[libcxx-dev] Questions regarding implementation of std::this_thread::sleep_until

Louis Dionne via libcxx-dev libcxx-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 8 08:16:23 PDT 2020

> On Mar 5, 2020, at 15:30, Erik Rigtorp via libcxx-dev <libcxx-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> libcxx seems to have a suboptimal implementation of
> std::this_thread::sleep_until for Linux.
> Currently it's implemented using pthread_cond_timedwait:
> template <class _Clock, class _Duration>
> void
> sleep_until(const chrono::time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& __t)
> {
>  using namespace chrono;
>  mutex __mut;
>  condition_variable __cv;
>  unique_lock<mutex> __lk(__mut);
>  while (_Clock::now() < __t)
>    __cv.wait_until(__lk, __t);
> }
> (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/master/libcxx/include/thread#L391)
> This leads to unnecessary stores to the stack and useless atomic
> operations that can potential cause memory bus traffic. On Linux this
> could be implemented using the clock_nanosleep() function with the
> For std::chrono::steady_clock there is a specialization:
> template <class _Duration>
> void
> sleep_until(const chrono::time_point<chrono::steady_clock, _Duration>& __t)
> {
>  using namespace chrono;
>  sleep_for(__t - steady_clock::now());
> }
> (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/master/libcxx/include/thread#L404)
> This has a race condition where the thread could be preempted after
> calling now() but before sleeping. The race window is extremely small,
> but will lead to increased jitter in actual deadline. If the thread is
> using something like linux SCHED_IDLE or competing with threads using
> SCHED_FIFO/SCHED_RR the likelihood of hitting this race could be high.
> Using clock_nanosleep() would also help here.
> Linux and most BSDs support the clock_nanosleep() function, it makes
> sense to add a feature detection for it and use it if supported.

If you still have interest in fixing that and want to submit a patch, I'd be happy to help review it.


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