[flang-dev] Flang Biweekly Sync - Notes from the May 27, 2020 call

Gary Klimowicz via flang-dev flang-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri May 29 12:18:09 PDT 2020

> From: Bryan Chan <bryan.chan at huawei.com>
> Subject: RE: [flang-dev] Flang Biweekly Sync - Notes from the May 27, 2020 call

> > The community would definitely be interested in this. I believe there
> > are changes to flang-compiler/flang-driver and flang-compiler/llvm that
> > might need to be pulled forward as well. Are you referring to that? Or
> > pull requests into flang itself for LLVM 10?

> I was referring to porting the flang-compiler/flang-driver and
> flang-compiler/llvm patches to LLVM 10; some changes were needed to make
> everything work. IIRC flang-compiler/flang itself didn't need a lot of
> changes.

> If the Flang team is interested in moving towards LLVM 10 and monorepo,
> I am happy to clean up my fork and post it on GitHub for review.

Those changes would be very welcome, Bryan. I haven't done anything yet
with the monorepo for classic Flang, but was planning to work on that soon.

Thank you.


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