[flang-commits] [flang] [flang][MLIR][OpenMP] Extend delayed privatization for arrays (PR #85023)

via flang-commits flang-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Mar 19 08:18:21 PDT 2024

@@ -379,8 +379,31 @@ void DataSharingProcessor::doPrivatize(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *sym) {
           &allocRegion, /*insertPt=*/{}, symType, symLoc);
-      symTable->addSymbol(*sym,
-                          fir::substBase(symExV, allocRegion.getArgument(0)));
+      fir::ExtendedValue localExV = symExV.match(
+          [&](const fir::ArrayBoxValue &box) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
+            auto idxTy = firOpBuilder.getIndexType();
+            llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> extents;
+            llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Value> lBounds;
+            for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < box.getExtents().size(); ++dim) {
+              mlir::Value dimVal =
+                  firOpBuilder.createIntegerConstant(symLoc, idxTy, dim);
+              fir::BoxDimsOp dimInfo = firOpBuilder.create<fir::BoxDimsOp>(
+                  symLoc, idxTy, idxTy, idxTy, allocRegion.getArgument(0),
+                  dimVal);
+              extents.push_back(dimInfo.getExtent());
+              lBounds.push_back(dimInfo.getLowerBound());
+            }
+            return fir::ArrayBoxValue(allocRegion.getArgument(0), extents,
+                                      lBounds);
+          },
+          [&](const auto &box) -> fir::ExtendedValue {
+            return fir::substBase(symExV, allocRegion.getArgument(0));
jeanPerier wrote:

You will need to handle other cases here (like the array character case (CharArrayBoxValue) and the case for non contiguous arrays (BoxValue)). You can make them explicit TODO here if you are not handling them/testing them in this patch.

An alternative would be to use hlfir::translateToExtendedValue here to get the new ExtendedValue and cover all cases (there are no cleanup returned if the input is an mlir::Value memory reference). But you would need to give it a small hint that the input fir.box is contiguous in the ArrayBoxValue and CharArrayBoxValue cases.


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