[Libclc-dev] libclc/ptx-nvidiacl/lib/ miss source code

陳韋任 chenwj at iis.sinica.edu.tw
Tue Dec 6 04:23:12 PST 2011

Hi all,

  I am trying to build libclc, but the source I download miss things under
ptx-nvidiacl/lib/. When I build libclc I get the error below,

LLVM-CC ptx32--nvidiacl/lib/geometric/cross.bc
error: error opening 'ptx32--nvidiacl/lib/geometric/cross.bc.d': Error opening output file 'ptx32--nvidiacl/lib/geometric/cross.bc.d'
error: unable to open output file 'ptx32--nvidiacl/lib/geometric/cross.bc': 'Error opening output file 'ptx32--nvidiacl/lib/geometric/cross.bc''

  Here is what I get in ptx-nvidiacl/lib/ directory,

$ ls ptx-nvidiacl/lib/

  I guess the directiry name "ptx32--nvidiacl" in the Makefile should be
"ptx-nvidiacl", right?

  Thanks for help. :-)


Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任)
Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667
Homepage: http://people.cs.nctu.edu.tw/~chenwj

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