &lhs, const Rect &rhs) {
-  return lhs.origin == rhs.origin && lhs.size == rhs.size;
-bool operator!=(const Rect &lhs, const Rect &rhs) {
-  return lhs.origin != rhs.origin || lhs.size != rhs.size;
-enum HandleCharResult {
-  eKeyNotHandled = 0,
-  eKeyHandled = 1,
-  eQuitApplication = 2
-enum class MenuActionResult {
-  Handled,
-  NotHandled,
-  Quit // Exit all menus and quit
-struct KeyHelp {
-  int ch;
-  const char *description;
-class WindowDelegate {
-  virtual ~WindowDelegate() = default;
-  virtual bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) {
-    return false; // Drawing not handled
-  }
-  virtual HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) {
-    return eKeyNotHandled;
-  }
-  virtual const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() { return nullptr; }
-  virtual KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() { return nullptr; }
-class HelpDialogDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
-  HelpDialogDelegate(const char *text, KeyHelp *key_help_array);
-  ~HelpDialogDelegate() override;
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override;
-  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override;
-  size_t GetNumLines() const { return m_text.GetSize(); }
-  size_t GetMaxLineLength() const { return m_text.GetMaxStringLength(); }
-  StringList m_text;
-  int m_first_visible_line;
-class Window {
-  Window(const char *name)
-      : m_name(name), m_window(nullptr), m_panel(nullptr), m_parent(nullptr),
-        m_subwindows(), m_delegate_sp(), m_curr_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX),
-        m_prev_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_delete(false),
-        m_needs_update(true), m_can_activate(true), m_is_subwin(false) {}
-  Window(const char *name, WINDOW *w, bool del = true)
-      : m_name(name), m_window(nullptr), m_panel(nullptr), m_parent(nullptr),
-        m_subwindows(), m_delegate_sp(), m_curr_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX),
-        m_prev_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_delete(del),
-        m_needs_update(true), m_can_activate(true), m_is_subwin(false) {
-    if (w)
-      Reset(w);
-  }
-  Window(const char *name, const Rect &bounds)
-      : m_name(name), m_window(nullptr), m_parent(nullptr), m_subwindows(),
-        m_delegate_sp(), m_curr_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX),
-        m_prev_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_delete(true),
-        m_needs_update(true), m_can_activate(true), m_is_subwin(false) {
-    Reset(::newwin(bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width, bounds.origin.y,
-                   bounds.origin.y));
-  }
-  virtual ~Window() {
-    RemoveSubWindows();
-    Reset();
-  }
-  void Reset(WINDOW *w = nullptr, bool del = true) {
-    if (m_window == w)
-      return;
-    if (m_panel) {
-      ::del_panel(m_panel);
-      m_panel = nullptr;
-    }
-    if (m_window && m_delete) {
-      ::delwin(m_window);
-      m_window = nullptr;
-      m_delete = false;
-    }
-    if (w) {
-      m_window = w;
-      m_panel = ::new_panel(m_window);
-      m_delete = del;
-    }
-  }
-  void AttributeOn(attr_t attr) { ::wattron(m_window, attr); }
-  void AttributeOff(attr_t attr) { ::wattroff(m_window, attr); }
-  void Box(chtype v_char = ACS_VLINE, chtype h_char = ACS_HLINE) {
-    ::box(m_window, v_char, h_char);
-  }
-  void Clear() { ::wclear(m_window); }
-  void Erase() { ::werase(m_window); }
-  Rect GetBounds() {
-    return Rect(GetParentOrigin(), GetSize());
-  } // Get the rectangle in our parent window
-  int GetChar() { return ::wgetch(m_window); }
-  int GetCursorX() { return getcurx(m_window); }
-  int GetCursorY() { return getcury(m_window); }
-  Rect GetFrame() {
-    return Rect(Point(), GetSize());
-  } // Get our rectangle in our own coordinate system
-  Point GetParentOrigin() { return Point(GetParentX(), GetParentY()); }
-  Size GetSize() { return Size(GetWidth(), GetHeight()); }
-  int GetParentX() { return getparx(m_window); }
-  int GetParentY() { return getpary(m_window); }
-  int GetMaxX() { return getmaxx(m_window); }
-  int GetMaxY() { return getmaxy(m_window); }
-  int GetWidth() { return GetMaxX(); }
-  int GetHeight() { return GetMaxY(); }
-  void MoveCursor(int x, int y) { ::wmove(m_window, y, x); }
-  void MoveWindow(int x, int y) { MoveWindow(Point(x, y)); }
-  void Resize(int w, int h) { ::wresize(m_window, h, w); }
-  void Resize(const Size &size) {
-    ::wresize(m_window, size.height, size.width);
-  }
-  void PutChar(int ch) { ::waddch(m_window, ch); }
-  void PutCString(const char *s, int len = -1) { ::waddnstr(m_window, s, len); }
-  void SetBackground(int color_pair_idx) {
-    ::wbkgd(m_window, COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_idx));
-  }
-  void PutCStringTruncated(const char *s, int right_pad) {
-    int bytes_left = GetWidth() - GetCursorX();
-    if (bytes_left > right_pad) {
-      bytes_left -= right_pad;
-      ::waddnstr(m_window, s, bytes_left);
-    }
-  }
-  void MoveWindow(const Point &origin) {
-    const bool moving_window = origin != GetParentOrigin();
-    if (m_is_subwin && moving_window) {
-      // Can't move subwindows, must delete and re-create
-      Size size = GetSize();
-      Reset(::subwin(m_parent->m_window, size.height, size.width, origin.y,
-                     origin.x),
-            true);
-    } else {
-      ::mvwin(m_window, origin.y, origin.x);
-    }
-  }
-  void SetBounds(const Rect &bounds) {
-    const bool moving_window = bounds.origin != GetParentOrigin();
-    if (m_is_subwin && moving_window) {
-      // Can't move subwindows, must delete and re-create
-      Reset(::subwin(m_parent->m_window, bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width,
-                     bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x),
-            true);
-    } else {
-      if (moving_window)
-        MoveWindow(bounds.origin);
-      Resize(bounds.size);
-    }
-  }
-  void Printf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) {
-    va_list args;
-    va_start(args, format);
-    vwprintw(m_window, format, args);
-    va_end(args);
-  }
-  void Touch() {
-    ::touchwin(m_window);
-    if (m_parent)
-      m_parent->Touch();
-  }
-  WindowSP CreateSubWindow(const char *name, const Rect &bounds,
-                           bool make_active) {
-    auto get_window = [this, &bounds]() {
-      return m_window
-                 ? ::subwin(m_window, bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width,
-                            bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x)
-                 : ::newwin(bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width,
-                            bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x);
-    };
-    WindowSP subwindow_sp = std::make_shared<Window>(name, get_window(), true);
-    subwindow_sp->m_is_subwin = subwindow_sp.operator bool();
-    subwindow_sp->m_parent = this;
-    if (make_active) {
-      m_prev_active_window_idx = m_curr_active_window_idx;
-      m_curr_active_window_idx = m_subwindows.size();
-    }
-    m_subwindows.push_back(subwindow_sp);
-    ::top_panel(subwindow_sp->m_panel);
-    m_needs_update = true;
-    return subwindow_sp;
-  }
-  bool RemoveSubWindow(Window *window) {
-    Windows::iterator pos, end = m_subwindows.end();
-    size_t i = 0;
-    for (pos = m_subwindows.begin(); pos != end; ++pos, ++i) {
-      if ((*pos).get() == window) {
-        if (m_prev_active_window_idx == i)
-          m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-        else if (m_prev_active_window_idx != UINT32_MAX &&
-                 m_prev_active_window_idx > i)
-          --m_prev_active_window_idx;
-        if (m_curr_active_window_idx == i)
-          m_curr_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-        else if (m_curr_active_window_idx != UINT32_MAX &&
-                 m_curr_active_window_idx > i)
-          --m_curr_active_window_idx;
-        window->Erase();
-        m_subwindows.erase(pos);
-        m_needs_update = true;
-        if (m_parent)
-          m_parent->Touch();
-        else
-          ::touchwin(stdscr);
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  WindowSP FindSubWindow(const char *name) {
-    Windows::iterator pos, end = m_subwindows.end();
-    size_t i = 0;
-    for (pos = m_subwindows.begin(); pos != end; ++pos, ++i) {
-      if ((*pos)->m_name == name)
-        return *pos;
-    }
-    return WindowSP();
-  }
-  void RemoveSubWindows() {
-    m_curr_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-    m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-    for (Windows::iterator pos = m_subwindows.begin();
-         pos != m_subwindows.end(); pos = m_subwindows.erase(pos)) {
-      (*pos)->Erase();
-    }
-    if (m_parent)
-      m_parent->Touch();
-    else
-      ::touchwin(stdscr);
-  }
-  WINDOW *get() { return m_window; }
-  operator WINDOW *() { return m_window; }
-  // Window drawing utilities
-  void DrawTitleBox(const char *title, const char *bottom_message = nullptr) {
-    attr_t attr = 0;
-    if (IsActive())
-      attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(2);
-    else
-      attr = 0;
-    if (attr)
-      AttributeOn(attr);
-    Box();
-    MoveCursor(3, 0);
-    if (title && title[0]) {
-      PutChar('<');
-      PutCString(title);
-      PutChar('>');
-    }
-    if (bottom_message && bottom_message[0]) {
-      int bottom_message_length = strlen(bottom_message);
-      int x = GetWidth() - 3 - (bottom_message_length + 2);
-      if (x > 0) {
-        MoveCursor(x, GetHeight() - 1);
-        PutChar('[');
-        PutCString(bottom_message);
-        PutChar(']');
-      } else {
-        MoveCursor(1, GetHeight() - 1);
-        PutChar('[');
-        PutCStringTruncated(bottom_message, 1);
-      }
-    }
-    if (attr)
-      AttributeOff(attr);
-  }
-  virtual void Draw(bool force) {
-    if (m_delegate_sp && m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateDraw(*this, force))
-      return;
-    for (auto &subwindow_sp : m_subwindows)
-      subwindow_sp->Draw(force);
-  }
-  bool CreateHelpSubwindow() {
-    if (m_delegate_sp) {
-      const char *text = m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateGetHelpText();
-      KeyHelp *key_help = m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp();
-      if ((text && text[0]) || key_help) {
-        std::unique_ptr<HelpDialogDelegate> help_delegate_up(
-            new HelpDialogDelegate(text, key_help));
-        const size_t num_lines = help_delegate_up->GetNumLines();
-        const size_t max_length = help_delegate_up->GetMaxLineLength();
-        Rect bounds = GetBounds();
-        bounds.Inset(1, 1);
-        if (max_length + 4 < static_cast<size_t>(bounds.size.width)) {
-          bounds.origin.x += (bounds.size.width - max_length + 4) / 2;
-          bounds.size.width = max_length + 4;
-        } else {
-          if (bounds.size.width > 100) {
-            const int inset_w = bounds.size.width / 4;
-            bounds.origin.x += inset_w;
-            bounds.size.width -= 2 * inset_w;
-          }
-        }
-        if (num_lines + 2 < static_cast<size_t>(bounds.size.height)) {
-          bounds.origin.y += (bounds.size.height - num_lines + 2) / 2;
-          bounds.size.height = num_lines + 2;
-        } else {
-          if (bounds.size.height > 100) {
-            const int inset_h = bounds.size.height / 4;
-            bounds.origin.y += inset_h;
-            bounds.size.height -= 2 * inset_h;
-          }
-        }
-        WindowSP help_window_sp;
-        Window *parent_window = GetParent();
-        if (parent_window)
-          help_window_sp = parent_window->CreateSubWindow("Help", bounds, true);
-        else
-          help_window_sp = CreateSubWindow("Help", bounds, true);
-        help_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-            WindowDelegateSP(help_delegate_up.release()));
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  virtual HandleCharResult HandleChar(int key) {
-    // Always check the active window first
-    HandleCharResult result = eKeyNotHandled;
-    WindowSP active_window_sp = GetActiveWindow();
-    if (active_window_sp) {
-      result = active_window_sp->HandleChar(key);
-      if (result != eKeyNotHandled)
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (m_delegate_sp) {
-      result = m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateHandleChar(*this, key);
-      if (result != eKeyNotHandled)
-        return result;
-    }
-    // Then check for any windows that want any keys that weren't handled. This
-    // is typically only for a menubar. Make a copy of the subwindows in case
-    // any HandleChar() functions muck with the subwindows. If we don't do
-    // this, we can crash when iterating over the subwindows.
-    Windows subwindows(m_subwindows);
-    for (auto subwindow_sp : subwindows) {
-      if (!subwindow_sp->m_can_activate) {
-        HandleCharResult result = subwindow_sp->HandleChar(key);
-        if (result != eKeyNotHandled)
-          return result;
-      }
-    }
-    return eKeyNotHandled;
-  }
-  WindowSP GetActiveWindow() {
-    if (!m_subwindows.empty()) {
-      if (m_curr_active_window_idx >= m_subwindows.size()) {
-        if (m_prev_active_window_idx < m_subwindows.size()) {
-          m_curr_active_window_idx = m_prev_active_window_idx;
-          m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-        } else if (IsActive()) {
-          m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-          m_curr_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-          // Find first window that wants to be active if this window is active
-          const size_t num_subwindows = m_subwindows.size();
-          for (size_t i = 0; i < num_subwindows; ++i) {
-            if (m_subwindows[i]->GetCanBeActive()) {
-              m_curr_active_window_idx = i;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (m_curr_active_window_idx < m_subwindows.size())
-        return m_subwindows[m_curr_active_window_idx];
-    }
-    return WindowSP();
-  }
-  bool GetCanBeActive() const { return m_can_activate; }
-  void SetCanBeActive(bool b) { m_can_activate = b; }
-  void SetDelegate(const WindowDelegateSP &delegate_sp) {
-    m_delegate_sp = delegate_sp;
-  }
-  Window *GetParent() const { return m_parent; }
-  bool IsActive() const {
-    if (m_parent)
-      return m_parent->GetActiveWindow().get() == this;
-    else
-      return true; // Top level window is always active
-  }
-  void SelectNextWindowAsActive() {
-    // Move active focus to next window
-    const size_t num_subwindows = m_subwindows.size();
-    if (m_curr_active_window_idx == UINT32_MAX) {
-      uint32_t idx = 0;
-      for (auto subwindow_sp : m_subwindows) {
-        if (subwindow_sp->GetCanBeActive()) {
-          m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
-          break;
-        }
-        ++idx;
-      }
-    } else if (m_curr_active_window_idx + 1 < num_subwindows) {
-      bool handled = false;
-      m_prev_active_window_idx = m_curr_active_window_idx;
-      for (size_t idx = m_curr_active_window_idx + 1; idx < num_subwindows;
-           ++idx) {
-        if (m_subwindows[idx]->GetCanBeActive()) {
-          m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
-          handled = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (!handled) {
-        for (size_t idx = 0; idx <= m_prev_active_window_idx; ++idx) {
-          if (m_subwindows[idx]->GetCanBeActive()) {
-            m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      m_prev_active_window_idx = m_curr_active_window_idx;
-      for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_subwindows; ++idx) {
-        if (m_subwindows[idx]->GetCanBeActive()) {
-          m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  const char *GetName() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
-  std::string m_name;
-  WINDOW *m_window;
-  PANEL *m_panel;
-  Window *m_parent;
-  Windows m_subwindows;
-  WindowDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
-  uint32_t m_curr_active_window_idx;
-  uint32_t m_prev_active_window_idx;
-  bool m_delete;
-  bool m_needs_update;
-  bool m_can_activate;
-  bool m_is_subwin;
-class MenuDelegate {
-  virtual ~MenuDelegate() = default;
-  virtual MenuActionResult MenuDelegateAction(Menu &menu) = 0;
-class Menu : public WindowDelegate {
-  enum class Type { Invalid, Bar, Item, Separator };
-  // Menubar or separator constructor
-  Menu(Type type);
-  // Menuitem constructor
-  Menu(const char *name, const char *key_name, int key_value,
-       uint64_t identifier);
-  ~Menu() override = default;
-  const MenuDelegateSP &GetDelegate() const { return m_delegate_sp; }
-  void SetDelegate(const MenuDelegateSP &delegate_sp) {
-    m_delegate_sp = delegate_sp;
-  }
-  void RecalculateNameLengths();
-  void AddSubmenu(const MenuSP &menu_sp);
-  int DrawAndRunMenu(Window &window);
-  void DrawMenuTitle(Window &window, bool highlight);
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override;
-  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override;
-  MenuActionResult ActionPrivate(Menu &menu) {
-    MenuActionResult result = MenuActionResult::NotHandled;
-    if (m_delegate_sp) {
-      result = m_delegate_sp->MenuDelegateAction(menu);
-      if (result != MenuActionResult::NotHandled)
-        return result;
-    } else if (m_parent) {
-      result = m_parent->ActionPrivate(menu);
-      if (result != MenuActionResult::NotHandled)
-        return result;
-    }
-    return m_canned_result;
-  }
-  MenuActionResult Action() {
-    // Call the recursive action so it can try to handle it with the menu
-    // delegate, and if not, try our parent menu
-    return ActionPrivate(*this);
-  }
-  void SetCannedResult(MenuActionResult result) { m_canned_result = result; }
-  Menus &GetSubmenus() { return m_submenus; }
-  const Menus &GetSubmenus() const { return m_submenus; }
-  int GetSelectedSubmenuIndex() const { return m_selected; }
-  void SetSelectedSubmenuIndex(int idx) { m_selected = idx; }
-  Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
-  int GetStartingColumn() const { return m_start_col; }
-  void SetStartingColumn(int col) { m_start_col = col; }
-  int GetKeyValue() const { return m_key_value; }
-  std::string &GetName() { return m_name; }
-  int GetDrawWidth() const {
-    return m_max_submenu_name_length + m_max_submenu_key_name_length + 8;
-  }
-  uint64_t GetIdentifier() const { return m_identifier; }
-  void SetIdentifier(uint64_t identifier) { m_identifier = identifier; }
-  std::string m_name;
-  std::string m_key_name;
-  uint64_t m_identifier;
-  Type m_type;
-  int m_key_value;
-  int m_start_col;
-  int m_max_submenu_name_length;
-  int m_max_submenu_key_name_length;
-  int m_selected;
-  Menu *m_parent;
-  Menus m_submenus;
-  WindowSP m_menu_window_sp;
-  MenuActionResult m_canned_result;
-  MenuDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
-// Menubar or separator constructor
-Menu::Menu(Type type)
-    : m_name(), m_key_name(), m_identifier(0), m_type(type), m_key_value(0),
-      m_start_col(0), m_max_submenu_name_length(0),
-      m_max_submenu_key_name_length(0), m_selected(0), m_parent(nullptr),
-      m_submenus(), m_canned_result(MenuActionResult::NotHandled),
-      m_delegate_sp() {}
-// Menuitem constructor
-Menu::Menu(const char *name, const char *key_name, int key_value,
-           uint64_t identifier)
-    : m_name(), m_key_name(), m_identifier(identifier), m_type(Type::Invalid),
-      m_key_value(key_value), m_start_col(0), m_max_submenu_name_length(0),
-      m_max_submenu_key_name_length(0), m_selected(0), m_parent(nullptr),
-      m_submenus(), m_canned_result(MenuActionResult::NotHandled),
-      m_delegate_sp() {
-  if (name && name[0]) {
-    m_name = name;
-    m_type = Type::Item;
-    if (key_name && key_name[0])
-      m_key_name = key_name;
-  } else {
-    m_type = Type::Separator;
-  }
-void Menu::RecalculateNameLengths() {
-  m_max_submenu_name_length = 0;
-  m_max_submenu_key_name_length = 0;
-  Menus &submenus = GetSubmenus();
-  const size_t num_submenus = submenus.size();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
-    Menu *submenu = submenus[i].get();
-    if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_name_length) < submenu->m_name.size())
-      m_max_submenu_name_length = submenu->m_name.size();
-    if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_key_name_length) <
-        submenu->m_key_name.size())
-      m_max_submenu_key_name_length = submenu->m_key_name.size();
-  }
-void Menu::AddSubmenu(const MenuSP &menu_sp) {
-  menu_sp->m_parent = this;
-  if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_name_length) < menu_sp->m_name.size())
-    m_max_submenu_name_length = menu_sp->m_name.size();
-  if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_key_name_length) <
-      menu_sp->m_key_name.size())
-    m_max_submenu_key_name_length = menu_sp->m_key_name.size();
-  m_submenus.push_back(menu_sp);
-void Menu::DrawMenuTitle(Window &window, bool highlight) {
-  if (m_type == Type::Separator) {
-    window.MoveCursor(0, window.GetCursorY());
-    window.PutChar(ACS_LTEE);
-    int width = window.GetWidth();
-    if (width > 2) {
-      width -= 2;
-      for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
-        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-    }
-    window.PutChar(ACS_RTEE);
-  } else {
-    const int shortcut_key = m_key_value;
-    bool underlined_shortcut = false;
-    const attr_t hilgight_attr = A_REVERSE;
-    if (highlight)
-      window.AttributeOn(hilgight_attr);
-    if (isprint(shortcut_key)) {
-      size_t lower_pos = m_name.find(tolower(shortcut_key));
-      size_t upper_pos = m_name.find(toupper(shortcut_key));
-      const char *name = m_name.c_str();
-      size_t pos = std::min<size_t>(lower_pos, upper_pos);
-      if (pos != std::string::npos) {
-        underlined_shortcut = true;
-        if (pos > 0) {
-          window.PutCString(name, pos);
-          name += pos;
-        }
-        const attr_t shortcut_attr = A_UNDERLINE | A_BOLD;
-        window.AttributeOn(shortcut_attr);
-        window.PutChar(name[0]);
-        window.AttributeOff(shortcut_attr);
-        name++;
-        if (name[0])
-          window.PutCString(name);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!underlined_shortcut) {
-      window.PutCString(m_name.c_str());
-    }
-    if (highlight)
-      window.AttributeOff(hilgight_attr);
-    if (m_key_name.empty()) {
-      if (!underlined_shortcut && isprint(m_key_value)) {
-        window.AttributeOn(COLOR_PAIR(3));
-        window.Printf(" (%c)", m_key_value);
-        window.AttributeOff(COLOR_PAIR(3));
-      }
-    } else {
-      window.AttributeOn(COLOR_PAIR(3));
-      window.Printf(" (%s)", m_key_name.c_str());
-      window.AttributeOff(COLOR_PAIR(3));
-    }
-  }
-bool Menu::WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) {
-  Menus &submenus = GetSubmenus();
-  const size_t num_submenus = submenus.size();
-  const int selected_idx = GetSelectedSubmenuIndex();
-  Menu::Type menu_type = GetType();
-  switch (menu_type) {
-  case Menu::Type::Bar: {
-    window.SetBackground(2);
-    window.MoveCursor(0, 0);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
-      Menu *menu = submenus[i].get();
-      if (i > 0)
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-      menu->SetStartingColumn(window.GetCursorX());
-      window.PutCString("| ");
-      menu->DrawMenuTitle(window, false);
-    }
-    window.PutCString(" |");
-  } break;
-  case Menu::Type::Item: {
-    int y = 1;
-    int x = 3;
-    // Draw the menu
-    int cursor_x = 0;
-    int cursor_y = 0;
-    window.Erase();
-    window.SetBackground(2);
-    window.Box();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
-      const bool is_selected = (i == static_cast<size_t>(selected_idx));
-      window.MoveCursor(x, y + i);
-      if (is_selected) {
-        // Remember where we want the cursor to be
-        cursor_x = x - 1;
-        cursor_y = y + i;
-      }
-      submenus[i]->DrawMenuTitle(window, is_selected);
-    }
-    window.MoveCursor(cursor_x, cursor_y);
-  } break;
-  default:
-  case Menu::Type::Separator:
-    break;
-  }
-  return true; // Drawing handled...
-HandleCharResult Menu::WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) {
-  HandleCharResult result = eKeyNotHandled;
-  Menus &submenus = GetSubmenus();
-  const size_t num_submenus = submenus.size();
-  const int selected_idx = GetSelectedSubmenuIndex();
-  Menu::Type menu_type = GetType();
-  if (menu_type == Menu::Type::Bar) {
-    MenuSP run_menu_sp;
-    switch (key) {
-    case KEY_DOWN:
-    case KEY_UP:
-      // Show last menu or first menu
-      if (selected_idx < static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
-        run_menu_sp = submenus[selected_idx];
-      else if (!submenus.empty())
-        run_menu_sp = submenus.front();
-      result = eKeyHandled;
-      break;
-    case KEY_RIGHT:
-      ++m_selected;
-      if (m_selected >= static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
-        m_selected = 0;
-      if (m_selected < static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
-        run_menu_sp = submenus[m_selected];
-      else if (!submenus.empty())
-        run_menu_sp = submenus.front();
-      result = eKeyHandled;
-      break;
-    case KEY_LEFT:
-      --m_selected;
-      if (m_selected < 0)
-        m_selected = num_submenus - 1;
-      if (m_selected < static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
-        run_menu_sp = submenus[m_selected];
-      else if (!submenus.empty())
-        run_menu_sp = submenus.front();
-      result = eKeyHandled;
-      break;
-    default:
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
-        if (submenus[i]->GetKeyValue() == key) {
-          SetSelectedSubmenuIndex(i);
-          run_menu_sp = submenus[i];
-          result = eKeyHandled;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    if (run_menu_sp) {
-      // Run the action on this menu in case we need to populate the menu with
-      // dynamic content and also in case check marks, and any other menu
-      // decorations need to be calculated
-      if (run_menu_sp->Action() == MenuActionResult::Quit)
-        return eQuitApplication;
-      Rect menu_bounds;
-      menu_bounds.origin.x = run_menu_sp->GetStartingColumn();
-      menu_bounds.origin.y = 1;
-      menu_bounds.size.width = run_menu_sp->GetDrawWidth();
-      menu_bounds.size.height = run_menu_sp->GetSubmenus().size() + 2;
-      if (m_menu_window_sp)
-        window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(m_menu_window_sp.get());
-      m_menu_window_sp = window.GetParent()->CreateSubWindow(
-          run_menu_sp->GetName().c_str(), menu_bounds, true);
-      m_menu_window_sp->SetDelegate(run_menu_sp);
-    }
-  } else if (menu_type == Menu::Type::Item) {
-    switch (key) {
-    case KEY_DOWN:
-      if (m_submenus.size() > 1) {
-        const int start_select = m_selected;
-        while (++m_selected != start_select) {
-          if (static_cast<size_t>(m_selected) >= num_submenus)
-            m_selected = 0;
-          if (m_submenus[m_selected]->GetType() == Type::Separator)
-            continue;
-          else
-            break;
-        }
-        return eKeyHandled;
-      }
-      break;
-    case KEY_UP:
-      if (m_submenus.size() > 1) {
-        const int start_select = m_selected;
-        while (--m_selected != start_select) {
-          if (m_selected < static_cast<int>(0))
-            m_selected = num_submenus - 1;
-          if (m_submenus[m_selected]->GetType() == Type::Separator)
-            continue;
-          else
-            break;
-        }
-        return eKeyHandled;
-      }
-      break;
-    case KEY_RETURN:
-      if (static_cast<size_t>(selected_idx) < num_submenus) {
-        if (submenus[selected_idx]->Action() == MenuActionResult::Quit)
-          return eQuitApplication;
-        window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
-        return eKeyHandled;
-      }
-      break;
-    case KEY_ESCAPE: // Beware: pressing escape key has 1 to 2 second delay in
-                     // case other chars are entered for escaped sequences
-      window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    default:
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
-        Menu *menu = submenus[i].get();
-        if (menu->GetKeyValue() == key) {
-          SetSelectedSubmenuIndex(i);
-          window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
-          if (menu->Action() == MenuActionResult::Quit)
-            return eQuitApplication;
-          return eKeyHandled;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  } else if (menu_type == Menu::Type::Separator) {
-  }
-  return result;
-class Application {
-  Application(FILE *in, FILE *out)
-      : m_window_sp(), m_screen(nullptr), m_in(in), m_out(out) {}
-  ~Application() {
-    m_window_delegates.clear();
-    m_window_sp.reset();
-    if (m_screen) {
-      ::delscreen(m_screen);
-      m_screen = nullptr;
-    }
-  }
-  void Initialize() {
-    ::setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
-    ::setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
-    m_screen = ::newterm(nullptr, m_out, m_in);
-    ::start_color();
-    ::curs_set(0);
-    ::noecho();
-    ::keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
-  }
-  void Terminate() { ::endwin(); }
-  void Run(Debugger &debugger) {
-    bool done = false;
-    int delay_in_tenths_of_a_second = 1;
-    // Alas the threading model in curses is a bit lame so we need to resort to
-    // polling every 0.5 seconds. We could poll for stdin ourselves and then
-    // pass the keys down but then we need to translate all of the escape
-    // sequences ourselves. So we resort to polling for input because we need
-    // to receive async process events while in this loop.
-    halfdelay(delay_in_tenths_of_a_second); // Poll using some number of tenths
-                                            // of seconds seconds when calling
-                                            // Window::GetChar()
-    ListenerSP listener_sp(
-        Listener::MakeListener("lldb.IOHandler.curses.Application"));
-    ConstString broadcaster_class_target(Target::GetStaticBroadcasterClass());
-    ConstString broadcaster_class_process(Process::GetStaticBroadcasterClass());
-    ConstString broadcaster_class_thread(Thread::GetStaticBroadcasterClass());
-    debugger.EnableForwardEvents(listener_sp);
-    bool update = true;
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-    std::deque<int> escape_chars;
-    while (!done) {
-      if (update) {
-        m_window_sp->Draw(false);
-        // All windows should be calling Window::DeferredRefresh() instead of
-        // Window::Refresh() so we can do a single update and avoid any screen
-        // blinking
-        update_panels();
-        // Cursor hiding isn't working on MacOSX, so hide it in the top left
-        // corner
-        m_window_sp->MoveCursor(0, 0);
-        doupdate();
-        update = false;
-      }
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-      // Terminal.app doesn't map its function keys correctly, F1-F4 default
-      // to: \033OP, \033OQ, \033OR, \033OS, so lets take care of this here if
-      // possible
-      int ch;
-      if (escape_chars.empty())
-        ch = m_window_sp->GetChar();
-      else {
-        ch = escape_chars.front();
-        escape_chars.pop_front();
-      }
-      if (ch == KEY_ESCAPE) {
-        int ch2 = m_window_sp->GetChar();
-        if (ch2 == 'O') {
-          int ch3 = m_window_sp->GetChar();
-          switch (ch3) {
-          case 'P':
-            ch = KEY_F(1);
-            break;
-          case 'Q':
-            ch = KEY_F(2);
-            break;
-          case 'R':
-            ch = KEY_F(3);
-            break;
-          case 'S':
-            ch = KEY_F(4);
-            break;
-          default:
-            escape_chars.push_back(ch2);
-            if (ch3 != -1)
-              escape_chars.push_back(ch3);
-            break;
-          }
-        } else if (ch2 != -1)
-          escape_chars.push_back(ch2);
-      }
-      int ch = m_window_sp->GetChar();
-      if (ch == -1) {
-        if (feof(m_in) || ferror(m_in)) {
-          done = true;
-        } else {
-          // Just a timeout from using halfdelay(), check for events
-          EventSP event_sp;
-          while (listener_sp->PeekAtNextEvent()) {
-            listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, std::chrono::seconds(0));
-            if (event_sp) {
-              Broadcaster *broadcaster = event_sp->GetBroadcaster();
-              if (broadcaster) {
-                // uint32_t event_type = event_sp->GetType();
-                ConstString broadcaster_class(
-                    broadcaster->GetBroadcasterClass());
-                if (broadcaster_class == broadcaster_class_process) {
-                  debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().UpdateExecutionContext(
-                      nullptr);
-                  update = true;
-                  continue; // Don't get any key, just update our view
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        HandleCharResult key_result = m_window_sp->HandleChar(ch);
-        switch (key_result) {
-        case eKeyHandled:
-          debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().UpdateExecutionContext(nullptr);
-          update = true;
-          break;
-        case eKeyNotHandled:
-          break;
-        case eQuitApplication:
-          done = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    debugger.CancelForwardEvents(listener_sp);
-  }
-  WindowSP &GetMainWindow() {
-    if (!m_window_sp)
-      m_window_sp = std::make_shared<Window>("main", stdscr, false);
-    return m_window_sp;
-  }
-  WindowSP m_window_sp;
-  WindowDelegates m_window_delegates;
-  SCREEN *m_screen;
-  FILE *m_in;
-  FILE *m_out;
-} // namespace curses
-using namespace curses;
-struct Row {
-  ValueObjectManager value;
-  Row *parent;
-  // The process stop ID when the children were calculated.
-  uint32_t children_stop_id;
-  int row_idx;
-  int x;
-  int y;
-  bool might_have_children;
-  bool expanded;
-  bool calculated_children;
-  std::vector<Row> children;
-  Row(const ValueObjectSP &v, Row *p)
-      : value(v, lldb::eDynamicDontRunTarget, true), parent(p), row_idx(0),
-        x(1), y(1), might_have_children(v ? v->MightHaveChildren() : false),
-        expanded(false), calculated_children(false), children() {}
-  size_t GetDepth() const {
-    if (parent)
-      return 1 + parent->GetDepth();
-    return 0;
-  }
-  void Expand() { expanded = true; }
-  std::vector<Row> &GetChildren() {
-    ProcessSP process_sp = value.GetProcessSP();
-    auto stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
-    if (process_sp && stop_id != children_stop_id) {
-      children_stop_id = stop_id;
-      calculated_children = false;
-    }
-    if (!calculated_children) {
-      children.clear();
-      calculated_children = true;
-      ValueObjectSP valobj = value.GetSP();
-      if (valobj) {
-        const size_t num_children = valobj->GetNumChildren();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_children; ++i) {
-          children.push_back(Row(valobj->GetChildAtIndex(i, true), this));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return children;
-  }
-  void Unexpand() {
-    expanded = false;
-    calculated_children = false;
-    children.clear();
-  }
-  void DrawTree(Window &window) {
-    if (parent)
-      parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, 0);
-    if (might_have_children) {
-      // It we can get UTF8 characters to work we should try to use the
-      // "symbol" UTF8 string below
-      //            const char *symbol = "";
-      //            if (row.expanded)
-      //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xbd ";
-      //            else
-      //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xb7 ";
-      //            window.PutCString (symbol);
-      // The ACS_DARROW and ACS_RARROW don't look very nice they are just a 'v'
-      // or '>' character...
-      //            if (expanded)
-      //                window.PutChar (ACS_DARROW);
-      //            else
-      //                window.PutChar (ACS_RARROW);
-      // Since we can't find any good looking right arrow/down arrow symbols,
-      // just use a diamond...
-      window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
-      window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-    }
-  }
-  void DrawTreeForChild(Window &window, Row *child, uint32_t reverse_depth) {
-    if (parent)
-      parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, reverse_depth + 1);
-    if (&GetChildren().back() == child) {
-      // Last child
-      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
-        window.PutChar(ACS_LLCORNER);
-        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-      } else {
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
-        window.PutChar(ACS_LTEE);
-        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-      } else {
-        window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-      }
-    }
-  }
-struct DisplayOptions {
-  bool show_types;
-class TreeItem;
-class TreeDelegate {
-  TreeDelegate() = default;
-  virtual ~TreeDelegate() = default;
-  virtual void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) = 0;
-  virtual void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) = 0;
-  virtual bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(
-      TreeItem &item) = 0; // Return true if we need to update views
-typedef std::shared_ptr<TreeDelegate> TreeDelegateSP;
-class TreeItem {
-  TreeItem(TreeItem *parent, TreeDelegate &delegate, bool might_have_children)
-      : m_parent(parent), m_delegate(delegate), m_user_data(nullptr),
-        m_identifier(0), m_row_idx(-1), m_children(),
-        m_might_have_children(might_have_children), m_is_expanded(false) {}
-  TreeItem &operator=(const TreeItem &rhs) {
-    if (this != &rhs) {
-      m_parent = rhs.m_parent;
-      m_delegate = rhs.m_delegate;
-      m_user_data = rhs.m_user_data;
-      m_identifier = rhs.m_identifier;
-      m_row_idx = rhs.m_row_idx;
-      m_children = rhs.m_children;
-      m_might_have_children = rhs.m_might_have_children;
-      m_is_expanded = rhs.m_is_expanded;
-    }
-    return *this;
-  }
-  size_t GetDepth() const {
-    if (m_parent)
-      return 1 + m_parent->GetDepth();
-    return 0;
-  }
-  int GetRowIndex() const { return m_row_idx; }
-  void ClearChildren() { m_children.clear(); }
-  void Resize(size_t n, const TreeItem &t) { m_children.resize(n, t); }
-  TreeItem &operator[](size_t i) { return m_children[i]; }
-  void SetRowIndex(int row_idx) { m_row_idx = row_idx; }
-  size_t GetNumChildren() {
-    m_delegate.TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(*this);
-    return m_children.size();
-  }
-  void ItemWasSelected() { m_delegate.TreeDelegateItemSelected(*this); }
-  void CalculateRowIndexes(int &row_idx) {
-    SetRowIndex(row_idx);
-    ++row_idx;
-    const bool expanded = IsExpanded();
-    // The root item must calculate its children, or we must calculate the
-    // number of children if the item is expanded
-    if (m_parent == nullptr || expanded)
-      GetNumChildren();
-    for (auto &item : m_children) {
-      if (expanded)
-        item.CalculateRowIndexes(row_idx);
-      else
-        item.SetRowIndex(-1);
-    }
-  }
-  TreeItem *GetParent() { return m_parent; }
-  bool IsExpanded() const { return m_is_expanded; }
-  void Expand() { m_is_expanded = true; }
-  void Unexpand() { m_is_expanded = false; }
-  bool Draw(Window &window, const int first_visible_row,
-            const uint32_t selected_row_idx, int &row_idx, int &num_rows_left) {
-    if (num_rows_left <= 0)
-      return false;
-    if (m_row_idx >= first_visible_row) {
-      window.MoveCursor(2, row_idx + 1);
-      if (m_parent)
-        m_parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, 0);
-      if (m_might_have_children) {
-        // It we can get UTF8 characters to work we should try to use the
-        // "symbol" UTF8 string below
-        //            const char *symbol = "";
-        //            if (row.expanded)
-        //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xbd ";
-        //            else
-        //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xb7 ";
-        //            window.PutCString (symbol);
-        // The ACS_DARROW and ACS_RARROW don't look very nice they are just a
-        // 'v' or '>' character...
-        //            if (expanded)
-        //                window.PutChar (ACS_DARROW);
-        //            else
-        //                window.PutChar (ACS_RARROW);
-        // Since we can't find any good looking right arrow/down arrow symbols,
-        // just use a diamond...
-        window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
-        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-      }
-      bool highlight = (selected_row_idx == static_cast<size_t>(m_row_idx)) &&
-                       window.IsActive();
-      if (highlight)
-        window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
-      m_delegate.TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(*this, window);
-      if (highlight)
-        window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
-      ++row_idx;
-      --num_rows_left;
-    }
-    if (num_rows_left <= 0)
-      return false; // We are done drawing...
-    if (IsExpanded()) {
-      for (auto &item : m_children) {
-        // If we displayed all the rows and item.Draw() returns false we are
-        // done drawing and can exit this for loop
-        if (!item.Draw(window, first_visible_row, selected_row_idx, row_idx,
-                       num_rows_left))
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-    return num_rows_left >= 0; // Return true if not done drawing yet
-  }
-  void DrawTreeForChild(Window &window, TreeItem *child,
-                        uint32_t reverse_depth) {
-    if (m_parent)
-      m_parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, reverse_depth + 1);
-    if (&m_children.back() == child) {
-      // Last child
-      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
-        window.PutChar(ACS_LLCORNER);
-        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-      } else {
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
-        window.PutChar(ACS_LTEE);
-        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
-      } else {
-        window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
-        window.PutChar(' ');
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  TreeItem *GetItemForRowIndex(uint32_t row_idx) {
-    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(m_row_idx) == row_idx)
-      return this;
-    if (m_children.empty())
-      return nullptr;
-    if (IsExpanded()) {
-      for (auto &item : m_children) {
-        TreeItem *selected_item_ptr = item.GetItemForRowIndex(row_idx);
-        if (selected_item_ptr)
-          return selected_item_ptr;
-      }
-    }
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  void *GetUserData() const { return m_user_data; }
-  void SetUserData(void *user_data) { m_user_data = user_data; }
-  uint64_t GetIdentifier() const { return m_identifier; }
-  void SetIdentifier(uint64_t identifier) { m_identifier = identifier; }
-  void SetMightHaveChildren(bool b) { m_might_have_children = b; }
-  TreeItem *m_parent;
-  TreeDelegate &m_delegate;
-  void *m_user_data;
-  uint64_t m_identifier;
-  int m_row_idx; // Zero based visible row index, -1 if not visible or for the
-                 // root item
-  std::vector<TreeItem> m_children;
-  bool m_might_have_children;
-  bool m_is_expanded;
-class TreeWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
-  TreeWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger, const TreeDelegateSP &delegate_sp)
-      : m_debugger(debugger), m_delegate_sp(delegate_sp),
-        m_root(nullptr, *delegate_sp, true), m_selected_item(nullptr),
-        m_num_rows(0), m_selected_row_idx(0), m_first_visible_row(0),
-        m_min_x(0), m_min_y(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {}
-  int NumVisibleRows() const { return m_max_y - m_min_y; }
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
-        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
-    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-    bool display_content = false;
-    if (process) {
-      StateType state = process->GetState();
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        // We are stopped, so it is ok to
-        display_content = true;
-      } else if (StateIsRunningState(state)) {
-        return true; // Don't do any updating when we are running
-      }
-    }
-    m_min_x = 2;
-    m_min_y = 1;
-    m_max_x = window.GetWidth() - 1;
-    m_max_y = window.GetHeight() - 1;
-    window.Erase();
-    window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName());
-    if (display_content) {
-      const int num_visible_rows = NumVisibleRows();
-      m_num_rows = 0;
-      m_root.CalculateRowIndexes(m_num_rows);
-      // If we unexpanded while having something selected our total number of
-      // rows is less than the num visible rows, then make sure we show all the
-      // rows by setting the first visible row accordingly.
-      if (m_first_visible_row > 0 && m_num_rows < num_visible_rows)
-        m_first_visible_row = 0;
-      // Make sure the selected row is always visible
-      if (m_selected_row_idx < m_first_visible_row)
-        m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx;
-      else if (m_first_visible_row + num_visible_rows <= m_selected_row_idx)
-        m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx - num_visible_rows + 1;
-      int row_idx = 0;
-      int num_rows_left = num_visible_rows;
-      m_root.Draw(window, m_first_visible_row, m_selected_row_idx, row_idx,
-                  num_rows_left);
-      // Get the selected row
-      m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-    } else {
-      m_selected_item = nullptr;
-    }
-    return true; // Drawing handled
-  }
-  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
-    return "Thread window keyboard shortcuts:";
-  }
-  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
-    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
-        {KEY_UP, "Select previous item"},
-        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next item"},
-        {KEY_RIGHT, "Expand the selected item"},
-        {KEY_LEFT,
-         "Unexpand the selected item or select parent if not expanded"},
-        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
-        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
-        {'h', "Show help dialog"},
-        {' ', "Toggle item expansion"},
-        {',', "Page up"},
-        {'.', "Page down"},
-        {'\0', nullptr}};
-    return g_source_view_key_help;
-  }
-  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int c) override {
-    switch (c) {
-    case ',':
-    case KEY_PPAGE:
-      // Page up key
-      if (m_first_visible_row > 0) {
-        if (m_first_visible_row > m_max_y)
-          m_first_visible_row -= m_max_y;
-        else
-          m_first_visible_row = 0;
-        m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
-        m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-        if (m_selected_item)
-          m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case '.':
-    case KEY_NPAGE:
-      // Page down key
-      if (m_num_rows > m_max_y) {
-        if (m_first_visible_row + m_max_y < m_num_rows) {
-          m_first_visible_row += m_max_y;
-          m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
-          m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-          if (m_selected_item)
-            m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
-        }
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_UP:
-      if (m_selected_row_idx > 0) {
-        --m_selected_row_idx;
-        m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-        if (m_selected_item)
-          m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_DOWN:
-      if (m_selected_row_idx + 1 < m_num_rows) {
-        ++m_selected_row_idx;
-        m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-        if (m_selected_item)
-          m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_RIGHT:
-      if (m_selected_item) {
-        if (!m_selected_item->IsExpanded())
-          m_selected_item->Expand();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_LEFT:
-      if (m_selected_item) {
-        if (m_selected_item->IsExpanded())
-          m_selected_item->Unexpand();
-        else if (m_selected_item->GetParent()) {
-          m_selected_row_idx = m_selected_item->GetParent()->GetRowIndex();
-          m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-          if (m_selected_item)
-            m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
-        }
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case ' ':
-      // Toggle expansion state when SPACE is pressed
-      if (m_selected_item) {
-        if (m_selected_item->IsExpanded())
-          m_selected_item->Unexpand();
-        else
-          m_selected_item->Expand();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'h':
-      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return eKeyNotHandled;
-  }
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  TreeDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
-  TreeItem m_root;
-  TreeItem *m_selected_item;
-  int m_num_rows;
-  int m_selected_row_idx;
-  int m_first_visible_row;
-  int m_min_x;
-  int m_min_y;
-  int m_max_x;
-  int m_max_y;
-class FrameTreeDelegate : public TreeDelegate {
-  FrameTreeDelegate() : TreeDelegate() {
-    FormatEntity::Parse(
-        "frame #${frame.index}: {${function.name}${function.pc-offset}}}",
-        m_format);
-  }
-  ~FrameTreeDelegate() override = default;
-  void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) override {
-    Thread *thread = (Thread *)item.GetUserData();
-    if (thread) {
-      const uint64_t frame_idx = item.GetIdentifier();
-      StackFrameSP frame_sp = thread->GetStackFrameAtIndex(frame_idx);
-      if (frame_sp) {
-        StreamString strm;
-        const SymbolContext &sc =
-            frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything);
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx(frame_sp);
-        if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, &sc, &exe_ctx, nullptr,
-                                 nullptr, false, false)) {
-          int right_pad = 1;
-          window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), right_pad);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) override {
-    // No children for frames yet...
-  }
-  bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(TreeItem &item) override {
-    Thread *thread = (Thread *)item.GetUserData();
-    if (thread) {
-      thread->GetProcess()->GetThreadList().SetSelectedThreadByID(
-          thread->GetID());
-      const uint64_t frame_idx = item.GetIdentifier();
-      thread->SetSelectedFrameByIndex(frame_idx);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
-class ThreadTreeDelegate : public TreeDelegate {
-  ThreadTreeDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
-      : TreeDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger), m_tid(LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID),
-        m_stop_id(UINT32_MAX) {
-    FormatEntity::Parse("thread #${thread.index}: tid = ${thread.id}{, stop "
-                        "reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}",
-                        m_format);
-  }
-  ~ThreadTreeDelegate() override = default;
-  ProcessSP GetProcess() {
-    return m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
-        .GetExecutionContext()
-        .GetProcessSP();
-  }
-  ThreadSP GetThread(const TreeItem &item) {
-    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
-    if (process_sp)
-      return process_sp->GetThreadList().FindThreadByID(item.GetIdentifier());
-    return ThreadSP();
-  }
-  void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) override {
-    ThreadSP thread_sp = GetThread(item);
-    if (thread_sp) {
-      StreamString strm;
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx(thread_sp);
-      if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, nullptr, &exe_ctx, nullptr,
-                               nullptr, false, false)) {
-        int right_pad = 1;
-        window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), right_pad);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) override {
-    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
-    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
-      StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        ThreadSP thread_sp = GetThread(item);
-        if (thread_sp) {
-          if (m_stop_id == process_sp->GetStopID() &&
-              thread_sp->GetID() == m_tid)
-            return; // Children are already up to date
-          if (!m_frame_delegate_sp) {
-            // Always expand the thread item the first time we show it
-            m_frame_delegate_sp = std::make_shared<FrameTreeDelegate>();
-          }
-          m_stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
-          m_tid = thread_sp->GetID();
-          TreeItem t(&item, *m_frame_delegate_sp, false);
-          size_t num_frames = thread_sp->GetStackFrameCount();
-          item.Resize(num_frames, t);
-          for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) {
-            item[i].SetUserData(thread_sp.get());
-            item[i].SetIdentifier(i);
-          }
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    item.ClearChildren();
-  }
-  bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(TreeItem &item) override {
-    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
-    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
-      StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        ThreadSP thread_sp = GetThread(item);
-        if (thread_sp) {
-          ThreadList &thread_list = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetThreadList();
-          std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(thread_list.GetMutex());
-          ThreadSP selected_thread_sp = thread_list.GetSelectedThread();
-          if (selected_thread_sp->GetID() != thread_sp->GetID()) {
-            thread_list.SetSelectedThreadByID(thread_sp->GetID());
-            return true;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  std::shared_ptr<FrameTreeDelegate> m_frame_delegate_sp;
-  lldb::user_id_t m_tid;
-  uint32_t m_stop_id;
-  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
-class ThreadsTreeDelegate : public TreeDelegate {
-  ThreadsTreeDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
-      : TreeDelegate(), m_thread_delegate_sp(), m_debugger(debugger),
-        m_stop_id(UINT32_MAX) {
-    FormatEntity::Parse("process ${process.id}{, name = ${process.name}}",
-                        m_format);
-  }
-  ~ThreadsTreeDelegate() override = default;
-  ProcessSP GetProcess() {
-    return m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
-        .GetExecutionContext()
-        .GetProcessSP();
-  }
-  void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) override {
-    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
-    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
-      StreamString strm;
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx(process_sp);
-      if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, nullptr, &exe_ctx, nullptr,
-                               nullptr, false, false)) {
-        int right_pad = 1;
-        window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), right_pad);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) override {
-    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
-    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
-      StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        const uint32_t stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
-        if (m_stop_id == stop_id)
-          return; // Children are already up to date
-        m_stop_id = stop_id;
-        if (!m_thread_delegate_sp) {
-          // Always expand the thread item the first time we show it
-          // item.Expand();
-          m_thread_delegate_sp =
-              std::make_shared<ThreadTreeDelegate>(m_debugger);
-        }
-        TreeItem t(&item, *m_thread_delegate_sp, false);
-        ThreadList &threads = process_sp->GetThreadList();
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(threads.GetMutex());
-        size_t num_threads = threads.GetSize();
-        item.Resize(num_threads, t);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-          item[i].SetIdentifier(threads.GetThreadAtIndex(i)->GetID());
-          item[i].SetMightHaveChildren(true);
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    item.ClearChildren();
-  }
-  bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(TreeItem &item) override { return false; }
-  std::shared_ptr<ThreadTreeDelegate> m_thread_delegate_sp;
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  uint32_t m_stop_id;
-  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
-class ValueObjectListDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
-  ValueObjectListDelegate()
-      : m_rows(), m_selected_row(nullptr), m_selected_row_idx(0),
-        m_first_visible_row(0), m_num_rows(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {}
-  ValueObjectListDelegate(ValueObjectList &valobj_list)
-      : m_rows(), m_selected_row(nullptr), m_selected_row_idx(0),
-        m_first_visible_row(0), m_num_rows(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {
-    SetValues(valobj_list);
-  }
-  ~ValueObjectListDelegate() override = default;
-  void SetValues(ValueObjectList &valobj_list) {
-    m_selected_row = nullptr;
-    m_selected_row_idx = 0;
-    m_first_visible_row = 0;
-    m_num_rows = 0;
-    m_rows.clear();
-    for (auto &valobj_sp : valobj_list.GetObjects())
-      m_rows.push_back(Row(valobj_sp, nullptr));
-  }
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    m_num_rows = 0;
-    m_min_x = 2;
-    m_min_y = 1;
-    m_max_x = window.GetWidth() - 1;
-    m_max_y = window.GetHeight() - 1;
-    window.Erase();
-    window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName());
-    const int num_visible_rows = NumVisibleRows();
-    const int num_rows = CalculateTotalNumberRows(m_rows);
-    // If we unexpanded while having something selected our total number of
-    // rows is less than the num visible rows, then make sure we show all the
-    // rows by setting the first visible row accordingly.
-    if (m_first_visible_row > 0 && num_rows < num_visible_rows)
-      m_first_visible_row = 0;
-    // Make sure the selected row is always visible
-    if (m_selected_row_idx < m_first_visible_row)
-      m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx;
-    else if (m_first_visible_row + num_visible_rows <= m_selected_row_idx)
-      m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx - num_visible_rows + 1;
-    DisplayRows(window, m_rows, g_options);
-    // Get the selected row
-    m_selected_row = GetRowForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
-    // Keep the cursor on the selected row so the highlight and the cursor are
-    // always on the same line
-    if (m_selected_row)
-      window.MoveCursor(m_selected_row->x, m_selected_row->y);
-    return true; // Drawing handled
-  }
-  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
-    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
-        {KEY_UP, "Select previous item"},
-        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next item"},
-        {KEY_RIGHT, "Expand selected item"},
-        {KEY_LEFT, "Unexpand selected item or select parent if not expanded"},
-        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
-        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
-        {'A', "Format as annotated address"},
-        {'b', "Format as binary"},
-        {'B', "Format as hex bytes with ASCII"},
-        {'c', "Format as character"},
-        {'d', "Format as a signed integer"},
-        {'D', "Format selected value using the default format for the type"},
-        {'f', "Format as float"},
-        {'h', "Show help dialog"},
-        {'i', "Format as instructions"},
-        {'o', "Format as octal"},
-        {'p', "Format as pointer"},
-        {'s', "Format as C string"},
-        {'t', "Toggle showing/hiding type names"},
-        {'u', "Format as an unsigned integer"},
-        {'x', "Format as hex"},
-        {'X', "Format as uppercase hex"},
-        {' ', "Toggle item expansion"},
-        {',', "Page up"},
-        {'.', "Page down"},
-        {'\0', nullptr}};
-    return g_source_view_key_help;
-  }
-  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int c) override {
-    switch (c) {
-    case 'x':
-    case 'X':
-    case 'o':
-    case 's':
-    case 'u':
-    case 'd':
-    case 'D':
-    case 'i':
-    case 'A':
-    case 'p':
-    case 'c':
-    case 'b':
-    case 'B':
-    case 'f':
-      // Change the format for the currently selected item
-      if (m_selected_row) {
-        auto valobj_sp = m_selected_row->value.GetSP();
-        if (valobj_sp)
-          valobj_sp->SetFormat(FormatForChar(c));
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 't':
-      // Toggle showing type names
-      g_options.show_types = !g_options.show_types;
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case ',':
-    case KEY_PPAGE:
-      // Page up key
-      if (m_first_visible_row > 0) {
-        if (static_cast<int>(m_first_visible_row) > m_max_y)
-          m_first_visible_row -= m_max_y;
-        else
-          m_first_visible_row = 0;
-        m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case '.':
-    case KEY_NPAGE:
-      // Page down key
-      if (m_num_rows > static_cast<size_t>(m_max_y)) {
-        if (m_first_visible_row + m_max_y < m_num_rows) {
-          m_first_visible_row += m_max_y;
-          m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
-        }
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_UP:
-      if (m_selected_row_idx > 0)
-        --m_selected_row_idx;
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_DOWN:
-      if (m_selected_row_idx + 1 < m_num_rows)
-        ++m_selected_row_idx;
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_RIGHT:
-      if (m_selected_row) {
-        if (!m_selected_row->expanded)
-          m_selected_row->Expand();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_LEFT:
-      if (m_selected_row) {
-        if (m_selected_row->expanded)
-          m_selected_row->Unexpand();
-        else if (m_selected_row->parent)
-          m_selected_row_idx = m_selected_row->parent->row_idx;
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case ' ':
-      // Toggle expansion state when SPACE is pressed
-      if (m_selected_row) {
-        if (m_selected_row->expanded)
-          m_selected_row->Unexpand();
-        else
-          m_selected_row->Expand();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'h':
-      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return eKeyNotHandled;
-  }
-  std::vector<Row> m_rows;
-  Row *m_selected_row;
-  uint32_t m_selected_row_idx;
-  uint32_t m_first_visible_row;
-  uint32_t m_num_rows;
-  int m_min_x;
-  int m_min_y;
-  int m_max_x;
-  int m_max_y;
-  static Format FormatForChar(int c) {
-    switch (c) {
-    case 'x':
-      return eFormatHex;
-    case 'X':
-      return eFormatHexUppercase;
-    case 'o':
-      return eFormatOctal;
-    case 's':
-      return eFormatCString;
-    case 'u':
-      return eFormatUnsigned;
-    case 'd':
-      return eFormatDecimal;
-    case 'D':
-      return eFormatDefault;
-    case 'i':
-      return eFormatInstruction;
-    case 'A':
-      return eFormatAddressInfo;
-    case 'p':
-      return eFormatPointer;
-    case 'c':
-      return eFormatChar;
-    case 'b':
-      return eFormatBinary;
-    case 'B':
-      return eFormatBytesWithASCII;
-    case 'f':
-      return eFormatFloat;
-    }
-    return eFormatDefault;
-  }
-  bool DisplayRowObject(Window &window, Row &row, DisplayOptions &options,
-                        bool highlight, bool last_child) {
-    ValueObject *valobj = row.value.GetSP().get();
-    if (valobj == nullptr)
-      return false;
-    const char *type_name =
-        options.show_types ? valobj->GetTypeName().GetCString() : nullptr;
-    const char *name = valobj->GetName().GetCString();
-    const char *value = valobj->GetValueAsCString();
-    const char *summary = valobj->GetSummaryAsCString();
-    window.MoveCursor(row.x, row.y);
-    row.DrawTree(window);
-    if (highlight)
-      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
-    if (type_name && type_name[0])
-      window.Printf("(%s) ", type_name);
-    if (name && name[0])
-      window.PutCString(name);
-    attr_t changd_attr = 0;
-    if (valobj->GetValueDidChange())
-      changd_attr = COLOR_PAIR(5) | A_BOLD;
-    if (value && value[0]) {
-      window.PutCString(" = ");
-      if (changd_attr)
-        window.AttributeOn(changd_attr);
-      window.PutCString(value);
-      if (changd_attr)
-        window.AttributeOff(changd_attr);
-    }
-    if (summary && summary[0]) {
-      window.PutChar(' ');
-      if (changd_attr)
-        window.AttributeOn(changd_attr);
-      window.PutCString(summary);
-      if (changd_attr)
-        window.AttributeOff(changd_attr);
-    }
-    if (highlight)
-      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
-    return true;
-  }
-  void DisplayRows(Window &window, std::vector<Row> &rows,
-                   DisplayOptions &options) {
-    // >   0x25B7
-    // \/  0x25BD
-    bool window_is_active = window.IsActive();
-    for (auto &row : rows) {
-      const bool last_child = row.parent && &rows[rows.size() - 1] == &row;
-      // Save the row index in each Row structure
-      row.row_idx = m_num_rows;
-      if ((m_num_rows >= m_first_visible_row) &&
-          ((m_num_rows - m_first_visible_row) <
-           static_cast<size_t>(NumVisibleRows()))) {
-        row.x = m_min_x;
-        row.y = m_num_rows - m_first_visible_row + 1;
-        if (DisplayRowObject(window, row, options,
-                             window_is_active &&
-                                 m_num_rows == m_selected_row_idx,
-                             last_child)) {
-          ++m_num_rows;
-        } else {
-          row.x = 0;
-          row.y = 0;
-        }
-      } else {
-        row.x = 0;
-        row.y = 0;
-        ++m_num_rows;
-      }
-      auto &children = row.GetChildren();
-      if (row.expanded && !children.empty()) {
-        DisplayRows(window, children, options);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  int CalculateTotalNumberRows(std::vector<Row> &rows) {
-    int row_count = 0;
-    for (auto &row : rows) {
-      ++row_count;
-      if (row.expanded)
-        row_count += CalculateTotalNumberRows(row.GetChildren());
-    }
-    return row_count;
-  }
-  static Row *GetRowForRowIndexImpl(std::vector<Row> &rows, size_t &row_index) {
-    for (auto &row : rows) {
-      if (row_index == 0)
-        return &row;
-      else {
-        --row_index;
-        auto &children = row.GetChildren();
-        if (row.expanded && !children.empty()) {
-          Row *result = GetRowForRowIndexImpl(children, row_index);
-          if (result)
-            return result;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  Row *GetRowForRowIndex(size_t row_index) {
-    return GetRowForRowIndexImpl(m_rows, row_index);
-  }
-  int NumVisibleRows() const { return m_max_y - m_min_y; }
-  static DisplayOptions g_options;
-class FrameVariablesWindowDelegate : public ValueObjectListDelegate {
-  FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
-      : ValueObjectListDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger),
-        m_frame_block(nullptr) {}
-  ~FrameVariablesWindowDelegate() override = default;
-  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
-    return "Frame variable window keyboard shortcuts:";
-  }
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
-        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
-    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-    Block *frame_block = nullptr;
-    StackFrame *frame = nullptr;
-    if (process) {
-      StateType state = process->GetState();
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
-        if (frame)
-          frame_block = frame->GetFrameBlock();
-      } else if (StateIsRunningState(state)) {
-        return true; // Don't do any updating when we are running
-      }
-    }
-    ValueObjectList local_values;
-    if (frame_block) {
-      // Only update the variables if they have changed
-      if (m_frame_block != frame_block) {
-        m_frame_block = frame_block;
-        VariableList *locals = frame->GetVariableList(true);
-        if (locals) {
-          const DynamicValueType use_dynamic = eDynamicDontRunTarget;
-          for (const VariableSP &local_sp : *locals) {
-            ValueObjectSP value_sp =
-                frame->GetValueObjectForFrameVariable(local_sp, use_dynamic);
-            if (value_sp) {
-              ValueObjectSP synthetic_value_sp = value_sp->GetSyntheticValue();
-              if (synthetic_value_sp)
-                local_values.Append(synthetic_value_sp);
-              else
-                local_values.Append(value_sp);
-            }
-          }
-          // Update the values
-          SetValues(local_values);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      m_frame_block = nullptr;
-      // Update the values with an empty list if there is no frame
-      SetValues(local_values);
-    }
-    return ValueObjectListDelegate::WindowDelegateDraw(window, force);
-  }
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  Block *m_frame_block;
-class RegistersWindowDelegate : public ValueObjectListDelegate {
-  RegistersWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
-      : ValueObjectListDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger) {}
-  ~RegistersWindowDelegate() override = default;
-  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
-    return "Register window keyboard shortcuts:";
-  }
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
-        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
-    StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
-    ValueObjectList value_list;
-    if (frame) {
-      if (frame->GetStackID() != m_stack_id) {
-        m_stack_id = frame->GetStackID();
-        RegisterContextSP reg_ctx(frame->GetRegisterContext());
-        if (reg_ctx) {
-          const uint32_t num_sets = reg_ctx->GetRegisterSetCount();
-          for (uint32_t set_idx = 0; set_idx < num_sets; ++set_idx) {
-            value_list.Append(
-                ValueObjectRegisterSet::Create(frame, reg_ctx, set_idx));
-          }
-        }
-        SetValues(value_list);
-      }
-    } else {
-      Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-      if (process && process->IsAlive())
-        return true; // Don't do any updating if we are running
-      else {
-        // Update the values with an empty list if there is no process or the
-        // process isn't alive anymore
-        SetValues(value_list);
-      }
-    }
-    return ValueObjectListDelegate::WindowDelegateDraw(window, force);
-  }
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  StackID m_stack_id;
-static const char *CursesKeyToCString(int ch) {
-  static char g_desc[32];
-  if (ch >= KEY_F0 && ch < KEY_F0 + 64) {
-    snprintf(g_desc, sizeof(g_desc), "F%u", ch - KEY_F0);
-    return g_desc;
-  }
-  switch (ch) {
-  case KEY_DOWN:
-    return "down";
-  case KEY_UP:
-    return "up";
-  case KEY_LEFT:
-    return "left";
-  case KEY_RIGHT:
-    return "right";
-  case KEY_HOME:
-    return "home";
-    return "backspace";
-  case KEY_DL:
-    return "delete-line";
-  case KEY_IL:
-    return "insert-line";
-  case KEY_DC:
-    return "delete-char";
-  case KEY_IC:
-    return "insert-char";
-  case KEY_CLEAR:
-    return "clear";
-  case KEY_EOS:
-    return "clear-to-eos";
-  case KEY_EOL:
-    return "clear-to-eol";
-  case KEY_SF:
-    return "scroll-forward";
-  case KEY_SR:
-    return "scroll-backward";
-  case KEY_NPAGE:
-    return "page-down";
-  case KEY_PPAGE:
-    return "page-up";
-  case KEY_STAB:
-    return "set-tab";
-  case KEY_CTAB:
-    return "clear-tab";
-  case KEY_CATAB:
-    return "clear-all-tabs";
-  case KEY_ENTER:
-    return "enter";
-  case KEY_PRINT:
-    return "print";
-  case KEY_LL:
-    return "lower-left key";
-  case KEY_A1:
-    return "upper left of keypad";
-  case KEY_A3:
-    return "upper right of keypad";
-  case KEY_B2:
-    return "center of keypad";
-  case KEY_C1:
-    return "lower left of keypad";
-  case KEY_C3:
-    return "lower right of keypad";
-  case KEY_BTAB:
-    return "back-tab key";
-  case KEY_BEG:
-    return "begin key";
-  case KEY_CANCEL:
-    return "cancel key";
-  case KEY_CLOSE:
-    return "close key";
-  case KEY_COMMAND:
-    return "command key";
-  case KEY_COPY:
-    return "copy key";
-  case KEY_CREATE:
-    return "create key";
-  case KEY_END:
-    return "end key";
-  case KEY_EXIT:
-    return "exit key";
-  case KEY_FIND:
-    return "find key";
-  case KEY_HELP:
-    return "help key";
-  case KEY_MARK:
-    return "mark key";
-  case KEY_MESSAGE:
-    return "message key";
-  case KEY_MOVE:
-    return "move key";
-  case KEY_NEXT:
-    return "next key";
-  case KEY_OPEN:
-    return "open key";
-  case KEY_OPTIONS:
-    return "options key";
-    return "previous key";
-  case KEY_REDO:
-    return "redo key";
-    return "reference key";
-  case KEY_REFRESH:
-    return "refresh key";
-  case KEY_REPLACE:
-    return "replace key";
-  case KEY_RESTART:
-    return "restart key";
-  case KEY_RESUME:
-    return "resume key";
-  case KEY_SAVE:
-    return "save key";
-  case KEY_SBEG:
-    return "shifted begin key";
-  case KEY_SCANCEL:
-    return "shifted cancel key";
-    return "shifted command key";
-  case KEY_SCOPY:
-    return "shifted copy key";
-  case KEY_SCREATE:
-    return "shifted create key";
-  case KEY_SDC:
-    return "shifted delete-character key";
-  case KEY_SDL:
-    return "shifted delete-line key";
-  case KEY_SELECT:
-    return "select key";
-  case KEY_SEND:
-    return "shifted end key";
-  case KEY_SEOL:
-    return "shifted clear-to-end-of-line key";
-  case KEY_SEXIT:
-    return "shifted exit key";
-  case KEY_SFIND:
-    return "shifted find key";
-  case KEY_SHELP:
-    return "shifted help key";
-  case KEY_SHOME:
-    return "shifted home key";
-  case KEY_SIC:
-    return "shifted insert-character key";
-  case KEY_SLEFT:
-    return "shifted left-arrow key";
-    return "shifted message key";
-  case KEY_SMOVE:
-    return "shifted move key";
-  case KEY_SNEXT:
-    return "shifted next key";
-    return "shifted options key";
-    return "shifted previous key";
-  case KEY_SPRINT:
-    return "shifted print key";
-  case KEY_SREDO:
-    return "shifted redo key";
-    return "shifted replace key";
-  case KEY_SRIGHT:
-    return "shifted right-arrow key";
-  case KEY_SRSUME:
-    return "shifted resume key";
-  case KEY_SSAVE:
-    return "shifted save key";
-    return "shifted suspend key";
-  case KEY_SUNDO:
-    return "shifted undo key";
-  case KEY_SUSPEND:
-    return "suspend key";
-  case KEY_UNDO:
-    return "undo key";
-  case KEY_MOUSE:
-    return "Mouse event has occurred";
-  case KEY_RESIZE:
-    return "Terminal resize event";
-#ifdef KEY_EVENT
-  case KEY_EVENT:
-    return "We were interrupted by an event";
-  case KEY_RETURN:
-    return "return";
-  case ' ':
-    return "space";
-  case '\t':
-    return "tab";
-  case KEY_ESCAPE:
-    return "escape";
-  default:
-    if (isprint(ch))
-      snprintf(g_desc, sizeof(g_desc), "%c", ch);
-    else
-      snprintf(g_desc, sizeof(g_desc), "\\x%2.2x", ch);
-    return g_desc;
-  }
-  return nullptr;
-HelpDialogDelegate::HelpDialogDelegate(const char *text,
-                                       KeyHelp *key_help_array)
-    : m_text(), m_first_visible_line(0) {
-  if (text && text[0]) {
-    m_text.SplitIntoLines(text);
-    m_text.AppendString("");
-  }
-  if (key_help_array) {
-    for (KeyHelp *key = key_help_array; key->ch; ++key) {
-      StreamString key_description;
-      key_description.Printf("%10s - %s", CursesKeyToCString(key->ch),
-                             key->description);
-      m_text.AppendString(key_description.GetString());
-    }
-  }
-HelpDialogDelegate::~HelpDialogDelegate() = default;
-bool HelpDialogDelegate::WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) {
-  window.Erase();
-  const int window_height = window.GetHeight();
-  int x = 2;
-  int y = 1;
-  const int min_y = y;
-  const int max_y = window_height - 1 - y;
-  const size_t num_visible_lines = max_y - min_y + 1;
-  const size_t num_lines = m_text.GetSize();
-  const char *bottom_message;
-  if (num_lines <= num_visible_lines)
-    bottom_message = "Press any key to exit";
-  else
-    bottom_message = "Use arrows to scroll, any other key to exit";
-  window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName(), bottom_message);
-  while (y <= max_y) {
-    window.MoveCursor(x, y);
-    window.PutCStringTruncated(
-        m_text.GetStringAtIndex(m_first_visible_line + y - min_y), 1);
-    ++y;
-  }
-  return true;
-HandleCharResult HelpDialogDelegate::WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window,
-                                                              int key) {
-  bool done = false;
-  const size_t num_lines = m_text.GetSize();
-  const size_t num_visible_lines = window.GetHeight() - 2;
-  if (num_lines <= num_visible_lines) {
-    done = true;
-    // If we have all lines visible and don't need scrolling, then any key
-    // press will cause us to exit
-  } else {
-    switch (key) {
-    case KEY_UP:
-      if (m_first_visible_line > 0)
-        --m_first_visible_line;
-      break;
-    case KEY_DOWN:
-      if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < num_lines)
-        ++m_first_visible_line;
-      break;
-    case KEY_PPAGE:
-    case ',':
-      if (m_first_visible_line > 0) {
-        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) >= num_visible_lines)
-          m_first_visible_line -= num_visible_lines;
-        else
-          m_first_visible_line = 0;
-      }
-      break;
-    case KEY_NPAGE:
-    case '.':
-      if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < num_lines) {
-        m_first_visible_line += num_visible_lines;
-        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) > num_lines)
-          m_first_visible_line = num_lines - num_visible_lines;
-      }
-      break;
-    default:
-      done = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (done)
-    window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
-  return eKeyHandled;
-class ApplicationDelegate : public WindowDelegate, public MenuDelegate {
-  enum {
-    eMenuID_LLDB = 1,
-    eMenuID_LLDBAbout,
-    eMenuID_LLDBExit,
-    eMenuID_Target,
-    eMenuID_TargetCreate,
-    eMenuID_TargetDelete,
-    eMenuID_Process,
-    eMenuID_ProcessAttach,
-    eMenuID_ProcessDetach,
-    eMenuID_ProcessLaunch,
-    eMenuID_ProcessContinue,
-    eMenuID_ProcessHalt,
-    eMenuID_ProcessKill,
-    eMenuID_Thread,
-    eMenuID_ThreadStepIn,
-    eMenuID_ThreadStepOver,
-    eMenuID_ThreadStepOut,
-    eMenuID_View,
-    eMenuID_ViewBacktrace,
-    eMenuID_ViewRegisters,
-    eMenuID_ViewSource,
-    eMenuID_ViewVariables,
-    eMenuID_Help,
-    eMenuID_HelpGUIHelp
-  };
-  ApplicationDelegate(Application &app, Debugger &debugger)
-      : WindowDelegate(), MenuDelegate(), m_app(app), m_debugger(debugger) {}
-  ~ApplicationDelegate() override = default;
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    return false; // Drawing not handled, let standard window drawing happen
-  }
-  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override {
-    switch (key) {
-    case '\t':
-      window.SelectNextWindowAsActive();
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'h':
-      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_ESCAPE:
-      return eQuitApplication;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return eKeyNotHandled;
-  }
-  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
-    return "Welcome to the LLDB curses GUI.\n\n"
-           "Press the TAB key to change the selected view.\n"
-           "Each view has its own keyboard shortcuts, press 'h' to open a "
-           "dialog to display them.\n\n"
-           "Common key bindings for all views:";
-  }
-  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
-    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
-        {'\t', "Select next view"},
-        {'h', "Show help dialog with view specific key bindings"},
-        {',', "Page up"},
-        {'.', "Page down"},
-        {KEY_UP, "Select previous"},
-        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next"},
-        {KEY_LEFT, "Unexpand or select parent"},
-        {KEY_RIGHT, "Expand"},
-        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
-        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
-        {'\0', nullptr}};
-    return g_source_view_key_help;
-  }
-  MenuActionResult MenuDelegateAction(Menu &menu) override {
-    switch (menu.GetIdentifier()) {
-    case eMenuID_ThreadStepIn: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
-            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
-          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepIn(true);
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ThreadStepOut: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
-            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
-          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOut();
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ThreadStepOver: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
-            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
-          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOver(true);
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ProcessContinue: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
-            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
-          process->Resume();
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ProcessKill: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive())
-          process->Destroy(false);
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ProcessHalt: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive())
-          process->Halt();
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ProcessDetach: {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
-        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-        if (process && process->IsAlive())
-          process->Detach(false);
-      }
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_Process: {
-      // Populate the menu with all of the threads if the process is stopped
-      // when the Process menu gets selected and is about to display its
-      // submenu.
-      Menus &submenus = menu.GetSubmenus();
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-      if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
-          StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true)) {
-        if (submenus.size() == 7)
-          menu.AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(Menu::Type::Separator)));
-        else if (submenus.size() > 8)
-          submenus.erase(submenus.begin() + 8, submenus.end());
-        ThreadList &threads = process->GetThreadList();
-        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(threads.GetMutex());
-        size_t num_threads = threads.GetSize();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
-          ThreadSP thread_sp = threads.GetThreadAtIndex(i);
-          char menu_char = '\0';
-          if (i < 9)
-            menu_char = '1' + i;
-          StreamString thread_menu_title;
-          thread_menu_title.Printf("Thread %u", thread_sp->GetIndexID());
-          const char *thread_name = thread_sp->GetName();
-          if (thread_name && thread_name[0])
-            thread_menu_title.Printf(" %s", thread_name);
-          else {
-            const char *queue_name = thread_sp->GetQueueName();
-            if (queue_name && queue_name[0])
-              thread_menu_title.Printf(" %s", queue_name);
-          }
-          menu.AddSubmenu(
-              MenuSP(new Menu(thread_menu_title.GetString().str().c_str(),
-                              nullptr, menu_char, thread_sp->GetID())));
-        }
-      } else if (submenus.size() > 7) {
-        // Remove the separator and any other thread submenu items that were
-        // previously added
-        submenus.erase(submenus.begin() + 7, submenus.end());
-      }
-      // Since we are adding and removing items we need to recalculate the name
-      // lengths
-      menu.RecalculateNameLengths();
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ViewVariables: {
-      WindowSP main_window_sp = m_app.GetMainWindow();
-      WindowSP source_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Source");
-      WindowSP variables_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Variables");
-      WindowSP registers_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Registers");
-      const Rect source_bounds = source_window_sp->GetBounds();
-      if (variables_window_sp) {
-        const Rect variables_bounds = variables_window_sp->GetBounds();
-        main_window_sp->RemoveSubWindow(variables_window_sp.get());
-        if (registers_window_sp) {
-          // We have a registers window, so give all the area back to the
-          // registers window
-          Rect registers_bounds = variables_bounds;
-          registers_bounds.size.width = source_bounds.size.width;
-          registers_window_sp->SetBounds(registers_bounds);
-        } else {
-          // We have no registers window showing so give the bottom area back
-          // to the source view
-          source_window_sp->Resize(source_bounds.size.width,
-                                   source_bounds.size.height +
-                                       variables_bounds.size.height);
-        }
-      } else {
-        Rect new_variables_rect;
-        if (registers_window_sp) {
-          // We have a registers window so split the area of the registers
-          // window into two columns where the left hand side will be the
-          // variables and the right hand side will be the registers
-          const Rect variables_bounds = registers_window_sp->GetBounds();
-          Rect new_registers_rect;
-          variables_bounds.VerticalSplitPercentage(0.50, new_variables_rect,
-                                                   new_registers_rect);
-          registers_window_sp->SetBounds(new_registers_rect);
-        } else {
-          // No variables window, grab the bottom part of the source window
-          Rect new_source_rect;
-          source_bounds.HorizontalSplitPercentage(0.70, new_source_rect,
-                                                  new_variables_rect);
-          source_window_sp->SetBounds(new_source_rect);
-        }
-        WindowSP new_window_sp = main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow(
-            "Variables", new_variables_rect, false);
-        new_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-            WindowDelegateSP(new FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
-      }
-      touchwin(stdscr);
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_ViewRegisters: {
-      WindowSP main_window_sp = m_app.GetMainWindow();
-      WindowSP source_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Source");
-      WindowSP variables_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Variables");
-      WindowSP registers_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Registers");
-      const Rect source_bounds = source_window_sp->GetBounds();
-      if (registers_window_sp) {
-        if (variables_window_sp) {
-          const Rect variables_bounds = variables_window_sp->GetBounds();
-          // We have a variables window, so give all the area back to the
-          // variables window
-          variables_window_sp->Resize(variables_bounds.size.width +
-                                          registers_window_sp->GetWidth(),
-                                      variables_bounds.size.height);
-        } else {
-          // We have no variables window showing so give the bottom area back
-          // to the source view
-          source_window_sp->Resize(source_bounds.size.width,
-                                   source_bounds.size.height +
-                                       registers_window_sp->GetHeight());
-        }
-        main_window_sp->RemoveSubWindow(registers_window_sp.get());
-      } else {
-        Rect new_regs_rect;
-        if (variables_window_sp) {
-          // We have a variables window, split it into two columns where the
-          // left hand side will be the variables and the right hand side will
-          // be the registers
-          const Rect variables_bounds = variables_window_sp->GetBounds();
-          Rect new_vars_rect;
-          variables_bounds.VerticalSplitPercentage(0.50, new_vars_rect,
-                                                   new_regs_rect);
-          variables_window_sp->SetBounds(new_vars_rect);
-        } else {
-          // No registers window, grab the bottom part of the source window
-          Rect new_source_rect;
-          source_bounds.HorizontalSplitPercentage(0.70, new_source_rect,
-                                                  new_regs_rect);
-          source_window_sp->SetBounds(new_source_rect);
-        }
-        WindowSP new_window_sp =
-            main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Registers", new_regs_rect, false);
-        new_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-            WindowDelegateSP(new RegistersWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
-      }
-      touchwin(stdscr);
-    }
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    case eMenuID_HelpGUIHelp:
-      m_app.GetMainWindow()->CreateHelpSubwindow();
-      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return MenuActionResult::NotHandled;
-  }
-  Application &m_app;
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-class StatusBarWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
-  StatusBarWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger) : m_debugger(debugger) {
-    FormatEntity::Parse("Thread: ${thread.id%tid}", m_format);
-  }
-  ~StatusBarWindowDelegate() override = default;
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-    Thread *thread = exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr();
-    StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
-    window.Erase();
-    window.SetBackground(2);
-    window.MoveCursor(0, 0);
-    if (process) {
-      const StateType state = process->GetState();
-      window.Printf("Process: %5" PRIu64 " %10s", process->GetID(),
-                    StateAsCString(state));
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        StreamString strm;
-        if (thread && FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, nullptr, &exe_ctx,
-                                           nullptr, nullptr, false, false)) {
-          window.MoveCursor(40, 0);
-          window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), 1);
-        }
-        window.MoveCursor(60, 0);
-        if (frame)
-          window.Printf("Frame: %3u  PC = 0x%16.16" PRIx64,
-                        frame->GetFrameIndex(),
-                        frame->GetFrameCodeAddress().GetOpcodeLoadAddress(
-                            exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr()));
-      } else if (state == eStateExited) {
-        const char *exit_desc = process->GetExitDescription();
-        const int exit_status = process->GetExitStatus();
-        if (exit_desc && exit_desc[0])
-          window.Printf(" with status = %i (%s)", exit_status, exit_desc);
-        else
-          window.Printf(" with status = %i", exit_status);
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
-class SourceFileWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
-  SourceFileWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
-      : WindowDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger), m_sc(), m_file_sp(),
-        m_disassembly_scope(nullptr), m_disassembly_sp(), m_disassembly_range(),
-        m_title(), m_line_width(4), m_selected_line(0), m_pc_line(0),
-        m_stop_id(0), m_frame_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_first_visible_line(0),
-        m_min_x(0), m_min_y(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {}
-  ~SourceFileWindowDelegate() override = default;
-  void Update(const SymbolContext &sc) { m_sc = sc; }
-  uint32_t NumVisibleLines() const { return m_max_y - m_min_y; }
-  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
-    return "Source/Disassembly window keyboard shortcuts:";
-  }
-  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
-    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
-        {KEY_RETURN, "Run to selected line with one shot breakpoint"},
-        {KEY_UP, "Select previous source line"},
-        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next source line"},
-        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
-        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
-        {'b', "Set breakpoint on selected source/disassembly line"},
-        {'c', "Continue process"},
-        {'d', "Detach and resume process"},
-        {'D', "Detach with process suspended"},
-        {'h', "Show help dialog"},
-        {'k', "Kill process"},
-        {'n', "Step over (source line)"},
-        {'N', "Step over (single instruction)"},
-        {'o', "Step out"},
-        {'s', "Step in (source line)"},
-        {'S', "Step in (single instruction)"},
-        {',', "Page up"},
-        {'.', "Page down"},
-        {'\0', nullptr}};
-    return g_source_view_key_help;
-  }
-  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
-    ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
-    Thread *thread = nullptr;
-    bool update_location = false;
-    if (process) {
-      StateType state = process->GetState();
-      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
-        // We are stopped, so it is ok to
-        update_location = true;
-      }
-    }
-    m_min_x = 1;
-    m_min_y = 2;
-    m_max_x = window.GetMaxX() - 1;
-    m_max_y = window.GetMaxY() - 1;
-    const uint32_t num_visible_lines = NumVisibleLines();
-    StackFrameSP frame_sp;
-    bool set_selected_line_to_pc = false;
-    if (update_location) {
-      const bool process_alive = process ? process->IsAlive() : false;
-      bool thread_changed = false;
-      if (process_alive) {
-        thread = exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr();
-        if (thread) {
-          frame_sp = thread->GetSelectedFrame();
-          auto tid = thread->GetID();
-          thread_changed = tid != m_tid;
-          m_tid = tid;
-        } else {
-          if (m_tid != LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID) {
-            thread_changed = true;
-            m_tid = LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      const uint32_t stop_id = process ? process->GetStopID() : 0;
-      const bool stop_id_changed = stop_id != m_stop_id;
-      bool frame_changed = false;
-      m_stop_id = stop_id;
-      m_title.Clear();
-      if (frame_sp) {
-        m_sc = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything);
-        if (m_sc.module_sp) {
-          m_title.Printf(
-              "%s", m_sc.module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetCString());
-          ConstString func_name = m_sc.GetFunctionName();
-          if (func_name)
-            m_title.Printf("`%s", func_name.GetCString());
-        }
-        const uint32_t frame_idx = frame_sp->GetFrameIndex();
-        frame_changed = frame_idx != m_frame_idx;
-        m_frame_idx = frame_idx;
-      } else {
-        m_sc.Clear(true);
-        frame_changed = m_frame_idx != UINT32_MAX;
-        m_frame_idx = UINT32_MAX;
-      }
-      const bool context_changed =
-          thread_changed || frame_changed || stop_id_changed;
-      if (process_alive) {
-        if (m_sc.line_entry.IsValid()) {
-          m_pc_line = m_sc.line_entry.line;
-          if (m_pc_line != UINT32_MAX)
-            --m_pc_line; // Convert to zero based line number...
-          // Update the selected line if the stop ID changed...
-          if (context_changed)
-            m_selected_line = m_pc_line;
-          if (m_file_sp && m_file_sp->FileSpecMatches(m_sc.line_entry.file)) {
-            // Same file, nothing to do, we should either have the lines or not
-            // (source file missing)
-            if (m_selected_line >= static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line)) {
-              if (m_selected_line >= m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines)
-                m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line - 10;
-            } else {
-              if (m_selected_line > 10)
-                m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line - 10;
-              else
-                m_first_visible_line = 0;
-            }
-          } else {
-            // File changed, set selected line to the line with the PC
-            m_selected_line = m_pc_line;
-            m_file_sp =
-                m_debugger.GetSourceManager().GetFile(m_sc.line_entry.file);
-            if (m_file_sp) {
-              const size_t num_lines = m_file_sp->GetNumLines();
-              m_line_width = 1;
-              for (size_t n = num_lines; n >= 10; n = n / 10)
-                ++m_line_width;
-              if (num_lines < num_visible_lines ||
-                  m_selected_line < num_visible_lines)
-                m_first_visible_line = 0;
-              else
-                m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line - 10;
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          m_file_sp.reset();
-        }
-        if (!m_file_sp || m_file_sp->GetNumLines() == 0) {
-          // Show disassembly
-          bool prefer_file_cache = false;
-          if (m_sc.function) {
-            if (m_disassembly_scope != m_sc.function) {
-              m_disassembly_scope = m_sc.function;
-              m_disassembly_sp = m_sc.function->GetInstructions(
-                  exe_ctx, nullptr, prefer_file_cache);
-              if (m_disassembly_sp) {
-                set_selected_line_to_pc = true;
-                m_disassembly_range = m_sc.function->GetAddressRange();
-              } else {
-                m_disassembly_range.Clear();
-              }
-            } else {
-              set_selected_line_to_pc = context_changed;
-            }
-          } else if (m_sc.symbol) {
-            if (m_disassembly_scope != m_sc.symbol) {
-              m_disassembly_scope = m_sc.symbol;
-              m_disassembly_sp = m_sc.symbol->GetInstructions(
-                  exe_ctx, nullptr, prefer_file_cache);
-              if (m_disassembly_sp) {
-                set_selected_line_to_pc = true;
-                m_disassembly_range.GetBaseAddress() =
-                    m_sc.symbol->GetAddress();
-                m_disassembly_range.SetByteSize(m_sc.symbol->GetByteSize());
-              } else {
-                m_disassembly_range.Clear();
-              }
-            } else {
-              set_selected_line_to_pc = context_changed;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        m_pc_line = UINT32_MAX;
-      }
-    }
-    const int window_width = window.GetWidth();
-    window.Erase();
-    window.DrawTitleBox("Sources");
-    if (!m_title.GetString().empty()) {
-      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
-      window.MoveCursor(1, 1);
-      window.PutChar(' ');
-      window.PutCStringTruncated(m_title.GetString().str().c_str(), 1);
-      int x = window.GetCursorX();
-      if (x < window_width - 1) {
-        window.Printf("%*s", window_width - x - 1, "");
-      }
-      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
-    }
-    Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
-    const size_t num_source_lines = GetNumSourceLines();
-    if (num_source_lines > 0) {
-      // Display source
-      BreakpointLines bp_lines;
-      if (target) {
-        BreakpointList &bp_list = target->GetBreakpointList();
-        const size_t num_bps = bp_list.GetSize();
-        for (size_t bp_idx = 0; bp_idx < num_bps; ++bp_idx) {
-          BreakpointSP bp_sp = bp_list.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_idx);
-          const size_t num_bps_locs = bp_sp->GetNumLocations();
-          for (size_t bp_loc_idx = 0; bp_loc_idx < num_bps_locs; ++bp_loc_idx) {
-            BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp =
-                bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(bp_loc_idx);
-            LineEntry bp_loc_line_entry;
-            if (bp_loc_sp->GetAddress().CalculateSymbolContextLineEntry(
-                    bp_loc_line_entry)) {
-              if (m_file_sp->GetFileSpec() == bp_loc_line_entry.file) {
-                bp_lines.insert(bp_loc_line_entry.line);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
-      const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_visible_lines; ++i) {
-        const uint32_t curr_line = m_first_visible_line + i;
-        if (curr_line < num_source_lines) {
-          const int line_y = m_min_y + i;
-          window.MoveCursor(1, line_y);
-          const bool is_pc_line = curr_line == m_pc_line;
-          const bool line_is_selected = m_selected_line == curr_line;
-          // Highlight the line as the PC line first, then if the selected line
-          // isn't the same as the PC line, highlight it 
diff erently
-          attr_t highlight_attr = 0;
-          attr_t bp_attr = 0;
-          if (is_pc_line)
-            highlight_attr = pc_highlight_attr;
-          else if (line_is_selected)
-            highlight_attr = selected_highlight_attr;
-          if (bp_lines.find(curr_line + 1) != bp_lines.end())
-            bp_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
-          if (bp_attr)
-            window.AttributeOn(bp_attr);
-          window.Printf(" %*u ", m_line_width, curr_line + 1);
-          if (bp_attr)
-            window.AttributeOff(bp_attr);
-          window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
-          // Mark the line with the PC with a diamond
-          if (is_pc_line)
-            window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
-          else
-            window.PutChar(' ');
-          if (highlight_attr)
-            window.AttributeOn(highlight_attr);
-          const uint32_t line_len =
-              m_file_sp->GetLineLength(curr_line + 1, false);
-          if (line_len > 0)
-            window.PutCString(m_file_sp->PeekLineData(curr_line + 1), line_len);
-          if (is_pc_line && frame_sp &&
-              frame_sp->GetConcreteFrameIndex() == 0) {
-            StopInfoSP stop_info_sp;
-            if (thread)
-              stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo();
-            if (stop_info_sp) {
-              const char *stop_description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
-              if (stop_description && stop_description[0]) {
-                size_t stop_description_len = strlen(stop_description);
-                int desc_x = window_width - stop_description_len - 16;
-                window.Printf("%*s", desc_x - window.GetCursorX(), "");
-                // window.MoveCursor(window_width - stop_description_len - 15,
-                // line_y);
-                window.Printf("<<< Thread %u: %s ", thread->GetIndexID(),
-                              stop_description);
-              }
-            } else {
-              window.Printf("%*s", window_width - window.GetCursorX() - 1, "");
-            }
-          }
-          if (highlight_attr)
-            window.AttributeOff(highlight_attr);
-        } else {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      size_t num_disassembly_lines = GetNumDisassemblyLines();
-      if (num_disassembly_lines > 0) {
-        // Display disassembly
-        BreakpointAddrs bp_file_addrs;
-        Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
-        if (target) {
-          BreakpointList &bp_list = target->GetBreakpointList();
-          const size_t num_bps = bp_list.GetSize();
-          for (size_t bp_idx = 0; bp_idx < num_bps; ++bp_idx) {
-            BreakpointSP bp_sp = bp_list.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_idx);
-            const size_t num_bps_locs = bp_sp->GetNumLocations();
-            for (size_t bp_loc_idx = 0; bp_loc_idx < num_bps_locs;
-                 ++bp_loc_idx) {
-              BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp =
-                  bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(bp_loc_idx);
-              LineEntry bp_loc_line_entry;
-              const lldb::addr_t file_addr =
-                  bp_loc_sp->GetAddress().GetFileAddress();
-              if (file_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
-                if (m_disassembly_range.ContainsFileAddress(file_addr))
-                  bp_file_addrs.insert(file_addr);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
-        const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
-        StreamString strm;
-        InstructionList &insts = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList();
-        Address pc_address;
-        if (frame_sp)
-          pc_address = frame_sp->GetFrameCodeAddress();
-        const uint32_t pc_idx =
-            pc_address.IsValid()
-                ? insts.GetIndexOfInstructionAtAddress(pc_address)
-                : UINT32_MAX;
-        if (set_selected_line_to_pc) {
-          m_selected_line = pc_idx;
-        }
-        const uint32_t non_visible_pc_offset = (num_visible_lines / 5);
-        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) >= num_disassembly_lines)
-          m_first_visible_line = 0;
-        if (pc_idx < num_disassembly_lines) {
-          if (pc_idx < static_cast<uint32_t>(m_first_visible_line) ||
-              pc_idx >= m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines)
-            m_first_visible_line = pc_idx - non_visible_pc_offset;
-        }
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_visible_lines; ++i) {
-          const uint32_t inst_idx = m_first_visible_line + i;
-          Instruction *inst = insts.GetInstructionAtIndex(inst_idx).get();
-          if (!inst)
-            break;
-          const int line_y = m_min_y + i;
-          window.MoveCursor(1, line_y);
-          const bool is_pc_line = frame_sp && inst_idx == pc_idx;
-          const bool line_is_selected = m_selected_line == inst_idx;
-          // Highlight the line as the PC line first, then if the selected line
-          // isn't the same as the PC line, highlight it 
diff erently
-          attr_t highlight_attr = 0;
-          attr_t bp_attr = 0;
-          if (is_pc_line)
-            highlight_attr = pc_highlight_attr;
-          else if (line_is_selected)
-            highlight_attr = selected_highlight_attr;
-          if (bp_file_addrs.find(inst->GetAddress().GetFileAddress()) !=
-              bp_file_addrs.end())
-            bp_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
-          if (bp_attr)
-            window.AttributeOn(bp_attr);
-          window.Printf(" 0x%16.16llx ",
-                        static_cast<unsigned long long>(
-                            inst->GetAddress().GetLoadAddress(target)));
-          if (bp_attr)
-            window.AttributeOff(bp_attr);
-          window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
-          // Mark the line with the PC with a diamond
-          if (is_pc_line)
-            window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
-          else
-            window.PutChar(' ');
-          if (highlight_attr)
-            window.AttributeOn(highlight_attr);
-          const char *mnemonic = inst->GetMnemonic(&exe_ctx);
-          const char *operands = inst->GetOperands(&exe_ctx);
-          const char *comment = inst->GetComment(&exe_ctx);
-          if (mnemonic != nullptr && mnemonic[0] == '\0')
-            mnemonic = nullptr;
-          if (operands != nullptr && operands[0] == '\0')
-            operands = nullptr;
-          if (comment != nullptr && comment[0] == '\0')
-            comment = nullptr;
-          strm.Clear();
-          if (mnemonic != nullptr && operands != nullptr && comment != nullptr)
-            strm.Printf("%-8s %-25s ; %s", mnemonic, operands, comment);
-          else if (mnemonic != nullptr && operands != nullptr)
-            strm.Printf("%-8s %s", mnemonic, operands);
-          else if (mnemonic != nullptr)
-            strm.Printf("%s", mnemonic);
-          int right_pad = 1;
-          window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetData(), right_pad);
-          if (is_pc_line && frame_sp &&
-              frame_sp->GetConcreteFrameIndex() == 0) {
-            StopInfoSP stop_info_sp;
-            if (thread)
-              stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo();
-            if (stop_info_sp) {
-              const char *stop_description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
-              if (stop_description && stop_description[0]) {
-                size_t stop_description_len = strlen(stop_description);
-                int desc_x = window_width - stop_description_len - 16;
-                window.Printf("%*s", desc_x - window.GetCursorX(), "");
-                // window.MoveCursor(window_width - stop_description_len - 15,
-                // line_y);
-                window.Printf("<<< Thread %u: %s ", thread->GetIndexID(),
-                              stop_description);
-              }
-            } else {
-              window.Printf("%*s", window_width - window.GetCursorX() - 1, "");
-            }
-          }
-          if (highlight_attr)
-            window.AttributeOff(highlight_attr);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return true; // Drawing handled
-  }
-  size_t GetNumLines() {
-    size_t num_lines = GetNumSourceLines();
-    if (num_lines == 0)
-      num_lines = GetNumDisassemblyLines();
-    return num_lines;
-  }
-  size_t GetNumSourceLines() const {
-    if (m_file_sp)
-      return m_file_sp->GetNumLines();
-    return 0;
-  }
-  size_t GetNumDisassemblyLines() const {
-    if (m_disassembly_sp)
-      return m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList().GetSize();
-    return 0;
-  }
-  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int c) override {
-    const uint32_t num_visible_lines = NumVisibleLines();
-    const size_t num_lines = GetNumLines();
-    switch (c) {
-    case ',':
-    case KEY_PPAGE:
-      // Page up key
-      if (static_cast<uint32_t>(m_first_visible_line) > num_visible_lines)
-        m_first_visible_line -= num_visible_lines;
-      else
-        m_first_visible_line = 0;
-      m_selected_line = m_first_visible_line;
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case '.':
-    case KEY_NPAGE:
-      // Page down key
-      {
-        if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < num_lines)
-          m_first_visible_line += num_visible_lines;
-        else if (num_lines < num_visible_lines)
-          m_first_visible_line = 0;
-        else
-          m_first_visible_line = num_lines - num_visible_lines;
-        m_selected_line = m_first_visible_line;
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_UP:
-      if (m_selected_line > 0) {
-        m_selected_line--;
-        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) > m_selected_line)
-          m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line;
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case KEY_DOWN:
-      if (m_selected_line + 1 < num_lines) {
-        m_selected_line++;
-        if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < m_selected_line)
-          m_first_visible_line++;
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case '\r':
-    case '\n':
-    case KEY_ENTER:
-      // Set a breakpoint and run to the line using a one shot breakpoint
-      if (GetNumSourceLines() > 0) {
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope() && exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().IsAlive()) {
-          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
-              nullptr, // Don't limit the breakpoint to certain modules
-              m_file_sp->GetFileSpec(), // Source file
-              m_selected_line +
-                  1, // Source line number (m_selected_line is zero based)
-              0,     // Unspecified column.
-              0,     // No offset
-              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Check inlines using global setting
-              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Skip prologue using global setting,
-              false,               // internal
-              false,               // request_hardware
-              eLazyBoolCalculate); // move_to_nearest_code
-          // Make breakpoint one shot
-          bp_sp->GetOptions()->SetOneShot(true);
-          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
-        }
-      } else if (m_selected_line < GetNumDisassemblyLines()) {
-        const Instruction *inst = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList()
-                                      .GetInstructionAtIndex(m_selected_line)
-                                      .get();
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
-          Address addr = inst->GetAddress();
-          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
-              addr,   // lldb_private::Address
-              false,  // internal
-              false); // request_hardware
-          // Make breakpoint one shot
-          bp_sp->GetOptions()->SetOneShot(true);
-          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
-        }
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'b': // 'b' == toggle breakpoint on currently selected line
-      if (m_selected_line < GetNumSourceLines()) {
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
-          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
-              nullptr, // Don't limit the breakpoint to certain modules
-              m_file_sp->GetFileSpec(), // Source file
-              m_selected_line +
-                  1, // Source line number (m_selected_line is zero based)
-              0,     // No column specified.
-              0,     // No offset
-              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Check inlines using global setting
-              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Skip prologue using global setting,
-              false,               // internal
-              false,               // request_hardware
-              eLazyBoolCalculate); // move_to_nearest_code
-        }
-      } else if (m_selected_line < GetNumDisassemblyLines()) {
-        const Instruction *inst = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList()
-                                      .GetInstructionAtIndex(m_selected_line)
-                                      .get();
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
-          Address addr = inst->GetAddress();
-          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
-              addr,   // lldb_private::Address
-              false,  // internal
-              false); // request_hardware
-        }
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'd': // 'd' == detach and let run
-    case 'D': // 'D' == detach and keep stopped
-    {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
-        exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Detach(c == 'D');
-    }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'k':
-      // 'k' == kill
-      {
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
-          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Destroy(false);
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'c':
-      // 'c' == continue
-      {
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
-          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'o':
-      // 'o' == step out
-      {
-        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-        if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope() &&
-            StateIsStoppedState(exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().GetState(), true)) {
-          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOut();
-        }
-      }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'n': // 'n' == step over
-    case 'N': // 'N' == step over instruction
-    {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope() &&
-          StateIsStoppedState(exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().GetState(), true)) {
-        bool source_step = (c == 'n');
-        exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOver(source_step);
-      }
-    }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 's': // 's' == step into
-    case 'S': // 'S' == step into instruction
-    {
-      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope() &&
-          StateIsStoppedState(exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().GetState(), true)) {
-        bool source_step = (c == 's');
-        exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepIn(source_step);
-      }
-    }
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    case 'h':
-      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
-      return eKeyHandled;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-    return eKeyNotHandled;
-  }
-  typedef std::set<uint32_t> BreakpointLines;
-  typedef std::set<lldb::addr_t> BreakpointAddrs;
-  Debugger &m_debugger;
-  SymbolContext m_sc;
-  SourceManager::FileSP m_file_sp;
-  SymbolContextScope *m_disassembly_scope;
-  lldb::DisassemblerSP m_disassembly_sp;
-  AddressRange m_disassembly_range;
-  StreamString m_title;
-  lldb::user_id_t m_tid;
-  int m_line_width;
-  uint32_t m_selected_line; // The selected line
-  uint32_t m_pc_line;       // The line with the PC
-  uint32_t m_stop_id;
-  uint32_t m_frame_idx;
-  int m_first_visible_line;
-  int m_min_x;
-  int m_min_y;
-  int m_max_x;
-  int m_max_y;
-DisplayOptions ValueObjectListDelegate::g_options = {true};
-IOHandlerCursesGUI::IOHandlerCursesGUI(Debugger &debugger)
-    : IOHandler(debugger, IOHandler::Type::Curses) {}
-void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Activate() {
-  IOHandler::Activate();
-  if (!m_app_ap) {
-    m_app_ap.reset(new Application(GetInputFILE(), GetOutputFILE()));
-    // This is both a window and a menu delegate
-    std::shared_ptr<ApplicationDelegate> app_delegate_sp(
-        new ApplicationDelegate(*m_app_ap, m_debugger));
-    MenuDelegateSP app_menu_delegate_sp =
-        std::static_pointer_cast<MenuDelegate>(app_delegate_sp);
-    MenuSP lldb_menu_sp(
-        new Menu("LLDB", "F1", KEY_F(1), ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_LLDB));
-    MenuSP exit_menuitem_sp(
-        new Menu("Exit", nullptr, 'x', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_LLDBExit));
-    exit_menuitem_sp->SetCannedResult(MenuActionResult::Quit);
-    lldb_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "About LLDB", nullptr, 'a', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_LLDBAbout)));
-    lldb_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(Menu::Type::Separator)));
-    lldb_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(exit_menuitem_sp);
-    MenuSP target_menu_sp(new Menu("Target", "F2", KEY_F(2),
-                                   ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Target));
-    target_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Create", nullptr, 'c', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_TargetCreate)));
-    target_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Delete", nullptr, 'd', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_TargetDelete)));
-    MenuSP process_menu_sp(new Menu("Process", "F3", KEY_F(3),
-                                    ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Process));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Attach", nullptr, 'a', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessAttach)));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Detach", nullptr, 'd', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessDetach)));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Launch", nullptr, 'l', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessLaunch)));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(Menu::Type::Separator)));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
-        MenuSP(new Menu("Continue", nullptr, 'c',
-                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessContinue)));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Halt", nullptr, 'h', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessHalt)));
-    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Kill", nullptr, 'k', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessKill)));
-    MenuSP thread_menu_sp(new Menu("Thread", "F4", KEY_F(4),
-                                   ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Thread));
-    thread_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Step In", nullptr, 'i', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ThreadStepIn)));
-    thread_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
-        MenuSP(new Menu("Step Over", nullptr, 'v',
-                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ThreadStepOver)));
-    thread_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Step Out", nullptr, 'o', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ThreadStepOut)));
-    MenuSP view_menu_sp(
-        new Menu("View", "F5", KEY_F(5), ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_View));
-    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
-        MenuSP(new Menu("Backtrace", nullptr, 'b',
-                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewBacktrace)));
-    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
-        MenuSP(new Menu("Registers", nullptr, 'r',
-                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewRegisters)));
-    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "Source", nullptr, 's', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewSource)));
-    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
-        MenuSP(new Menu("Variables", nullptr, 'v',
-                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewVariables)));
-    MenuSP help_menu_sp(
-        new Menu("Help", "F6", KEY_F(6), ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Help));
-    help_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
-        "GUI Help", nullptr, 'g', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_HelpGUIHelp)));
-    m_app_ap->Initialize();
-    WindowSP &main_window_sp = m_app_ap->GetMainWindow();
-    MenuSP menubar_sp(new Menu(Menu::Type::Bar));
-    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(lldb_menu_sp);
-    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(target_menu_sp);
-    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(process_menu_sp);
-    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(thread_menu_sp);
-    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(view_menu_sp);
-    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(help_menu_sp);
-    menubar_sp->SetDelegate(app_menu_delegate_sp);
-    Rect content_bounds = main_window_sp->GetFrame();
-    Rect menubar_bounds = content_bounds.MakeMenuBar();
-    Rect status_bounds = content_bounds.MakeStatusBar();
-    Rect source_bounds;
-    Rect variables_bounds;
-    Rect threads_bounds;
-    Rect source_variables_bounds;
-    content_bounds.VerticalSplitPercentage(0.80, source_variables_bounds,
-                                           threads_bounds);
-    source_variables_bounds.HorizontalSplitPercentage(0.70, source_bounds,
-                                                      variables_bounds);
-    WindowSP menubar_window_sp =
-        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Menubar", menubar_bounds, false);
-    // Let the menubar get keys if the active window doesn't handle the keys
-    // that are typed so it can respond to menubar key presses.
-    menubar_window_sp->SetCanBeActive(
-        false); // Don't let the menubar become the active window
-    menubar_window_sp->SetDelegate(menubar_sp);
-    WindowSP source_window_sp(
-        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Source", source_bounds, true));
-    WindowSP variables_window_sp(
-        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Variables", variables_bounds, false));
-    WindowSP threads_window_sp(
-        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Threads", threads_bounds, false));
-    WindowSP status_window_sp(
-        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Status", status_bounds, false));
-    status_window_sp->SetCanBeActive(
-        false); // Don't let the status bar become the active window
-    main_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-        std::static_pointer_cast<WindowDelegate>(app_delegate_sp));
-    source_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-        WindowDelegateSP(new SourceFileWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
-    variables_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-        WindowDelegateSP(new FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
-    TreeDelegateSP thread_delegate_sp(new ThreadsTreeDelegate(m_debugger));
-    threads_window_sp->SetDelegate(WindowDelegateSP(
-        new TreeWindowDelegate(m_debugger, thread_delegate_sp)));
-    status_window_sp->SetDelegate(
-        WindowDelegateSP(new StatusBarWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
-    // Show the main help window once the first time the curses GUI is launched
-    static bool g_showed_help = false;
-    if (!g_showed_help) {
-      g_showed_help = true;
-      main_window_sp->CreateHelpSubwindow();
-    }
-    init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
-    init_pair(2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE);
-    init_pair(3, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_WHITE);
-    init_pair(4, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK);
-    init_pair(5, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
-  }
-void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Deactivate() { m_app_ap->Terminate(); }
-void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Run() {
-  m_app_ap->Run(m_debugger);
-  SetIsDone(true);
-IOHandlerCursesGUI::~IOHandlerCursesGUI() = default;
-void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Cancel() {}
-bool IOHandlerCursesGUI::Interrupt() { return false; }
-void IOHandlerCursesGUI::GotEOF() {}

diff  --git a/lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp b/lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c9fdd3b0a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4064 @@
+//===-- IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "lldb/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.h"
+#include <curses.h>
+#include <panel.h>
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
+#include "lldb/Host/File.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/Predicate.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/StringList.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
+#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandCompletions.h"
+#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
+#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectRegister.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/State.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "lldb/Host/windows/windows.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <type_traits>
+using namespace lldb;
+using namespace lldb_private;
+using llvm::None;
+using llvm::Optional;
+using llvm::StringRef;
+// we may want curses to be disabled for some builds for instance, windows
+#define KEY_RETURN 10
+#define KEY_ESCAPE 27
+namespace curses {
+class Menu;
+class MenuDelegate;
+class Window;
+class WindowDelegate;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<Menu> MenuSP;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<MenuDelegate> MenuDelegateSP;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<Window> WindowSP;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<WindowDelegate> WindowDelegateSP;
+typedef std::vector<MenuSP> Menus;
+typedef std::vector<WindowSP> Windows;
+typedef std::vector<WindowDelegateSP> WindowDelegates;
+#if 0
+type summary add -s "x=${var.x}, y=${var.y}" curses::Point
+type summary add -s "w=${var.width}, h=${var.height}" curses::Size
+type summary add -s "${var.origin%S} ${var.size%S}" curses::Rect
+struct Point {
+  int x;
+  int y;
+  Point(int _x = 0, int _y = 0) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
+  void Clear() {
+    x = 0;
+    y = 0;
+  }
+  Point &operator+=(const Point &rhs) {
+    x += rhs.x;
+    y += rhs.y;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void Dump() { printf("(x=%i, y=%i)\n", x, y); }
+bool operator==(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs) {
+  return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
+bool operator!=(const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs) {
+  return lhs.x != rhs.x || lhs.y != rhs.y;
+struct Size {
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  Size(int w = 0, int h = 0) : width(w), height(h) {}
+  void Clear() {
+    width = 0;
+    height = 0;
+  }
+  void Dump() { printf("(w=%i, h=%i)\n", width, height); }
+bool operator==(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs) {
+  return lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height;
+bool operator!=(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs) {
+  return lhs.width != rhs.width || lhs.height != rhs.height;
+struct Rect {
+  Point origin;
+  Size size;
+  Rect() : origin(), size() {}
+  Rect(const Point &p, const Size &s) : origin(p), size(s) {}
+  void Clear() {
+    origin.Clear();
+    size.Clear();
+  }
+  void Dump() {
+    printf("(x=%i, y=%i), w=%i, h=%i)\n", origin.x, origin.y, size.width,
+           size.height);
+  }
+  void Inset(int w, int h) {
+    if (size.width > w * 2)
+      size.width -= w * 2;
+    origin.x += w;
+    if (size.height > h * 2)
+      size.height -= h * 2;
+    origin.y += h;
+  }
+  // Return a status bar rectangle which is the last line of this rectangle.
+  // This rectangle will be modified to not include the status bar area.
+  Rect MakeStatusBar() {
+    Rect status_bar;
+    if (size.height > 1) {
+      status_bar.origin.x = origin.x;
+      status_bar.origin.y = size.height;
+      status_bar.size.width = size.width;
+      status_bar.size.height = 1;
+      --size.height;
+    }
+    return status_bar;
+  }
+  // Return a menubar rectangle which is the first line of this rectangle. This
+  // rectangle will be modified to not include the menubar area.
+  Rect MakeMenuBar() {
+    Rect menubar;
+    if (size.height > 1) {
+      menubar.origin.x = origin.x;
+      menubar.origin.y = origin.y;
+      menubar.size.width = size.width;
+      menubar.size.height = 1;
+      ++origin.y;
+      --size.height;
+    }
+    return menubar;
+  }
+  void HorizontalSplitPercentage(float top_percentage, Rect &top,
+                                 Rect &bottom) const {
+    float top_height = top_percentage * size.height;
+    HorizontalSplit(top_height, top, bottom);
+  }
+  void HorizontalSplit(int top_height, Rect &top, Rect &bottom) const {
+    top = *this;
+    if (top_height < size.height) {
+      top.size.height = top_height;
+      bottom.origin.x = origin.x;
+      bottom.origin.y = origin.y + top.size.height;
+      bottom.size.width = size.width;
+      bottom.size.height = size.height - top.size.height;
+    } else {
+      bottom.Clear();
+    }
+  }
+  void VerticalSplitPercentage(float left_percentage, Rect &left,
+                               Rect &right) const {
+    float left_width = left_percentage * size.width;
+    VerticalSplit(left_width, left, right);
+  }
+  void VerticalSplit(int left_width, Rect &left, Rect &right) const {
+    left = *this;
+    if (left_width < size.width) {
+      left.size.width = left_width;
+      right.origin.x = origin.x + left.size.width;
+      right.origin.y = origin.y;
+      right.size.width = size.width - left.size.width;
+      right.size.height = size.height;
+    } else {
+      right.Clear();
+    }
+  }
+bool operator==(const Rect &lhs, const Rect &rhs) {
+  return lhs.origin == rhs.origin && lhs.size == rhs.size;
+bool operator!=(const Rect &lhs, const Rect &rhs) {
+  return lhs.origin != rhs.origin || lhs.size != rhs.size;
+enum HandleCharResult {
+  eKeyNotHandled = 0,
+  eKeyHandled = 1,
+  eQuitApplication = 2
+enum class MenuActionResult {
+  Handled,
+  NotHandled,
+  Quit // Exit all menus and quit
+struct KeyHelp {
+  int ch;
+  const char *description;
+class WindowDelegate {
+  virtual ~WindowDelegate() = default;
+  virtual bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) {
+    return false; // Drawing not handled
+  }
+  virtual HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) {
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  virtual const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() { return nullptr; }
+  virtual KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() { return nullptr; }
+class HelpDialogDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  HelpDialogDelegate(const char *text, KeyHelp *key_help_array);
+  ~HelpDialogDelegate() override;
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override;
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override;
+  size_t GetNumLines() const { return m_text.GetSize(); }
+  size_t GetMaxLineLength() const { return m_text.GetMaxStringLength(); }
+  StringList m_text;
+  int m_first_visible_line;
+class Window {
+  Window(const char *name)
+      : m_name(name), m_window(nullptr), m_panel(nullptr), m_parent(nullptr),
+        m_subwindows(), m_delegate_sp(), m_curr_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX),
+        m_prev_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_delete(false),
+        m_needs_update(true), m_can_activate(true), m_is_subwin(false) {}
+  Window(const char *name, WINDOW *w, bool del = true)
+      : m_name(name), m_window(nullptr), m_panel(nullptr), m_parent(nullptr),
+        m_subwindows(), m_delegate_sp(), m_curr_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX),
+        m_prev_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_delete(del),
+        m_needs_update(true), m_can_activate(true), m_is_subwin(false) {
+    if (w)
+      Reset(w);
+  }
+  Window(const char *name, const Rect &bounds)
+      : m_name(name), m_window(nullptr), m_parent(nullptr), m_subwindows(),
+        m_delegate_sp(), m_curr_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX),
+        m_prev_active_window_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_delete(true),
+        m_needs_update(true), m_can_activate(true), m_is_subwin(false) {
+    Reset(::newwin(bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width, bounds.origin.y,
+                   bounds.origin.y));
+  }
+  virtual ~Window() {
+    RemoveSubWindows();
+    Reset();
+  }
+  void Reset(WINDOW *w = nullptr, bool del = true) {
+    if (m_window == w)
+      return;
+    if (m_panel) {
+      ::del_panel(m_panel);
+      m_panel = nullptr;
+    }
+    if (m_window && m_delete) {
+      ::delwin(m_window);
+      m_window = nullptr;
+      m_delete = false;
+    }
+    if (w) {
+      m_window = w;
+      m_panel = ::new_panel(m_window);
+      m_delete = del;
+    }
+  }
+  void AttributeOn(attr_t attr) { ::wattron(m_window, attr); }
+  void AttributeOff(attr_t attr) { ::wattroff(m_window, attr); }
+  void Box(chtype v_char = ACS_VLINE, chtype h_char = ACS_HLINE) {
+    ::box(m_window, v_char, h_char);
+  }
+  void Clear() { ::wclear(m_window); }
+  void Erase() { ::werase(m_window); }
+  Rect GetBounds() {
+    return Rect(GetParentOrigin(), GetSize());
+  } // Get the rectangle in our parent window
+  int GetChar() { return ::wgetch(m_window); }
+  int GetCursorX() { return getcurx(m_window); }
+  int GetCursorY() { return getcury(m_window); }
+  Rect GetFrame() {
+    return Rect(Point(), GetSize());
+  } // Get our rectangle in our own coordinate system
+  Point GetParentOrigin() { return Point(GetParentX(), GetParentY()); }
+  Size GetSize() { return Size(GetWidth(), GetHeight()); }
+  int GetParentX() { return getparx(m_window); }
+  int GetParentY() { return getpary(m_window); }
+  int GetMaxX() { return getmaxx(m_window); }
+  int GetMaxY() { return getmaxy(m_window); }
+  int GetWidth() { return GetMaxX(); }
+  int GetHeight() { return GetMaxY(); }
+  void MoveCursor(int x, int y) { ::wmove(m_window, y, x); }
+  void MoveWindow(int x, int y) { MoveWindow(Point(x, y)); }
+  void Resize(int w, int h) { ::wresize(m_window, h, w); }
+  void Resize(const Size &size) {
+    ::wresize(m_window, size.height, size.width);
+  }
+  void PutChar(int ch) { ::waddch(m_window, ch); }
+  void PutCString(const char *s, int len = -1) { ::waddnstr(m_window, s, len); }
+  void SetBackground(int color_pair_idx) {
+    ::wbkgd(m_window, COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_idx));
+  }
+  void PutCStringTruncated(const char *s, int right_pad) {
+    int bytes_left = GetWidth() - GetCursorX();
+    if (bytes_left > right_pad) {
+      bytes_left -= right_pad;
+      ::waddnstr(m_window, s, bytes_left);
+    }
+  }
+  void MoveWindow(const Point &origin) {
+    const bool moving_window = origin != GetParentOrigin();
+    if (m_is_subwin && moving_window) {
+      // Can't move subwindows, must delete and re-create
+      Size size = GetSize();
+      Reset(::subwin(m_parent->m_window, size.height, size.width, origin.y,
+                     origin.x),
+            true);
+    } else {
+      ::mvwin(m_window, origin.y, origin.x);
+    }
+  }
+  void SetBounds(const Rect &bounds) {
+    const bool moving_window = bounds.origin != GetParentOrigin();
+    if (m_is_subwin && moving_window) {
+      // Can't move subwindows, must delete and re-create
+      Reset(::subwin(m_parent->m_window, bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width,
+                     bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x),
+            true);
+    } else {
+      if (moving_window)
+        MoveWindow(bounds.origin);
+      Resize(bounds.size);
+    }
+  }
+  void Printf(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) {
+    va_list args;
+    va_start(args, format);
+    vwprintw(m_window, format, args);
+    va_end(args);
+  }
+  void Touch() {
+    ::touchwin(m_window);
+    if (m_parent)
+      m_parent->Touch();
+  }
+  WindowSP CreateSubWindow(const char *name, const Rect &bounds,
+                           bool make_active) {
+    auto get_window = [this, &bounds]() {
+      return m_window
+                 ? ::subwin(m_window, bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width,
+                            bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x)
+                 : ::newwin(bounds.size.height, bounds.size.width,
+                            bounds.origin.y, bounds.origin.x);
+    };
+    WindowSP subwindow_sp = std::make_shared<Window>(name, get_window(), true);
+    subwindow_sp->m_is_subwin = subwindow_sp.operator bool();
+    subwindow_sp->m_parent = this;
+    if (make_active) {
+      m_prev_active_window_idx = m_curr_active_window_idx;
+      m_curr_active_window_idx = m_subwindows.size();
+    }
+    m_subwindows.push_back(subwindow_sp);
+    ::top_panel(subwindow_sp->m_panel);
+    m_needs_update = true;
+    return subwindow_sp;
+  }
+  bool RemoveSubWindow(Window *window) {
+    Windows::iterator pos, end = m_subwindows.end();
+    size_t i = 0;
+    for (pos = m_subwindows.begin(); pos != end; ++pos, ++i) {
+      if ((*pos).get() == window) {
+        if (m_prev_active_window_idx == i)
+          m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+        else if (m_prev_active_window_idx != UINT32_MAX &&
+                 m_prev_active_window_idx > i)
+          --m_prev_active_window_idx;
+        if (m_curr_active_window_idx == i)
+          m_curr_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+        else if (m_curr_active_window_idx != UINT32_MAX &&
+                 m_curr_active_window_idx > i)
+          --m_curr_active_window_idx;
+        window->Erase();
+        m_subwindows.erase(pos);
+        m_needs_update = true;
+        if (m_parent)
+          m_parent->Touch();
+        else
+          ::touchwin(stdscr);
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  WindowSP FindSubWindow(const char *name) {
+    Windows::iterator pos, end = m_subwindows.end();
+    size_t i = 0;
+    for (pos = m_subwindows.begin(); pos != end; ++pos, ++i) {
+      if ((*pos)->m_name == name)
+        return *pos;
+    }
+    return WindowSP();
+  }
+  void RemoveSubWindows() {
+    m_curr_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+    m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+    for (Windows::iterator pos = m_subwindows.begin();
+         pos != m_subwindows.end(); pos = m_subwindows.erase(pos)) {
+      (*pos)->Erase();
+    }
+    if (m_parent)
+      m_parent->Touch();
+    else
+      ::touchwin(stdscr);
+  }
+  WINDOW *get() { return m_window; }
+  operator WINDOW *() { return m_window; }
+  // Window drawing utilities
+  void DrawTitleBox(const char *title, const char *bottom_message = nullptr) {
+    attr_t attr = 0;
+    if (IsActive())
+      attr = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(2);
+    else
+      attr = 0;
+    if (attr)
+      AttributeOn(attr);
+    Box();
+    MoveCursor(3, 0);
+    if (title && title[0]) {
+      PutChar('<');
+      PutCString(title);
+      PutChar('>');
+    }
+    if (bottom_message && bottom_message[0]) {
+      int bottom_message_length = strlen(bottom_message);
+      int x = GetWidth() - 3 - (bottom_message_length + 2);
+      if (x > 0) {
+        MoveCursor(x, GetHeight() - 1);
+        PutChar('[');
+        PutCString(bottom_message);
+        PutChar(']');
+      } else {
+        MoveCursor(1, GetHeight() - 1);
+        PutChar('[');
+        PutCStringTruncated(bottom_message, 1);
+      }
+    }
+    if (attr)
+      AttributeOff(attr);
+  }
+  virtual void Draw(bool force) {
+    if (m_delegate_sp && m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateDraw(*this, force))
+      return;
+    for (auto &subwindow_sp : m_subwindows)
+      subwindow_sp->Draw(force);
+  }
+  bool CreateHelpSubwindow() {
+    if (m_delegate_sp) {
+      const char *text = m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateGetHelpText();
+      KeyHelp *key_help = m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp();
+      if ((text && text[0]) || key_help) {
+        std::unique_ptr<HelpDialogDelegate> help_delegate_up(
+            new HelpDialogDelegate(text, key_help));
+        const size_t num_lines = help_delegate_up->GetNumLines();
+        const size_t max_length = help_delegate_up->GetMaxLineLength();
+        Rect bounds = GetBounds();
+        bounds.Inset(1, 1);
+        if (max_length + 4 < static_cast<size_t>(bounds.size.width)) {
+          bounds.origin.x += (bounds.size.width - max_length + 4) / 2;
+          bounds.size.width = max_length + 4;
+        } else {
+          if (bounds.size.width > 100) {
+            const int inset_w = bounds.size.width / 4;
+            bounds.origin.x += inset_w;
+            bounds.size.width -= 2 * inset_w;
+          }
+        }
+        if (num_lines + 2 < static_cast<size_t>(bounds.size.height)) {
+          bounds.origin.y += (bounds.size.height - num_lines + 2) / 2;
+          bounds.size.height = num_lines + 2;
+        } else {
+          if (bounds.size.height > 100) {
+            const int inset_h = bounds.size.height / 4;
+            bounds.origin.y += inset_h;
+            bounds.size.height -= 2 * inset_h;
+          }
+        }
+        WindowSP help_window_sp;
+        Window *parent_window = GetParent();
+        if (parent_window)
+          help_window_sp = parent_window->CreateSubWindow("Help", bounds, true);
+        else
+          help_window_sp = CreateSubWindow("Help", bounds, true);
+        help_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+            WindowDelegateSP(help_delegate_up.release()));
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  virtual HandleCharResult HandleChar(int key) {
+    // Always check the active window first
+    HandleCharResult result = eKeyNotHandled;
+    WindowSP active_window_sp = GetActiveWindow();
+    if (active_window_sp) {
+      result = active_window_sp->HandleChar(key);
+      if (result != eKeyNotHandled)
+        return result;
+    }
+    if (m_delegate_sp) {
+      result = m_delegate_sp->WindowDelegateHandleChar(*this, key);
+      if (result != eKeyNotHandled)
+        return result;
+    }
+    // Then check for any windows that want any keys that weren't handled. This
+    // is typically only for a menubar. Make a copy of the subwindows in case
+    // any HandleChar() functions muck with the subwindows. If we don't do
+    // this, we can crash when iterating over the subwindows.
+    Windows subwindows(m_subwindows);
+    for (auto subwindow_sp : subwindows) {
+      if (!subwindow_sp->m_can_activate) {
+        HandleCharResult result = subwindow_sp->HandleChar(key);
+        if (result != eKeyNotHandled)
+          return result;
+      }
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  WindowSP GetActiveWindow() {
+    if (!m_subwindows.empty()) {
+      if (m_curr_active_window_idx >= m_subwindows.size()) {
+        if (m_prev_active_window_idx < m_subwindows.size()) {
+          m_curr_active_window_idx = m_prev_active_window_idx;
+          m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+        } else if (IsActive()) {
+          m_prev_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+          m_curr_active_window_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+          // Find first window that wants to be active if this window is active
+          const size_t num_subwindows = m_subwindows.size();
+          for (size_t i = 0; i < num_subwindows; ++i) {
+            if (m_subwindows[i]->GetCanBeActive()) {
+              m_curr_active_window_idx = i;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (m_curr_active_window_idx < m_subwindows.size())
+        return m_subwindows[m_curr_active_window_idx];
+    }
+    return WindowSP();
+  }
+  bool GetCanBeActive() const { return m_can_activate; }
+  void SetCanBeActive(bool b) { m_can_activate = b; }
+  void SetDelegate(const WindowDelegateSP &delegate_sp) {
+    m_delegate_sp = delegate_sp;
+  }
+  Window *GetParent() const { return m_parent; }
+  bool IsActive() const {
+    if (m_parent)
+      return m_parent->GetActiveWindow().get() == this;
+    else
+      return true; // Top level window is always active
+  }
+  void SelectNextWindowAsActive() {
+    // Move active focus to next window
+    const size_t num_subwindows = m_subwindows.size();
+    if (m_curr_active_window_idx == UINT32_MAX) {
+      uint32_t idx = 0;
+      for (auto subwindow_sp : m_subwindows) {
+        if (subwindow_sp->GetCanBeActive()) {
+          m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
+          break;
+        }
+        ++idx;
+      }
+    } else if (m_curr_active_window_idx + 1 < num_subwindows) {
+      bool handled = false;
+      m_prev_active_window_idx = m_curr_active_window_idx;
+      for (size_t idx = m_curr_active_window_idx + 1; idx < num_subwindows;
+           ++idx) {
+        if (m_subwindows[idx]->GetCanBeActive()) {
+          m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
+          handled = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!handled) {
+        for (size_t idx = 0; idx <= m_prev_active_window_idx; ++idx) {
+          if (m_subwindows[idx]->GetCanBeActive()) {
+            m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      m_prev_active_window_idx = m_curr_active_window_idx;
+      for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_subwindows; ++idx) {
+        if (m_subwindows[idx]->GetCanBeActive()) {
+          m_curr_active_window_idx = idx;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const char *GetName() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
+  std::string m_name;
+  WINDOW *m_window;
+  PANEL *m_panel;
+  Window *m_parent;
+  Windows m_subwindows;
+  WindowDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
+  uint32_t m_curr_active_window_idx;
+  uint32_t m_prev_active_window_idx;
+  bool m_delete;
+  bool m_needs_update;
+  bool m_can_activate;
+  bool m_is_subwin;
+class MenuDelegate {
+  virtual ~MenuDelegate() = default;
+  virtual MenuActionResult MenuDelegateAction(Menu &menu) = 0;
+class Menu : public WindowDelegate {
+  enum class Type { Invalid, Bar, Item, Separator };
+  // Menubar or separator constructor
+  Menu(Type type);
+  // Menuitem constructor
+  Menu(const char *name, const char *key_name, int key_value,
+       uint64_t identifier);
+  ~Menu() override = default;
+  const MenuDelegateSP &GetDelegate() const { return m_delegate_sp; }
+  void SetDelegate(const MenuDelegateSP &delegate_sp) {
+    m_delegate_sp = delegate_sp;
+  }
+  void RecalculateNameLengths();
+  void AddSubmenu(const MenuSP &menu_sp);
+  int DrawAndRunMenu(Window &window);
+  void DrawMenuTitle(Window &window, bool highlight);
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override;
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override;
+  MenuActionResult ActionPrivate(Menu &menu) {
+    MenuActionResult result = MenuActionResult::NotHandled;
+    if (m_delegate_sp) {
+      result = m_delegate_sp->MenuDelegateAction(menu);
+      if (result != MenuActionResult::NotHandled)
+        return result;
+    } else if (m_parent) {
+      result = m_parent->ActionPrivate(menu);
+      if (result != MenuActionResult::NotHandled)
+        return result;
+    }
+    return m_canned_result;
+  }
+  MenuActionResult Action() {
+    // Call the recursive action so it can try to handle it with the menu
+    // delegate, and if not, try our parent menu
+    return ActionPrivate(*this);
+  }
+  void SetCannedResult(MenuActionResult result) { m_canned_result = result; }
+  Menus &GetSubmenus() { return m_submenus; }
+  const Menus &GetSubmenus() const { return m_submenus; }
+  int GetSelectedSubmenuIndex() const { return m_selected; }
+  void SetSelectedSubmenuIndex(int idx) { m_selected = idx; }
+  Type GetType() const { return m_type; }
+  int GetStartingColumn() const { return m_start_col; }
+  void SetStartingColumn(int col) { m_start_col = col; }
+  int GetKeyValue() const { return m_key_value; }
+  std::string &GetName() { return m_name; }
+  int GetDrawWidth() const {
+    return m_max_submenu_name_length + m_max_submenu_key_name_length + 8;
+  }
+  uint64_t GetIdentifier() const { return m_identifier; }
+  void SetIdentifier(uint64_t identifier) { m_identifier = identifier; }
+  std::string m_name;
+  std::string m_key_name;
+  uint64_t m_identifier;
+  Type m_type;
+  int m_key_value;
+  int m_start_col;
+  int m_max_submenu_name_length;
+  int m_max_submenu_key_name_length;
+  int m_selected;
+  Menu *m_parent;
+  Menus m_submenus;
+  WindowSP m_menu_window_sp;
+  MenuActionResult m_canned_result;
+  MenuDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
+// Menubar or separator constructor
+Menu::Menu(Type type)
+    : m_name(), m_key_name(), m_identifier(0), m_type(type), m_key_value(0),
+      m_start_col(0), m_max_submenu_name_length(0),
+      m_max_submenu_key_name_length(0), m_selected(0), m_parent(nullptr),
+      m_submenus(), m_canned_result(MenuActionResult::NotHandled),
+      m_delegate_sp() {}
+// Menuitem constructor
+Menu::Menu(const char *name, const char *key_name, int key_value,
+           uint64_t identifier)
+    : m_name(), m_key_name(), m_identifier(identifier), m_type(Type::Invalid),
+      m_key_value(key_value), m_start_col(0), m_max_submenu_name_length(0),
+      m_max_submenu_key_name_length(0), m_selected(0), m_parent(nullptr),
+      m_submenus(), m_canned_result(MenuActionResult::NotHandled),
+      m_delegate_sp() {
+  if (name && name[0]) {
+    m_name = name;
+    m_type = Type::Item;
+    if (key_name && key_name[0])
+      m_key_name = key_name;
+  } else {
+    m_type = Type::Separator;
+  }
+void Menu::RecalculateNameLengths() {
+  m_max_submenu_name_length = 0;
+  m_max_submenu_key_name_length = 0;
+  Menus &submenus = GetSubmenus();
+  const size_t num_submenus = submenus.size();
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
+    Menu *submenu = submenus[i].get();
+    if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_name_length) < submenu->m_name.size())
+      m_max_submenu_name_length = submenu->m_name.size();
+    if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_key_name_length) <
+        submenu->m_key_name.size())
+      m_max_submenu_key_name_length = submenu->m_key_name.size();
+  }
+void Menu::AddSubmenu(const MenuSP &menu_sp) {
+  menu_sp->m_parent = this;
+  if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_name_length) < menu_sp->m_name.size())
+    m_max_submenu_name_length = menu_sp->m_name.size();
+  if (static_cast<size_t>(m_max_submenu_key_name_length) <
+      menu_sp->m_key_name.size())
+    m_max_submenu_key_name_length = menu_sp->m_key_name.size();
+  m_submenus.push_back(menu_sp);
+void Menu::DrawMenuTitle(Window &window, bool highlight) {
+  if (m_type == Type::Separator) {
+    window.MoveCursor(0, window.GetCursorY());
+    window.PutChar(ACS_LTEE);
+    int width = window.GetWidth();
+    if (width > 2) {
+      width -= 2;
+      for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+    }
+    window.PutChar(ACS_RTEE);
+  } else {
+    const int shortcut_key = m_key_value;
+    bool underlined_shortcut = false;
+    const attr_t hilgight_attr = A_REVERSE;
+    if (highlight)
+      window.AttributeOn(hilgight_attr);
+    if (isprint(shortcut_key)) {
+      size_t lower_pos = m_name.find(tolower(shortcut_key));
+      size_t upper_pos = m_name.find(toupper(shortcut_key));
+      const char *name = m_name.c_str();
+      size_t pos = std::min<size_t>(lower_pos, upper_pos);
+      if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+        underlined_shortcut = true;
+        if (pos > 0) {
+          window.PutCString(name, pos);
+          name += pos;
+        }
+        const attr_t shortcut_attr = A_UNDERLINE | A_BOLD;
+        window.AttributeOn(shortcut_attr);
+        window.PutChar(name[0]);
+        window.AttributeOff(shortcut_attr);
+        name++;
+        if (name[0])
+          window.PutCString(name);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!underlined_shortcut) {
+      window.PutCString(m_name.c_str());
+    }
+    if (highlight)
+      window.AttributeOff(hilgight_attr);
+    if (m_key_name.empty()) {
+      if (!underlined_shortcut && isprint(m_key_value)) {
+        window.AttributeOn(COLOR_PAIR(3));
+        window.Printf(" (%c)", m_key_value);
+        window.AttributeOff(COLOR_PAIR(3));
+      }
+    } else {
+      window.AttributeOn(COLOR_PAIR(3));
+      window.Printf(" (%s)", m_key_name.c_str());
+      window.AttributeOff(COLOR_PAIR(3));
+    }
+  }
+bool Menu::WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) {
+  Menus &submenus = GetSubmenus();
+  const size_t num_submenus = submenus.size();
+  const int selected_idx = GetSelectedSubmenuIndex();
+  Menu::Type menu_type = GetType();
+  switch (menu_type) {
+  case Menu::Type::Bar: {
+    window.SetBackground(2);
+    window.MoveCursor(0, 0);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
+      Menu *menu = submenus[i].get();
+      if (i > 0)
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+      menu->SetStartingColumn(window.GetCursorX());
+      window.PutCString("| ");
+      menu->DrawMenuTitle(window, false);
+    }
+    window.PutCString(" |");
+  } break;
+  case Menu::Type::Item: {
+    int y = 1;
+    int x = 3;
+    // Draw the menu
+    int cursor_x = 0;
+    int cursor_y = 0;
+    window.Erase();
+    window.SetBackground(2);
+    window.Box();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
+      const bool is_selected = (i == static_cast<size_t>(selected_idx));
+      window.MoveCursor(x, y + i);
+      if (is_selected) {
+        // Remember where we want the cursor to be
+        cursor_x = x - 1;
+        cursor_y = y + i;
+      }
+      submenus[i]->DrawMenuTitle(window, is_selected);
+    }
+    window.MoveCursor(cursor_x, cursor_y);
+  } break;
+  default:
+  case Menu::Type::Separator:
+    break;
+  }
+  return true; // Drawing handled...
+HandleCharResult Menu::WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) {
+  HandleCharResult result = eKeyNotHandled;
+  Menus &submenus = GetSubmenus();
+  const size_t num_submenus = submenus.size();
+  const int selected_idx = GetSelectedSubmenuIndex();
+  Menu::Type menu_type = GetType();
+  if (menu_type == Menu::Type::Bar) {
+    MenuSP run_menu_sp;
+    switch (key) {
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+    case KEY_UP:
+      // Show last menu or first menu
+      if (selected_idx < static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
+        run_menu_sp = submenus[selected_idx];
+      else if (!submenus.empty())
+        run_menu_sp = submenus.front();
+      result = eKeyHandled;
+      break;
+    case KEY_RIGHT:
+      ++m_selected;
+      if (m_selected >= static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
+        m_selected = 0;
+      if (m_selected < static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
+        run_menu_sp = submenus[m_selected];
+      else if (!submenus.empty())
+        run_menu_sp = submenus.front();
+      result = eKeyHandled;
+      break;
+    case KEY_LEFT:
+      --m_selected;
+      if (m_selected < 0)
+        m_selected = num_submenus - 1;
+      if (m_selected < static_cast<int>(num_submenus))
+        run_menu_sp = submenus[m_selected];
+      else if (!submenus.empty())
+        run_menu_sp = submenus.front();
+      result = eKeyHandled;
+      break;
+    default:
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
+        if (submenus[i]->GetKeyValue() == key) {
+          SetSelectedSubmenuIndex(i);
+          run_menu_sp = submenus[i];
+          result = eKeyHandled;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    if (run_menu_sp) {
+      // Run the action on this menu in case we need to populate the menu with
+      // dynamic content and also in case check marks, and any other menu
+      // decorations need to be calculated
+      if (run_menu_sp->Action() == MenuActionResult::Quit)
+        return eQuitApplication;
+      Rect menu_bounds;
+      menu_bounds.origin.x = run_menu_sp->GetStartingColumn();
+      menu_bounds.origin.y = 1;
+      menu_bounds.size.width = run_menu_sp->GetDrawWidth();
+      menu_bounds.size.height = run_menu_sp->GetSubmenus().size() + 2;
+      if (m_menu_window_sp)
+        window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(m_menu_window_sp.get());
+      m_menu_window_sp = window.GetParent()->CreateSubWindow(
+          run_menu_sp->GetName().c_str(), menu_bounds, true);
+      m_menu_window_sp->SetDelegate(run_menu_sp);
+    }
+  } else if (menu_type == Menu::Type::Item) {
+    switch (key) {
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      if (m_submenus.size() > 1) {
+        const int start_select = m_selected;
+        while (++m_selected != start_select) {
+          if (static_cast<size_t>(m_selected) >= num_submenus)
+            m_selected = 0;
+          if (m_submenus[m_selected]->GetType() == Type::Separator)
+            continue;
+          else
+            break;
+        }
+        return eKeyHandled;
+      }
+      break;
+    case KEY_UP:
+      if (m_submenus.size() > 1) {
+        const int start_select = m_selected;
+        while (--m_selected != start_select) {
+          if (m_selected < static_cast<int>(0))
+            m_selected = num_submenus - 1;
+          if (m_submenus[m_selected]->GetType() == Type::Separator)
+            continue;
+          else
+            break;
+        }
+        return eKeyHandled;
+      }
+      break;
+    case KEY_RETURN:
+      if (static_cast<size_t>(selected_idx) < num_submenus) {
+        if (submenus[selected_idx]->Action() == MenuActionResult::Quit)
+          return eQuitApplication;
+        window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+        return eKeyHandled;
+      }
+      break;
+    case KEY_ESCAPE: // Beware: pressing escape key has 1 to 2 second delay in
+                     // case other chars are entered for escaped sequences
+      window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_submenus; ++i) {
+        Menu *menu = submenus[i].get();
+        if (menu->GetKeyValue() == key) {
+          SetSelectedSubmenuIndex(i);
+          window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+          if (menu->Action() == MenuActionResult::Quit)
+            return eQuitApplication;
+          return eKeyHandled;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  } else if (menu_type == Menu::Type::Separator) {
+  }
+  return result;
+class Application {
+  Application(FILE *in, FILE *out)
+      : m_window_sp(), m_screen(nullptr), m_in(in), m_out(out) {}
+  ~Application() {
+    m_window_delegates.clear();
+    m_window_sp.reset();
+    if (m_screen) {
+      ::delscreen(m_screen);
+      m_screen = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  void Initialize() {
+    ::setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+    ::setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
+    m_screen = ::newterm(nullptr, m_out, m_in);
+    ::start_color();
+    ::curs_set(0);
+    ::noecho();
+    ::keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
+  }
+  void Terminate() { ::endwin(); }
+  void Run(Debugger &debugger) {
+    bool done = false;
+    int delay_in_tenths_of_a_second = 1;
+    // Alas the threading model in curses is a bit lame so we need to resort to
+    // polling every 0.5 seconds. We could poll for stdin ourselves and then
+    // pass the keys down but then we need to translate all of the escape
+    // sequences ourselves. So we resort to polling for input because we need
+    // to receive async process events while in this loop.
+    halfdelay(delay_in_tenths_of_a_second); // Poll using some number of tenths
+                                            // of seconds seconds when calling
+                                            // Window::GetChar()
+    ListenerSP listener_sp(
+        Listener::MakeListener("lldb.IOHandler.curses.Application"));
+    ConstString broadcaster_class_target(Target::GetStaticBroadcasterClass());
+    ConstString broadcaster_class_process(Process::GetStaticBroadcasterClass());
+    ConstString broadcaster_class_thread(Thread::GetStaticBroadcasterClass());
+    debugger.EnableForwardEvents(listener_sp);
+    bool update = true;
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+    std::deque<int> escape_chars;
+    while (!done) {
+      if (update) {
+        m_window_sp->Draw(false);
+        // All windows should be calling Window::DeferredRefresh() instead of
+        // Window::Refresh() so we can do a single update and avoid any screen
+        // blinking
+        update_panels();
+        // Cursor hiding isn't working on MacOSX, so hide it in the top left
+        // corner
+        m_window_sp->MoveCursor(0, 0);
+        doupdate();
+        update = false;
+      }
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+      // Terminal.app doesn't map its function keys correctly, F1-F4 default
+      // to: \033OP, \033OQ, \033OR, \033OS, so lets take care of this here if
+      // possible
+      int ch;
+      if (escape_chars.empty())
+        ch = m_window_sp->GetChar();
+      else {
+        ch = escape_chars.front();
+        escape_chars.pop_front();
+      }
+      if (ch == KEY_ESCAPE) {
+        int ch2 = m_window_sp->GetChar();
+        if (ch2 == 'O') {
+          int ch3 = m_window_sp->GetChar();
+          switch (ch3) {
+          case 'P':
+            ch = KEY_F(1);
+            break;
+          case 'Q':
+            ch = KEY_F(2);
+            break;
+          case 'R':
+            ch = KEY_F(3);
+            break;
+          case 'S':
+            ch = KEY_F(4);
+            break;
+          default:
+            escape_chars.push_back(ch2);
+            if (ch3 != -1)
+              escape_chars.push_back(ch3);
+            break;
+          }
+        } else if (ch2 != -1)
+          escape_chars.push_back(ch2);
+      }
+      int ch = m_window_sp->GetChar();
+      if (ch == -1) {
+        if (feof(m_in) || ferror(m_in)) {
+          done = true;
+        } else {
+          // Just a timeout from using halfdelay(), check for events
+          EventSP event_sp;
+          while (listener_sp->PeekAtNextEvent()) {
+            listener_sp->GetEvent(event_sp, std::chrono::seconds(0));
+            if (event_sp) {
+              Broadcaster *broadcaster = event_sp->GetBroadcaster();
+              if (broadcaster) {
+                // uint32_t event_type = event_sp->GetType();
+                ConstString broadcaster_class(
+                    broadcaster->GetBroadcasterClass());
+                if (broadcaster_class == broadcaster_class_process) {
+                  debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().UpdateExecutionContext(
+                      nullptr);
+                  update = true;
+                  continue; // Don't get any key, just update our view
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        HandleCharResult key_result = m_window_sp->HandleChar(ch);
+        switch (key_result) {
+        case eKeyHandled:
+          debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().UpdateExecutionContext(nullptr);
+          update = true;
+          break;
+        case eKeyNotHandled:
+          break;
+        case eQuitApplication:
+          done = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    debugger.CancelForwardEvents(listener_sp);
+  }
+  WindowSP &GetMainWindow() {
+    if (!m_window_sp)
+      m_window_sp = std::make_shared<Window>("main", stdscr, false);
+    return m_window_sp;
+  }
+  WindowSP m_window_sp;
+  WindowDelegates m_window_delegates;
+  SCREEN *m_screen;
+  FILE *m_in;
+  FILE *m_out;
+} // namespace curses
+using namespace curses;
+struct Row {
+  ValueObjectManager value;
+  Row *parent;
+  // The process stop ID when the children were calculated.
+  uint32_t children_stop_id;
+  int row_idx;
+  int x;
+  int y;
+  bool might_have_children;
+  bool expanded;
+  bool calculated_children;
+  std::vector<Row> children;
+  Row(const ValueObjectSP &v, Row *p)
+      : value(v, lldb::eDynamicDontRunTarget, true), parent(p), row_idx(0),
+        x(1), y(1), might_have_children(v ? v->MightHaveChildren() : false),
+        expanded(false), calculated_children(false), children() {}
+  size_t GetDepth() const {
+    if (parent)
+      return 1 + parent->GetDepth();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  void Expand() { expanded = true; }
+  std::vector<Row> &GetChildren() {
+    ProcessSP process_sp = value.GetProcessSP();
+    auto stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
+    if (process_sp && stop_id != children_stop_id) {
+      children_stop_id = stop_id;
+      calculated_children = false;
+    }
+    if (!calculated_children) {
+      children.clear();
+      calculated_children = true;
+      ValueObjectSP valobj = value.GetSP();
+      if (valobj) {
+        const size_t num_children = valobj->GetNumChildren();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_children; ++i) {
+          children.push_back(Row(valobj->GetChildAtIndex(i, true), this));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return children;
+  }
+  void Unexpand() {
+    expanded = false;
+    calculated_children = false;
+    children.clear();
+  }
+  void DrawTree(Window &window) {
+    if (parent)
+      parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, 0);
+    if (might_have_children) {
+      // It we can get UTF8 characters to work we should try to use the
+      // "symbol" UTF8 string below
+      //            const char *symbol = "";
+      //            if (row.expanded)
+      //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xbd ";
+      //            else
+      //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xb7 ";
+      //            window.PutCString (symbol);
+      // The ACS_DARROW and ACS_RARROW don't look very nice they are just a 'v'
+      // or '>' character...
+      //            if (expanded)
+      //                window.PutChar (ACS_DARROW);
+      //            else
+      //                window.PutChar (ACS_RARROW);
+      // Since we can't find any good looking right arrow/down arrow symbols,
+      // just use a diamond...
+      window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
+      window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+    }
+  }
+  void DrawTreeForChild(Window &window, Row *child, uint32_t reverse_depth) {
+    if (parent)
+      parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, reverse_depth + 1);
+    if (&GetChildren().back() == child) {
+      // Last child
+      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
+        window.PutChar(ACS_LLCORNER);
+        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+      } else {
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
+        window.PutChar(ACS_LTEE);
+        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+      } else {
+        window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+      }
+    }
+  }
+struct DisplayOptions {
+  bool show_types;
+class TreeItem;
+class TreeDelegate {
+  TreeDelegate() = default;
+  virtual ~TreeDelegate() = default;
+  virtual void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) = 0;
+  virtual void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) = 0;
+  virtual bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(
+      TreeItem &item) = 0; // Return true if we need to update views
+typedef std::shared_ptr<TreeDelegate> TreeDelegateSP;
+class TreeItem {
+  TreeItem(TreeItem *parent, TreeDelegate &delegate, bool might_have_children)
+      : m_parent(parent), m_delegate(delegate), m_user_data(nullptr),
+        m_identifier(0), m_row_idx(-1), m_children(),
+        m_might_have_children(might_have_children), m_is_expanded(false) {}
+  TreeItem &operator=(const TreeItem &rhs) {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      m_parent = rhs.m_parent;
+      m_delegate = rhs.m_delegate;
+      m_user_data = rhs.m_user_data;
+      m_identifier = rhs.m_identifier;
+      m_row_idx = rhs.m_row_idx;
+      m_children = rhs.m_children;
+      m_might_have_children = rhs.m_might_have_children;
+      m_is_expanded = rhs.m_is_expanded;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  size_t GetDepth() const {
+    if (m_parent)
+      return 1 + m_parent->GetDepth();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  int GetRowIndex() const { return m_row_idx; }
+  void ClearChildren() { m_children.clear(); }
+  void Resize(size_t n, const TreeItem &t) { m_children.resize(n, t); }
+  TreeItem &operator[](size_t i) { return m_children[i]; }
+  void SetRowIndex(int row_idx) { m_row_idx = row_idx; }
+  size_t GetNumChildren() {
+    m_delegate.TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(*this);
+    return m_children.size();
+  }
+  void ItemWasSelected() { m_delegate.TreeDelegateItemSelected(*this); }
+  void CalculateRowIndexes(int &row_idx) {
+    SetRowIndex(row_idx);
+    ++row_idx;
+    const bool expanded = IsExpanded();
+    // The root item must calculate its children, or we must calculate the
+    // number of children if the item is expanded
+    if (m_parent == nullptr || expanded)
+      GetNumChildren();
+    for (auto &item : m_children) {
+      if (expanded)
+        item.CalculateRowIndexes(row_idx);
+      else
+        item.SetRowIndex(-1);
+    }
+  }
+  TreeItem *GetParent() { return m_parent; }
+  bool IsExpanded() const { return m_is_expanded; }
+  void Expand() { m_is_expanded = true; }
+  void Unexpand() { m_is_expanded = false; }
+  bool Draw(Window &window, const int first_visible_row,
+            const uint32_t selected_row_idx, int &row_idx, int &num_rows_left) {
+    if (num_rows_left <= 0)
+      return false;
+    if (m_row_idx >= first_visible_row) {
+      window.MoveCursor(2, row_idx + 1);
+      if (m_parent)
+        m_parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, 0);
+      if (m_might_have_children) {
+        // It we can get UTF8 characters to work we should try to use the
+        // "symbol" UTF8 string below
+        //            const char *symbol = "";
+        //            if (row.expanded)
+        //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xbd ";
+        //            else
+        //                symbol = "\xe2\x96\xb7 ";
+        //            window.PutCString (symbol);
+        // The ACS_DARROW and ACS_RARROW don't look very nice they are just a
+        // 'v' or '>' character...
+        //            if (expanded)
+        //                window.PutChar (ACS_DARROW);
+        //            else
+        //                window.PutChar (ACS_RARROW);
+        // Since we can't find any good looking right arrow/down arrow symbols,
+        // just use a diamond...
+        window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
+        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+      }
+      bool highlight = (selected_row_idx == static_cast<size_t>(m_row_idx)) &&
+                       window.IsActive();
+      if (highlight)
+        window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+      m_delegate.TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(*this, window);
+      if (highlight)
+        window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+      ++row_idx;
+      --num_rows_left;
+    }
+    if (num_rows_left <= 0)
+      return false; // We are done drawing...
+    if (IsExpanded()) {
+      for (auto &item : m_children) {
+        // If we displayed all the rows and item.Draw() returns false we are
+        // done drawing and can exit this for loop
+        if (!item.Draw(window, first_visible_row, selected_row_idx, row_idx,
+                       num_rows_left))
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    return num_rows_left >= 0; // Return true if not done drawing yet
+  }
+  void DrawTreeForChild(Window &window, TreeItem *child,
+                        uint32_t reverse_depth) {
+    if (m_parent)
+      m_parent->DrawTreeForChild(window, this, reverse_depth + 1);
+    if (&m_children.back() == child) {
+      // Last child
+      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
+        window.PutChar(ACS_LLCORNER);
+        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+      } else {
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (reverse_depth == 0) {
+        window.PutChar(ACS_LTEE);
+        window.PutChar(ACS_HLINE);
+      } else {
+        window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
+        window.PutChar(' ');
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  TreeItem *GetItemForRowIndex(uint32_t row_idx) {
+    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(m_row_idx) == row_idx)
+      return this;
+    if (m_children.empty())
+      return nullptr;
+    if (IsExpanded()) {
+      for (auto &item : m_children) {
+        TreeItem *selected_item_ptr = item.GetItemForRowIndex(row_idx);
+        if (selected_item_ptr)
+          return selected_item_ptr;
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  void *GetUserData() const { return m_user_data; }
+  void SetUserData(void *user_data) { m_user_data = user_data; }
+  uint64_t GetIdentifier() const { return m_identifier; }
+  void SetIdentifier(uint64_t identifier) { m_identifier = identifier; }
+  void SetMightHaveChildren(bool b) { m_might_have_children = b; }
+  TreeItem *m_parent;
+  TreeDelegate &m_delegate;
+  void *m_user_data;
+  uint64_t m_identifier;
+  int m_row_idx; // Zero based visible row index, -1 if not visible or for the
+                 // root item
+  std::vector<TreeItem> m_children;
+  bool m_might_have_children;
+  bool m_is_expanded;
+class TreeWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  TreeWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger, const TreeDelegateSP &delegate_sp)
+      : m_debugger(debugger), m_delegate_sp(delegate_sp),
+        m_root(nullptr, *delegate_sp, true), m_selected_item(nullptr),
+        m_num_rows(0), m_selected_row_idx(0), m_first_visible_row(0),
+        m_min_x(0), m_min_y(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {}
+  int NumVisibleRows() const { return m_max_y - m_min_y; }
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
+        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
+    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+    bool display_content = false;
+    if (process) {
+      StateType state = process->GetState();
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        // We are stopped, so it is ok to
+        display_content = true;
+      } else if (StateIsRunningState(state)) {
+        return true; // Don't do any updating when we are running
+      }
+    }
+    m_min_x = 2;
+    m_min_y = 1;
+    m_max_x = window.GetWidth() - 1;
+    m_max_y = window.GetHeight() - 1;
+    window.Erase();
+    window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName());
+    if (display_content) {
+      const int num_visible_rows = NumVisibleRows();
+      m_num_rows = 0;
+      m_root.CalculateRowIndexes(m_num_rows);
+      // If we unexpanded while having something selected our total number of
+      // rows is less than the num visible rows, then make sure we show all the
+      // rows by setting the first visible row accordingly.
+      if (m_first_visible_row > 0 && m_num_rows < num_visible_rows)
+        m_first_visible_row = 0;
+      // Make sure the selected row is always visible
+      if (m_selected_row_idx < m_first_visible_row)
+        m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx;
+      else if (m_first_visible_row + num_visible_rows <= m_selected_row_idx)
+        m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx - num_visible_rows + 1;
+      int row_idx = 0;
+      int num_rows_left = num_visible_rows;
+      m_root.Draw(window, m_first_visible_row, m_selected_row_idx, row_idx,
+                  num_rows_left);
+      // Get the selected row
+      m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+    } else {
+      m_selected_item = nullptr;
+    }
+    return true; // Drawing handled
+  }
+  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
+    return "Thread window keyboard shortcuts:";
+  }
+  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
+    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
+        {KEY_UP, "Select previous item"},
+        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next item"},
+        {KEY_RIGHT, "Expand the selected item"},
+        {KEY_LEFT,
+         "Unexpand the selected item or select parent if not expanded"},
+        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
+        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
+        {'h', "Show help dialog"},
+        {' ', "Toggle item expansion"},
+        {',', "Page up"},
+        {'.', "Page down"},
+        {'\0', nullptr}};
+    return g_source_view_key_help;
+  }
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int c) override {
+    switch (c) {
+    case ',':
+    case KEY_PPAGE:
+      // Page up key
+      if (m_first_visible_row > 0) {
+        if (m_first_visible_row > m_max_y)
+          m_first_visible_row -= m_max_y;
+        else
+          m_first_visible_row = 0;
+        m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
+        m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+        if (m_selected_item)
+          m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case '.':
+    case KEY_NPAGE:
+      // Page down key
+      if (m_num_rows > m_max_y) {
+        if (m_first_visible_row + m_max_y < m_num_rows) {
+          m_first_visible_row += m_max_y;
+          m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
+          m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+          if (m_selected_item)
+            m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
+        }
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_UP:
+      if (m_selected_row_idx > 0) {
+        --m_selected_row_idx;
+        m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+        if (m_selected_item)
+          m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      if (m_selected_row_idx + 1 < m_num_rows) {
+        ++m_selected_row_idx;
+        m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+        if (m_selected_item)
+          m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_RIGHT:
+      if (m_selected_item) {
+        if (!m_selected_item->IsExpanded())
+          m_selected_item->Expand();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_LEFT:
+      if (m_selected_item) {
+        if (m_selected_item->IsExpanded())
+          m_selected_item->Unexpand();
+        else if (m_selected_item->GetParent()) {
+          m_selected_row_idx = m_selected_item->GetParent()->GetRowIndex();
+          m_selected_item = m_root.GetItemForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+          if (m_selected_item)
+            m_selected_item->ItemWasSelected();
+        }
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case ' ':
+      // Toggle expansion state when SPACE is pressed
+      if (m_selected_item) {
+        if (m_selected_item->IsExpanded())
+          m_selected_item->Unexpand();
+        else
+          m_selected_item->Expand();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'h':
+      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  TreeDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
+  TreeItem m_root;
+  TreeItem *m_selected_item;
+  int m_num_rows;
+  int m_selected_row_idx;
+  int m_first_visible_row;
+  int m_min_x;
+  int m_min_y;
+  int m_max_x;
+  int m_max_y;
+class FrameTreeDelegate : public TreeDelegate {
+  FrameTreeDelegate() : TreeDelegate() {
+    FormatEntity::Parse(
+        "frame #${frame.index}: {${function.name}${function.pc-offset}}}",
+        m_format);
+  }
+  ~FrameTreeDelegate() override = default;
+  void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) override {
+    Thread *thread = (Thread *)item.GetUserData();
+    if (thread) {
+      const uint64_t frame_idx = item.GetIdentifier();
+      StackFrameSP frame_sp = thread->GetStackFrameAtIndex(frame_idx);
+      if (frame_sp) {
+        StreamString strm;
+        const SymbolContext &sc =
+            frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything);
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx(frame_sp);
+        if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, &sc, &exe_ctx, nullptr,
+                                 nullptr, false, false)) {
+          int right_pad = 1;
+          window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), right_pad);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) override {
+    // No children for frames yet...
+  }
+  bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(TreeItem &item) override {
+    Thread *thread = (Thread *)item.GetUserData();
+    if (thread) {
+      thread->GetProcess()->GetThreadList().SetSelectedThreadByID(
+          thread->GetID());
+      const uint64_t frame_idx = item.GetIdentifier();
+      thread->SetSelectedFrameByIndex(frame_idx);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
+class ThreadTreeDelegate : public TreeDelegate {
+  ThreadTreeDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
+      : TreeDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger), m_tid(LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID),
+        m_stop_id(UINT32_MAX) {
+    FormatEntity::Parse("thread #${thread.index}: tid = ${thread.id}{, stop "
+                        "reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}",
+                        m_format);
+  }
+  ~ThreadTreeDelegate() override = default;
+  ProcessSP GetProcess() {
+    return m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
+        .GetExecutionContext()
+        .GetProcessSP();
+  }
+  ThreadSP GetThread(const TreeItem &item) {
+    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
+    if (process_sp)
+      return process_sp->GetThreadList().FindThreadByID(item.GetIdentifier());
+    return ThreadSP();
+  }
+  void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) override {
+    ThreadSP thread_sp = GetThread(item);
+    if (thread_sp) {
+      StreamString strm;
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx(thread_sp);
+      if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, nullptr, &exe_ctx, nullptr,
+                               nullptr, false, false)) {
+        int right_pad = 1;
+        window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), right_pad);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) override {
+    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
+    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
+      StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        ThreadSP thread_sp = GetThread(item);
+        if (thread_sp) {
+          if (m_stop_id == process_sp->GetStopID() &&
+              thread_sp->GetID() == m_tid)
+            return; // Children are already up to date
+          if (!m_frame_delegate_sp) {
+            // Always expand the thread item the first time we show it
+            m_frame_delegate_sp = std::make_shared<FrameTreeDelegate>();
+          }
+          m_stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
+          m_tid = thread_sp->GetID();
+          TreeItem t(&item, *m_frame_delegate_sp, false);
+          size_t num_frames = thread_sp->GetStackFrameCount();
+          item.Resize(num_frames, t);
+          for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) {
+            item[i].SetUserData(thread_sp.get());
+            item[i].SetIdentifier(i);
+          }
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    item.ClearChildren();
+  }
+  bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(TreeItem &item) override {
+    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
+    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
+      StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        ThreadSP thread_sp = GetThread(item);
+        if (thread_sp) {
+          ThreadList &thread_list = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetThreadList();
+          std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(thread_list.GetMutex());
+          ThreadSP selected_thread_sp = thread_list.GetSelectedThread();
+          if (selected_thread_sp->GetID() != thread_sp->GetID()) {
+            thread_list.SetSelectedThreadByID(thread_sp->GetID());
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  std::shared_ptr<FrameTreeDelegate> m_frame_delegate_sp;
+  lldb::user_id_t m_tid;
+  uint32_t m_stop_id;
+  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
+class ThreadsTreeDelegate : public TreeDelegate {
+  ThreadsTreeDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
+      : TreeDelegate(), m_thread_delegate_sp(), m_debugger(debugger),
+        m_stop_id(UINT32_MAX) {
+    FormatEntity::Parse("process ${process.id}{, name = ${process.name}}",
+                        m_format);
+  }
+  ~ThreadsTreeDelegate() override = default;
+  ProcessSP GetProcess() {
+    return m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
+        .GetExecutionContext()
+        .GetProcessSP();
+  }
+  void TreeDelegateDrawTreeItem(TreeItem &item, Window &window) override {
+    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
+    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
+      StreamString strm;
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx(process_sp);
+      if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, nullptr, &exe_ctx, nullptr,
+                               nullptr, false, false)) {
+        int right_pad = 1;
+        window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), right_pad);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void TreeDelegateGenerateChildren(TreeItem &item) override {
+    ProcessSP process_sp = GetProcess();
+    if (process_sp && process_sp->IsAlive()) {
+      StateType state = process_sp->GetState();
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        const uint32_t stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
+        if (m_stop_id == stop_id)
+          return; // Children are already up to date
+        m_stop_id = stop_id;
+        if (!m_thread_delegate_sp) {
+          // Always expand the thread item the first time we show it
+          // item.Expand();
+          m_thread_delegate_sp =
+              std::make_shared<ThreadTreeDelegate>(m_debugger);
+        }
+        TreeItem t(&item, *m_thread_delegate_sp, false);
+        ThreadList &threads = process_sp->GetThreadList();
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(threads.GetMutex());
+        size_t num_threads = threads.GetSize();
+        item.Resize(num_threads, t);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
+          item[i].SetIdentifier(threads.GetThreadAtIndex(i)->GetID());
+          item[i].SetMightHaveChildren(true);
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    item.ClearChildren();
+  }
+  bool TreeDelegateItemSelected(TreeItem &item) override { return false; }
+  std::shared_ptr<ThreadTreeDelegate> m_thread_delegate_sp;
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  uint32_t m_stop_id;
+  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
+class ValueObjectListDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  ValueObjectListDelegate()
+      : m_rows(), m_selected_row(nullptr), m_selected_row_idx(0),
+        m_first_visible_row(0), m_num_rows(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {}
+  ValueObjectListDelegate(ValueObjectList &valobj_list)
+      : m_rows(), m_selected_row(nullptr), m_selected_row_idx(0),
+        m_first_visible_row(0), m_num_rows(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {
+    SetValues(valobj_list);
+  }
+  ~ValueObjectListDelegate() override = default;
+  void SetValues(ValueObjectList &valobj_list) {
+    m_selected_row = nullptr;
+    m_selected_row_idx = 0;
+    m_first_visible_row = 0;
+    m_num_rows = 0;
+    m_rows.clear();
+    for (auto &valobj_sp : valobj_list.GetObjects())
+      m_rows.push_back(Row(valobj_sp, nullptr));
+  }
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    m_num_rows = 0;
+    m_min_x = 2;
+    m_min_y = 1;
+    m_max_x = window.GetWidth() - 1;
+    m_max_y = window.GetHeight() - 1;
+    window.Erase();
+    window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName());
+    const int num_visible_rows = NumVisibleRows();
+    const int num_rows = CalculateTotalNumberRows(m_rows);
+    // If we unexpanded while having something selected our total number of
+    // rows is less than the num visible rows, then make sure we show all the
+    // rows by setting the first visible row accordingly.
+    if (m_first_visible_row > 0 && num_rows < num_visible_rows)
+      m_first_visible_row = 0;
+    // Make sure the selected row is always visible
+    if (m_selected_row_idx < m_first_visible_row)
+      m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx;
+    else if (m_first_visible_row + num_visible_rows <= m_selected_row_idx)
+      m_first_visible_row = m_selected_row_idx - num_visible_rows + 1;
+    DisplayRows(window, m_rows, g_options);
+    // Get the selected row
+    m_selected_row = GetRowForRowIndex(m_selected_row_idx);
+    // Keep the cursor on the selected row so the highlight and the cursor are
+    // always on the same line
+    if (m_selected_row)
+      window.MoveCursor(m_selected_row->x, m_selected_row->y);
+    return true; // Drawing handled
+  }
+  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
+    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
+        {KEY_UP, "Select previous item"},
+        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next item"},
+        {KEY_RIGHT, "Expand selected item"},
+        {KEY_LEFT, "Unexpand selected item or select parent if not expanded"},
+        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
+        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
+        {'A', "Format as annotated address"},
+        {'b', "Format as binary"},
+        {'B', "Format as hex bytes with ASCII"},
+        {'c', "Format as character"},
+        {'d', "Format as a signed integer"},
+        {'D', "Format selected value using the default format for the type"},
+        {'f', "Format as float"},
+        {'h', "Show help dialog"},
+        {'i', "Format as instructions"},
+        {'o', "Format as octal"},
+        {'p', "Format as pointer"},
+        {'s', "Format as C string"},
+        {'t', "Toggle showing/hiding type names"},
+        {'u', "Format as an unsigned integer"},
+        {'x', "Format as hex"},
+        {'X', "Format as uppercase hex"},
+        {' ', "Toggle item expansion"},
+        {',', "Page up"},
+        {'.', "Page down"},
+        {'\0', nullptr}};
+    return g_source_view_key_help;
+  }
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int c) override {
+    switch (c) {
+    case 'x':
+    case 'X':
+    case 'o':
+    case 's':
+    case 'u':
+    case 'd':
+    case 'D':
+    case 'i':
+    case 'A':
+    case 'p':
+    case 'c':
+    case 'b':
+    case 'B':
+    case 'f':
+      // Change the format for the currently selected item
+      if (m_selected_row) {
+        auto valobj_sp = m_selected_row->value.GetSP();
+        if (valobj_sp)
+          valobj_sp->SetFormat(FormatForChar(c));
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 't':
+      // Toggle showing type names
+      g_options.show_types = !g_options.show_types;
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case ',':
+    case KEY_PPAGE:
+      // Page up key
+      if (m_first_visible_row > 0) {
+        if (static_cast<int>(m_first_visible_row) > m_max_y)
+          m_first_visible_row -= m_max_y;
+        else
+          m_first_visible_row = 0;
+        m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case '.':
+    case KEY_NPAGE:
+      // Page down key
+      if (m_num_rows > static_cast<size_t>(m_max_y)) {
+        if (m_first_visible_row + m_max_y < m_num_rows) {
+          m_first_visible_row += m_max_y;
+          m_selected_row_idx = m_first_visible_row;
+        }
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_UP:
+      if (m_selected_row_idx > 0)
+        --m_selected_row_idx;
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      if (m_selected_row_idx + 1 < m_num_rows)
+        ++m_selected_row_idx;
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_RIGHT:
+      if (m_selected_row) {
+        if (!m_selected_row->expanded)
+          m_selected_row->Expand();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_LEFT:
+      if (m_selected_row) {
+        if (m_selected_row->expanded)
+          m_selected_row->Unexpand();
+        else if (m_selected_row->parent)
+          m_selected_row_idx = m_selected_row->parent->row_idx;
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case ' ':
+      // Toggle expansion state when SPACE is pressed
+      if (m_selected_row) {
+        if (m_selected_row->expanded)
+          m_selected_row->Unexpand();
+        else
+          m_selected_row->Expand();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'h':
+      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  std::vector<Row> m_rows;
+  Row *m_selected_row;
+  uint32_t m_selected_row_idx;
+  uint32_t m_first_visible_row;
+  uint32_t m_num_rows;
+  int m_min_x;
+  int m_min_y;
+  int m_max_x;
+  int m_max_y;
+  static Format FormatForChar(int c) {
+    switch (c) {
+    case 'x':
+      return eFormatHex;
+    case 'X':
+      return eFormatHexUppercase;
+    case 'o':
+      return eFormatOctal;
+    case 's':
+      return eFormatCString;
+    case 'u':
+      return eFormatUnsigned;
+    case 'd':
+      return eFormatDecimal;
+    case 'D':
+      return eFormatDefault;
+    case 'i':
+      return eFormatInstruction;
+    case 'A':
+      return eFormatAddressInfo;
+    case 'p':
+      return eFormatPointer;
+    case 'c':
+      return eFormatChar;
+    case 'b':
+      return eFormatBinary;
+    case 'B':
+      return eFormatBytesWithASCII;
+    case 'f':
+      return eFormatFloat;
+    }
+    return eFormatDefault;
+  }
+  bool DisplayRowObject(Window &window, Row &row, DisplayOptions &options,
+                        bool highlight, bool last_child) {
+    ValueObject *valobj = row.value.GetSP().get();
+    if (valobj == nullptr)
+      return false;
+    const char *type_name =
+        options.show_types ? valobj->GetTypeName().GetCString() : nullptr;
+    const char *name = valobj->GetName().GetCString();
+    const char *value = valobj->GetValueAsCString();
+    const char *summary = valobj->GetSummaryAsCString();
+    window.MoveCursor(row.x, row.y);
+    row.DrawTree(window);
+    if (highlight)
+      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+    if (type_name && type_name[0])
+      window.Printf("(%s) ", type_name);
+    if (name && name[0])
+      window.PutCString(name);
+    attr_t changd_attr = 0;
+    if (valobj->GetValueDidChange())
+      changd_attr = COLOR_PAIR(5) | A_BOLD;
+    if (value && value[0]) {
+      window.PutCString(" = ");
+      if (changd_attr)
+        window.AttributeOn(changd_attr);
+      window.PutCString(value);
+      if (changd_attr)
+        window.AttributeOff(changd_attr);
+    }
+    if (summary && summary[0]) {
+      window.PutChar(' ');
+      if (changd_attr)
+        window.AttributeOn(changd_attr);
+      window.PutCString(summary);
+      if (changd_attr)
+        window.AttributeOff(changd_attr);
+    }
+    if (highlight)
+      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+    return true;
+  }
+  void DisplayRows(Window &window, std::vector<Row> &rows,
+                   DisplayOptions &options) {
+    // >   0x25B7
+    // \/  0x25BD
+    bool window_is_active = window.IsActive();
+    for (auto &row : rows) {
+      const bool last_child = row.parent && &rows[rows.size() - 1] == &row;
+      // Save the row index in each Row structure
+      row.row_idx = m_num_rows;
+      if ((m_num_rows >= m_first_visible_row) &&
+          ((m_num_rows - m_first_visible_row) <
+           static_cast<size_t>(NumVisibleRows()))) {
+        row.x = m_min_x;
+        row.y = m_num_rows - m_first_visible_row + 1;
+        if (DisplayRowObject(window, row, options,
+                             window_is_active &&
+                                 m_num_rows == m_selected_row_idx,
+                             last_child)) {
+          ++m_num_rows;
+        } else {
+          row.x = 0;
+          row.y = 0;
+        }
+      } else {
+        row.x = 0;
+        row.y = 0;
+        ++m_num_rows;
+      }
+      auto &children = row.GetChildren();
+      if (row.expanded && !children.empty()) {
+        DisplayRows(window, children, options);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int CalculateTotalNumberRows(std::vector<Row> &rows) {
+    int row_count = 0;
+    for (auto &row : rows) {
+      ++row_count;
+      if (row.expanded)
+        row_count += CalculateTotalNumberRows(row.GetChildren());
+    }
+    return row_count;
+  }
+  static Row *GetRowForRowIndexImpl(std::vector<Row> &rows, size_t &row_index) {
+    for (auto &row : rows) {
+      if (row_index == 0)
+        return &row;
+      else {
+        --row_index;
+        auto &children = row.GetChildren();
+        if (row.expanded && !children.empty()) {
+          Row *result = GetRowForRowIndexImpl(children, row_index);
+          if (result)
+            return result;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  Row *GetRowForRowIndex(size_t row_index) {
+    return GetRowForRowIndexImpl(m_rows, row_index);
+  }
+  int NumVisibleRows() const { return m_max_y - m_min_y; }
+  static DisplayOptions g_options;
+class FrameVariablesWindowDelegate : public ValueObjectListDelegate {
+  FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
+      : ValueObjectListDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger),
+        m_frame_block(nullptr) {}
+  ~FrameVariablesWindowDelegate() override = default;
+  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
+    return "Frame variable window keyboard shortcuts:";
+  }
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
+        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
+    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+    Block *frame_block = nullptr;
+    StackFrame *frame = nullptr;
+    if (process) {
+      StateType state = process->GetState();
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
+        if (frame)
+          frame_block = frame->GetFrameBlock();
+      } else if (StateIsRunningState(state)) {
+        return true; // Don't do any updating when we are running
+      }
+    }
+    ValueObjectList local_values;
+    if (frame_block) {
+      // Only update the variables if they have changed
+      if (m_frame_block != frame_block) {
+        m_frame_block = frame_block;
+        VariableList *locals = frame->GetVariableList(true);
+        if (locals) {
+          const DynamicValueType use_dynamic = eDynamicDontRunTarget;
+          for (const VariableSP &local_sp : *locals) {
+            ValueObjectSP value_sp =
+                frame->GetValueObjectForFrameVariable(local_sp, use_dynamic);
+            if (value_sp) {
+              ValueObjectSP synthetic_value_sp = value_sp->GetSyntheticValue();
+              if (synthetic_value_sp)
+                local_values.Append(synthetic_value_sp);
+              else
+                local_values.Append(value_sp);
+            }
+          }
+          // Update the values
+          SetValues(local_values);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      m_frame_block = nullptr;
+      // Update the values with an empty list if there is no frame
+      SetValues(local_values);
+    }
+    return ValueObjectListDelegate::WindowDelegateDraw(window, force);
+  }
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  Block *m_frame_block;
+class RegistersWindowDelegate : public ValueObjectListDelegate {
+  RegistersWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
+      : ValueObjectListDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger) {}
+  ~RegistersWindowDelegate() override = default;
+  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
+    return "Register window keyboard shortcuts:";
+  }
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    ExecutionContext exe_ctx(
+        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext());
+    StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
+    ValueObjectList value_list;
+    if (frame) {
+      if (frame->GetStackID() != m_stack_id) {
+        m_stack_id = frame->GetStackID();
+        RegisterContextSP reg_ctx(frame->GetRegisterContext());
+        if (reg_ctx) {
+          const uint32_t num_sets = reg_ctx->GetRegisterSetCount();
+          for (uint32_t set_idx = 0; set_idx < num_sets; ++set_idx) {
+            value_list.Append(
+                ValueObjectRegisterSet::Create(frame, reg_ctx, set_idx));
+          }
+        }
+        SetValues(value_list);
+      }
+    } else {
+      Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+      if (process && process->IsAlive())
+        return true; // Don't do any updating if we are running
+      else {
+        // Update the values with an empty list if there is no process or the
+        // process isn't alive anymore
+        SetValues(value_list);
+      }
+    }
+    return ValueObjectListDelegate::WindowDelegateDraw(window, force);
+  }
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  StackID m_stack_id;
+static const char *CursesKeyToCString(int ch) {
+  static char g_desc[32];
+  if (ch >= KEY_F0 && ch < KEY_F0 + 64) {
+    snprintf(g_desc, sizeof(g_desc), "F%u", ch - KEY_F0);
+    return g_desc;
+  }
+  switch (ch) {
+  case KEY_DOWN:
+    return "down";
+  case KEY_UP:
+    return "up";
+  case KEY_LEFT:
+    return "left";
+  case KEY_RIGHT:
+    return "right";
+  case KEY_HOME:
+    return "home";
+    return "backspace";
+  case KEY_DL:
+    return "delete-line";
+  case KEY_IL:
+    return "insert-line";
+  case KEY_DC:
+    return "delete-char";
+  case KEY_IC:
+    return "insert-char";
+  case KEY_CLEAR:
+    return "clear";
+  case KEY_EOS:
+    return "clear-to-eos";
+  case KEY_EOL:
+    return "clear-to-eol";
+  case KEY_SF:
+    return "scroll-forward";
+  case KEY_SR:
+    return "scroll-backward";
+  case KEY_NPAGE:
+    return "page-down";
+  case KEY_PPAGE:
+    return "page-up";
+  case KEY_STAB:
+    return "set-tab";
+  case KEY_CTAB:
+    return "clear-tab";
+  case KEY_CATAB:
+    return "clear-all-tabs";
+  case KEY_ENTER:
+    return "enter";
+  case KEY_PRINT:
+    return "print";
+  case KEY_LL:
+    return "lower-left key";
+  case KEY_A1:
+    return "upper left of keypad";
+  case KEY_A3:
+    return "upper right of keypad";
+  case KEY_B2:
+    return "center of keypad";
+  case KEY_C1:
+    return "lower left of keypad";
+  case KEY_C3:
+    return "lower right of keypad";
+  case KEY_BTAB:
+    return "back-tab key";
+  case KEY_BEG:
+    return "begin key";
+  case KEY_CANCEL:
+    return "cancel key";
+  case KEY_CLOSE:
+    return "close key";
+  case KEY_COMMAND:
+    return "command key";
+  case KEY_COPY:
+    return "copy key";
+  case KEY_CREATE:
+    return "create key";
+  case KEY_END:
+    return "end key";
+  case KEY_EXIT:
+    return "exit key";
+  case KEY_FIND:
+    return "find key";
+  case KEY_HELP:
+    return "help key";
+  case KEY_MARK:
+    return "mark key";
+  case KEY_MESSAGE:
+    return "message key";
+  case KEY_MOVE:
+    return "move key";
+  case KEY_NEXT:
+    return "next key";
+  case KEY_OPEN:
+    return "open key";
+  case KEY_OPTIONS:
+    return "options key";
+    return "previous key";
+  case KEY_REDO:
+    return "redo key";
+    return "reference key";
+  case KEY_REFRESH:
+    return "refresh key";
+  case KEY_REPLACE:
+    return "replace key";
+  case KEY_RESTART:
+    return "restart key";
+  case KEY_RESUME:
+    return "resume key";
+  case KEY_SAVE:
+    return "save key";
+  case KEY_SBEG:
+    return "shifted begin key";
+  case KEY_SCANCEL:
+    return "shifted cancel key";
+    return "shifted command key";
+  case KEY_SCOPY:
+    return "shifted copy key";
+  case KEY_SCREATE:
+    return "shifted create key";
+  case KEY_SDC:
+    return "shifted delete-character key";
+  case KEY_SDL:
+    return "shifted delete-line key";
+  case KEY_SELECT:
+    return "select key";
+  case KEY_SEND:
+    return "shifted end key";
+  case KEY_SEOL:
+    return "shifted clear-to-end-of-line key";
+  case KEY_SEXIT:
+    return "shifted exit key";
+  case KEY_SFIND:
+    return "shifted find key";
+  case KEY_SHELP:
+    return "shifted help key";
+  case KEY_SHOME:
+    return "shifted home key";
+  case KEY_SIC:
+    return "shifted insert-character key";
+  case KEY_SLEFT:
+    return "shifted left-arrow key";
+    return "shifted message key";
+  case KEY_SMOVE:
+    return "shifted move key";
+  case KEY_SNEXT:
+    return "shifted next key";
+    return "shifted options key";
+    return "shifted previous key";
+  case KEY_SPRINT:
+    return "shifted print key";
+  case KEY_SREDO:
+    return "shifted redo key";
+    return "shifted replace key";
+  case KEY_SRIGHT:
+    return "shifted right-arrow key";
+  case KEY_SRSUME:
+    return "shifted resume key";
+  case KEY_SSAVE:
+    return "shifted save key";
+    return "shifted suspend key";
+  case KEY_SUNDO:
+    return "shifted undo key";
+  case KEY_SUSPEND:
+    return "suspend key";
+  case KEY_UNDO:
+    return "undo key";
+  case KEY_MOUSE:
+    return "Mouse event has occurred";
+  case KEY_RESIZE:
+    return "Terminal resize event";
+#ifdef KEY_EVENT
+  case KEY_EVENT:
+    return "We were interrupted by an event";
+  case KEY_RETURN:
+    return "return";
+  case ' ':
+    return "space";
+  case '\t':
+    return "tab";
+  case KEY_ESCAPE:
+    return "escape";
+  default:
+    if (isprint(ch))
+      snprintf(g_desc, sizeof(g_desc), "%c", ch);
+    else
+      snprintf(g_desc, sizeof(g_desc), "\\x%2.2x", ch);
+    return g_desc;
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+HelpDialogDelegate::HelpDialogDelegate(const char *text,
+                                       KeyHelp *key_help_array)
+    : m_text(), m_first_visible_line(0) {
+  if (text && text[0]) {
+    m_text.SplitIntoLines(text);
+    m_text.AppendString("");
+  }
+  if (key_help_array) {
+    for (KeyHelp *key = key_help_array; key->ch; ++key) {
+      StreamString key_description;
+      key_description.Printf("%10s - %s", CursesKeyToCString(key->ch),
+                             key->description);
+      m_text.AppendString(key_description.GetString());
+    }
+  }
+HelpDialogDelegate::~HelpDialogDelegate() = default;
+bool HelpDialogDelegate::WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) {
+  window.Erase();
+  const int window_height = window.GetHeight();
+  int x = 2;
+  int y = 1;
+  const int min_y = y;
+  const int max_y = window_height - 1 - y;
+  const size_t num_visible_lines = max_y - min_y + 1;
+  const size_t num_lines = m_text.GetSize();
+  const char *bottom_message;
+  if (num_lines <= num_visible_lines)
+    bottom_message = "Press any key to exit";
+  else
+    bottom_message = "Use arrows to scroll, any other key to exit";
+  window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName(), bottom_message);
+  while (y <= max_y) {
+    window.MoveCursor(x, y);
+    window.PutCStringTruncated(
+        m_text.GetStringAtIndex(m_first_visible_line + y - min_y), 1);
+    ++y;
+  }
+  return true;
+HandleCharResult HelpDialogDelegate::WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window,
+                                                              int key) {
+  bool done = false;
+  const size_t num_lines = m_text.GetSize();
+  const size_t num_visible_lines = window.GetHeight() - 2;
+  if (num_lines <= num_visible_lines) {
+    done = true;
+    // If we have all lines visible and don't need scrolling, then any key
+    // press will cause us to exit
+  } else {
+    switch (key) {
+    case KEY_UP:
+      if (m_first_visible_line > 0)
+        --m_first_visible_line;
+      break;
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < num_lines)
+        ++m_first_visible_line;
+      break;
+    case KEY_PPAGE:
+    case ',':
+      if (m_first_visible_line > 0) {
+        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) >= num_visible_lines)
+          m_first_visible_line -= num_visible_lines;
+        else
+          m_first_visible_line = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    case KEY_NPAGE:
+    case '.':
+      if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < num_lines) {
+        m_first_visible_line += num_visible_lines;
+        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) > num_lines)
+          m_first_visible_line = num_lines - num_visible_lines;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      done = true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (done)
+    window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+  return eKeyHandled;
+class ApplicationDelegate : public WindowDelegate, public MenuDelegate {
+  enum {
+    eMenuID_LLDB = 1,
+    eMenuID_LLDBAbout,
+    eMenuID_LLDBExit,
+    eMenuID_Target,
+    eMenuID_TargetCreate,
+    eMenuID_TargetDelete,
+    eMenuID_Process,
+    eMenuID_ProcessAttach,
+    eMenuID_ProcessDetach,
+    eMenuID_ProcessLaunch,
+    eMenuID_ProcessContinue,
+    eMenuID_ProcessHalt,
+    eMenuID_ProcessKill,
+    eMenuID_Thread,
+    eMenuID_ThreadStepIn,
+    eMenuID_ThreadStepOver,
+    eMenuID_ThreadStepOut,
+    eMenuID_View,
+    eMenuID_ViewBacktrace,
+    eMenuID_ViewRegisters,
+    eMenuID_ViewSource,
+    eMenuID_ViewVariables,
+    eMenuID_Help,
+    eMenuID_HelpGUIHelp
+  };
+  ApplicationDelegate(Application &app, Debugger &debugger)
+      : WindowDelegate(), MenuDelegate(), m_app(app), m_debugger(debugger) {}
+  ~ApplicationDelegate() override = default;
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    return false; // Drawing not handled, let standard window drawing happen
+  }
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override {
+    switch (key) {
+    case '\t':
+      window.SelectNextWindowAsActive();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'h':
+      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_ESCAPE:
+      return eQuitApplication;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
+    return "Welcome to the LLDB curses GUI.\n\n"
+           "Press the TAB key to change the selected view.\n"
+           "Each view has its own keyboard shortcuts, press 'h' to open a "
+           "dialog to display them.\n\n"
+           "Common key bindings for all views:";
+  }
+  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
+    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
+        {'\t', "Select next view"},
+        {'h', "Show help dialog with view specific key bindings"},
+        {',', "Page up"},
+        {'.', "Page down"},
+        {KEY_UP, "Select previous"},
+        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next"},
+        {KEY_LEFT, "Unexpand or select parent"},
+        {KEY_RIGHT, "Expand"},
+        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
+        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
+        {'\0', nullptr}};
+    return g_source_view_key_help;
+  }
+  MenuActionResult MenuDelegateAction(Menu &menu) override {
+    switch (menu.GetIdentifier()) {
+    case eMenuID_ThreadStepIn: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
+            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
+          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepIn(true);
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ThreadStepOut: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
+            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
+          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOut();
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ThreadStepOver: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
+            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
+          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOver(true);
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ProcessContinue: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
+            StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true))
+          process->Resume();
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ProcessKill: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive())
+          process->Destroy(false);
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ProcessHalt: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive())
+          process->Halt();
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ProcessDetach: {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope()) {
+        Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+        if (process && process->IsAlive())
+          process->Detach(false);
+      }
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_Process: {
+      // Populate the menu with all of the threads if the process is stopped
+      // when the Process menu gets selected and is about to display its
+      // submenu.
+      Menus &submenus = menu.GetSubmenus();
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+      if (process && process->IsAlive() &&
+          StateIsStoppedState(process->GetState(), true)) {
+        if (submenus.size() == 7)
+          menu.AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(Menu::Type::Separator)));
+        else if (submenus.size() > 8)
+          submenus.erase(submenus.begin() + 8, submenus.end());
+        ThreadList &threads = process->GetThreadList();
+        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> guard(threads.GetMutex());
+        size_t num_threads = threads.GetSize();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
+          ThreadSP thread_sp = threads.GetThreadAtIndex(i);
+          char menu_char = '\0';
+          if (i < 9)
+            menu_char = '1' + i;
+          StreamString thread_menu_title;
+          thread_menu_title.Printf("Thread %u", thread_sp->GetIndexID());
+          const char *thread_name = thread_sp->GetName();
+          if (thread_name && thread_name[0])
+            thread_menu_title.Printf(" %s", thread_name);
+          else {
+            const char *queue_name = thread_sp->GetQueueName();
+            if (queue_name && queue_name[0])
+              thread_menu_title.Printf(" %s", queue_name);
+          }
+          menu.AddSubmenu(
+              MenuSP(new Menu(thread_menu_title.GetString().str().c_str(),
+                              nullptr, menu_char, thread_sp->GetID())));
+        }
+      } else if (submenus.size() > 7) {
+        // Remove the separator and any other thread submenu items that were
+        // previously added
+        submenus.erase(submenus.begin() + 7, submenus.end());
+      }
+      // Since we are adding and removing items we need to recalculate the name
+      // lengths
+      menu.RecalculateNameLengths();
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ViewVariables: {
+      WindowSP main_window_sp = m_app.GetMainWindow();
+      WindowSP source_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Source");
+      WindowSP variables_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Variables");
+      WindowSP registers_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Registers");
+      const Rect source_bounds = source_window_sp->GetBounds();
+      if (variables_window_sp) {
+        const Rect variables_bounds = variables_window_sp->GetBounds();
+        main_window_sp->RemoveSubWindow(variables_window_sp.get());
+        if (registers_window_sp) {
+          // We have a registers window, so give all the area back to the
+          // registers window
+          Rect registers_bounds = variables_bounds;
+          registers_bounds.size.width = source_bounds.size.width;
+          registers_window_sp->SetBounds(registers_bounds);
+        } else {
+          // We have no registers window showing so give the bottom area back
+          // to the source view
+          source_window_sp->Resize(source_bounds.size.width,
+                                   source_bounds.size.height +
+                                       variables_bounds.size.height);
+        }
+      } else {
+        Rect new_variables_rect;
+        if (registers_window_sp) {
+          // We have a registers window so split the area of the registers
+          // window into two columns where the left hand side will be the
+          // variables and the right hand side will be the registers
+          const Rect variables_bounds = registers_window_sp->GetBounds();
+          Rect new_registers_rect;
+          variables_bounds.VerticalSplitPercentage(0.50, new_variables_rect,
+                                                   new_registers_rect);
+          registers_window_sp->SetBounds(new_registers_rect);
+        } else {
+          // No variables window, grab the bottom part of the source window
+          Rect new_source_rect;
+          source_bounds.HorizontalSplitPercentage(0.70, new_source_rect,
+                                                  new_variables_rect);
+          source_window_sp->SetBounds(new_source_rect);
+        }
+        WindowSP new_window_sp = main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow(
+            "Variables", new_variables_rect, false);
+        new_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+            WindowDelegateSP(new FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
+      }
+      touchwin(stdscr);
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_ViewRegisters: {
+      WindowSP main_window_sp = m_app.GetMainWindow();
+      WindowSP source_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Source");
+      WindowSP variables_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Variables");
+      WindowSP registers_window_sp = main_window_sp->FindSubWindow("Registers");
+      const Rect source_bounds = source_window_sp->GetBounds();
+      if (registers_window_sp) {
+        if (variables_window_sp) {
+          const Rect variables_bounds = variables_window_sp->GetBounds();
+          // We have a variables window, so give all the area back to the
+          // variables window
+          variables_window_sp->Resize(variables_bounds.size.width +
+                                          registers_window_sp->GetWidth(),
+                                      variables_bounds.size.height);
+        } else {
+          // We have no variables window showing so give the bottom area back
+          // to the source view
+          source_window_sp->Resize(source_bounds.size.width,
+                                   source_bounds.size.height +
+                                       registers_window_sp->GetHeight());
+        }
+        main_window_sp->RemoveSubWindow(registers_window_sp.get());
+      } else {
+        Rect new_regs_rect;
+        if (variables_window_sp) {
+          // We have a variables window, split it into two columns where the
+          // left hand side will be the variables and the right hand side will
+          // be the registers
+          const Rect variables_bounds = variables_window_sp->GetBounds();
+          Rect new_vars_rect;
+          variables_bounds.VerticalSplitPercentage(0.50, new_vars_rect,
+                                                   new_regs_rect);
+          variables_window_sp->SetBounds(new_vars_rect);
+        } else {
+          // No registers window, grab the bottom part of the source window
+          Rect new_source_rect;
+          source_bounds.HorizontalSplitPercentage(0.70, new_source_rect,
+                                                  new_regs_rect);
+          source_window_sp->SetBounds(new_source_rect);
+        }
+        WindowSP new_window_sp =
+            main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Registers", new_regs_rect, false);
+        new_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+            WindowDelegateSP(new RegistersWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
+      }
+      touchwin(stdscr);
+    }
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    case eMenuID_HelpGUIHelp:
+      m_app.GetMainWindow()->CreateHelpSubwindow();
+      return MenuActionResult::Handled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return MenuActionResult::NotHandled;
+  }
+  Application &m_app;
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+class StatusBarWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  StatusBarWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger) : m_debugger(debugger) {
+    FormatEntity::Parse("Thread: ${thread.id%tid}", m_format);
+  }
+  ~StatusBarWindowDelegate() override = default;
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+    Thread *thread = exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr();
+    StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr();
+    window.Erase();
+    window.SetBackground(2);
+    window.MoveCursor(0, 0);
+    if (process) {
+      const StateType state = process->GetState();
+      window.Printf("Process: %5" PRIu64 " %10s", process->GetID(),
+                    StateAsCString(state));
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        StreamString strm;
+        if (thread && FormatEntity::Format(m_format, strm, nullptr, &exe_ctx,
+                                           nullptr, nullptr, false, false)) {
+          window.MoveCursor(40, 0);
+          window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetString().str().c_str(), 1);
+        }
+        window.MoveCursor(60, 0);
+        if (frame)
+          window.Printf("Frame: %3u  PC = 0x%16.16" PRIx64,
+                        frame->GetFrameIndex(),
+                        frame->GetFrameCodeAddress().GetOpcodeLoadAddress(
+                            exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr()));
+      } else if (state == eStateExited) {
+        const char *exit_desc = process->GetExitDescription();
+        const int exit_status = process->GetExitStatus();
+        if (exit_desc && exit_desc[0])
+          window.Printf(" with status = %i (%s)", exit_status, exit_desc);
+        else
+          window.Printf(" with status = %i", exit_status);
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  FormatEntity::Entry m_format;
+class SourceFileWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  SourceFileWindowDelegate(Debugger &debugger)
+      : WindowDelegate(), m_debugger(debugger), m_sc(), m_file_sp(),
+        m_disassembly_scope(nullptr), m_disassembly_sp(), m_disassembly_range(),
+        m_title(), m_line_width(4), m_selected_line(0), m_pc_line(0),
+        m_stop_id(0), m_frame_idx(UINT32_MAX), m_first_visible_line(0),
+        m_min_x(0), m_min_y(0), m_max_x(0), m_max_y(0) {}
+  ~SourceFileWindowDelegate() override = default;
+  void Update(const SymbolContext &sc) { m_sc = sc; }
+  uint32_t NumVisibleLines() const { return m_max_y - m_min_y; }
+  const char *WindowDelegateGetHelpText() override {
+    return "Source/Disassembly window keyboard shortcuts:";
+  }
+  KeyHelp *WindowDelegateGetKeyHelp() override {
+    static curses::KeyHelp g_source_view_key_help[] = {
+        {KEY_RETURN, "Run to selected line with one shot breakpoint"},
+        {KEY_UP, "Select previous source line"},
+        {KEY_DOWN, "Select next source line"},
+        {KEY_PPAGE, "Page up"},
+        {KEY_NPAGE, "Page down"},
+        {'b', "Set breakpoint on selected source/disassembly line"},
+        {'c', "Continue process"},
+        {'d', "Detach and resume process"},
+        {'D', "Detach with process suspended"},
+        {'h', "Show help dialog"},
+        {'k', "Kill process"},
+        {'n', "Step over (source line)"},
+        {'N', "Step over (single instruction)"},
+        {'o', "Step out"},
+        {'s', "Step in (source line)"},
+        {'S', "Step in (single instruction)"},
+        {',', "Page up"},
+        {'.', "Page down"},
+        {'\0', nullptr}};
+    return g_source_view_key_help;
+  }
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+    Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr();
+    Thread *thread = nullptr;
+    bool update_location = false;
+    if (process) {
+      StateType state = process->GetState();
+      if (StateIsStoppedState(state, true)) {
+        // We are stopped, so it is ok to
+        update_location = true;
+      }
+    }
+    m_min_x = 1;
+    m_min_y = 2;
+    m_max_x = window.GetMaxX() - 1;
+    m_max_y = window.GetMaxY() - 1;
+    const uint32_t num_visible_lines = NumVisibleLines();
+    StackFrameSP frame_sp;
+    bool set_selected_line_to_pc = false;
+    if (update_location) {
+      const bool process_alive = process ? process->IsAlive() : false;
+      bool thread_changed = false;
+      if (process_alive) {
+        thread = exe_ctx.GetThreadPtr();
+        if (thread) {
+          frame_sp = thread->GetSelectedFrame();
+          auto tid = thread->GetID();
+          thread_changed = tid != m_tid;
+          m_tid = tid;
+        } else {
+          if (m_tid != LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID) {
+            thread_changed = true;
+            m_tid = LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      const uint32_t stop_id = process ? process->GetStopID() : 0;
+      const bool stop_id_changed = stop_id != m_stop_id;
+      bool frame_changed = false;
+      m_stop_id = stop_id;
+      m_title.Clear();
+      if (frame_sp) {
+        m_sc = frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything);
+        if (m_sc.module_sp) {
+          m_title.Printf(
+              "%s", m_sc.module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetCString());
+          ConstString func_name = m_sc.GetFunctionName();
+          if (func_name)
+            m_title.Printf("`%s", func_name.GetCString());
+        }
+        const uint32_t frame_idx = frame_sp->GetFrameIndex();
+        frame_changed = frame_idx != m_frame_idx;
+        m_frame_idx = frame_idx;
+      } else {
+        m_sc.Clear(true);
+        frame_changed = m_frame_idx != UINT32_MAX;
+        m_frame_idx = UINT32_MAX;
+      }
+      const bool context_changed =
+          thread_changed || frame_changed || stop_id_changed;
+      if (process_alive) {
+        if (m_sc.line_entry.IsValid()) {
+          m_pc_line = m_sc.line_entry.line;
+          if (m_pc_line != UINT32_MAX)
+            --m_pc_line; // Convert to zero based line number...
+          // Update the selected line if the stop ID changed...
+          if (context_changed)
+            m_selected_line = m_pc_line;
+          if (m_file_sp && m_file_sp->FileSpecMatches(m_sc.line_entry.file)) {
+            // Same file, nothing to do, we should either have the lines or not
+            // (source file missing)
+            if (m_selected_line >= static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line)) {
+              if (m_selected_line >= m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines)
+                m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line - 10;
+            } else {
+              if (m_selected_line > 10)
+                m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line - 10;
+              else
+                m_first_visible_line = 0;
+            }
+          } else {
+            // File changed, set selected line to the line with the PC
+            m_selected_line = m_pc_line;
+            m_file_sp =
+                m_debugger.GetSourceManager().GetFile(m_sc.line_entry.file);
+            if (m_file_sp) {
+              const size_t num_lines = m_file_sp->GetNumLines();
+              m_line_width = 1;
+              for (size_t n = num_lines; n >= 10; n = n / 10)
+                ++m_line_width;
+              if (num_lines < num_visible_lines ||
+                  m_selected_line < num_visible_lines)
+                m_first_visible_line = 0;
+              else
+                m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line - 10;
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          m_file_sp.reset();
+        }
+        if (!m_file_sp || m_file_sp->GetNumLines() == 0) {
+          // Show disassembly
+          bool prefer_file_cache = false;
+          if (m_sc.function) {
+            if (m_disassembly_scope != m_sc.function) {
+              m_disassembly_scope = m_sc.function;
+              m_disassembly_sp = m_sc.function->GetInstructions(
+                  exe_ctx, nullptr, prefer_file_cache);
+              if (m_disassembly_sp) {
+                set_selected_line_to_pc = true;
+                m_disassembly_range = m_sc.function->GetAddressRange();
+              } else {
+                m_disassembly_range.Clear();
+              }
+            } else {
+              set_selected_line_to_pc = context_changed;
+            }
+          } else if (m_sc.symbol) {
+            if (m_disassembly_scope != m_sc.symbol) {
+              m_disassembly_scope = m_sc.symbol;
+              m_disassembly_sp = m_sc.symbol->GetInstructions(
+                  exe_ctx, nullptr, prefer_file_cache);
+              if (m_disassembly_sp) {
+                set_selected_line_to_pc = true;
+                m_disassembly_range.GetBaseAddress() =
+                    m_sc.symbol->GetAddress();
+                m_disassembly_range.SetByteSize(m_sc.symbol->GetByteSize());
+              } else {
+                m_disassembly_range.Clear();
+              }
+            } else {
+              set_selected_line_to_pc = context_changed;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        m_pc_line = UINT32_MAX;
+      }
+    }
+    const int window_width = window.GetWidth();
+    window.Erase();
+    window.DrawTitleBox("Sources");
+    if (!m_title.GetString().empty()) {
+      window.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+      window.MoveCursor(1, 1);
+      window.PutChar(' ');
+      window.PutCStringTruncated(m_title.GetString().str().c_str(), 1);
+      int x = window.GetCursorX();
+      if (x < window_width - 1) {
+        window.Printf("%*s", window_width - x - 1, "");
+      }
+      window.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+    }
+    Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
+    const size_t num_source_lines = GetNumSourceLines();
+    if (num_source_lines > 0) {
+      // Display source
+      BreakpointLines bp_lines;
+      if (target) {
+        BreakpointList &bp_list = target->GetBreakpointList();
+        const size_t num_bps = bp_list.GetSize();
+        for (size_t bp_idx = 0; bp_idx < num_bps; ++bp_idx) {
+          BreakpointSP bp_sp = bp_list.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_idx);
+          const size_t num_bps_locs = bp_sp->GetNumLocations();
+          for (size_t bp_loc_idx = 0; bp_loc_idx < num_bps_locs; ++bp_loc_idx) {
+            BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp =
+                bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(bp_loc_idx);
+            LineEntry bp_loc_line_entry;
+            if (bp_loc_sp->GetAddress().CalculateSymbolContextLineEntry(
+                    bp_loc_line_entry)) {
+              if (m_file_sp->GetFileSpec() == bp_loc_line_entry.file) {
+                bp_lines.insert(bp_loc_line_entry.line);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
+      const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_visible_lines; ++i) {
+        const uint32_t curr_line = m_first_visible_line + i;
+        if (curr_line < num_source_lines) {
+          const int line_y = m_min_y + i;
+          window.MoveCursor(1, line_y);
+          const bool is_pc_line = curr_line == m_pc_line;
+          const bool line_is_selected = m_selected_line == curr_line;
+          // Highlight the line as the PC line first, then if the selected line
+          // isn't the same as the PC line, highlight it 
diff erently
+          attr_t highlight_attr = 0;
+          attr_t bp_attr = 0;
+          if (is_pc_line)
+            highlight_attr = pc_highlight_attr;
+          else if (line_is_selected)
+            highlight_attr = selected_highlight_attr;
+          if (bp_lines.find(curr_line + 1) != bp_lines.end())
+            bp_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
+          if (bp_attr)
+            window.AttributeOn(bp_attr);
+          window.Printf(" %*u ", m_line_width, curr_line + 1);
+          if (bp_attr)
+            window.AttributeOff(bp_attr);
+          window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
+          // Mark the line with the PC with a diamond
+          if (is_pc_line)
+            window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
+          else
+            window.PutChar(' ');
+          if (highlight_attr)
+            window.AttributeOn(highlight_attr);
+          const uint32_t line_len =
+              m_file_sp->GetLineLength(curr_line + 1, false);
+          if (line_len > 0)
+            window.PutCString(m_file_sp->PeekLineData(curr_line + 1), line_len);
+          if (is_pc_line && frame_sp &&
+              frame_sp->GetConcreteFrameIndex() == 0) {
+            StopInfoSP stop_info_sp;
+            if (thread)
+              stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo();
+            if (stop_info_sp) {
+              const char *stop_description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
+              if (stop_description && stop_description[0]) {
+                size_t stop_description_len = strlen(stop_description);
+                int desc_x = window_width - stop_description_len - 16;
+                window.Printf("%*s", desc_x - window.GetCursorX(), "");
+                // window.MoveCursor(window_width - stop_description_len - 15,
+                // line_y);
+                window.Printf("<<< Thread %u: %s ", thread->GetIndexID(),
+                              stop_description);
+              }
+            } else {
+              window.Printf("%*s", window_width - window.GetCursorX() - 1, "");
+            }
+          }
+          if (highlight_attr)
+            window.AttributeOff(highlight_attr);
+        } else {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      size_t num_disassembly_lines = GetNumDisassemblyLines();
+      if (num_disassembly_lines > 0) {
+        // Display disassembly
+        BreakpointAddrs bp_file_addrs;
+        Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
+        if (target) {
+          BreakpointList &bp_list = target->GetBreakpointList();
+          const size_t num_bps = bp_list.GetSize();
+          for (size_t bp_idx = 0; bp_idx < num_bps; ++bp_idx) {
+            BreakpointSP bp_sp = bp_list.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_idx);
+            const size_t num_bps_locs = bp_sp->GetNumLocations();
+            for (size_t bp_loc_idx = 0; bp_loc_idx < num_bps_locs;
+                 ++bp_loc_idx) {
+              BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp =
+                  bp_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(bp_loc_idx);
+              LineEntry bp_loc_line_entry;
+              const lldb::addr_t file_addr =
+                  bp_loc_sp->GetAddress().GetFileAddress();
+              if (file_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
+                if (m_disassembly_range.ContainsFileAddress(file_addr))
+                  bp_file_addrs.insert(file_addr);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        const attr_t selected_highlight_attr = A_REVERSE;
+        const attr_t pc_highlight_attr = COLOR_PAIR(1);
+        StreamString strm;
+        InstructionList &insts = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList();
+        Address pc_address;
+        if (frame_sp)
+          pc_address = frame_sp->GetFrameCodeAddress();
+        const uint32_t pc_idx =
+            pc_address.IsValid()
+                ? insts.GetIndexOfInstructionAtAddress(pc_address)
+                : UINT32_MAX;
+        if (set_selected_line_to_pc) {
+          m_selected_line = pc_idx;
+        }
+        const uint32_t non_visible_pc_offset = (num_visible_lines / 5);
+        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) >= num_disassembly_lines)
+          m_first_visible_line = 0;
+        if (pc_idx < num_disassembly_lines) {
+          if (pc_idx < static_cast<uint32_t>(m_first_visible_line) ||
+              pc_idx >= m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines)
+            m_first_visible_line = pc_idx - non_visible_pc_offset;
+        }
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_visible_lines; ++i) {
+          const uint32_t inst_idx = m_first_visible_line + i;
+          Instruction *inst = insts.GetInstructionAtIndex(inst_idx).get();
+          if (!inst)
+            break;
+          const int line_y = m_min_y + i;
+          window.MoveCursor(1, line_y);
+          const bool is_pc_line = frame_sp && inst_idx == pc_idx;
+          const bool line_is_selected = m_selected_line == inst_idx;
+          // Highlight the line as the PC line first, then if the selected line
+          // isn't the same as the PC line, highlight it 
diff erently
+          attr_t highlight_attr = 0;
+          attr_t bp_attr = 0;
+          if (is_pc_line)
+            highlight_attr = pc_highlight_attr;
+          else if (line_is_selected)
+            highlight_attr = selected_highlight_attr;
+          if (bp_file_addrs.find(inst->GetAddress().GetFileAddress()) !=
+              bp_file_addrs.end())
+            bp_attr = COLOR_PAIR(2);
+          if (bp_attr)
+            window.AttributeOn(bp_attr);
+          window.Printf(" 0x%16.16llx ",
+                        static_cast<unsigned long long>(
+                            inst->GetAddress().GetLoadAddress(target)));
+          if (bp_attr)
+            window.AttributeOff(bp_attr);
+          window.PutChar(ACS_VLINE);
+          // Mark the line with the PC with a diamond
+          if (is_pc_line)
+            window.PutChar(ACS_DIAMOND);
+          else
+            window.PutChar(' ');
+          if (highlight_attr)
+            window.AttributeOn(highlight_attr);
+          const char *mnemonic = inst->GetMnemonic(&exe_ctx);
+          const char *operands = inst->GetOperands(&exe_ctx);
+          const char *comment = inst->GetComment(&exe_ctx);
+          if (mnemonic != nullptr && mnemonic[0] == '\0')
+            mnemonic = nullptr;
+          if (operands != nullptr && operands[0] == '\0')
+            operands = nullptr;
+          if (comment != nullptr && comment[0] == '\0')
+            comment = nullptr;
+          strm.Clear();
+          if (mnemonic != nullptr && operands != nullptr && comment != nullptr)
+            strm.Printf("%-8s %-25s ; %s", mnemonic, operands, comment);
+          else if (mnemonic != nullptr && operands != nullptr)
+            strm.Printf("%-8s %s", mnemonic, operands);
+          else if (mnemonic != nullptr)
+            strm.Printf("%s", mnemonic);
+          int right_pad = 1;
+          window.PutCStringTruncated(strm.GetData(), right_pad);
+          if (is_pc_line && frame_sp &&
+              frame_sp->GetConcreteFrameIndex() == 0) {
+            StopInfoSP stop_info_sp;
+            if (thread)
+              stop_info_sp = thread->GetStopInfo();
+            if (stop_info_sp) {
+              const char *stop_description = stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
+              if (stop_description && stop_description[0]) {
+                size_t stop_description_len = strlen(stop_description);
+                int desc_x = window_width - stop_description_len - 16;
+                window.Printf("%*s", desc_x - window.GetCursorX(), "");
+                // window.MoveCursor(window_width - stop_description_len - 15,
+                // line_y);
+                window.Printf("<<< Thread %u: %s ", thread->GetIndexID(),
+                              stop_description);
+              }
+            } else {
+              window.Printf("%*s", window_width - window.GetCursorX() - 1, "");
+            }
+          }
+          if (highlight_attr)
+            window.AttributeOff(highlight_attr);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return true; // Drawing handled
+  }
+  size_t GetNumLines() {
+    size_t num_lines = GetNumSourceLines();
+    if (num_lines == 0)
+      num_lines = GetNumDisassemblyLines();
+    return num_lines;
+  }
+  size_t GetNumSourceLines() const {
+    if (m_file_sp)
+      return m_file_sp->GetNumLines();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  size_t GetNumDisassemblyLines() const {
+    if (m_disassembly_sp)
+      return m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList().GetSize();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int c) override {
+    const uint32_t num_visible_lines = NumVisibleLines();
+    const size_t num_lines = GetNumLines();
+    switch (c) {
+    case ',':
+    case KEY_PPAGE:
+      // Page up key
+      if (static_cast<uint32_t>(m_first_visible_line) > num_visible_lines)
+        m_first_visible_line -= num_visible_lines;
+      else
+        m_first_visible_line = 0;
+      m_selected_line = m_first_visible_line;
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case '.':
+    case KEY_NPAGE:
+      // Page down key
+      {
+        if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < num_lines)
+          m_first_visible_line += num_visible_lines;
+        else if (num_lines < num_visible_lines)
+          m_first_visible_line = 0;
+        else
+          m_first_visible_line = num_lines - num_visible_lines;
+        m_selected_line = m_first_visible_line;
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_UP:
+      if (m_selected_line > 0) {
+        m_selected_line--;
+        if (static_cast<size_t>(m_first_visible_line) > m_selected_line)
+          m_first_visible_line = m_selected_line;
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      if (m_selected_line + 1 < num_lines) {
+        m_selected_line++;
+        if (m_first_visible_line + num_visible_lines < m_selected_line)
+          m_first_visible_line++;
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case '\r':
+    case '\n':
+    case KEY_ENTER:
+      // Set a breakpoint and run to the line using a one shot breakpoint
+      if (GetNumSourceLines() > 0) {
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope() && exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().IsAlive()) {
+          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
+              nullptr, // Don't limit the breakpoint to certain modules
+              m_file_sp->GetFileSpec(), // Source file
+              m_selected_line +
+                  1, // Source line number (m_selected_line is zero based)
+              0,     // Unspecified column.
+              0,     // No offset
+              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Check inlines using global setting
+              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Skip prologue using global setting,
+              false,               // internal
+              false,               // request_hardware
+              eLazyBoolCalculate); // move_to_nearest_code
+          // Make breakpoint one shot
+          bp_sp->GetOptions()->SetOneShot(true);
+          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
+        }
+      } else if (m_selected_line < GetNumDisassemblyLines()) {
+        const Instruction *inst = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList()
+                                      .GetInstructionAtIndex(m_selected_line)
+                                      .get();
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
+          Address addr = inst->GetAddress();
+          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
+              addr,   // lldb_private::Address
+              false,  // internal
+              false); // request_hardware
+          // Make breakpoint one shot
+          bp_sp->GetOptions()->SetOneShot(true);
+          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
+        }
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'b': // 'b' == toggle breakpoint on currently selected line
+      if (m_selected_line < GetNumSourceLines()) {
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
+          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
+              nullptr, // Don't limit the breakpoint to certain modules
+              m_file_sp->GetFileSpec(), // Source file
+              m_selected_line +
+                  1, // Source line number (m_selected_line is zero based)
+              0,     // No column specified.
+              0,     // No offset
+              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Check inlines using global setting
+              eLazyBoolCalculate,  // Skip prologue using global setting,
+              false,               // internal
+              false,               // request_hardware
+              eLazyBoolCalculate); // move_to_nearest_code
+        }
+      } else if (m_selected_line < GetNumDisassemblyLines()) {
+        const Instruction *inst = m_disassembly_sp->GetInstructionList()
+                                      .GetInstructionAtIndex(m_selected_line)
+                                      .get();
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) {
+          Address addr = inst->GetAddress();
+          BreakpointSP bp_sp = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().CreateBreakpoint(
+              addr,   // lldb_private::Address
+              false,  // internal
+              false); // request_hardware
+        }
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'd': // 'd' == detach and let run
+    case 'D': // 'D' == detach and keep stopped
+    {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
+        exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Detach(c == 'D');
+    }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'k':
+      // 'k' == kill
+      {
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
+          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Destroy(false);
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'c':
+      // 'c' == continue
+      {
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasProcessScope())
+          exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().Resume();
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'o':
+      // 'o' == step out
+      {
+        ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+            m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+        if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope() &&
+            StateIsStoppedState(exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().GetState(), true)) {
+          exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOut();
+        }
+      }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'n': // 'n' == step over
+    case 'N': // 'N' == step over instruction
+    {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope() &&
+          StateIsStoppedState(exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().GetState(), true)) {
+        bool source_step = (c == 'n');
+        exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepOver(source_step);
+      }
+    }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 's': // 's' == step into
+    case 'S': // 'S' == step into instruction
+    {
+      ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
+          m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
+      if (exe_ctx.HasThreadScope() &&
+          StateIsStoppedState(exe_ctx.GetProcessRef().GetState(), true)) {
+        bool source_step = (c == 's');
+        exe_ctx.GetThreadRef().StepIn(source_step);
+      }
+    }
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case 'h':
+      window.CreateHelpSubwindow();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return eKeyNotHandled;
+  }
+  typedef std::set<uint32_t> BreakpointLines;
+  typedef std::set<lldb::addr_t> BreakpointAddrs;
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  SymbolContext m_sc;
+  SourceManager::FileSP m_file_sp;
+  SymbolContextScope *m_disassembly_scope;
+  lldb::DisassemblerSP m_disassembly_sp;
+  AddressRange m_disassembly_range;
+  StreamString m_title;
+  lldb::user_id_t m_tid;
+  int m_line_width;
+  uint32_t m_selected_line; // The selected line
+  uint32_t m_pc_line;       // The line with the PC
+  uint32_t m_stop_id;
+  uint32_t m_frame_idx;
+  int m_first_visible_line;
+  int m_min_x;
+  int m_min_y;
+  int m_max_x;
+  int m_max_y;
+DisplayOptions ValueObjectListDelegate::g_options = {true};
+IOHandlerCursesGUI::IOHandlerCursesGUI(Debugger &debugger)
+    : IOHandler(debugger, IOHandler::Type::Curses) {}
+void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Activate() {
+  IOHandler::Activate();
+  if (!m_app_ap) {
+    m_app_ap.reset(new Application(GetInputFILE(), GetOutputFILE()));
+    // This is both a window and a menu delegate
+    std::shared_ptr<ApplicationDelegate> app_delegate_sp(
+        new ApplicationDelegate(*m_app_ap, m_debugger));
+    MenuDelegateSP app_menu_delegate_sp =
+        std::static_pointer_cast<MenuDelegate>(app_delegate_sp);
+    MenuSP lldb_menu_sp(
+        new Menu("LLDB", "F1", KEY_F(1), ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_LLDB));
+    MenuSP exit_menuitem_sp(
+        new Menu("Exit", nullptr, 'x', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_LLDBExit));
+    exit_menuitem_sp->SetCannedResult(MenuActionResult::Quit);
+    lldb_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "About LLDB", nullptr, 'a', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_LLDBAbout)));
+    lldb_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(Menu::Type::Separator)));
+    lldb_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(exit_menuitem_sp);
+    MenuSP target_menu_sp(new Menu("Target", "F2", KEY_F(2),
+                                   ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Target));
+    target_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Create", nullptr, 'c', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_TargetCreate)));
+    target_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Delete", nullptr, 'd', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_TargetDelete)));
+    MenuSP process_menu_sp(new Menu("Process", "F3", KEY_F(3),
+                                    ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Process));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Attach", nullptr, 'a', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessAttach)));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Detach", nullptr, 'd', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessDetach)));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Launch", nullptr, 'l', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessLaunch)));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(Menu::Type::Separator)));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
+        MenuSP(new Menu("Continue", nullptr, 'c',
+                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessContinue)));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Halt", nullptr, 'h', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessHalt)));
+    process_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Kill", nullptr, 'k', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ProcessKill)));
+    MenuSP thread_menu_sp(new Menu("Thread", "F4", KEY_F(4),
+                                   ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Thread));
+    thread_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Step In", nullptr, 'i', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ThreadStepIn)));
+    thread_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
+        MenuSP(new Menu("Step Over", nullptr, 'v',
+                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ThreadStepOver)));
+    thread_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Step Out", nullptr, 'o', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ThreadStepOut)));
+    MenuSP view_menu_sp(
+        new Menu("View", "F5", KEY_F(5), ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_View));
+    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
+        MenuSP(new Menu("Backtrace", nullptr, 'b',
+                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewBacktrace)));
+    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
+        MenuSP(new Menu("Registers", nullptr, 'r',
+                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewRegisters)));
+    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "Source", nullptr, 's', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewSource)));
+    view_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(
+        MenuSP(new Menu("Variables", nullptr, 'v',
+                        ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_ViewVariables)));
+    MenuSP help_menu_sp(
+        new Menu("Help", "F6", KEY_F(6), ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_Help));
+    help_menu_sp->AddSubmenu(MenuSP(new Menu(
+        "GUI Help", nullptr, 'g', ApplicationDelegate::eMenuID_HelpGUIHelp)));
+    m_app_ap->Initialize();
+    WindowSP &main_window_sp = m_app_ap->GetMainWindow();
+    MenuSP menubar_sp(new Menu(Menu::Type::Bar));
+    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(lldb_menu_sp);
+    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(target_menu_sp);
+    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(process_menu_sp);
+    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(thread_menu_sp);
+    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(view_menu_sp);
+    menubar_sp->AddSubmenu(help_menu_sp);
+    menubar_sp->SetDelegate(app_menu_delegate_sp);
+    Rect content_bounds = main_window_sp->GetFrame();
+    Rect menubar_bounds = content_bounds.MakeMenuBar();
+    Rect status_bounds = content_bounds.MakeStatusBar();
+    Rect source_bounds;
+    Rect variables_bounds;
+    Rect threads_bounds;
+    Rect source_variables_bounds;
+    content_bounds.VerticalSplitPercentage(0.80, source_variables_bounds,
+                                           threads_bounds);
+    source_variables_bounds.HorizontalSplitPercentage(0.70, source_bounds,
+                                                      variables_bounds);
+    WindowSP menubar_window_sp =
+        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Menubar", menubar_bounds, false);
+    // Let the menubar get keys if the active window doesn't handle the keys
+    // that are typed so it can respond to menubar key presses.
+    menubar_window_sp->SetCanBeActive(
+        false); // Don't let the menubar become the active window
+    menubar_window_sp->SetDelegate(menubar_sp);
+    WindowSP source_window_sp(
+        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Source", source_bounds, true));
+    WindowSP variables_window_sp(
+        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Variables", variables_bounds, false));
+    WindowSP threads_window_sp(
+        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Threads", threads_bounds, false));
+    WindowSP status_window_sp(
+        main_window_sp->CreateSubWindow("Status", status_bounds, false));
+    status_window_sp->SetCanBeActive(
+        false); // Don't let the status bar become the active window
+    main_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+        std::static_pointer_cast<WindowDelegate>(app_delegate_sp));
+    source_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+        WindowDelegateSP(new SourceFileWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
+    variables_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+        WindowDelegateSP(new FrameVariablesWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
+    TreeDelegateSP thread_delegate_sp(new ThreadsTreeDelegate(m_debugger));
+    threads_window_sp->SetDelegate(WindowDelegateSP(
+        new TreeWindowDelegate(m_debugger, thread_delegate_sp)));
+    status_window_sp->SetDelegate(
+        WindowDelegateSP(new StatusBarWindowDelegate(m_debugger)));
+    // Show the main help window once the first time the curses GUI is launched
+    static bool g_showed_help = false;
+    if (!g_showed_help) {
+      g_showed_help = true;
+      main_window_sp->CreateHelpSubwindow();
+    }
+    init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
+    init_pair(2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE);
+    init_pair(3, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_WHITE);
+    init_pair(4, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK);
+    init_pair(5, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);
+  }
+void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Deactivate() { m_app_ap->Terminate(); }
+void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Run() {
+  m_app_ap->Run(m_debugger);
+  SetIsDone(true);
+IOHandlerCursesGUI::~IOHandlerCursesGUI() = default;
+void IOHandlerCursesGUI::Cancel() {}
+bool IOHandlerCursesGUI::Interrupt() { return false; }
+void IOHandlerCursesGUI::GotEOF() {}


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