[flang-dev] Flang Biweekly Sync - Notes from the July 22, 2020 call

Gary Klimowicz via flang-dev flang-dev at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jul 23 16:24:44 PDT 2020

Flang team,

Here are the notes from the July 22, 2020 Flang Community biweekly call.

The next Flang Technical Community will be Monday, July 27, 8:30 AM Pacific time.
The next Flang biweekly call will be Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 8:30 AM Pacific time.
The next Classic Flang biweekly call will be Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 8:30 AM Pacific time.
The next LLVM Alias Analysis call will be Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time.

Information for joining these calls and the Flang Slack workspace is at the end of this email.

Let me know if you have any topics you would like covered in the next call.

Thank you.

Gary Klimowicz


  *   LLVM Flang Technical Call
  *   LLVM Flang development update
  *   Classic Flang update


  *   Flang Community Technical Biweekly Call
     *   Next topic: July 27: Outstanding reviews.
     *   The last call was July 13. Discussed potential changes before LLVM 11. Discussed the patches from fir-dev fork (larger patches that's can be tested are better than smaller ones that can't).
     *   Please add both small and large technical topics to the Google Doc for the technical call. The link to the Google Doc can be found in the notes below.
     *   The separate call on alias analysis was July 14th. The next alias analysis call (every 4 weeks) is scheduled for August 11th.

  *   LLVM Flang updates
     *   NERSC buildbot is running in their staging area; Brian Friesen is working through an issue with Clang build.
     *   Andzrej Warzynski and Carol Concatto continue to work on the flang driver: Clang uses source manager, but really only needs file manager. Looking at options management to add support for flang.
     *   Continued to merge work from the fir-dev fork of Flang into Flang proper. (We will be merging larger patches that are more testable than the infrastructure-related patches we have been preparing.)
     *   Bug fixing issues exposed by test suites, particularly FCVS.
     *   Completed work on ENTRY; merged into the fir-dev fork.
     *   Continued work on Fortran I/O runtime.
     *   Change default F18_FC to gfortran and improve handling of options to match gfortran (used for parse/unparse/compile testing).
     *   OpenMP parser support and lowering for taskwait and parallel constructs into FIR and OpenMPIR.
     *   OpenMP barrier construct lowering.
     *   Introduction of OpenACC 3.0 parsing and semantic checks.
     *   Improved parser handling of CR characters in literal constants, line continuations in macro calls, comments in preprocessor lines.
     *   Fixed issues with shared library builds.

  *   Original Flang Dev news and updates
     *   Reviewing PR#573<https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/pull/573>: libpgmath: make it clang friendly; addresses bug #557.
     *   Reviewing PR#900<https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/pull/900>: Basic testing infra for debug-info testing.
     *   Reviewing PR#886<https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/pull/886>: Replaced deprecated function stime which is removed in glibc 2.31.
     *   Discussions of pull requests happen on flang-compiler.slack.com #classic-flang-pull-requests.

Details (Updates below are in bold)

  1.  Flang on GitHub
*         LLVM Flang is merged with LLVM in https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/master/flang.
*         There have been 2510 commits for LLVM Flang encompassing over 157,000 lines of code, documentation, CMakefiles and tests.
*         There have been 1,677 total commits to Classic Flang in github.com/flang-compiler/flang.
*         There are 537 people who have "starred" that flang repo and 80 forks.

  1.  Flang Community Technical Call (Hosted by Hal Finkel)

  *   The last call was July 13. Discussion centered on the proposed changes for LLVM 11:
     *   shared-library build support - Lowering doesn't build yet, but other things are fixed.
     *   -Werror - Pat McCormick is working on a PR (default to LLVM's setting when building in tree, provide a local option to customize).
     *   default to gfortran - Alexis Perry-Holby posted a patch.

  *   The next technical community call will be Monday, July 27, 8:30 AM PT.
     *   Outstanding reviews. Other topics?

  *   Future Topics and tentative dates:
     *   OpenACC 3.0 support for flang.
     *   Prototype use of MLIR affine dialect for Fortran array lowering.
     *   Build times for the compiler.
     *   Please feel free to add agenda topics to the Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z2U5UAtJ-Dag5wlMaLaW1KRmNgENNAYynJqLW2j2AZQ/

  *   The (separate) LLVM alias analysis call was held Tuesday, July 14th 10:00 AM Pacific time. https://bluejeans.com/101176001?src=join_info. The agenda document is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybwEKDVtIbhIhK50qYtwKsL50K-NvB6LfuBsfepBZ9Y/edit?usp=sharing
     *   Full restrict patch (observation and clarification; issues encountered)
     *   Speed up in intersection code - O(n log(n))
     *   Calling Verifier after LoopVectorize pass?
The next alias analysis call is scheduled for August 11.

  1.  Flang community

  *   Website: www.flang-compiler.org<http://www.flang-compiler.org> redirects to http://github.com/flang-compiler/flang.
  *   Wiki: https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/wiki is the Flang wiki page where the most up-to-date build instructions and news can be found.

  *   Issues:
     *   Bug reports for LLVM flang should be reported in Bugzilla: https://bugs.llvm.org/. Use the "flang" tag for flang-related issues, please.
     *   Bug reports for current Flang can be reported to https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/issues.

  *   LLVM mailing lists: There are now two mailing lists hosted by llvm.org:
     *   The flang-dev mailing list has been set up. Subscribe at https://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/flang-dev. These biweekly notes are now sent to this email list.
     *   The flang-commits mailing list has been set up. Subscribe at https://lists.llvm.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/flang-commits.

  *   Slack: The flang-compiler.slack.com workspace is used for informal real-time communication in the Flang community. The invitation link can be found at the end of this email.

  1.  What we're up to with the llvm-project/flang Fortran 2018 compiler

  *   On GitHub: The source code LLVM Flang is available on https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/master/flang. It's recommended to start in the "documentation" directory.

  *   Public plan: The team maintains a plan for upcoming Flang work at https://github.com/orgs/flang-compiler/projects/. This reflects current LLVM Flang priorities and context for the project and its long-term goals.

  *   Status: We continue development. Recent work includes:

        *   Discussions continue on alias analysis in LLVM. Notes from the last call are available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybwEKDVtIbhIhK50qYtwKsL50K-NvB6LfuBsfepBZ9Y/. Next call is August 11.
        *   Arm buildbots are set up at http://lab.llvm.org:8011/builders/flang-aarch64-ubuntu (GCC 9.3) and http://lab.llvm.org:8011/builders/flang-aarch64-ubuntu-clang (Clang 8).
        *   NERSC, LANL and Argonne National Lab are working to set up buildbots as well. NERSC buildbot is running in their staging area; Brian Friesen is working through an issue with Clang build. No updates from Argonne or LANL.
        *   NVIDIA has hardware now for a buildbot.
        *   Andzrej Warzynski and Carol Concatto continue to work on the flang driver. Clang uses source manager, but really only needs file manager. Looking at options management to add support for flang.

     *   Completed work on ENTRY has been merged into the fir-dev fork.
     *   Fixed issues with shared library builds.
     *   Continued work on Fortran I/O runtime.
     *   Continued to merge work from the fir-dev fork of Flang into Flang proper. We will be migrating larger patches that are more testable.
     *   Continued bug fixing from issues exposed by test suites, particularly FCVS.
     *   Change default F18_FC to gfortran and improve handling of options to match gfortran.
     *   OpenMP parser support and lowering for taskwait and parallel constructs into FIR and OpenMPIR. Unparsing works for OpenMP for continued testing.
     *   OpenMP barrier construct lowering.
     *   Introduction of OpenACC 3.0 parsing and semantic checks. Unparsing works as well.
     *   Improved parser handling of CR characters in literal constants, line continuations in macro calls.
     *   Improved performance of binary->decimal conversions.
     *   Michael Kruse is working through issues compiling flang on Windows; a pull request will be coming soon.

  1.  What we're up to with current Flang

     *   We sent an RFC to flang-dev on the handling of pull requests for merge into Flang. The flang wiki will be updated this week with the new process.
     *   We use the flang-compiler.slack.com channel #classic-flang-pull-requests to coordinate what pull requests we are working on.
     *   Recent fixes pushed to Flang master
        *   #875<https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/pull/875> Spelling fixes (a simple change)
     *   Reviewing PR#573: libpgmath: make it clang friendly; addresses bug #557.
     *   Reviewing PR#900: Basic testing infra for debug-info testing.
     *   Reviewing PR#886: Replaced deprecated function stime which is removed in glibc 2.31.
     *   Outstanding pull requests: https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/pulls for the current list of pull requests.
     *   Outstanding issues: Please refer to the Issues section on GitHub for flang-compiler/flang<https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/issues> and flang-compiler/flang-driver<https://github.com/flang-compiler/clang/issues>.

  *   OpenMP 4.5 support:
o    No update. OpenMP effort is now directed toward LLVM Flang.

  *   Debug Metadata:
     *   The outstanding review at https://reviews.llvm.org/D54114 [CHARACTER intrinsic data type] is stale and has been canceled. It will be replaced when there is an appropriate update for LLVM Flang.

  *   Packaging and Binary Releases:

  *   Spack: Spack packages for Flang have been updated. There is also a spack package for f18, based on the flang-compiler/f18 repository.

  *   Current Flang Fortran 2008 features
Current status of Fortran 2008 features can be found at https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/wiki/Fortran-2008.

  1.  Logistics
Flang Community Biweekly Call (this call)

     *   General updates on the Flang project, both LLVM Flang and current Flang.
     *   Biweekly WebEx hosted by NVIDIA (which these notes cover).
     *   The meeting link for this biweekly call is https://nvmeet.webex.com/nvmeet/j.php?MTID=mb4edb8c799f69ec2dc0554acc969a162.

Flang Community Technical Biweekly Call

     *   Technical topics call.
     *   Hal Finkel hosts this call on Bluejeans<https://bluejeans.com/625064848>, Mondays 8:30 Pacific Time, on the weeks alternating with regular Flang biweekly call. The notes for all these calls can be found in Google Docs here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z2U5UAtJ-Dag5wlMaLaW1KRmNgENNAYynJqLW2j2AZQ/>.
Meeting URL: https://bluejeans.com/625064848?src=join_info
Meeting ID: 625 064 848
Want to dial in from a phone? Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.408.317.9254 (US (San Jose))
+1.866.226.4650 (US Toll Free)
(see all numbers - https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers)
Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #
Connecting from a room system?
Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode

Classic Flang Biweekly Technical Call

     *   For people working with the original Flang project.
     *   The call is held every other Wednesday in the same week as the LLVM Flang Technical call (alternate week with the Flang Community Biweekly call).

The agenda is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-OuiKx4d7O6eLEJDBDKSRnSiUO2rgRR-c2Ga4AkrzOI.

Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting at https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjM5YjlmNGEtMjA0MS00MTRlLTg5ZjUtOTM1ZGIxOTU2NWQy%40thread.v2<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjM5YjlmNGEtMjA0MS00MTRlLTg5ZjUtOTM1ZGIxOTU2NWQy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f34e5979-57d9-4aaa-ad4d-b122a662184d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%223641875c-ef5b-4767-8105-0787a195852f%22%7d>

+442033215213 (Toll)
Conference ID: 349 328 047#
Local numbers <https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/7bdb65cd-97d0-44fe-bc03-bf8072eadc33?id=349328047>
Join with a video conferencing device
784150312 at t.plcm.vc<mailto:784150312 at t.plcm.vc> VTC Conference ID: 1220440737

LLVM Alias Analysis Technical Call

     *   For people working on improvements to LLVM alias analysis.
     *   Hal Finkel hosts this call on Bluejeans<https://bluejeans.com/101176001>, Tuesdays 10:00 AM Pacific Time, every 4 weeks. The notes for all these calls can be found in Google Docs here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybwEKDVtIbhIhK50qYtwKsL50K-NvB6LfuBsfepBZ9Y/>.
Meeting URL: https://bluejeans.com/101176001?src=join_info
Meeting ID: 101 176 001
Want to dial in from a phone? Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.312.216.0325 (US (Chicago))
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.866.226.4650 (US Toll Free)
(see all numbers - https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers)
Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #
Connecting from a room system?
Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode

Flang Slack Workspace

     *   There is a Slack workspace dedicated to Flang, flang-compiler.slack.com.
     *   There are a number of topic-oriented channels available (e.g., #driver, #f18-semantics, #fir).
     *   Add yourself via the invitation link https://join.slack.com/t/flang-compiler/shared_invite/zt-2pcn51lh-VrRQL_YUOkxA_1CEfMGQhw

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