[Lldb-commits] [lldb] r349231 - A brief outline of the packets that need to be implemented

Jason Molenda via lldb-commits lldb-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Dec 14 18:36:39 PST 2018

Author: jmolenda
Date: Fri Dec 14 18:36:39 2018
New Revision: 349231

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=349231&view=rev
A brief outline of the packets that need to be implemented
to write an lldb platform server that doesn't link against
LLDB.framework to be able to fully run the lldb testsuite
on a remote system.  The platform packets weren't covered 
in the existing lldb-gdb-remote.txt doc, so I wanted to 
jot them down in one place.


Added: lldb/trunk/docs/lldb-platform-packets.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lldb/trunk/docs/lldb-platform-packets.txt?rev=349231&view=auto
--- lldb/trunk/docs/lldb-platform-packets.txt (added)
+++ lldb/trunk/docs/lldb-platform-packets.txt Fri Dec 14 18:36:39 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+Here is a brief overview of the packets that an lldb platform server needs to implement
+for the lldb testsuite to be run on a remote target device/system.
+// QStartNoAckMode
+//   A request to stop sending ACK packets for each properly formatted packet.
+//   A platform session will typically start like this:
+//   receive: +$QStartNoAckMode#b0
+//   send:    +       <-- ACKing the properly formatted QStartNoAckMode packet
+//   send:    $OK#9a
+//   receive: +       <-- Our OK packet getting ACKed
+//   ACK mode is now disabled.
+// qHostInfo
+//   Describe the hardware and OS of the target system
+//  receive: qHostInfo
+//  send:    cputype:16777228;cpusubtype:1;ostype:ios;watchpoint_exceptions_received:before;os_version:12.1;vendor:apple;default_packet_timeout:5;
+//  All numbers are base 10, os_version is a string that will be parsed as major.minor.patch.
+// qGetWorkingDir
+//   Get the current working directory of the platform stub in
+//   ASCII hex encoding.
+//  receive: qGetWorkingDir
+//  send:    2f4170706c65496e7465726e616c2f6c6c64622f73657474696e67732f342f5465737453657474696e67732e746573745f646973617373656d626c65725f73657474696e6773 
+// QSetWorkingDir:
+//   Set the current working directory of the platform stub in
+//   ASCII hex encoding.
+//  receive: QSetWorkingDir:2f4170706c65496e7465726e616c2f6c6c64622f73657474696e67732f342f5465737453657474696e67732e746573745f646973617373656d626c65725f73657474696e6773 
+//  send:    OK
+// qPlatform_mkdir:
+//   Create a directory on the target system.
+//  receive: qPlatform_mkdir:000001fd,2f746d702f6131
+//  send:    F0
+//  request packet has the fields:
+//     1. mode bits in base 16
+//     2. file path in ascii-hex encoding
+//  response is F followed by the return value of the mkdir() call,
+//  base 10 encoded.
+// qPlatform_shell:
+//   Run a shell command on the target system, return the output.
+//  receive: qPlatform_shell:6c73202f746d702f,0000000a
+//  send:    F,0,0,<OUTPUT>
+//  request packet has the fields:
+//     1. shell command ascii-hex encoded
+//     2. timeout 
+//     3. {optional} working directory
+//  Response is F followed by the return value of the command (base 16),
+//  followed by a another number, followed by the output of the command
+/   in binary-escaped-data encoding.
+// qLaunchGDBServer
+//   Start a gdbserver process (gdbserver, debugserver, lldb-server)
+//   on the target system.
+//  receive: qLaunchGDBServer;host:<HOSTNAME_LLDB_IS_ON>;
+//  send:    pid:1337;port:43001;
+//  request packet hostname field is not ascii-hex encoded.  Hopefully
+//  hostnames don't have $ or # characters in them.
+//  response to the packet is the pid of the newly launched gdbserver,
+//  and the port it is listening for a connection on.
+//  When the testsuite is running, lldb may use the pid to kill off a 
+//  debugserver that doesn't seem to be responding, etc.
+// qKillSpawnedProcess:
+//   Kill a process running on the target system.
+//  receive: qKillSpawnedProcess:1337
+//  send:    OK
+//  The request packet has the process ID in base 10.
+// qProcessInfoPID:
+//   Gather information about a process running on the target
+//  receive: qProcessInfoPID:71964
+//  send:    pid:71964;name:612e6f7574;
+//  The request packet has the pid encoded in base 10.
+//  The reply has semicolon-separated name:value fields, two are
+//  shown here.  pid is base 10 encoded.  name is ascii hex encoded.
+//  lldb-server can reply with many additional fields, but I think
+//  this is enough for the testsuite.
+// qfProcessInfo:
+//   Search the process table for processes matching criteria, 
+//   respond with them in multiple packets.
+//  receive: qfProcessInfo:name_match:equals;name:6e6f70726f6365737365786973747377697468746869736e616d65;
+//  send:    pid:3500;name:612e6f7574;
+//  The request packet has a criteria to search for, followed by
+//  a specific name.  Other name_match: values include
+//  starts_with, ends_with, contains, regex.  You can specify a pid
+//  to search for, a uid, all_users, triple, etc etc.  The testsuite
+//  only ever searches for name_match:equals.
+//  The response should include any information about the process that
+//  can be retrieved in semicolon-separated name:value fields.
+//  In this example, pid is base 10, name is ascii-hex encoded.
+//  The testsuite seems to only require these two.
+//  This packet only responds with one process.  To get further matches to
+//  the search, qsProcessInfo should be sent.
+//  If no process match is found, Exx should be returned.
+// qsProcessInfo
+//   Return the next process info found by the most recent qfProcessInfo:
+//   packet.
+//  Continues to return the results of the qfProcessInfo.  Once all matches
+//  have been sent, Exx is returned to indicate end of matches.
+// vFile:size:
+//   Get the size of a file on the target system, filename in ASCII hex.
+//  receive: vFile:size:2f746d702f61
+//  send:    Fc008
+//  response is "F" followed by the file size in base 16.
+//  "F-1,errno" with the errno if an error occurs.
+// vFile:mode:
+//   Get the mode bits of a file on the target system, filename in ASCII hex.
+//  receive: vFile:mode:2f746d702f61
+//  send:    F1ed
+//  response is "F" followed by the mode bits in base 16, this 0x1ed would 
+//  correspond to 0755 in octal.  
+//  "F-1,errno" with the errno if an error occurs.
+// vFile:unlink:
+//   Remove a file on the target system.
+//  receive: vFile:unlink:2f746d702f61
+//  send:    F0
+//  Argument is a file path in ascii-hex encoding.
+//  Response is "F" plus the return value of unlink(), base 10 encoding.
+// vFile:symlink:
+//   Create a symbolic link (symlink, soft-link) on the target system.
+//  receive: vFile:symlink:<SRC-FILE>,<DST-NAME>
+//  send:    F0,0
+//  Argument file paths are in ascii-hex encoding.
+//  Response is "F" plus the return value of symlink(), base 10 encoding, twice.
+// vFile:chmod:
+// qPlatform_chmod:
+//   Change the permission mode bits on a file on the target
+//  receive: vFile:chmod:180,2f746d702f61
+//  send:    F0
+//  Arguments are the mode bits to set, base 16, and a file path in 
+//  ascii-hex encoding.
+//  Response is "F" plus the return value of chmod(), base 10 encoding.
+//  I don't know why there are two packets for the same thing.
+// vFile:chmod:
+//   Change the permission mode bits on a file on the target
+//  receive: vFile:chmod:180,2f746d702f61
+//  send:    F0
+//  Arguments are the mode bits to set, base 16, and a file path in 
+//  ascii-hex encoding.
+//  Response is "F" plus the return value of chmod(), base 10 encoding.
+// vFile:open:
+//   Open a file on the remote system and return the file descriptor of it.
+//  receive: vFile:open:2f746d702f61,00000001,00000180
+//  send:    F8
+//  request packet has the fields:
+//     1. ASCII hex encoded filename
+//     2. oflags to be passed to open(2), base 16
+//     3. mode bits, base 16
+//  response is F followed by the opened file descriptor in base 10.
+//  "F-1,errno" with the errno if an error occurs.
+// vFile:close:
+//   Close a previously opened file descriptor.
+//  receive: vFile:close:7
+//  send:    F0
+//  File descriptor is in base 10.
+//  "F-1,errno" with the errno if an error occurs.
+// vFile:pread:
+//   Read data from an opened file descriptor.
+//  receive: vFile:pread:7,1024,0
+//  send:    F4;a'b\00
+//  request packet has the fields:
+//     1. file descriptor, base 10
+//     2. number of bytes to be read, base 10
+//     3. offset into file to start from, base 10
+//  Response is F, followed by the numbe rof bytes read (base 10), followed
+//  by the data in the binary-escaped-data scheme.
+// vFile:pwrite:
+//   Write data to a previously opened file descriptor.
+//  receive: vFile:pwrite:8,0,\cf\fa\ed\fe\0c\00\00
+//  send:    F1024
+//  request packet has the fields:
+//     1. file descriptor, base 10
+//     2. offset into file to start from, base 10
+//     3. binary-escaped-data to be written
+//  Response is F, followed by the numbe rof bytes written (base 10)
+Finally, the platform must be able to launch processes so that debugserver
+can attach to them.  To do this, the following packets should be handled:
+Most of these are documented in the standard gdb-remote protocol
+and/or the lldb-gdb-remote.txt documentation.

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