[Libclc-dev] Up to date usage example

Timothy Flynn via Libclc-dev libclc-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jun 30 03:59:26 PDT 2016


  Is there a complete example that shows how to compile and link a kernel
with the latest versions (3.9) of clang and libclc ?

  After building clang and libclc the compile-test.sh script does not
appear to work on any of the kernels in the test directory.  The initial
error is due to the absence of the file
nvptx--nvidiacl/lib/builtins.bc.  I tried changing the command to use
builtins.opt.bc but other errors occurred.

  I've seen some examples online but it isn't clear that any of them are up
to date.

  This command:

clang -O3  --include /usr/local/include/clc/clc.h -I /usr/local/include/clc
-Dcl_clang_storage_class_specifiers -x cl -Xclang -mlink-bitcode-file
-Xclang /usr/local/lib/clc/tonga-amdgcn--.bc -target amdgcn--amdhsa
-mcpu=tonga -Xclang -cl-std=CL2.0 -DCL20 cos.cl -o cos.bc

fails because clang-3.9 attempts to find ld,lld (which I have not installed
since my understanding is that it shouldn't be needed for libclc).

(cos.cl is from the libclc tests directory.)

If I change the above command to produce cos.ll by adding the -S option it
works but then

llvm-link cos.ll /usr/local/lib/clc/tonga-amdgcn--amdhsa.bc -o cos-linked.bc

fails with the error:

llvm-link: output.ll:1:2: error: expected top-level entity

  Any help here would be appreciated.

Tim Flynn
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