[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] Fix some posixy assumptions that were used during RunShellCommand

Zachary Turner zturner at google.com
Fri Dec 5 14:52:18 PST 2014

If you take a look at ConvertArgumentsForLaunchingInShell, I had to make a
decision about whether to use -c or /C as an argument to the shell.  I
could have string checked the shell name against "cmd.exe", but that seemed
more hackish than asking "Is this going to run in a shell on windows"?

On Fri Dec 05 2014 at 2:47:11 PM Greg Clayton <clayborg at gmail.com> wrote:

> The only thing I don't know about is the:
> ```
>     launch_info.SetArchitecture(HostInfo::GetArchitecture());
> ```
> Line... You might specify a tool on MacOSX that is i386 like
> "/path/to/i386/a.out" and if you set this to the system architecture
> x86_64-apple-macosx, it won't execute the shell tool. This should probably
> be removed. Did you need to do this for windows or did you just add be
> because you thought it would always be correct?
> http://reviews.llvm.org/D6553
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